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Alarming Signals in Pfizer Safety Data - Shocking Stats Uncovered

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posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 02:27 PM
After Pfizer was forced into releasing its Covid "vaccine" trial safety data instead of being allowed to wait 75 years, many began pouring through the data. In this video Chris Martenson exposes the bad data in different vaccine safety systems as well as Pfizers clinical trials. There are some MASSIVE red flags about the numbers that were stated in the clinical trials and real world safety systems. The trials and real world data don't match up.

Even when some of the data was released, there were still missing documents such as lookup tables which then required FOIA's to be submitted to continue trying to peice together the data and understand the numbers. The made it as hard as possible to try to access this safety data which should make many alarm bells go off. Dr. Martenson does a thorough breakdown of these numbers and explains how the data shows there is a cover up.

As people wake up to their new reality it becomes clear there is ample evidence to show that big pharma lied again.

edit on 1-3-2023 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 03:42 PM
The mRNA clot-shot is safe and effective... Developing myocarditis is always better than having covid-19!... Dr. Fauci told me so!

edit on 1-3-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 03:51 PM
And the information is released amid the wars and rumours of wars ....

a reply to: v1rtu0s0

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax
And the information is released amid the wars and rumours of wars ....

a reply to: v1rtu0s0

A war would certainly cover this all up nicely.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 05:22 PM
One of the policies of the FDA for years is that they only accept evidence that they approve of. They will not consider evidence of complications of any chemical they regulate or medicine they regulate unless they consider it is relevant to consider it. I understand this, it is necessary because if they didn't have this policy if twenty people got sick from something, they would be forced to ban it.

Lots of people cannot eat celery because of the eugenol it contains, it messes with their metabolism. To ban celery and all foods that contain eugenol would be crazy because the majority of people can consume it. What about eggs, some people are allergic to eggs, some people are allergic to fish.....banning these is stupid.

Almost all medicines have side effects. But with this vaccine, the side effects are in my opinion way to much of a risk for the disease it is to treat. Sure there are some people that will benefit from it, but if you are in a low risk class...take for instance youthful with no real immune system issues, the vaccine can cause more risk than the disease has. It should have never been pushed on healthy people especially since it does not stop a person getting or passing on the virus to those at just reduced the time it was transmittable down to about five or six days instead of two weeks.

There never was any evidence that the virus did not give a person immunity from future reinfection, yet they tricked those who did not know about immunity to believe that they would not get natural immunity by stating that there is no evidence that you will get immunity from infection....well, they now have plenty of proof that natural immunity is real to this virus.

So far they have only stated ten months, yet there is research of natural immunity still being viable up to a couple of years in healthy individuals. You can still get a mild case though, but usually the antigens prevent a person from getting it turn into covid at that point.

There presently is no evidence of life long immunity though, but a person may get some lifetime protection against a serious disease if they do catch it every twelve to eighteen months and keep their antigens up. This does not apply to those who have compromised immune systems though.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 06:17 PM
Has anyone seen this?

Medicare data shows the COVID vaccines increase your risk of dying

This may well be the most important article I’ll write in 2023. In this article, I publicly reveal record-level vax-death data from the “gold standard” Medicare database that proves that:
The vaccines are making it more likely that the elderly will die prematurely, not less likely
The risk of death remains elevated for an unknown period of time after you get the shot (we didn’t see it return to normal) The CDC lied to the American people about the safety of these vaccines. They had access to this data the entire time and kept it hidden and said nothing.


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posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: TarantulaBite
Has anyone seen this?

Medicare data shows the COVID vaccines increase your risk of dying

This may well be the most important article I’ll write in 2023. In this article, I publicly reveal record-level vax-death data from the “gold standard” Medicare database that proves that:
The vaccines are making it more likely that the elderly will die prematurely, not less likely
The risk of death remains elevated for an unknown period of time after you get the shot (we didn’t see it return to normal) The CDC lied to the American people about the safety of these vaccines. They had access to this data the entire time and kept it hidden and said nothing.


Twitter LINK


Too many of us baby boomers out there collecting social security. They needed to trim the numbers because the young do not produce as much of stuff we need anymore. So killing us off will extend the life of social security and keep medicare expenses down.
I know more people above sixty five now that went back to work to supplement their social security than I ever have known....mostly because of inflation and the fact their IRAs were cut down because of what was going on the last few years. Lots could not afford to retire so they kept working till their stocks go back up too. They planned to retire at sixty two or sixty five but now are going to work till they get the maximum social security benefit or they can sell off their stock once they go up in value again.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 07:29 PM

originally posted by: ltrz2025
The mRNA clot-shot is safe and effective... Developing myocarditis is always better than having covid-19!... Dr. Fauci told me so!

Dr. Fauci ?

You mean the asshole that funded the GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH in Wuhan, China, a US adversary ( as in Treason) ?
Wuhan, the place the FBI now confirms Covid "escaped" from ?

That Dr. Fauci who had "predicted" that Trump would face a surprise pandemic ?

That same Dr. Fauci who denied basic immunology science and pushed MRNA vaccines as the ONLY solution ?
That same Dr. Fauci who benefited personnally from the $300 million in pharma royalties paid to NIH ?



posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 12:19 AM

originally posted by: TarantulaBite
Has anyone seen this?

Medicare data shows the COVID vaccines increase your risk of dying

This may well be the most important article I’ll write in 2023. In this article, I publicly reveal record-level vax-death data from the “gold standard” Medicare database that proves that:
The vaccines are making it more likely that the elderly will die prematurely, not less likely
The risk of death remains elevated for an unknown period of time after you get the shot (we didn’t see it return to normal) The CDC lied to the American people about the safety of these vaccines. They had access to this data the entire time and kept it hidden and said nothing.


Twitter LINK


Looks interesting. Probably deserves its own thread.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 02:22 AM
a reply to: ltrz2025

I take it you are an adult consumer. So would have seen those terms many times during your life.

" safe and effective "

I have lost count how many times I have seen it on packets or in the "conclusion" part of research. ( that is in the 40 odd years I have been reading research papers )

" Safe and Effective" has always been used in terms of " in comparison to ....? " In this case relative to the wild virus. And indeed it has proven to be safer than no vaccine and getting a viral load of Covid 19. Including myocarditis. Which as a mortician I only dealt with in 2020 in relation to the Pandemic.

As far as getting myocarditis from a vaccine ? That is 100% possible. All vaccines for these types of viruses can replicate the exact same symptoms as getting the wild virus strain.

It is common knowledge among adults , anyone who has had a Flu shot will tell you sometimes they get symptoms of the Flu after a few days , most people just tough it out, but some people end up in hospital from it. Usually oif they are already 8ill. But it is very rare and death or actual damage is almost unheard of.

Same with the myocarditis you can get from any of the vaccines globally given out for Covid 19 ( all 18 of them to date ) . A majority were older type tech, but still had issues . But as per normal OTC drugs can sort it out quickly as it is not very severe.

It would seem two things are common when I see posts like this.

(a) It would appear some people have had no life experience with vaccines at all. Which I find hard to believe, but must be the case. Only logical explanation.

(b) Some people seemed to be very confused as to what "safe and effective " means.

I can only assume they think in this case it meant "perfect" so it broke the rules of our reality in general.

It does make you wonder if they have the same idea for other drugs that say the same thing, or even a car with a 5 star rating. Do they think it can never crash or you are invincible in it ? I am quire serious, it seems these people have had such a sheltered upbringing they live in a world where nothing can harm you.

It would seem the authorities really underestimated the level of ignorance in some sections of the population when it came to the basics on Pathogens, Pandemics, Vaccines and Human Behavior. Typical academics in their ivory towers.

Note: I do personally know some people who seemed to demand online ( FB ) a perfectly safe and effective vaccine before they would take it. And have since asked them face to face if they really thought that was possible. Not one has said yes and all have agreed it is an impossible request to fulfill. Hard to take them seriously after that.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

" especially since it does not stop a person getting or passing on the virus to those at risk "

You do realize what you would be talking about is a sterilizing vaccine, that to date has not been invented yet ?

None of the researchers who made any of the vaccines available globally claimed they had cracked that yet. So a bit lost on your point there.

Vaccine at present are mainly designed to stop Death and Damage from a virus. Plus hopefully suppress the amount of viral loading we carry in our mouths and nasal passages. Nothing more, nothing less. That is high school education standard science stuff ( well it used to be )

So not sure what your point was here.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: thedeadtruth

How did they know it was safe and effective?

I am pretty sure that the pre roll out trials showed that there were 1 in 800 serious adverse events.
edit on 2-3-2023 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 07:25 AM
You’re welcome to believe your chosen narrative from your chosen authority figures. It’s less welcome for you to share your misunderstanding of “high school education standard science stuff” and wish for us to accept it as holding any truth.

originally posted by: thedeadtruth
a reply to: rickymouse

" especially since it does not stop a person getting or passing on the virus to those at risk "

You do realize what you would be talking about is a sterilizing vaccine, that to date has not been invented yet ?

None of the researchers who made any of the vaccines available globally claimed they had cracked that yet. So a bit lost on your point there.

Vaccine at present are mainly designed to stop Death and Damage from a virus. Plus hopefully suppress the amount of viral loading we carry in our mouths and nasal passages. Nothing more, nothing less. That is high school education standard science stuff ( well it used to be )

So not sure what your point was here.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: thedeadtruth

My university education and scientific degree must have been a waste of time then as clearly i don't understand "high school education science stuff".

“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community, In other words, you become a dead end to the virus. And when there are a lot of dead ends around, the virus is not going to go anywhere. And that’s when you get a point that you have a markedly diminished rate of infection in the community.” Anthony Fauci
edit on 2/3/23 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 07:45 PM

Pfizer Hide Trial Injuries

The US District Court of Texas ordered FDA to release documents of clinical trials of the Covid-19 shots after getting sued by attorneys at Siri & Glimstad. The documents revealed Pfizer classifying adverse events as non-related to the vaccine.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Clearly Pfizer must be dismantled and a number of its employees must never be able again to find any related work given that they are complicit. Not to mention that lengthy jail terms should be handled to those who falsified data, who classified adverse reactions as non-related to the 'vaccines', those who covered up wrongdoings, and those who are involved in 'directed evolution' nonsense.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: thedeadtruth

I see that you are engaging in vaccine apologetics ab denialism of reality. Stop engaging in vaccine apologetics and denialism of reality and stop defending the pharmaceuticals.

The attempts you have made to excuse the harms and deaths caused by these products, are really desperate. Not only they are not convincing but they show how absorbed you are in the dogma and narratives that have been debunked.

This is from Professor Retsef Levi from MIT

So presented with all of this evidence, I think that there is no other ethical or scientific choice but to pull out of the market these medical products and stop all the mRNA vaccination programmes. This is clearly the most failing medical product in the history of medical products, both in terms of efficacy and safety. And we need to investigate and think hard: How did we end up in a situation that it’s also the most profitable medical product in the history of medical products?

Clearly the most failed medical product in history. It's only vaccine apologists who are still arguing in favour of these products and those who live in their own world and bubbles.

Pfizer Hide Trial Injuries

The US District Court of Texas ordered FDA to release documents of clinical trials of the Covid-19 shots after getting sued by attorneys at Siri & Glimstad. The documents revealed Pfizer classifying adverse events as non-related to the vaccine.

Not only the most failing product but Pfizer thinks they can get away by deceiving the public and by classifying adverse reactions as non-related to the vaccines. It's probably climate change and the Republicans in Mississippi and Alabama

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 01:04 AM
Note that this is the same Pfizer that has been fined over $4 billion in total, including the largest healthcare fraud settlement in US history $2.3 Billion. They admitted criminal and civil liability.

This is the same company that redacts entire contracts under FOI requests.

This is the same pharmaceutical company that has a qualified veterinarian as its CEO.

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: thedeadtruth

" Safe and Effective" has always been used in terms of " in comparison to ....? " In this case relative to the wild virus. And indeed it has proven to be safer than no vaccine and getting a viral load of Covid 19. Including myocarditis. Which as a mortician I only dealt with in 2020 in relation to the Pandemic.

No, that is a risk/benefit analysis. That might have been done but I don't remember it. For example the risk of covid mortality varied by more than a thousand fold depending on age. For many other reasons its not possible to proclaim a drug safer than a respiratory viral infection with an overall IFR that is high in some groups but miniscule in others this way. Traditionally this sort of thing would be done in consultation with a GP. Safety is different thing.

The data from a clinical vaccine trials isn't definitive either as trials are limited in scope (numbers and especially time regarding these products).

Historically (since the '90's afaik) establishing safety requires monitoring an AE reporting system such as VAERS with regular Proportional Reporting Ratio analyses to look for signals in comparison to "known" safe vaccines that have been around for a while (eg flu vaccine). Its mentioned here, along with the formula. If a signal is found they can do further analysis or investigate the particular AE.

The FDA use a Bayesian Data Mining method to accomplish the same thing.

Problem being FOI request showed the CDC had done 0 of these "weekly" analyses up until March 2022 and it has been difficult to get the data/ analyses from the FDA last I heard.

It can (usually) take some time to establish that a vaccine is genuinely safe. You can give as many doses as you like but you can't really shorten time.

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: thedeadtruth
You do realize what you would be talking about is a sterilizing vaccine, that to date has not been invented yet ?

A sterilising vaccine would be one where derived immunity works to prevent infection as well as illness. The human Papilloma virus vaccine is often regarded as such a vaccine.

Immunity from covid infection might be a type of sterilising immunity also, if it works in the mucosa and upper airways (the point of infection). Though it also wanes and immune responses aren't the same in everyone, no type of immunity is perfect.

Then again not everyone agrees on definition, or even when infection occurs. I've also heard the term used less formally to refer to vaccines that are highly effective both at stopping disease and also seem highly effective re transmission. Which would be the opposite of the covid vaccines (the term "leaky" is generally used there).

None of the researchers who made any of the vaccines available globally claimed they had cracked that yet. So a bit lost on your point there.

The Pfizer researchers found that your risk of getting at least 1 mild covid symptom decreased by 0.84% after two doses of their product, if you wait one week from dose 2. IOW the NNT was 119 people (238 doses) to get one less covid symptom (as defined by the WHO from memory, cough, sore throat, headache, sneezing and so on).

That's if you accept them cutting the trial short as soon as they got this number (a full length trial would likely have shown something different). It wasn't large enough or long enough to give much info on mortality or severe disease. Though it is worthy at least to note their was higher mortality in the treatment group.

At least one CEO and a couple of the top PH officials in the US sold them rather unscrupulously. Bourla was claiming 100% (lol) efficiency based on a study in South Africa. Fauci claimed you would be "a dead end to the virus and when there are a lot of dead ends the virus can't go anywhere"... "you wouldn't pass it on" which got repeated all around the paid for media. Of course these claims aged like a bottle of milk in the sun. The less said about Walensky the better.

Efficiency seemed modest and to plummet quickly, quite a few data analysts have noted all sorts of problems with the observational data and claims.

edit on 4-3-2023 by Quintilian because: (no reason given)

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