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The ramp up of White Power?

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posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: Cancerwarrior

It's about the powerful creating division lest people focus on the real corruption that is ingrained in our political systems.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 07:05 AM
The white supremacist drum gets beat every time the coffers get low at the adl or the naalcp.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 07:15 AM
After Trump is assisnated this year and WWIII starts no one will be concrrned with all the lies......everyone will be concerned with survival.


The destruction of USA will be next spring....

a reply to: Helious

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: Helious

If it weren't for the media and the Marxist Democrats, racism would be dead in this country but for a residual that would fear to raise its ugly head.

It's all manufactured propaganda and the wanna be despots behind it are banking on the ignorance of the American people to drive their agenda across the finish line. Whatever you may think of Edgar Hoover, he nailed it nonetheless...

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent."

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: Klassified

The consequences for reprobate behavior are inevitable.
Innumerable to mortals. I'm enjoying the freak out here.
It's a conspiracy

It's the end of the world as we know it - and I feel fine.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 07:54 AM
The White race has a problem in America since it has been White politicians and executives that have brought so much hardship and misery on many in the US. It would be easy to conflate race with economic class and that is what we see. Nevermind that those in economic categories share much more in common than any other groups.
edit on 5-6-2023 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 08:01 AM
The intelligence community's report on foreign interference in the 2020 election gives you a good idea on who is behind it. Iran, Russia, China, Venezuela and North Korea. But I've taken note of some of the language used and the context they use for certain words, in my opinion this artificial "white supremacist astroturfing" is coming out of Europe. I think its V_V (Viral Vendetta ).

Specifically, whoever the WEF hired to manage their website. I can link a user on r/conspiracy who's post history was content meant to stir up civil unrest in Australia and the UK, by using the WEF's "Omnicron Page of the website" to attempt to spread disinformation. I had already previously archived the webpage and called him out on it. (He was editing the Coronavirus page and updated it for Omnicron, but left the Date of the original information, claiming that "they knew about "X" way back in "Y"). The user then returned with a fresh url and page so I could not provide an archived page.

I was under a relentless assault of "V2K" (Voice to Skull) up until a couple of weeks ago, for the past year. Europeans use the word "Kranium" or "cranium" instead of skull. Swedish, Dutch and Norwegian use "Kranium"....

To the best of my knowledge, the website was done by a company in Istanbul. The Muslim Brotherhood has Hijacked Qanon (possibly created it), the Spiritual Awakening communities and push this "Targeted Individual" conspiracy on Democrats with the help of people in those communities, by fabricating a smear campaign containing deepfakes...

Some of the posts related to christianity created in these communities are pushing this extreme view that "You must submit to Jesus Christ"...I don't know, free people don't submit....and Jesus wasn't asking for your submission, he was asking if you would let him into your heart. Jesus spreads love, not Authoritarianism.

Klaus Schwab said "we must prepare for a more angry world" that they are intentionally instigating.

Just my two cents...

edit on 5-6-2023 by JasonSlade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
The White race has a problem in America since it has been White politicians and executives that have brought so much hardship and misery on many in the US. It would be easy to conflate race with economic class and that is what we see. Nevermind that those in economic categories share much more in common than any other groups.

White politicians and executives heh? Eerr, what about Obama, AOC and her from New York (I'm too bothered to google her name). What I really don't understand is the nastiness and degradation of MAGA? To me that means Make America Great Again, yes? So all people and political people should be striving for that, but.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 08:35 AM

edit on 5-6-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: Flatcoat
Not to mention "white supremacists" come in all different colors these days apparently.....

That's because -

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: Helious
Greetings ATS,

What I would like to say won't take very long nor should it take most of you any significant amount of time to dissect.

There is an artificial ramp up of specifically "Hitleresch" ramp up across the country but now you can witness it live on ATS. These are people that despise the United States trying to paint freedom loving Americans as terrorists because we believe in fringe beliefs like parents rights.

We are in a war of information and all sides are firing their missiles. Our country, if it can survive this blatant attack on it's sovervinty and values will depend on how many of us understand the attack.

There isn't a ramp up of White supremacists, there is a ramp up of political dissidents who need a sellable lable to the left.

Not my style of music, but Tom Macdonald makes rap music easy to listen to. Here's why. Here's an excerpt from his song titled "Snowflakes"

They set us up to fail, that's what they built the system for
Put an ammunition shop across the street from a liquor store
Empowering women used to be different than this before
The role models got OnlyFans or dance on a stripper pole
Screw it, I ain't trippin', I don't mean to be mean
But if our children are the future then our future is bleak
They take an Adderall to focus, hit McDonald's to eat
They're addicted to phones and they take Xanax to sleep
They blurred the lines dividing communism and democracy
In 2021, we paint the patriots as Nazis
The men playing women's sports get trophies for winning
Like great, let's celebrate a man for beating some women
If you're black, your life matters, you're supposed to embrace it
If you're rich or you're smart then you're probably Asian
If you're gay, then you're brave, all of that I'm okay with
But if you're white, the stereotype is you are a racist
Blaming capitalism like that's the reason things are tough
While you tweet from an iPhone and sip on a Starbucks
You're supporting what you stand against, you don't think you are but
A Percocet addict don't donate money to pharma
Damn dog, we're all afraid to speak the truth
And the more afraid we get, the more we hate the ones who do
You're ashamed to be American? Okay, that's cool
'Cause honestly, we are all ashamed of you too

edit on 5-6-2023 by LSU2018 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Helious
When Whites are disenfranchised and "White Power" is the only refuge, its bound to happen. Only an idiot would continue to be pounded on and not tribe up and accept that protection. When things are civil, sure, we can all get along. But when things go to chaos, its Prison Rules. And things tend to get chaotic in a Nation (see the definition for this word) that lacks one dominant race and culture. Diversity has created a nation of several competing groups all pulling in their own direction. This is due to demographic change, due to mass immigration both legal and illegal.

And it just happens to be occurring simultaneously across all White Nations and only White Nations. While other nations are allowed to keep their racist immigration laws and laws as to who can be a government official. They aren't shamed for it.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on here.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 09:40 AM
The left has officially overplayed the white supremacist card, but they will never stop playing it. It's their favorite boogeyman. A couple of years ago, there was a rash of black trans women getting assaulted by black men. There were even a couple of murders. Predictably, NPR said the perpetrators were white supremacists.

After an attack on a black trans woman in Minneapolis, news reporting agencies would NOT divulge that the attackers were black. Black women on Twitter told the truth. The attackers were black.

Then there was this.

And this.

Still, according to the left, it's the white supremacists who pose the biggest threat to trans people.
I’m a Trans Student of Color. Supporting Me Means Fighting White Supremacy

The Anti-Trans Panic Is Rooted in White Supremacist Ideology

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: 3n19m470
a reply to: Helious
When Whites are disenfranchised and "White Power" is the only refuge, its bound to happen. Only an idiot would continue to be pounded on and not tribe up and accept that protection. When things are civil, sure, we can all get along. But when things go to chaos, its Prison Rules. And things tend to get chaotic in a Nation (see the definition for this word) that lacks one dominant race and culture. Diversity has created a nation of several competing groups all pulling in their own direction. This is due to demographic change, due to mass immigration both legal and illegal.

And it just happens to be occurring simultaneously across all White Nations and only White Nations. While other nations are allowed to keep their racist immigration laws and laws as to who can be a government official. They aren't shamed for it.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on here.

Perfectly said. I'd also add that it's not just other nations who aren't shamed for it, other races that aren't white aren't shamed either (in America). That's why illegals were able to put the Mexico flag above the American flag at a California post office, and why kids were sent home from school on Cinco De Mayo for wearing t-shirts with American flags while others in Mexico flag t-shirts were allowed to stay. The list goes on...

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 09:56 AM
If anything, the policies of our current regime are making all people more racist. I never thought I would see the day where our government would be so stupid as to seemingly try to destroy the trust and faith its citizens had in eachother.

In my 54 years on this planet, the last few years (starting truly with Obama) have been the most divisive and frustrating I have ever seen.

I want to be friends with as many different types of people as possible, but my government keeps telling them that I am a threat to their existence and livelyhood. I mean how many times have I heard Dems say "these MAGA republicans!" as a scare term?

About a million times. Its disgusting.
edit on 5-6-2023 by greendust because: satan

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: Helious

There's an article on Resist The Mainstream today about a man who was banned from Fascistbook for sharing a letter written by a retired 85-year-old judge. The letter was verified. Maybe I'll do another thread about the letter. The letter was about how the old fellow remembered, from a textboo in lawschool back in 1950s, a list of steps to overturn democracy.

One of those steps was:

Foment racial strife.

It was the second step, actually, after "Divide the nation philsophically."

Yeah, I'll start a thread on the letter in a bit. Look for it.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 11:28 AM
Furthermore... there are parallels that are hard to ignore.

When you look at the "Weimar period" just before the NS party came to power in Germany, you begin to understand what *necessitated* the rise of Hitler.

And why people treated him like a God... when you see what he rescued them from.

And you see the same pattern here in America.

Child grooming, transgenders, LGBTQ- Yeah Hitler hated that. What books do you think they were burning? Trans propaganda. Communist Propaganda.

Hell, the world's first transgender surgery took place in Berlin in the 1920s.

Mass Immigration and demonization of the heritage citizens- Yeah that wouldn't be happening in 1930s Germany. Its happening here and there's over 30 well funded NGOs headed by the "Rev 3:9" crew making damn sure it happens here and in every White Nation.

The rise of promiscuity, porn and hookup culture- Heck one of the very first things Hitler outlawed was porn. Before Hitler, Berlin was the "Sin City" of Europe. The people were so poor they were eager to perform any depraved act for visiting businessmen.

Then you look into who owns OnlyFans, PornHub, Tinder, Grinder, BangBros, etc and all the porn studios and it begins to make a lotta sense I tell ya...

Which brings us to the other thing he outlawed right away. Usury. Our economy is being destroyed by the usurious practices of the Federal Reserve. Half of its chairmen suspiciously belong to that infamous tribe Hitler made famous.

BLM? Nope that wouldn't be a thing. If certain people were in power. They would be stomped down with the utmost force.

Some of you are taking a while to cross that finish line. But its obvious where we are heading.

The rise of White Power is not a myth. It's inevitable. This is what "they" created here. Just as they've done time and time again throughout history.

A lot of folks are looking around scratching their heads and thinking "maybe *speaking German* wouldn't be such a bad thing?"

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: 3n19m470

I agree with you, but even that rise is part of what is being pushed for the ultimate dissolution of the culture and the society. They make it a necessity, but that very necessity becomes part of their ultimate solution.

(post by LordAhriman removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Helious

Ok, maybe it's just where I live, see, read, etc. Bit you're saying people wanting parents rights, etc are against are white racists or not? From my experence, the majority of people you see fighting for it, likes against school policies for trany pride, etc are white. I've yet to see anything with any black arguing against it, in public anyway

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