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Another Derailment, This Time in Michigan

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posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:08 PM
Yet another train has been derailed. (Please take note of my use of voice.)

This one is in Detroit, Michigan. Those 'in the know' say only one car in the train was carrying hazardous materials, and is reportedly showing no sign of leaking or damage

Also on Twitter.

At what point does one start to doubt coincidences?
edit on 2023 2 16 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:12 PM
WTF?! This is at least the third (?) derailment with hazardous cargo in under a week.
This happened in Van Buren Township, a bit southwest of Detroit.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:14 PM
Too many coincidences these days.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Too many coincidences these days.

"Insubstantial, " some say. SMH...

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:17 PM
Haven't these derailments happened all along, for many years?
Granted, East Palestine is a lot worse that most.

I wonder if this is more about the green push to demonize plastics.......

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Too many coincidences these days.

"Insubstantial, " some say. SMH...

Yes, it's only one car, so no matter what it's carrying, it's insubstantial, even if it was carrying nerve gas, or plutonium.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:18 PM
Just texted my BIL and asked if he heard about it. He runs trains across the middle of the state. He hadn't heard yet, but said he wouldn't be surprised.

Gonna have to call him tonight and ask about that statement!

Starting to get a little crazy on the railways, yet thankfully, only cargo trains.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Yeah, I'm quite familiar with the area - I'm a railfan - and the section of track. The images I've seen of the incident show grain and steel cars off the rails. I didn't see any tank cars. In this area, many trains around here haul ethanol for gasoline mixing. The direction the train was going would lead me to believe that if they had ethanol cars they were probably heading to the Marathon refinery but I could be wrong.

You might dry, fox2 detroit, wdiv or wxyz for information.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: billxam

Well, here you go.

WDIV Detroit

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

Yes. Since 2019 they have averaged over 80 derailments a month. Everything from simply having to put a car back on the rails, to massive pile ups. Very few like Ohio thank god, but there have been several hundred hazmat leaks a year as well, both involving accidents, and from cars leaking going down the rails or in the yard.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe
Haven't these derailments happened all along, for many years?
Granted, East Palestine is a lot worse that most.

I wonder if this is more about the green push to demonize plastics.......

Yeah, apparently there are about 3 train derailments per day in the US.

Due to the terrible one in Ohio now everyone is freaking out.

Would be nice if that Trillion $ infrastructure Bill kicked in.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:24 PM

We are also in touch with the relevant federal authorities, including the EPA. At this time no one is aware of the release of any hazardous materials, the car carrying hazardous material has been put upright and is being removed from the area of the other derailed cars, and EPA is dispatching a team to ensure public safety.
a reply to: billxam

That should make everyone feel safe!
EPA is on it!!!!
edit on 16-2-2023 by chiefsmom because: addition

edit on 16-2-2023 by chiefsmom because: spelling

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:27 PM
So why is it such a big deal now! They relying to down play balloons and our cognatively impaired president?
edit on 2 16 2023 by cre8chaos because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: incoserv

I am about 50 miles away from there.
Hopefully I am upwind from it.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 12:53 PM
When I was a kid, we would put pennies on the tracks to flatten them out. We were told never to put larger things on the tracks since they could derail the train. If someone wanted to sabotage a train it would not be hard, just clamp something to the track to make the train jump track. It could be that there are people out there sabotaging the trains, it would be hard to see some things on the track if the shape and color blended it to the rail.

There are people out there that would do stuff like this, they like causing destruction and chaos. So it is possible that both of these things could have been caused by someone...domestic or some foreign terrorists might do something like this. I think it is terrible that anyone would do this sort of thing but some people like terrorizing others.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: incoserv

C’mon incoserv say what you mean….

HEY stupid people, if it looks, sounds and smells like terrorism, it probably is.

Anyone want to take a stab at how the military moves a lot of things…

_ _ _ _ _ _
& rhymes with plaines

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan
WTF?! This is at least the third (?) derailment with hazardous cargo in under a week.
This happened in Van Buren Township, a bit southwest of Detroit.

I believe its 5 incidents this week in regards to hazardous materials
Ohio,Texas,Tn,Orlando, and this one.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 01:06 PM
Thanks for the heads-up.

Is anyone surprised?

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

There are people out there that would do stuff like this, they like causing destruction and chaos. So it is possible that both of these things could have been caused by someone...domestic or some foreign terrorists might do something like this. I think it is terrible that anyone would do this sort of thing but some people like terrorizing others.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Dutchsince earthquake guy, has shown a correlation between derailment and earthquake activity.

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