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What does it mean when the synchronicities stop?

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posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 01:10 AM

originally posted by: Topcraft
a reply to: XipeTotex

Not really the same thing, this comes from outside your will.

I dont know, just find it interesting that it stopped once i started doing that.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 03:04 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: stellawayten

Maybe step out in faith a little & try something new.. I would caution against believing you are 'pure', because news flash, we're all human, we're all fallen sinful creatures, in need of the grace of God. The grace of God manifesting in your life is where the magic comes from.

I believe you may have been replying to me, as i was told i am pure by my light-beings.

I never claimed to be pure, they told me i was. I also said the words 'ridiculous right' after stating i was told i am pure.

There is no God in my existence and i am having the time of my life.
It puzzles me as to why people would believe in a God. There is more evidence of aliens, which at the moment is none.
The realm i do be brought to is ultra amazing full of pure, clean, positive, nice people. No angels, no God.

There are people walking the Earth who have been where i have and given messages like i have. I will try and ask about a God on my next visit.

Edit: What kind of religion tells people they are sinful creatures? Such a negative, sad message to give people. We are amazing wonderous beings. Capable of meeting light-beings who are not on this planet.
Your message is very negative going preaching that we are all fallen sinful creatures. We are amazing we produce amazing things. Telling people they are bad, because that is your overall message, is a form of control. Repent to the Lord and ye shall enter heaven. Rubbish i have to say, negative rubbish.
edit on 7/6/23 by SecretKnowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

I also find that most people are sinful creatures. I've leaned in my 40 plus years that people don't have the same heart as me. I assumed they did. But now I can see that they deceived others and themselves which is worse. Because when you lie to yourself it's hard to be different.

And most people chase after worldly thing. That's what bothers me the most about my fellow Christians. Always calling out others "sins" but I believe what Jesus was trying to tell everyone was to stop that. Look within yourself and pull the weeds out. Everyone has enough work to do on themselves that they probably shouldn't have time to do others. And then when the Bible says that we are supposed to help pull the splinter out of our brothers eye it's talking about after you have over come a "sin" and pulled out the log... You will know how to help your brother. Example.... If you have an addiction of some kind, first you must overcome that and then you can help someone else that is going thru the same thing. You aren't condemning them for it because you've been there. You know how hard it is. You just want to help.

And to me sins are things that hurt others or yourself. All of the "rules" are to keep you from hurting yourself or others. All of this is IMHO.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: stellawayten

Well then between you and that preacher i replied to dont sound very happy to me.

Imagine a religion which tells you to repent you are a sinner. So, ive done bad?

No, no i havnt. Most people, here in Ireland anyway, which was not long ago the most catholic country in the world, are upbeat, decent happy enough people.
I would hate to think i was a fallen sinful creature. What kind of positive image is that to be telling people?

Pray for your sins. What kind of sins need praying for?

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

I'm at peace. Repent is to change your mind. Stop doing the things that hurt yourself and other people. Who said to pray for your sins? Perhaps you misunderstand what that means.

Praying means talking to God. Sins are the things that harm yourself or others. So to me it means talking to God about the things that I have a hard time doing. So what that could look like to someone else.... They have a gambling addiction. It causes them to suffer financially. So they talk to God about it and tell God that they are having a hard time overcoming that desire to gamble. They realize that it is hurting them and they ask God to help them not desire to gamble.

I don't sit around talking to God about what a worthless POS I am. Because I am not. But I do talk to God about the things that would make me better and ask Him to help me get there. I don't think He is a great big meany that's pounding His fist and telling me I'm a POS. I see Him as loving and understanding. He is happy that I recognize the things I do that hurt others or myself. He is happy that I desire to change those things. He is understanding that it is hard for me.

So with that being said I do not understand what you mean by what you said. Because I don't feel that way.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

What exactly is a light being? Who do they represent? In your own words. I’m trying to understand this concept so I can reply to you. True we are amazing beings capable of many things. Including being predatory. Look around you, watch the news. We kill, we terrorize, we think nothing of stepping on the bodies of the less fortunate to get where we want to go.

As Christians, we struggle to overcome these thoughts and actions. It is not an easy thing to do. We acknowledge that we are nothing without God.
So, is there nothing greater than man in your belief system?
edit on CDT2023p2023-06-07T12:08:10-05:00Wed, 07 Jun 2023 12:08:10 -0500pmf30 by Topcraft because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: stellawayten

what did you do ? you allowed too much pragmatism into your mind & let the Majick disappear

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: St Udio

Not really, unless you went thru this, I can see how ridiculous it all seems. It’s more like receiving what you need, and being released gradually, to go on with your life with a new understanding.

You have no idea how difficult this is to explain.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: Topcraft
You are spot on. I didn't do anything to make it go away. And I didn't do anything to make it happen. It just happened. I did the things I was told to do like sale my house and move. And other things that I won't go into. I was obedient. And then it just fades. I still have synchronicities but it isn't the same when they aren't "highlighted". And I'm sure no one understands what that means except the people that have been thru it.

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: Topcraft
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

What exactly is a light being? Who do they represent? In your own words. I’m trying to understand this concept so I can reply to you. True we are amazing beings capable of many things. Including being predatory. Look around you, watch the news. We kill, we terrorize, we think nothing of stepping on the bodies of the less fortunate to get where we want to go.

As Christians, we struggle to overcome these thoughts and actions. It is not an easy thing to do. We acknowledge that we are nothing without God.
So, is there nothing greater than man in your belief system?

My light-beings have light, spirals, stars zooming out of them at all angles.
Head to toe, back to front, all over. Every direction. At a rate of speed so fast.

They come to me in dreams, when i see one of them coming its so obvious. Theres a person coming with all this light flying out of them so so fast its unreal.

When they touch me, wow. The feeling of pure, clean, happy, positive love is zooming all over my body.
People might say "its just a dream" which is fine its a natural reaction.

But at the end i get a message for people that are alive today. Its very real it only started happening to me mid-April. It is so profound its changed my whole life. I was already a good person, now im the king of the World!!
I jest.

I'll put up a link to my first time experiencing them


You acknowledge you are nothing without God. There is no evidence for a God.
You are everything you are amazing. Put your mind to it, and you could do much about anything you try to.

You dont need any God, you need you.

Keep doing what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you're getting.

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

Have they given you more messages or just to the couple that lost their twins?

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge

originally posted by: Topcraft
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

What exactly is a light being? Who do they represent? In your own words. I’m trying to understand this concept so I can reply to you. True we are amazing beings capable of many things. Including being predatory. Look around you, watch the news. We kill, we terrorize, we think nothing of stepping on the bodies of the less fortunate to get where we want to go.

As Christians, we struggle to overcome these thoughts and actions. It is not an easy thing to do. We acknowledge that we are nothing without God.
So, is there nothing greater than man in your belief system?

You acknowledge you are nothing without God. There is no evidence for a God.
You are everything you are amazing. Put your mind to it, and you could do much about anything you try to.

You dont need any God, you need you.

Keep doing what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you're getting.

And who do your light beings represent? Do you know? Ask any of the billions who believe in God, if there is no evidence. You can easily find that evidence for yourself if you are sincere, and if you ask for it.

Your comments here show that you believe the world revolves around you, it doesn’t. You are dust, as am I. Insignificant.

You are correct, I don’t need “any” God, I need the one true God, and I have a strong relationship with him.

As to your last comment, my answer is… I can only hope so.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 02:45 AM

originally posted by: stellawayten
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

Have they given you more messages or just to the couple that lost their twins?

Yes two more.

Ive delivered both, the people i delivered them to were overjoyed.

Seems to happen every couple of weeks. Ive decided not to keep writing about them because im not great on a keyboard.
Hey, im sorry if i picked you up wrong, but i have a dislike for religion and especially ones were people are told they are sinners.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: Topcraft

My world does revolve around me, its my world.
Look, since ive been getting these visits ive been on quite a journey. My confidence has gone through the roof.
Probably comes from the feeling of joy when the people receive the message. Makes me feel proud that ive given them something from a dead son/daughter. The happiness they show is powerful joy.
I know i harp on about no God this, and be your own God that.
Isn't that the same as what preachers and priests do?
I grew up in a very catholic country and it was always people are sinners, you must confess your sins. Dont do this.
I found it so negative it stuck with me
I dont understand peoples belief in someone who is a belief more than anything else.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 03:39 AM
Well done SK. Keep up the good work dude

a reply to: SecretKnowledge

edit on 9-6-2023 by Dalamax because: Eta

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

Hey, I get it. I didn't become a believer until my mid 30s and before that I hated Christians and Christianity. I understand the whole sinners thing I think. I think a lot of Christians are scared to question things. But God created me to question everything. And I spend a lot of time asking Him the whys and He explains things to me.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

Ya know.... Just because humans do it wrong doesn't mean there is no God. I totally believe in God. The simplest way I can put it is I believe there is a source that is greater than me and knows more than me. I believe He is all knowing so I trust Him to lead me in the right direction. I've tried things my way and the world's way and it didn't work out. When I began putting all of my trust in God/source/higher power/universe/Father (whatever you choose to call Him) everything began falling into place.

God began giving me messages to give to people many years ago. I think it's the obedience that He is pleased with the most. Not many would put themselves out there like that because you know how difficult it is. I think if you continue to be obedient and then ask Him to show Himself to you He will. And you will experience even greater things than you are now. Having a relationship with God doesn't have to look like the church teaches. Especially the Catholic church. I don't know that much about Catholicism but I don't believe you need a human mediator between you and God.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 06:27 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
Well done SK. Keep up the good work dude

a reply to: SecretKnowledge

Hey good to hear you Dalamax.
Im having the time of my life doing this. Im more relaxed before i knock on a door now, lol.
I'll post the odd one sometime but typing is not my thing.

Have a fantastic day my friend.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: stellawayten

You swallowed the hook. It takes effort/energy to give you synchronicities. You're on track for now. What you make of it how handle it all of what's inbetween is up to you now.
And there are a lot of traps and really difficult riddles ahead.

Welcome to Hell!

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: stellawayten
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

Ya know.... Just because humans do it wrong doesn't mean there is no God. I totally believe in God. The simplest way I can put it is I believe there is a source that is greater than me and knows more than me. I believe He is all knowing so I trust Him to lead me in the right direction. I've tried things my way and the world's way and it didn't work out. When I began putting all of my trust in God/source/higher power/universe/Father (whatever you choose to call Him) everything began falling into place.

God began giving me messages to give to people many years ago. I think it's the obedience that He is pleased with the most. Not many would put themselves out there like that because you know how difficult it is. I think if you continue to be obedient and then ask Him to show Himself to you He will. And you will experience even greater things than you are now. Having a relationship with God doesn't have to look like the church teaches. Especially the Catholic church. I don't know that much about Catholicism but I don't believe you need a human mediator between you and God.

Very well written, i totally get you.
Maybe these messages i have to pass on to people is leading me to a higher power.

Ive re-read your post again i really like your description here

God began giving me messages to give to people many years ago. I think it's the obedience that He is pleased with the most. Not many would put themselves out there like that because you know how difficult it is. I think if you continue to be obedient and then ask Him to show Himself to you He will. And you will experience even greater things than you are now. Having a relationship with God doesn't have to look like the church teaches. Especially the Catholic church. I don't know that much about Catholicism but I don't believe you need a human mediator between you and God

Maybe i should think about God unlike the Catholic church way.
Like i said i grew up hearing we're sinners, confess your sins etc etc.

Back then Ireland was 98% Catholic. We were the first country Pope John Paul 2nd visited, even before his own country of Poland.
I was educated by Christian Brothers, monk-ish types. Cruel and mean people. Big into punishment and discipline.

I think im going to have an interesting weekend thinking about this.
Your post is very clear, educating if you like. To me at least.

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