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Serpico (1973)

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posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 08:55 PM
My Dad likes to show me some cool movies from time to time.

There is an older movie Al Pacino played in called Serpico. It's from way back, 1973. It is movie based on the true life experiences of a rookie police officer aspiring to become a detective. My Dad described it about being a movie about corruption, I saw it differently. The movie really made me think.

The movie is really well done, and received many accolades. I really enjoyed the artwork and how the movie captured the human element of his story. Consider watching it sometime, if you enjoy older movies that are heavier on drama.

edit on 13-1-2023 by dffrntkndfnml because: grammar

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: dffrntkndfnml

Some of Pacino's early films were great.
Have you seen 'Dog Day Afternoon'?

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 09:07 PM
Just watched it recent;y it's very well done but I'm a huge fan of Pacino, especially his early stuff.

also, consider

Dog Day Afternoon

also 70's realistic cop movies

The French Connection 1 and 2

The Seven-Ups

the original
The Taking of Pelham 123

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

I have not seen that one. I do remember hearing good things about it however. I have not been watching much media for a long time. That makes me wonder if my Dad has it. He really enjoys movies and has an extensive collection of DVD's. Most of Al Pacino's movies I've watched tend to be his newer ones.

I enjoy older movies, and being Gen X there are many I have not seen. Some of our younger members may not be aware of them either. The style of movies tend to vary with the times, imo.

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Thank you for the suggestions.

My Dad has been getting over pneumonia and RSV more recently. He's been at home and loves it when we watch movie's together. I want to make more time for that, when he's feeling better he usually comes over for Sunday dinner.

I found Serpico thought provoking, and will probably comment in a couple of weeks more in depth about my particular perceptions. I don't want to spoil for those who have not had a chance to check it out.

Thank you for the movie suggestions, I will make a list and see if my Dad has any. I have encouraged him to get online and take advantage of the "smart" features of his fancy tv, but he loves his DVD's. LOL

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 09:40 PM
Dont forget two other Pacino classics. HEAT and Carlitos Way.

They dont make em like that anymore.

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 09:43 PM
Serpico really is an excellent movie. I just watched it a few weeks ago with the wife. She had never seen it. It is my favorite Pacino movie of them all. No, they dont make them like that anymore.

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 09:45 PM
Chinatown, with Jack Nicholson is a great film from the 70s

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: SuicideKing33

I haven't seen either of those, thank you for your suggestions.

I like all the feedback, I prefer getting feedback from our community as to what we can watch together, that he may have in his collection.

I generally enjoy most of the movies he shows me.I like to have options to suggest in case I get the feeling I may not enjoy one of his suggestions. He really likes it when I focus intently on the movies we watch, however my mind is so active, that it is challenging sometimes being patient trying to see what it is he appreciates in a film.

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: SuicideKing33
Dont forget two other Pacino classics. HEAT and Carlitos Way.

They dont make em like that anymore.

Agreed. Two of the best directors in the biz. Michael Mann and Brian De Palma.
I remember reading a film study that said Michael Mann used the city of Los Angeles as a living character in the film Heat. He worked his magic again with the movie 'Collateral', starring Tom Cruise as the hitman Vincent.

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: mntnhooger

Serpico made a big impression on me. There were many little parts of the movie, that I noticed had been put together with great attention. My Dad saw it more as a movie strictly about corruption, but there is so much more to unpack. I asked him about many things I noticed, and he was kind oblivious, but that's ok.

Without giving too much away, I was keen on hearing what Frank's wife was telling him earlier on in the movie to try and encourage him to weigh his options. It was when she was laying in bed.

My Dad suddenly started reading to me the movie description of the DVD box in the middle of what she was saying! I had to get him to rewind it twice because the first time, he started talking about some other info once again!LOL, I love my Dad, my daughters got a kick out of me describing my frustrations with him about that part.

More generally speaking, I found this movie to be good social commentary.

edit on 13-1-2023 by dffrntkndfnml because: spacing and spellingx2

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: dffrntkndfnml
a reply to: putnam6

Thank you for the suggestions.

My Dad has been getting over pneumonia and RSV more recently. He's been at home and loves it when we watch movie's together. I want to make more time for that, when he's feeling better he usually comes over for Sunday dinner.

I found Serpico thought provoking, and will probably comment in a couple of weeks more in depth about my particular perceptions. I don't want to spoil for those who have not had a chance to check it out.

Thank you for the movie suggestions, I will make a list and see if my Dad has any. I have encouraged him to get online and take advantage of the "smart" features of his fancy tv, but he loves his DVD's. LOL

My Dad took us to all the early Bond movies with Sean Connery and he also enjoyed a good Bruce Lee movie like Enter the Dragon. Even when he went and saw a movie with Mom, my father would use to go to movies and then come home and tell us kids about, I mean almost acting it out.

Your Dad sounds cool and definitely spend time with them as much as you can. You do know A lot of 70s movies are on youtube even some for free but others even renting them isn't much. The Pelham movie is on there, but I know you have heard of the Godfather if not you have to watch the Godfather if you haven't seen it and the sequel The Godfather Part 2 is even better. Must see Taxi Driver, Chinatown just go here and ask him what he likes

Hope your Dad feels better

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: putnam6
Thank you.

My Dad is doing relatively well, and was discharged after about 10 days from the hospital. He had figured he was going to be in there for a few weeks at first, so we were happy he got out of there sooner. I cannot go in the hospital, so am happy to be able to visit with him at his place. Unfortunately, many families are going through an incredibly difficult time with their loved ones' health, I am just trying to enjoy the time I have with him. He's older, so it's good to be able to hear his stories and make some more memories while we can.

It's really hard seeing some of what is going, hopefully people practice being considerate of the health care professionals and staff at their hospitals.

They changed the rules after the first day I went to emergency with him, I felt really bad for the staff, who were slammed and doing their best to help everyone given the situation. They need reassurance, and are experiencing major stress those left in the middle of what's been going on. I am impressed by how well they are holding up. I feel grateful for the way they treated my Dad and our neighbours from what I saw.

I appreciate the heads up about YouTube. I have a DVD player in my computer and it will be good to suggest some movies that are available online to him when he is able to visit at my place again. We often watch travel shows or political kind of commentary when he comes over. The movie suggestions will switch things up, often the more familiar suggestions I have are newer media off of Netflix or Prime. He likes the older style shows, so it's good to be reminded about YouTube. Good movies are pleasant escape for a time from the heavier issues we all wrestle with.

Taxi Driver and Enter The Dragon are classic. I loved those and hopefully others watch them to if they haven't. Parts of Enter The Dragon inspired some of the background scenery and vibe of the Mortal Kombat video game series. The Godfather(s) I haven't seen either, another one for me to watch down the road.

edit on 13-1-2023 by dffrntkndfnml because: Added part about Taxi Driver and Enter The Dragon, spelling, clarityx2, Mention of Godfather

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: dffrntkndfnml
a reply to: putnam6
Thank you.

My Dad is doing relatively well, and was discharged after about 10 days from the hospital. He had figured he was going to be in there for a few weeks at first, so we were happy he got out of there sooner. I cannot go in the hospital, so am happy to be able to visit with him at his place. Unfortunately, many families are going through an incredibly difficult time with their loved ones' health, I am just trying to enjoy the time I have with him. He's older, so it's good to be able to hear his stories and make some more memories while we can.

It's really hard seeing some of what is going, hopefully people practice being considerate of the health care professionals and staff at their hospitals.

They changed the rules after the first day I went to emergency with him, I felt really bad for the staff, who were slammed and doing their best to help everyone given the situation. They need reassurance, and are experiencing major stress those left in the middle of what's been going on. I am impressed by how well they are holding up. I feel grateful for the way they treated my Dad and our neighbours from what I saw.

I appreciate the heads up about YouTube. I have a DVD player in my computer and it will be good to suggest some movies that are available online to him when he is able to visit at my place again. We often watch travel shows or political kind of commentary when he comes over. The movie suggestions will switch things up, often the more familiar suggestions I have are newer media off of Netflix or Prime. He likes the older style shows, so it's good to be reminded about YouTube. Good movies are pleasant escape for a time from the heavier issues we all wrestle with.

Taxi Driver and Enter The Dragon are classic. I loved those and hopefully others watch them to if they haven't. Parts of Enter The Dragon inspired some of the background scenery and vibe of the Mortal Kombat video game series. The Godfather(s) I haven't seen either, another one for me to watch down the road.

All those are great films. Godfathers are a must watch.
"Quintet" (Paul Newman) 1979 is really interesting movie. Post apocalyptic type movie where they're playing some last man standing game for elites. Really good if you can find it.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: AOx6179

I have not heard of Quintet before. Thank you for the suggestion, I have a good list of movies to suggest for my Dad and I to watch, I am looking forward to hopefully watching at least one each week at his place or mine.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: dffrntkndfnml

Watching movies was something that my dad and I did a lot together, my whole life up till he passed. But that was a thing him and I shared throughout my life growing up and getting old. You're thread hit home since it was such a cool thing dad I and shared. Lots of great movies, and hundreds came to mind, but figured ATS would like the suggestion as well. This has me thinking, and brought back a lot of memories, and really good ones, so thanks for an awesome OP and thread.

I was actually wondering what dvds your dad did have and we could tell you what we liked. I keep a collection of dvds myself. And some vhs. Lol I still have an old dvd/vhs combo that works.

Enjoy that time. Sounds like an great idea, and from experience can lead to some great memories and movies along the way.
edit on 14-1-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

One more again, don't be afraid of some black and whites. Really good movies back then, with great story lines. I watch a bunch of those still.
edit on 14-1-2023 by AOx6179 because: Had ta

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: dffrntkndfnml

I haven't watched this for a long while, I will now though.

As a kid I tjought the scene in the dockside cafe where a Serpico translates a a sailors order for cherry pie from French to English for the waitress was just so cool!

Actually I still do 😊

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 02:46 AM

originally posted by: AOx6179
Watching movies was something that my dad and I did a lot together, my whole life up till he passed. But that was a thing him and I shared throughout my life growing up and getting old. You're thread hit home since it was such a cool thing dad I and shared. Lots of great movies, and hundreds came to mind, but figured ATS would like the suggestion as well. This has me thinking, and brought back a lot of memories, and really good ones, so thanks for an awesome OP and thread.

I feel like I am going to roll with it. My Dad loves to talk about politics, and I am interested too. It's a bit of a downer sometimes though because he looks back to how it was in the 60's and 70's as the good times. I wish he spoke with the younger generation or socialized on the internet. I know there are major challenges, but the young people I know give me hope for the future.

I like the movie idea too, because I can see if my older daughter wants to join us. She is really smart, and my Dad and her have had a lively debate or two over social issues. Enjoying an interesting movie together would be a good way to spend some quality time without getting fired up before dinner, lol.

I was actually wondering what dvds your dad did have and we could tell you what we liked. I keep a collection of dvds myself. And some vhs. Lol I still have an old dvd/vhs combo that works.

Enjoy that time. Sounds like an great idea, and from experience can lead to some great memories and movies along the way.

He has many Dvd's, I can not even guess. He keeps them in the basement, reminds me actually of all the Old National Geographic magazines he used to collect. He got rid of those, and now the shelves are lined with DVD's. He has vhs too.

The other couple of movies he showed me most recently were the finale of the Borne Identity, and 44 Minutes. Sometimes I wonder if he is screwing with me a little. I asked him after he read the box to me, "What year is this from?" He's like "What does that have to do with anything?"LOL I liked that movie but was disappointed in the ending. I was hoping he would have got the girl. I asked my Dad about that, he's like, she was going to kill him!LOL

Then he tried showing me the original Borne movie, but I guess I enjoy romance more. We only made it to the part where Mr. Borne was like hiding out with the lady at her ex place. I have no recollection of why we stopped watching it, I think I had to go somewhere or something.

He wanted to show me the movie 44 Minutes. I asked him what that was about. He told me corruption? I still do not understand why he told me that. He described the movie as being from 1996 as well. So the movie was about two guys who went about robbing a bank in Los Angeles with like 10000 rounds of ammo, ak's and other guns.

They outgunned the poor police force, and it was crazy. I remember hearing about this back when it happened in 1997. I enjoyed the movie, but it was what I consider an action movie. I get the impression my Dad likes movies about people named Frank.

He insisted that I watch the extras but it was mostly insights into the special effects, however I enjoyed hearing what the actors who played the villains had to say. The only corruption that came to mind was the way one of the actors described the bank robber he played. I guess it was a background thing?

My Dad didn't really say much about that movie, other then it was a miracle more people didn't get killed. He told me that they were really lucky, but I told him people just prayed really hard. He just looked at me.

He has a DVD/VHS combo and a Samsung Blu ray player hooked up to his 4k lcd tv, lol. I am laughing because he got like a top of the line hdmi cable to hook up his equipment and I don't even know if he needs one like that. The cable cost more then that Blu ray player I got him for Christmas that year.

He asks me about vhs picture quality when he watches them on his tv too, it is so cute! 1080p is fine for me, I don't see all that clearly on the best of days, because I wear my contact lens probably longer then I should. He is rather quirky, but I take after him so it makes me feel for my girls, lol.

One more again, don't be afraid of some black and whites. Really good movies back then, with great story lines. I watch a bunch of those still.

I like black and white movies too. My Dad has shown me the older show "The Fugitive", and likes to watch old shows on a local broadcaster called MeTV. We last watched an episode of "The Rifleman" together. There's more shows or movies I cannot remember at the moment. He told me he wanted to me to watch some Columbo? with him that's if he doesn't want to show me more of the Borne movies.

edit on 14-1-2023 by dffrntkndfnml because: grammar, clarityx3, spacing

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: Doxanoxa

I'll probably watch again as well. I remember this scene vaguely, I could probably go through the whole movie and notice more again. It's really good, thanks for the reminder.

posted on Jan, 14 2023 @ 12:41 PM
A few great 60s movies

The Hustler
The Manchurian Candidate
The Wild Bunch
The Dirty Dozen
Rosemary’s Baby
Lawrence of Arabia
Once Upon a Time in the West


One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Apocalypse Now
Taxi Driver
The Conversation
The Deer Hunter
Marathon Man

Full Metal Jacket
Blue Velvet
Blade Runner
The Shining
Raging Bull
Raising Arizona

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