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Sciences of the wicked vs. sciences of the righteous

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posted on Jun, 19 2023 @ 06:21 PM
We offer you resources for housing and comfort. You use them to make weapons and poisons.
We offer you food and nutrition, you turn them into diseases.

You use what is available to your own understanding.

You find a way to kill your brother and to sustain the ones like you because you hate. Your understanding is making war because you do not know what is wrong. Yes, your religion is a murder machine and your science is but a tool to fuel it and if you didn't have any science at all you'd use your own limbs to destroy what you don't know is right.

Why doesn't God feed the starving because you polluted their water and their lands, you say. You don't know what is wrong. You chose to kill, not God and you can not kill God and that makes you kill even more instead of choosing to benefit to what is actually good contrary to what you believe is good. You have your reasons to do what you do and none of the victims you tormented are to blame for it for after all they only did what is right.

posted on Jun, 19 2023 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: Untun

Fear is the god of the Wicked.

It is the greatest lie.

Have no fear.

You speak true.

All fear is, is the denial if the divine.

To desecrate God and his children is to serve fear.

Let us rise above this vibration, and transform it into something new.

posted on Jun, 19 2023 @ 08:43 PM
This planet has been a dangerous place long before humans arrived. Under jungle rules, there are lots of things that can kill you in many ways around. As a killer myself, it is not a job I like but understand that it has to be done at times. I have killed for many different reasons, some petty and poor as learning what this death thing is about. These days I am more responsible, accountable and caring in how and when it is time to kill again.

In this world, death is a constant in the cycle of life. As a gardener, how do we shape this world so it is more harmonious and results in less trauma for all involved?

posted on Jun, 19 2023 @ 11:52 PM
I was about to respond to your "vying" thread, explain how close you are to a particular understanding

But then I saw this thread, which contradicts your other a little

So I'll try offer a little context which may help

There is no "us and them", or "we and you". They are illusions of division, caused by our need to understand individual perception

The root of the problem, lays within the belief that we can understand and/or control things which cannot be understood

In the vying thread, you refer to "God", as if you understand a principle which, by its nature cannot be understood in this world

It is a simple mistake made by even the most enlightened, or well-meaning of people

Herein, is the cause of what you refer to as vying

I understand the problem you are referring to. It is what I would personally refer to as, "A perfect truth, hidden within a million lies"

People will always have their own beliefs and ways of seeing the world. This is the nature of what is referred to as the individual "soul"

Without this distinction, there would be no soul (sole/self)

When you define the common source of creation in possessive terms like "God", you subject it to your our personal belief, in what such is

Which, unfortunately, has the effect (be it intentional or not) or limiting another persons freedom to seek answers and "believe" within this world

But this limitation is, again, an illusion. Nothing more than something which "feels" imposed, by the fact that someone else tells you that the right answer, is something which feels wrong to you

The reality is, that things like the big bang theory, are no different to the creation myth of any belief system. They speak of the exact same thing. A common source of creation

Where we run into problems, is when people believe they can own or define these things, based on their own version of belief, whilst speaking for everyone and everything

The key to rising above the "vying", is realising that there is no "us and them"

There is only one creation. There is only one source of creation

No-one can define it. Not you. Not me

We can only BELIEVE we understand it (religion), or seek to KNOW how to understand it (science)

But the reality is, neither can ever definitively say they have the answer. They can only ever offer a degree of knowledge or understanding

The PRIMARY TRUTH that is taught to the illuminated is:

The only thing you will ever know for certain in this world is that you exist
Everything else is up for debate

Personal belief, is not the same as knowing

Within the same illuminated teachings, initiates need wrestle with a similar type of problem, understanding the source of our creation, nature of being, and "soul", is never limited by concepts or terms like "God"

Because the nature of terminology like "God", is (ironically) actually limiting to the concept of what such a term is supposed to represent

A term which is supposed to encompass everything and everyone in existence, is represented by various groups, as something that they own and possess. Which can only be given or explained by they and them. Something limited to particular pathways, understandings and groups

Which is why the true "God", holds no such name

It is why they cannot, hold such a name

This is commonly explained in ancient texts, by the illuminated initiates who originally wrote them, but it commonly misunderstood by people who mistranslate the modern versions of these texts, or follow such mistranslations

The extension to the primary truth, for those who seek things like "God", is:

Let God be, as God is
Unto you, as to your divinity

What this is supposed to mean, is that nobody can know the nature and name of God
Therefore, all who use such terms should be disregarded in what they present in such names

The true "God of creation" does not need you to name or define them. Nor do they need you in order to persist. Lest they be something other than what is suggested

When illuminated initiates are tested, or asked to give a concept of WHO OR WHAT their teachers are, or WHO OR WHAT they themselves are, to be able to understand such things, they understand that it is pointless to bother trying to answer such a question

WHO OR WHAT, is a trap, which is designed to divide

It takes you away from your natural connection all things

The only correct answer that can be given is:


Because those who seek to understand, based on WHO OR WHAT something is, are yet to see past the illusion of identity and ego

They see themselves as divided from the world and everyone else

So how could they ever possibly know any source of creation?

They need understand, that you cannot possibly know anything past your self, so what would be the point of trying to answer such questions?

Or worrying on them ...

If indeed it could even be explained, WHO OR WHAT, something like "God" is?

The true understanding of concepts like "God", as they apply to the source of ALL OF OUR creation, comes in knowing that you are born of such things

It is inherent in you from birth

As the sons and daughters of this source

It is not something that needs be given or granted in this world

If you need weigh yourself against such concepts, it means that you fail to yet understand the truth of who you are

And again, if you cannot understand yourself, then what hope have you of understanding things beyond you, rooted in the source of creation?

You are the node of the understanding you seek. A node of creation

It is not to "make Gods of man and woman", but to realise that WE ARE of the very source, which we seek to connect with

By the fact we were born of it

The creation, is the creator. Because it is their reflection

In the same way, that a work of art, is a part of the artists soul, reflected within the world that allows such creation to exist

"God" needs no such terms to define them. It is painted within us, and the world around us. Better than any collection of words could ever describe

So when you use such limiting terms, to define things which are beyond such limitation, you divide a massive portion of the creation, by something simple as a set of beliefs

Thinking you know, is the death of possibility

(Which is why the terms is actually limiting)

You are better off seeing, honouring and respecting, the source of all our creation, without feeling you need to name, define or align with it. You are already one with it

"God" does not need us to name or define it. That simple

When we can all understand this simple concept ...

That the root of our division lays within limitations of our own beliefs, compared to others?

There there will be no vying, or US AND THEM

There will be only our collective understanding as a people ...

Coloured by our individual beliefs on WHAT MAY BE

Possibility is the key to our existence and future. It is the same as prayer and realisation

Probability is the path we all follow. Prophecy is no different to cycles of return, based on probability and scientific principles

There is no divide between these things. Only the illusion of such, based upon deterministic will and belief

There is a common bridge between them all

We need only open our eyes to see it

Everyone is on the same path. They just enjoy different flavours of the same recipe
edit on 20 6 23 by Compendium because: Edit language and added clarification

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: Compendium

The only thing you will ever know for certain in this world is that you exist Everything else is up for debate

Sounds like a dangerous proposition to question if cars exist when out on the roads.

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: Untun
We offer you resources for housing and comfort. You use them to make weapons and poisons.
We offer you food and nutrition, you turn them into diseases.

You use what is available to your own understanding.

You find a way to kill your brother and to sustain the ones like you because you hate. Your understanding is making war because you do not know what is wrong. Yes, your religion is a murder machine and your science is but a tool to fuel it and if you didn't have any science at all you'd use your own limbs to destroy what you don't know is right.

Why doesn't God feed the starving because you polluted their water and their lands, you say. You don't know what is wrong. You chose to kill, not God and you can not kill God and that makes you kill even more instead of choosing to benefit to what is actually good contrary to what you believe is good. You have your reasons to do what you do and none of the victims you tormented are to blame for it for after all they only did what is right.
You have a fundimental misunderstanding. Nothing is inherently good or evil. Atomic tech isn’t evil on its own, it can power a whole state, it can also destroy the same state. There’s this thing called free will. We have a choice in our own actions.

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: Untun

The answer and the solution is in the math.

It only takes one evil person to poison a village of a thousand, when the thousand willfully or blindly consume the poison.

I don't blame the evil ones, they are standing firm in their faith. It is the supposedly good ones that are either accepting of the evil or ignoring the evil, that I see as the problem.

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 07:24 PM

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: ITSALIVE

I hope you consider destroying mankind as evil or you might find what is good.

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: Untun

Evil is an illusion.

Many have set out to teach us this lesson.

They may have lost themselves within the illusion.

If One were to reach into their hearts and spark the Light...

That they may remember, and rekindle their Love, their Divinity.

One can hope...

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: QwertyMyself
a reply to: Untun

Evil is an illusion.

Many have set out to teach us this lesson.

They may have lost themselves within the illusion.

If One were to reach into their hearts and spark the Light...

That they may remember, and rekindle their Love, their Divinity.

One can hope...

When you are faced with having to care for an infant that is three "days" old that is a victim of rape, you have no doubt that evil is not only real, it runs rampant among us.

I can assure you that if you ever have to come face to face with that situation, you would drastically change what you hope for.

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Some make this illusion their reality.

Operating under fear in this state is dangerous.

Free will is Chaotic in nature; all is possible.

But if they were aware of their divine attribute...

If they knew how much they will suffer...

If they knew the pain they caused...

Maybe they'd remember.

Then they'd make better choices.

They'd express their free will in righteousness.

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 12:30 AM
They disturb me, why do I need to be their lamb of sacrifice? Like it's my fault they make mistakes, when I speak they don't listen. Agreement is never found. Mutuality is based on broken contrast and why does everything I say offend. I've been their problem for years and I while I only recently got to meet them. They make me their enemy, what is it I can do. When I share my feelings they are offended and don't want to talk anymore. The voices they have put them up against me, they make mistakes and everybody gets the blame. When I tell them something is not good they don't comprehend, they are unable to see things objectively as a concept. Do they reason, do they meditate? Do you have any idea how broken I am? They don't stab me in the back they stab me right through the heart and they consult their spirits and demons on what to do and who I am instead of just asking me myself. They live in fear and get confused. I wrote them saying I was disappointed, you've got to be kidding me was the answer and "lol". Well, my work is done.

edit on 23-6-2023 by Untun because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: Untun

You forgot the tags...

[rant]......insert diatribe here [/rant]

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