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The 'Grand Refusal' Of The Great Reset.

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posted on May, 31 2023 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: flice
The quicker the intelligent public can accept the simple fact that UFOs are alien devices, the quicker the better minds will understand that the ETs are not here after their long journeys for joy rides or simply to study. They are here for doing a business that they have probably honed for thousands of years on business trips exactly like what is unfolding.

I would wager that at some point--if not already working--a machine intelligence, devoid of human content, will be put in charge of earthly affairs. That would prevent anyone from directly blaming ETs or any human government or organizations as we devolve into a simpler existence.

edit on 31-5-2023 by Observer19 because: added a couple of key words

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 05:08 PM
E.T.s may be keeping two opposing thoughts simultaneously: the one you've stated as conducting business and the other of studying and keeping out of our affairs but intervening when nukes and other malevolent efforts are done. What's the goal? It seems that a massive die-off isn't any longer in the plans. Our richness as societies and aspiring individuals has more value.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: karl 12

What reset? Honestly, what?

Except for a stupid pamphlet, where is the evidence?

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: karl 12
Don't know how long it will be up but thought there was a pretty informative vid below from the Mises Institute exploring the horrors of Klaus Schwab's 'Fourth (Reich) Industrial Revolution' and how everyone can actually put a stop to it (the nine point plan of 'The Grand Refusal').

The Great Reset and the Grand Refusal .

From the Mises Institute's recent event in Birmingham, Alabama, dedicated to the global threat of "The Great Reset". Recorded on April 22, 2023.

In recent years, Americans have suffered from the horrors of covid tyranny, government-directed corporate censorship, and now our current banking crisis. The global elite have never been more obvious in their intentions for the greater control over society. Their aim is further consolidation of power and wealth into the hands of radical ideologues and to transform almost every aspect of human society.

They are not subtle in their ambition. They call it The Great Reset.

Hardly surprising given their eugenic ideology but according to Rockefeller stooge Maurice Strong the WEF are actively involved in the 'controlled demolition of first world economies' and certain bankster families reckon we're all just 'cannon fodder that unfortunately populate the earth'.

There's also some good info in there about WEF/CIA pandemic simulations (despite Gates lying about them) and would say the Milken Institute meeting from October, 2019 is also a rather important one (see 6:10).

As for WEF cult leader Klaus Schwab no wonder he tried to scrub his family history involving heavy water production for Hitler - also not surprising that the WEF (originally the 'European Management Forum') held their 1973 Davos manifesto meeting under the patronage of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.. (post).

The Rockefellers also pop up time and time again in relation to the Bilderberg / WEF and wasn't that surprised to learn they were actively financing Hitler and SS Chief Heinrich Himmler's Keppler fund as late as 1944 (not to mention facilitating the bombing of London).

Anyway would be interested in folk's opinions on the Grand Refusal and would be grateful if any ATS members could provide any info on the picture or symbols below.

Meet the WEF

Well , Bill Gates Disagrees . He Thinks It's GREAT !

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: karl 12

Do you think they care? Do you think they haven't already planned for us standing up to their bolshevik revolution? These demons care nothing more than having power and control over humanity which they consider cattle. There is no peaceful protest allowed against them because their system pigs are bought and paid for. If they fail they have the money to hire mercenary forces to slaughter us. Why do you think the so called US government is trying to disarm us? They are blatantly telling us how they want to murder us and take control over the planet. It's time to stand up against these monsters! We are "cattle" in their eyes.

I'll leave you with this. It's better to die on your feet, than live on your knees. There is no reasoning with satanic monsters who want you dead.

Yeah there is all that.
They're pretty evil to boot.

posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 06:45 AM
Thanks for the posts - this vid also goes into more detail about the specific Twitter account which marked the launch of 'the great reset' - the WEF's early promoted material (which they are now trying to delete) entitled '8 predictions for 2030' is also included.

For folks who haven't looked at A21 then thought there was a great vid here, also some relevant speculation in this vid about the three upcoming pillars which will be forcefully imposed on everyone (including SC slave scoring).

Granted many politicians are too intimidated (or bought and paid for) to broach the subject but thought Aussie Senator Malcolm Roberts did a mighty fine job in this speech - also found it quite funny that the Dutch PM got completely busted owning a copy of Schwab's book on 'the great reset' despite claiming he'd never heard of it.

posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: seeker1963

Yes am well aware of the horrors of Bolshevism and the historical use of 'food for control' by deluded cultists.

Turns out nowadays Bayer control over one quarter of the world's food supply (Nazi NSDAP leadership until the 1970s) and the Rockefellers launched their 'Reset The Table' initiative the same time as 'the great reset' (talk about being in lockstep).

See you in the gulag.

a reply to: Mahogany


posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: karl 12

The picture you see of him in his star trek looking uniform was him talking at the university he attended, that's the alumni uniform or something.

Also, if you want to know all about his thoughts on the great reset and such he co authored two books about it all outlining his opinion of what the future might hold.

They're nothing more than a bunch of political science conjecture to be honest his "covid 19: the great reset" half the things he talks about didn't happen, or hardly came to fruition, and in "the great narrative" its about damage control of the first publication... both of which are mostly written by a man named thierry malleret, an economist, not schwab.

A good place to see how these sort of organizations started is to look into how entities like the trilateral commission were founded, there was a scramble back in the day because of how communication technologies were closing gaps between nations so these groups like the WEF, bilderberg, trilateral, etc. Set out to get ahead of the curve in a way. Thing was these groups all thought they had the right path for the future, it basically laid the ground work for a somewhat future technocracy.

posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

Do you think they care? Do you think they haven't already planned for us standing up to their bolshevik revolution?

Maybe thats just it. The disconnect grows until we have all had enough. Arrest the lot and start afresh. Job done. Reset. Welcomed in by the masses.

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: karl 12

According to BenjaminFulford.Net, there's a foreign and domestic federal reserve note. One is used in the States and the other is used overseas in other countries. The domestic one is not accepted in places like Japanese banks. They consider the Pre-COVID domestic notes as counterfeit.

Here is my supposition: They all want the new notes and here's why:

COVID stands for Covered (insured) ID. All old domestic federal reserve note serial numbers were based on Government IOUs collateralizing America birth certificates and Foreign born Naturalization papers. This is simply an accounting gimmick to ensure there is enough currency in a state to meet the needs of it's domestic economy. The problem is that Domestic Birth Certificates do not have a Unique biological marker on them like the Naturalization Papers of new citizens (a picture of the subject in included). Hence, the naturalization paper can be used as ID, the birth certificate can not be used as ID. Under the legacy fiat creation system, any bad actor can easily create a state birth certificate [and steal an election for example or a foreign born person can be viewed as a natural born person and become president]. The result is that there is no way to tell if the serial number on an old note is distinguishable from a counterfeit note. Therefore, they just lump the older notes with the counterfeit ones.

The rest is just a theory that needs validation. Lookup the term "dead peasant insurance". An example would be the insurance policies created for Walmart employees except the beneficiary is WALMART and not the employee’s immediate family. Now, suppose COVID stands for covered (insured) identification. If this is true, then the governments engaged in fiat monetary systems have made an insurance policy that covers them against the cost of your death.

Notice that all property belongs to the state when you die. This is especially true if your estate becomes intestate [an estate with no heirs or beneficiaries]. Then, the governments introduce a vaccine that slowly kills you (either by giving the subject Blood clots or Cancer). After your death, the government has possession of your estate and can use the estate as collateral.

Next, the governments collateralizes their treasury bonds using these insurance policies. Then, the treasury exchanges these bonds for federal reserve notes. In a sense COVID maybe the way for the governments to inject more money into a dying economy or enforce proper accounting of U.S. persons leading to the proper revaluation of U.S. currency.

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Great post & video, I hope to God that enough people will take on the mantle that is required in order to blow a catastrophic hole into the 'bad ship WEF', causing its totalitarian plans to sink to the bottom of the cold ocean depths. We do not need their ESG woke Agenda 2030 CBDC totalitarian nonsense ruining this world - this is God's world, and they are the ultimate deniers of faith as a reality, of hope & beauty in the world, as we humans struggle to see our dreams realised - despite the tyranny that the upper echelons perpetrate against the masses on a continuing basis.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 11:30 AM
They have tried a few times to reset the world but it failed. The most recent attempt was back in 2019/20 with the Covid campaign.

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