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Time Travel are we being desensitized?

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posted on Jul, 13 2023 @ 07:58 PM
There’s so much about time travel everywhere I look. I love watching K-dramas and there are so many about time travel now.
It’s everywhere. It got me thinking, are they trying to desensitize us?

Here’s the weird thing, almost everything I watch about time travel has a common theme, a magical rock or magical mineral.
Outlander, K-drama, things on social media etc. Maybe areas that are under extreme security have magic rock portals?

I’ve also been hearing theories that many of the rich and powerful are actually time travelers that have used it to their advantage. Then I’ve heard others say they aren’t “allowed” to get rich through the manipulation of time. Or is it they found out that getting rich in that way has some kind of bad consequence?

posted on Jul, 13 2023 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

If time travel worked at any time in the past or future, there would be time travelers everywhen. I mean that is just how it goes. Even if super expensive, every large country would have a time travel program just to keep up with the other countries.

posted on Jul, 13 2023 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

All of that is delusional; The only thing that can 'time travel' is an individuals effect(s) being the cause of that effect and not knowing when that effect is going to reach fruition from previous volition.

The longer one can just sit, stand, or lay down with no other volition than sitting, standing or laying down... The better as all of that past cause can come around and work it's effects. The key is staying calm and trying to gain wisdom in all that arises; Instead of reacting which will only become cause for more.

There is volition in body(already discussed) volition in speech, and the potential of conquering one's mind by controlling both of those: Impulses of the body and impulses of speech... That way impulses of the mind to react to all of those things of body and speech stop and all three come to rest/peace.

Once that happens; Faith or belief is a misnomer... A knowing that to be true remains or arises as the fruit of conquering the mind out of reacting to everything that arises; Like a dog hearing a noise at the door.

I think time travel etc as entertainment is a nice concept; As a reality? It's just the entertainment existing as a fact and of course all the effects that went into making it... Still arising and still passing. Meaning to some involved? It's hell. Like: What'choo talkn' 'bout Willis? or Needs more Cowbell.

posted on Jul, 13 2023 @ 09:15 PM
They say time is relative. And if you travel in a speed of light in space you would have fast forward into the future for thousand years the moment you're back on Earth. It only takes 40 of your years.

Source: Trust me bro

Edit: Don't worry, Terminators will time travel first before us.
Elon already launched his xAI to understand the Universe.
edit on 13-7-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2023 @ 10:38 PM
Mandela Effect is evidence of time travel or at least distortion. I wasn't a fan of this theory, until I heard about the Lion and the Lamb...

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

You're taking ressources away from a different place if you don't "belong". It's a closed system, so somebody else might not be able to do what they're supposed to if you take some of theirs.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 01:20 AM
There is one time travel theory which works for backwards; however, you would need such a sturdy ship that I don’t believe even thee most advanced species out there could ever construct a decent ship. If the universe does, indeed, touch against parallel universes then it would be likely that they alternate one moving forward in time and the other moving backwards or order to entropy then entropy to order. Both would be the only thing that made any sense and the opposite would sound ridiculous. Anyway, you could travel at any speed and you could even travel for hundreds of millions of years since upon crossing the barrier, you would start counting backwards so even if your body had tuned to dust and had blown fragments all over the ship, it would all come together slowly until the point it all came back together and you came back to life and all those millions of years, once traveled, would bring you to the moment you set your foot on the accelerator and then you would be in the exact time you left but the only problem would be you’re now running backwards. I wouldn’t now know what to do from there so it would be pretty pointless but it is a neat thing to ponder.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

You're not transporting the body. And starting point is a place where all the threads of time converge.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I too think we're approaching a new understanding of time, it will probably still take a couple of generations to be able to access the dimension consciously. Our curent understanding and interpretation of time is not helping. As of last week i decided to flesh out a patent for a revolutionary time display that might help with better understanding time, the prototype has been sitting on a shelf for years...
So long we rely on the hardware input processing system to categorize our subjectuve reality we'll not be able to access time...
edit on 14-7-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 04:18 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Here’s the weird thing, almost everything I watch about time travel has a common theme, a magical rock or magical mineral. Outlander, K-drama, things on social media etc.
That reminds me of the quantum device from the Canadian tv show Continuum. It's unclear if the future Alec Sadler was trying to thwart a dystopian future or ensure it.

I don't think physical time travel is possible, but it may be possible for certain individuals with the know-how to astral project into the distant past (it's inaccessible to ordinary clairvoyants and trance mediums, like Edgar Cayce, who only produced fictions about Atlantis).

I wonder how much this ancient Egyptian scenario really corresponds to reality: I doubt that this is the real explanation for Egyptian pyramids: The Orion correlation theory is more fascinating to me.

I'd be interested to read stories pertaining to psychometry from handling minerals. One of the strangest time travel stories I've ever read involved gazing into an ornament:

originally posted by: JAGStorm
I’ve also been hearing theories that many of the rich and powerful are actually time travelers that have used it to their advantage.
That's highly improbable, though I will grant that the World in 2017 cover for Economist magazine is uncanny, especially the tarot card portraying a virtual reality device after a world war.

It's better to think of them as the Witch-Cult members (and Roswaal) in the anime Re:Zero, they live according to their calculations. Read up on Echidna's Book of Wisdom and the Witch Cult's Gospels. The latter are defective copies of the former, they merely show possible futures, which can be tainted by the user's subjective judgment. Whereas predictions from the former show both possible and probable futures, and they will come true without fail if no new factors are introduced.

"For four centuries, Roswaal strictly acted upon the Book's writ, doing exactly as it was written."

Petelgeuse "became notorious for his cruelty, frequently slaughtering entire towns and villages, acting strictly according to his Gospel's writ."

It makes Mitar Tarabich's prophecy very uncanny, even if it were attributed posthumously.

"Those who will read and write different books with numbers will think that they know the most. These learned men will let their lives be led by their calculations, and they will do and live exactly how these numbers tell them. Among these learned men there will be good and evil men. The evil ones will do evil deeds. They will poison air and water and spread pestilence over the seas, rivers and earth, and people will start to die suddenly of various ailments. Those good and wise will see that all this effort and hard work is not worth a penny and that it leads to the destruction of the world, and instead of looking for wisdom in numbers they will start to seek it in meditation."

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Or is it they found out that getting rich in that way has some kind of bad consequence?
This is wishful thinking. If they knew how things turned out for them, then they'd surely do more than just abandon one path to wealth. They'd be obliged to learn how to use their money responsibly, and not just leave it to charities or selling it all (i.e. Tolstoy) in the hopes of relieving themselves of a burden.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Have you considered The Count of Saint Germain

This extraordinary man, intended by nature to be the king of impostors and quacks, would say in an easy, assured manner that he was three hundred years old, that he knew the secret of the Universal Medicine, that he possessed a mastery over nature, that he could melt diamonds, professing himself capable of forming, out of ten or twelve small diamonds, one large one of the finest water without any loss of weight. All this, he said, was a mere trifle to him. Notwithstanding his boastings, his bare-faced lies, and his manifold eccentricities, I cannot say I thought him offensive. In spite of my knowledge of what he was and in spite of my own feelings, I thought him an astonishing man as he was always astonishing me.[17]

He had been seen by many at various times

C. W. Leadbeater claimed to have met him in Rome in 1926 and gave a physical description of him as having brown eyes, olive colored skin, and a pointed beard; according to Leadbeater, "the splendour of his Presence impels men to make obeisance".[45] Leadbeater said that Saint Germain showed him a robe that had been previously owned by a Roman Emperor and that Saint Germain told him that one of his residences was a castle in Transylvania. According to Leadbeater, when performing magical rituals in his castle in Transylvania, Saint Germain wears "a suit of golden chain-mail which once belonged to a Roman Emperor; over it is thrown a magnificent cloak of Tyrian purple, with on its clasp a seven-pointed star in diamond and amethyst, and sometimes he wears a glorious robe of violet."[46]

David Christopher Lewis, living spiritual teacher, claims that Saint Germain first came to him in person on 10 June 2004 in his home in Paradise Valley, Montana, and continued to come many times thereafter.[4

The wiki has more accounts of his appearance

He was linked to Francis Bacon and William Shakespeare, he is an Ascended Master or the Seventh Ray…Plus more!
More than just and interesting fellow?

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 11:58 AM
Sometimes, shapeshifting beings or apparitions are often mistaken for time travelers:

1. So-called future selves with slightly different clothing: - -

2. Alleged Tartini sighting: - I don't believe this was actually Tartini himself, it could've been another spirit assuming his likeness, appearing in a familiar form to draw interest to his life.

a reply to: Observationalist

No wonder why theosophy has been on the decline everywhere! In Sweden, in Russia, and recently in Britain. It's rightly regarded as stuff nobody can comprehend. They gave occultism a bad reputation by drawing in the curious and wayward, such superficial adherents showed little interest in serving its lofty goals, serving mankind/humanity, but rather, they wanted to quench their own thirst for knowledge or to gain an advantage over others. The most sensible thing the remaining theosophists could do is close up shop and disband their organization altogether.

How could Leadbeater have possibly met St. Germain in the 1920s? The occultist Cheiro, who prophesied in those days, claimed to have been St. Germain in a past life and offered a rare biography of St. Germain in Mysteries And Romances Of The Worlds Greatest Occultists (and Mystics). Yet Cheiro only met with Blavatsky, Besant, as well as Jiddu Krishnamurti and two saboteurs of the theosophical movement. (If Cheiro was telling the truth, that is.)

Leadbeater was certainly not describing St. Germain as a time traveler! If you look up the actual book, he only offers a description of him three times. In the first two instances, a physical description is given. Subsequently, he lists St. Germain's past lives and then offers a description of his preferred robes and jewels during ceremonial rites. Even if he had collected relics from antiquity, what good would that have done him? The mania over the Holy Grail, Spear of Longinus, etc. must come to an end.

According to Justinus Kerner, "Theophrastus says, that by carrying certain stones about him, he has escaped fevers; and that the Magi prepared stones which cured or averted various diseases. But, he adds, that these stones have no longer the same properties, the aspect of the heavens not being the same."

Alternative explanations for Leadbeater's latter description: he was using symbolic imagery (Apocalypse of St. John) or he was describing St. Germain's aura. It must be remembered that Leadbeater was a clairvoyant.

(Btw "ascended master" is new age nomenclature. The so-called Masters were never addressed as such in the original theosophist literature, theosophists simply addressed them as "Adepts".)
edit on 14-7-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: JAGStormno, they are stories to entertain you.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 03:10 PM
People say Aliens are us coming from the future to wrong the rights of the past.

wonder if they were going for keeping people away from a 'genderless' fad that takes over the new woke world and we have to come back before the fad takes place to rescue humanity.

Based on the actions of people everywhere these days... it could happen! lol

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 04:01 PM

If time travel worked at any time in the past or future, there would be time travelers everywhen. I mean that is just how it goes.

a reply to: beyondknowledge2
Yea, and if there were "alien" technology found or retrieved then we would all benefit from that too? Seems to me if time travel were possible it would be kept as a bigger secret than any other secret. It would be used to exploit.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 04:03 PM
Genderless Greys. No sec organs at all. Maybe the rainbow movement wins out. a reply to: Timber13

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Since: distance = rate/time?

The formula would be find t no different than the basic algebra of find x as logic goes.

So plugging in all known concepts of distance and rate should logically lead to the time with 100% probability when such things are defined and can be measured.

The amount of salt in the ocean cannot be measured... some may say it can using a sample but as the polar fresh water ice melts that sample is automatically null. So the best one would have is distance between the water with no detectable salt and the water with detectable salt in rivers etc that meet the ocean and then the rate over time of that being more towards the head or tail of the river and at different depths.

What that would do is measure the change as a statistic where it could be graphed or represented as a three dimensional model of the change(rate) over time the problem is that often time is measured as a distance where in something like an hourglass it is an amount rated to fill or flow from one end to the other as reducing the distance of two points close to the size of sand.

A dimension is any arbitrary point in space at random without anything to connect Io or measure that point could be said to be infinite aka the zero on the number line. So the rate that a certain topic that is the same but not from the same source at that point in time could be measured the concept of whatever it is as a point would be the constant and those picking it up or pointing it out the variable only delusively does one think them-self as the one and only possible source of such a concept and out of paranoia of such a thing coin a term or a phrase.

It would be nice if someone could find the so called Mandela effect occurring before Mandela so that horrible term can drop the corpse of someone that was ignorant of such a thing while alive as that man was a South African political nationalist that was jailed for crimes against the state of South Africa and later freed due to the pressure of South Africa activism that took place outside of South Africa by people that were not South African.


posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I’ve also been hearing theories

"Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see ."
But one can actually see into the past.
Slightly .
Look in a mirror .
The further the mirror is away , the further you see yourself in the past .
edit on 7/14/23 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

Before my mind became silent to internal thought(s) deemed a self or personal?

I realized the mirror; Is often mistaken as self consciousness and/or a self awareness... When what typically appears in it is: Other consciousness as in fact the mirror doesn't nor could ever possibly have any.

The conceptual mirror however; Has infinite possibilities... So seeing a mirror and knowing it: Infinite as or as infinite as the conscious person experiencing or not experiencing thoughts in it? That no past can't exist there; Only a reflection and not any of a mind made sort ever has... No matter how long.

Thinking that there is some sort of actual consciousness connected to a mirror other than... There isn't any magic marker all over my face that says that is likely just as delusional as believing you had something written there with magic marker all over it before looking. Not knowing would be the only consciousness seeking an answer that a single look could provide.

So when in front of one and there arises things like magic marker; Like fat, acne etc? Why mistake that as one's own consciousness of it in it; Instead of an echo of someone else's? All that does it affirm or agree with them when not looking at it that there is magic marker all over your face.

JAGSTORM Some advice I have is; When you hear a theory... Is ask where is the hypothesis? The entire scientific method for this statement/theory? Without those it is one exposition, opinion and experience after another instead of cold hard undebatable facts despite any desire or wishful thinking contrary to reality of existing or not existing. If you can't find a hypothesis then no reason to not sentence the theory into one and collect all the facts one can find... The easiest way is what is exactly the same information that appears in both sides directly related to the topic... all the personal business right out of the window as it skews the facts and then one has to gut check or use some other sort of value based judgment which is relative but not directly cause and effect otherwise known as a correlation that has nothing to do with the theory directly, arbitrating all of those not only takes time, but have nothing to do with proving the theory factual or not.

Even though a human is said to have a mind... It can be anywhere; assuming it is housed in the head we speak to the form... When some would say trying using your mind to find theirs first or before hitting the physical switch that reels their mind back into the moment or place their body appears to be in and questioning it as if it is the same mind that left it. If a concept of a human soul really exists? It would also state that all humans would also feel exactly the same to it. But if it were to get into an animal? It wouldn't and then try to take on the shape of human as that is what it would be use to. Since talk of werewolves etc have existed? Then it is also plausible to say what was said about human soul existing or not as debate is what brought the concept of such a thing existing into existence... The whether it is a reality or not beyond that? Application of the advice.

When science fiction says just as much as science fact... Now entering the grey area; Is a rarely seen sign, but that's what first drew me to ATS. I like both sciences equally; If big foot is found fiction? Cool I'm glad we have that fiction, If found fact? Cool I'm glad we have that fact.

Same with time travel; What Peeple says reminds me more of what get called 'ghosts' that may have lost or do not have the spatial ability to know time; But still have the strength to work as a fetch or familiar for someone.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: Crowfoot

In general I think the math is still lacking consciousness as a variable.

Without it the attempts to solve the important equations are futile.

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