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The latest spike protein found in the brain a year plus out

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posted on May, 8 2023 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: JohnTitorSociety

I agree to an extent, though with some caveats. The excess death rate is up in many places and the concern that should be there, is absent. We also don't know the long term effects on fertility (that was already decreasing in most western countries). In fact we don't know the long term implications of turning people's bodies into s-protein production factories but indications so far are concerning.

I doubt the idea of any population reduction strategy would have people dropping like flies in their hundreds of millions or billions. That would lead to mass panic with unpredictable results and the possible collapse of the social structure. A far better plan would be to implement a strategy of further declining fertility, shortened life spans and a steady decline in population over decades.

At any rate, when tptb need a sudden cull of population numbers they seem to have far better options. Convincing us that slaughtering each other in widespread wars seems the preferred method. It's difficult to understand how we fall for such things, but we continually do. It is civilian populations that usually bear the brunt in large wars.

What is obvious is that both the virus and especially the ph response targeted the most vulnerable. The elderly, those with debilitating illness and lower socioeconomic groups. Those the WEF might term "useless eaters" and seen as a burden on society by the bean counters. Like shaking the tree so the dead wood falls out. There is something disgusting in that.

While many poorer countries (central Africa a good example) were largely unscathed by the "pandemic" it was well known that the economic and supply chain fallout would place hundreds of millions into food insecurity with huge increases in death from both starvation and increase in disease. Yet it's difficult to find mention of it now. Also the lapse in immunisation for other diseases due to the pandemic and the future consequences that will have.

According to Prof Bhattacharya the negative effects on education for the future are immense on their own. Not sure of the exact figures but it was in the many millions of future life years that will be lost (in the US).

It is undeniable IMO that this "designer virus" is a result of bioweapons research. Whether it was released accidentally or on purpose is the question. A lot of people seemed to have some rather uncanny knowledge it was going to happen for something that was a random accident. Why did Gates suddenly buy up BioNTech stock in 2019..? why did Bancel in 2019 feel he would need to up vaccine production capacity to billions of doses the next year (despite never having successfully brought such a product to market)? Event 201 just months before the real thing?

The well rehearsed psychological manipulation tactics, the media propaganda, the widespread censorship, the way most govts around the world simply fell into lock step. This wasn't ad hoc, it was obviously planned. There might be other reasons for it, but it's not unrealistic to wonder if population control is at least part of it.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 02:13 PM
Maybe, but WW2 ended a mere 33 years before I was born and Mao’s cultural revolution had barely ended.

Within an average of a single generation between the two events, somewhere around 100 million people were killed in these two events (or more).

The idea that nations have some historical proclivity to avoid mass violence is just a lack of perspective on what constitutes recent time.

China had the 1 child policy not that long ago as well.

I have advised everyone to not comply with anything over the past three years. I recognize there are countries where compliance was very high. But in most of the US compliance was very low to non-existent — most of the world just sees compliant NYC & LA on the international news, the mRNA uptake numbers are highly flawed in the US either due to over-reliance on Medicare and Medicaid reporting or just bc people were embarassed half the country wouldn’t take the mRNA shot and falsified the data.

Clearly that leaves a lot of people still getting the mRNA shot — but it was mostly boomers with millennials in second place.

Like I said I don’t doubt the shot is dangerous, I’ve observed some of its effects in and on people.

But nowhere near a majority of the country took the mRNA shots.

My impression is more that the mRNA “platform” is a modern attempt at the fountain of youth via a designer genetic Operating System, tested on the compliant, it doesn’t work and it has a terrible risk profile.

When was the last time people called a “therapeutic” a “platform” that required continuous shots to “stay up to date?”

These are software development terms.

I also used to work in politics. People have little comprehension of how insanely incompetent all governments are.

So, A) if some people decided they wanted to kill a bunch of people, there’s no historical evidence they would be stealthy; B) there are obviously excess deaths and some are obviously connected to the mRNA shots; but C) not enough people took them to meaningfully alter the population trajectory over time if it is a sterilizing agent, a small percentage of people in the US who have yet to have kids who intend to took any mRNA shots.

The shot just seems like a broken piece of biotech that does more harm than good, and SARS2 was a pointless overreaction.

If the numbers change in the future, I’d obviously reevaluate.

But in the US stepping over a state line change every single thing about 2020-2022.

I never wore a mask. I never took a test. I never spent a single moment afraid of contracting SARS2. I was sick for 24 hours once in the past 5 years. I never took a shot and no one ever asked me in person if I took a shot, and I travelled to 23 states from California to New York.

a reply to: Quintilian

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: Quintilian

The excess deaths are still rising in the UK according to the Office of National Statistics. It makes you wonder how accurate these figures are, If the insurance companies are talking around forty percent, Campbell seems to have lost a friend,
and judging by the comments they are higher than the official figures.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 06:24 PM
I believe that is true —- but some are delayed diagnosis. Especially cancer. Delayed diagnosis of cancel spikes excess deaths.

Some of the excess deaths are definitely the shot.

I suspect there is a third significant factor that no one has fully identified. a reply to: anonentity

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: JohnTitorSociety

The single greatest man made, policy inspired loss of life event was probably this one....."The British Empire Killed 165 Million Indians in 40 Years: How Colonialism Inspired Fascism

India’s 1880s death rate was already very high by international standards. If we measure excess mortality over England’s 16th- and 17th-century average death rate, we find 165 million excess deaths in India between 1880 and 1920 (Appendix V). This figure is larger than the combined number of deaths from both World Wars, including the Nazi holocaust.

Colonial genocides are not uncommon (US and Australia good examples) and continue to this day (Yemen). Although wars are not as thorough, they are quicker. When you consider the argument that the 1918 flu was exacerbated from a bad flu season to a horrid pandemic in large part due to the conditions and privations the conflict brought about (historically wars and famine/disease often occur together). Things like Churchill starving millions of Bengalis for the war effort. These examples (and others) make the mortality figures for the conflicts somewhat conservative. Western history books and curriculums are basically propaganda designed to exaggerate the misdeeds of others (those tptb don't like) while ignoring or downplaying their own, but this is getting somewhat off topic. The point is that historically those who have held wealth and power already have quite a track record.

Until recently we haven't had the technology to mimic the worst catastrophe's of nature (middle ages plague for instance) in any controlled sort of way. Now we do. It isn't necessary for this to have a dramatic immediate effect on population numbers. Affecting fertility and reducing life spans could make all of the above look insignificant within a couple of generations. Unfortunately the cause of reduction in population might easily be hidden and attributed to a multitude of other things.

I don't know that this will happen. Though the potential for it to happen is obviously there and I find it very likely this whole episode was either in part, or even in whole, a well planned and deliberate event. While accrual of wealth and power could be seen as a motive, it seems to go beyond what that can account for. I have learned in recent years not to cast off so called "conspiracy theories" so easily as they have a recent habit of being spoiler alerts.

Around 70% of earth's population have had at least one dose (lopsided to developed countries) of these "vaccines". The number who received only one dose tells an alarming story on it's own (there are often health reasons they wouldn't line up for the 2nd). Combined with the number who have had covid. The "vaccines" seem more toxic but both potentially create a lot of s-protein which can do all sorts of damage with potential for future health problems.

That's over 5.5 billion people. I can't get over studies such as those using biomarkers to gauge the possibility of future (within 5 years) Adverse Cardiac Events which went up dramatically. Particularly the way the study was treated. There are plenty of examples if people look.

It's probably not worth getting into a lather over because it might not happen this way, but if it does there seems to be 0 anyone can do about it anyway. Again, I don't know what will happen, but the possibility is worth considering.
edit on 8-5-2023 by Quintilian because: fix links

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 09:39 PM
ps. I don't doubt that bureaucracies and politics harbour mass incompetence. But I also don't think this was about politics. This event had a definite scientific and corporate design to it. While politicians often benefitted, they appeared to be taking instruction from elsewhere. As did much of academia. There is something totalitarian and neo fascist (more like inverted fascism where the corporate world has not only merged with, but now controls politics) going on here that is difficult to really get to grips with.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
This must be the most depressing news with regard to the vaccine rollout. Remember that the spike protein was only supposed to stay around the injection site? Unfortunately top German and a couple of Danish scientists have found that it persists up to fifteen months out in all the major organs including the brain, it starts in the skull bone marrow and moves into the meninges of the brain. It basically goes through the blood-brain barrier, as most likely a nanoparticle is designed to do. The implications of a brain inflammatory response will have many symptoms from headaches bleeding and even psychotic episodes depending on the areas of inflammation. Including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. No wonder the silence from the relevant parties is deafening.
Mobeen Syed only practiced medicine for a few year & then went back to school for computing .
He is a businessman who barley performed any real medicine on people at all.
His company sell’s medical study guides via memberships

He got a medical degree to lay credibility to a business he was creating based on medical info at a cost . The guy is a programmer computer engineer who chose the lucrative medical world to hock things in.
I would hardly call this guy an expert on covid proteins in a brain , unless he was trying to sell you a product ? which he is .
edit on 9-5-2023 by Whiskermegistus because: m

edit on 9-5-2023 by Whiskermegistus because: c

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 12:29 AM
Agreed the jury is out, it’s going to take years to analyze what really happened and the scale of the issue — but I do dispute the official shot uptake number, it is more propaganda than reality at scale

a reply to: Quintilian

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

Everyone can be debunked, you just accentuate the negative. But following the facts as far as we can, we have spike proteins from the shot now in the human brain. We also have it in the generative organs of both sexes. The birth rates have fallen. and we also know if you don't want to be homeless you must not talk about it.
edit on 9-5-2023 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

Is there an actual study though?
Or did Dr Been make it up?

Are you going after the player and not the ball?

edit on 9-5-2023 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 07:13 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

Everyone can be debunked, you just accentuate the negative. But following the facts as far as we can, we have spike proteins from the shot now in the human brain. We also have it in the generative organs of both sexes. The birth rates have fallen. and we also know if you don't want to be homeless you must not talk about it.
All your points are conjecture.
Imagine a Doctor who runs a company that sells medical info for profit that makes videos about covid vaccines being safe ? You would discredit him immediately as a shill & huckster.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

Is there an actual study though?
Or did Dr Been make it up?

Are you going after the player and not the ball?
Would you go to a Doctor with next to zero medical practice who runs a company that writes computer programs ?
edit on 9-5-2023 by Whiskermegistus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: Whiskermegistus

originally posted by: anonentity
This must be the most depressing news with regard to the vaccine rollout. Remember that the spike protein was only supposed to stay around the injection site? Unfortunately top German and a couple of Danish scientists have found that it persists up to fifteen months out in all the major organs including the brain, it starts in the skull bone marrow and moves into the meninges of the brain. It basically goes through the blood-brain barrier, as most likely a nanoparticle is designed to do. The implications of a brain inflammatory response will have many symptoms from headaches bleeding and even psychotic episodes depending on the areas of inflammation. Including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. No wonder the silence from the relevant parties is deafening.
Mobeen Syed only practiced medicine for a few year & then went back to school for computing .
He is a businessman who barley performed any real medicine on people at all.
His company sell’s medical study guides via memberships

He got a medical degree to lay credibility to a business he was creating based on medical info at a cost . The guy is a programmer computer engineer who chose the lucrative medical world to hock things in.
I would hardly call this guy an expert on covid proteins in a brain , unless he was trying to sell you a product ? which he is .

He's not the only one whose discovered this.

By the way, you get your health advice from Bill gates, who has no degree and was a software dev and was bffs with epstein and virtually owns the WHO, and tedros ghebreyesus, an expert in genocide, and the Pfizer CEO who is a veterinarian.
edit on 9-5-2023 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: Whiskermegistus

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

Is there an actual study though?
Or did Dr Been make it up?

Are you going after the player and not the ball?
Would you go to a Doctor with next to zero medical practice who runs a company that writes computer programs ?

Did you answer any of my questions?

Or are you still going after the player....rather than the ball?

Did Dr Been make it up.....or is he reporting on an actual study?

edit on 9-5-2023 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: Whiskermegistus

originally posted by: anonentity
This must be the most depressing news with regard to the vaccine rollout. Remember that the spike protein was only supposed to stay around the injection site? Unfortunately top German and a couple of Danish scientists have found that it persists up to fifteen months out in all the major organs including the brain, it starts in the skull bone marrow and moves into the meninges of the brain. It basically goes through the blood-brain barrier, as most likely a nanoparticle is designed to do. The implications of a brain inflammatory response will have many symptoms from headaches bleeding and even psychotic episodes depending on the areas of inflammation. Including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. No wonder the silence from the relevant parties is deafening.
Mobeen Syed only practiced medicine for a few year & then went back to school for computing .
He is a businessman who barley performed any real medicine on people at all.
His company sell’s medical study guides via memberships

He got a medical degree to lay credibility to a business he was creating based on medical info at a cost . The guy is a programmer computer engineer who chose the lucrative medical world to hock things in.
I would hardly call this guy an expert on covid proteins in a brain , unless he was trying to sell you a product ? which he is .

He's not the only one whose discovered this.

By the way, you get your health advice from Bill gates, who has no degree and was a software dev and was bffs with epstein and virtually owns the WHO, and tedros ghebreyesus, an expert in genocide, and the Pfizer CEO who is a veterinarian.
I don’t like Mr Gates at all & your assumptions are ridiculous.
I did not get the mrna vaccine due to it being unproven. I did get one J&J shot 2 years ago and that was it .
Why is being critical of an obviously inept doctor who is a computer engineer with little to no actual medical practice automatically cast me into beings a WHO & Gates sycophant ?
Better question to you is this , why do you accept this video as authoritative ?
You live in a closed system & I can’t help that .
I feel sorry for you , but your identity is obviously more important than sound logic .
If Dr.Been was pro vaccine in this video you and 90% of the members here on ATS would discredit it all as bunk .
Hypocrisy is alive & thriving here on these pages .
Can you be non-subjective ?

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: Whiskermegistus

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

Is there an actual study though?
Or did Dr Been make it up?

Are you going after the player and not the ball?
Would you go to a Doctor with next to zero medical practice who runs a company that writes computer programs ?

Did you answer any of my questions?

Or are you still going after the player....rather than the ball?

Did Dr Been make it up.....or is he reporting on an actual study?
Imagine if you will Dr Been’s video being PRO VACCINE , you would dismiss it immediately through hypocrisy filtered by identity.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

You are still avoiding the question.
Did Dr Been make it up or did he report on an actual study?

The fact that you are not answering the simple question......says it all.

edit on 10-5-2023 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 04:45 AM

originally posted by: Whiskermegistus

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

Is there an actual study though?
Or did Dr Been make it up?

Are you going after the player and not the ball?
Would you go to a Doctor with next to zero medical practice who runs a company that writes computer programs ?

Who people might go to for personal medical treatment is irrelevant, as that isn't what is being considered here. If you could point out where and how his presentation lacks merit, or where his understanding is awry, that would be worth listening to. Can you?

If not, perhaps you could point out where the study itself is problematic?

I haven't listened to the whole thing, but I notice he begins by pointing out limitations and urges a degree of caution regarding the study he discusses. I wish some of the charlatans pushing this treatment had a smidgeon of his humility. Though apart from that I really couldn't care if he is the local sh-thouse cleaner, if what he says has merit.

Notwithstanding the fact that for all you know he might be a brilliant doctor (regardless that he has chosen a different career). He has experience as a medical practitioner and is a qualified doctor. So I do think he is qualified enough to look at and explain the study.

The relevant head "scientist" in my country (who FOI documents show either doesn't understand the literature, or lies constantly regarding his claims) is basically a botanist. Yet he is considered the highest authority. Go figure.

The so called "experts" have been the wrongest people of the lot throughout this pandemic. Some of them quite obviously stupid (or corrupt).

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 05:29 AM
I generally agree with all of this in theory. On the other hand, I am skeptical that humans can organize an event of this scale.

I am certain based on professional experience that most of the data regarding mRNA uptake is faulty, it’s hard to find a person who will even admit to taking a single mRNA shot in one of the two counties I live in (on the other county it’s hard to find a person who says they didn’t fully comply). Both counties are very large in terms of population.

I know both of the general aggregate statements on mRNA uptake by individuals is highly inaccurate, and I’d say with six-sigma confidence that the real mRNA uptake is at least 16% to 20% overstated and is heavily skewed toward populations that are mostly past peak child birth years (Boomers and older Millennials report/are reported as having the highest mRNA uptake % in the US).

reply to: Quintilian

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 06:09 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

You are still avoiding the question.
Did Dr Been make it up or did he report on an actual study?

The fact that you are not answering the simple question......says it all.

If the study is real , why is a corporate computer engineer with a medical doctorate in title only & no real medical practice reporting on this ?
Money is the reason
It’s no different than that idiot Bill Gates becoming an expert on viruses because he programmed computers for a living.

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