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Let’s Build A Pyramid

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posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 05:32 PM
Hi ATS!!

As we all know, the last remaining Wonder of the World are the Giza pyramids.

The limestone casings have been stolen for more, ahem, important buildings so we only have the mounds laid out on the Giza plateau.

Now there are theories on how they were built but those answers leave questions too.

So instead of arguing about whether or not there was a river that barges floated stone blocks to, how many “Jewish slaves” could fit on the head of a pin (LOL! Being facetious but the minutiae of these arguments is my gist). And we are in a constant circular argument about how the Egyptians did this with manual labor and how [insert favorite CT here] actually built the pyramids. And don’t even get me started on Coral Castle!!

So lets get some of the Freemasons here on this site to cut some rough Ashlars (we don’t have to pay them because they are “free”!!), and get members Byrd and harte to organize the whole thing so everyone else who thinks it can be done by manual human labor alone can have this argument settled once and for all!!

I know, being an donkey’s behind, but lets see if we can actually do this!!

We will need some research to find a place that can support a multi ton monument, doesn’t already have a building there, is accessible (no Antarctica please), aligned with a major star, and has a quarry we (the Free masons), can mine for sublime rocks to construct a monument the whole world hasn’t seen in a few thousand years!!

Hey ATS! Let’s build a Star aligned pyramid!!

edit on 1-1-2023 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Spelling

edit on 1-1-2023 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Syntax

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 09:55 PM
(Looks in)


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 11:02 PM
After we build it what would we do with it?

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: Prisoner60863

Put a battery in it and talk to the universe!!

Actually, we could also check the whole power plant theory too.

But the adventure is its own reward!

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 11:51 PM

You get the money for it and buy the land for it (I want a place with a nice softer limestone and a harder capstone (West Texas has some) and I'll be happy to play Hemiunu's role for the project.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: Prisoner60863
After we build it what would we do with it?

Tourists trap.

I bet we can sell them a boatload of tchotchkes. That'll fund part of it. We'll build during the winter months because nobody in their right mind does construction in West Texas in the summer.

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 02:31 AM

If I can find my mystic super secret trumpet that I purchased because the guru said certain notes could lift big stones !!
I tried it on some pebbles but alas I must be playing the wrong notes as nothing seemed to levitate... ( fictional account of my endeavors)

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 03:46 AM
That's a lot of effort, just to have that "told you so" moment.

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 03:50 AM

One of the largest pyramids in the world is now a Bass Pro Shop in Memphis Tennessee.

Fun fact.

edit on 1/2/23 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 04:02 AM

Not saying this is 100% how they did it

But I saw a video of a guy moving massive sandstones by using water and sand.. it allowed the stones to glide right over the sand with about the same amount of people movies depict of people pulling the stones

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 04:38 AM
Spam removed by staff.
edit on 1/2/2023 by seagull because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 06:41 AM

1) There would be very few Freemasons (if any) who are stone masons. It is only a title

2) The limestone covering was not stolen, the reason the coating is missing lays within the real reason why the pyramids are said to actually be "8 sided" when they are viewed from above, in certain alignments of sunlight

The reason is not because of "incredibly precise engineering" as people propose. It is because the inside of the pyramid is hollow chambers

Not the "inside" tunnels that are commonly known, these are just support chambers and service tunnels. The REAL INSIDE of the pyramid, which is on the other side of the walls to those tunnels

The weight of the walls of the pyramids, over time, has sagged (albeit nearly imperceptibly) inwards, due to the fact that the insides are hollow

Over time, with the middle of each face of the pyramid sinking in slightly like this, the rendering has cracked. Until eventually it fell away from the pyramid completely

This is why only the rendering at the tip and the bottom remains. Because they are the only parts of the faces, which have not sagged in enough to crack their coating

3) The stones used on the pyramid were not quarried from anywhere. The pyramid is as deep, as it is tall. The stone was cut directly out of the ground underneath the pyramid. As stone was cut out from the ground, it was moved around constructing the pyramid layer-by-layer upwards, as they cut down layer-by-layer downwards into the ground

There is a ramp curving up around the inside of the pyramid, all the way from the bottom peak, to the top peak

The so-called "unfinished chamber" at the bottom of the pyramid, likely gives full access to the spiral passage within the pyramid, before it was filled in, to prevent people from accessing the real inside chambers of the pyramid

There is nothing about the pyramid which is "unfinished", and to suggest so is ridiculous

The fact the top of the pyramid was finished, means they would have needed to cut down past the so-called "unfinished" part

You can tell by the roughness of the floor within the "unfinished" chamber, that it has been filled in

Within the floor, you see the perfectly cut hard edges of some type of large access or stairway leading downwards, which is filled with rough, uneven ground, where the hole was filled with rubble and dust, which they likely then hardened by compacting it with water

3) There is a forgotten method for moving large stones using centrifugal displacement, which is actually very easy

If you put a heap of people on one side of large stone and have them try push it, it is nearly impossible. Not only do they need to overcome the weight, they also then need push against the stopping weight of that stone, as it pushes against the ground they are trying to budge it over. A group of people pushing forwards against a stone, inadvertently push upwards, as they try push forwards. This causes the leading edge of the stone to want to pitch downwards into the ground they are trying to push it across

Instead, you position the people equally around as many faces of the stone as possible. Then instead of having them all try push the stone in one particular direction, you have them all push directly inwards towards the centre of the stone. This distributes force into the stones centre, where it focuses as centrifugal displacement, creating a coefficient of its weight against gravity

You are not overcoming the weight of the stone, you are redistributing the force of that weight to a natural centre, where it is comparatively light, when it compares in opposition to the weight of the planets core

When you do this, the stone will naturally want to twist. Not move. It will want to rotate

And when it rotates, it will start to resonate under the movement

Have you ever tried moving something really heavy, like a rock in your garden?

If you try pushing it, it is impossible to move

But if you twist it from side to side, it becomes possible to move

This works on the same principle. Except it requires a significant amount of force being pushed inwards on all sides

Something like a four small Rugby teams packing a scum around the four sides of the stone. Each pushing inwards towards each other, to get the stone to twist under its own weight

Once the stone starts vibrating and moving, it becomes fairly easy to move. As long as you keep moving it at the right consistent speed, to match the vibrating resonance of the stone

Think about trying to move something heavy like furniture in your house

Something seems impossible to move, until you put in enough force to get it moving

Once it starts vibrating against the floor, you can use that resonance to keep it moving fairly easily

But if you stop, change the speed that you are moving it, or lose that resonance, it digs in and becomes impossibly heavy again. So you need to give it a good shove to get it started

There is no reason that the stones could not have easily been pushed up the graded ramps within the pyramid

You get the stone to the top of the ramp, turn it outwards towards the edge of the pyramid, and slide it along the edge you have already placed for the level below

Most importantly, while you are doing this, you build a tower upwards in the centre, that allows you to line up the sides of the pyramid as you move upwards level-by-level

This tower in the middle, also allows you to create cross-support for the chamber walls, as well as roofs for the chamber, as you build them from the "support chambers" outwards to the walls of the pyramid being build upwards

Once you get to a point where the outside of the pyramid, the spiral tunnels, and tower all meet, you form a point with the strongest stone you can find on the tower, to support the weight of the stones going above

To form the "V" roof, you simple stand them up against the outside of a core centre made of smaller weaker stone like limestone. Which you slowly chip away from the inside of the harder stone, so the two sides can slowly be laid inwards against each other

This allows you to very slowly and carefully tip them over, safely, whilst making precise adjustments to ensure they line up

Once they are touching, you break down the rest of the stone support you built between them and empty the chamber

The cap stones would have been lifted in with angled rocks in much the same way, built around on three sides, leaving a hole in one wall, to be filled from the inside, as the last stones laid

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 06:58 AM
Call up Elon. Let’s build one 10 times larger than the largest. You could plate it in solar panels so it could pay for itself one day.

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 06:58 AM
A few other important things to consider on this topic

Though many times it looks as though impossibly large and heavy stone was transported and used to create monoliths and monuments, this is not always the case

Many times, monoliths, pillars and walls are created using much smaller and more manageable stones

Which are then covered in layers of stone rendering, similar to modern concrete

You can see evidence of this at the Valley Temple of Khafre, where layers of granite rendering have come away from the stones over time, exposing the raw stone underneath

Raw stone that was likely stacked like modern brings, held together with mortar of the same stone mixture used for the rendering

In other circumstances, such as with the Easter Island Moai, the stones were completely formed (or even poured in some cases) using ancient recipes similar to concrete

As far as I can tell from my studies, the key to incredibly hard concrete, is a mixture of volcanic ashes, sulphur, the stone you are trying to form …

And the magic ingredient; seawater

Seawater creates a rock that takes much longer to cure, but hardens far harder than any of the modern concretes

Similar to the concrete found in many ancient harbours

The Moai were formed using fresh ground volcanic stone, from the crater on the island, mixed with seawater

They were essentially “sculpted” (I can also tell you exactly what the large line-up of Moai is and what they mean)

My point is, that with most massive tomes and monoliths, they were actually created with bricks, or broken up layers of stone, joined with mortar that is near indistinguishable from the stone

You can hire people today, to come and pour solid limestone, like concrete. That will harden exactly like the cut stone over time

You will also find that most of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs were “carved” into rendered coatings on the stone walls, while the render was still soft

There are many, many examples to be found today, where the rendering that hieroglyphs are carved into, has peeled away, or started to peel away from the wall

Stone does flake away in big chunks like this naturally, regardless of what is carved into it

When it is carved into solid stone, you find that the hieroglyphs wear away with the stone over time

When it is peeling or flaking away? This is a rendered coating on the stone, made of the same stone that is underneath. It is not the actual stone itself

And although it may have been cut out of the ground as one solid outline of stone? It most likely would have been broken down into smaller horizontal slivers or layers, to be moved and reconstructed on the other end

Lastly …

There should be a second Sphinx

Which should be located in the sands somewhere to the south of the Great Sphinx

The reason being, Sphinx always come in pairs. The are never alone

Historically, you should never, ever find an account of Sphinx by themselves. There is always at least two of them

In fact, even the stone table sitting at the chest of the Great Sphinx, depicts two Sphinx. Not one

It should be easy enough to find with todays ground penetrating sonar and satellite technology

The problem is, convincing them that it is there in the first place, so they go through the effort of locating it and digging it out of the sand

From my research over the years, I've come to realise that all the “experts” on things like the Ancient Egyptians and Sumerians, actually know very little

They have the language wrong. They have the mythology wrong

They have mostly everything wrong

They think the Ankh means “life” when it means “Intelligence”
They think the ☉ symbol means “Ra” or “Sun”, when it actually means mind

The reason they get this wrong, is because they do not understand that the “Ancient Egyptian” saw no difference between the sun in the sky, and their own mind

They understood them to be the same thing

We today, do not possess such understanding. Meaning we misinterpret mythological personification of self, as being solar deities, and translate the Egyptian texts (in particular) as if they are referring to a God named “Ra”. When they actually tell us about how our “Mind” works

They think that “Tutankamen” means “living image of aten” or “amun”, when the name actually translates to “Understands the writings/teachings”

They are talking about a translator or teacher. Someone like myself

My point is, that they either know nothing about these topics. Or they pretend to know nothing, so that we do not know

It only took a day of study to realise that the ancient texts and mythology, like the Egyptian stories and the Bible, were incorrectly translated

It only took me a few years to fix and correlate translations between Egyptian, Sumerian, Norse, Ancient Greek, and most other mythologies, with re-translated verses of the Bible, and correlate them to principles of creation like biology, geometry and physics. Including the nature of our consciousness

It correlates with time, space, cosmology, astronomy and astrology, symbols we use for our numbers and alphabets, the Bible, all mythology, physics

In fact, it is harder for me to find something which it does not correlate with

Correlated to a degree that even if it is not undeniably right, it is undeniably more correct than the current translations and theology

So I do not understand how it is possible that people could have studied these things for their entire life, and not work out at least some of the things I have worked out. Or not have correlated at least some of the things which I have correlated. Across all topics

Unless …

There is something actively working within this world to make it intentionally so

My advice to you when you are considering these types of things?

Everything they tell you is wrong

Not just a little wrong. Completely and horribly wrong. To the point where seems like it could only have been done so completely wrong intentionally

Consider things yourself, as to how the stories could relate simply, to the basis of our very creation and existence. Then when you think you have worked something out, correlate it against the accepted and incorrect explanations, to refine your understanding. Until you have something which makes sense and fits with both

They will still deny the things you have uncovered. Because they believe it will keep them empowered in this world

But it wont matter. It actually takes away all power and influence they have in this world, for people to know more than they do

Regardless of if they ignore it, and pretend that nobody knows

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: Prisoner60863
After we build it what would we do with it?

Well, if it goes according to plans, should be a primitive weather mod.

Keep the area cloudy and moisture.

Yes, I believe the Giza Pyramid to be an ancient Weather Engineering.

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 08:30 AM

edit on 1/2/2023 by TheRedneck because: Removed for Spam

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Compendium

From what I was told the Ankh symbol is just that. A symbol or pictogram of a sunrise on the Med. A warm muggy daybreak.

The left and right arms are the horizon. The bottom is the path to enlightenment or the light trail to the sun. And the upper is a sunrise. Or the sun god Ra.

edit on 2-1-2023 by ntech because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: ntech

It is the same as the Sumerian word "Anunnaki"

Ankh/Anunnaki = Intelligence

The symbol is a body, the same as what is depicted on the Christian cross

The circle on top of the Ankh is shaped with a pointed bottom/chin, representing a persons head

Different to the perfectly round symbol with a dot in the middle, they use for the sun

Again, the confusion lays within the fact that the Egyptians saw no difference between the sun in the sky, and their own mind. Where as we try to translate it with a difference

When they looked up at the sun, they understood that they were very literally looking at a reflected external projection, of their own internal mind

Hence why the symbol was used for both Ra (meaning "mind") and the sun

Because they understood them to be the same thing

So when we speak of the Ankh as the body which houses intelligence, it is easy to correlate the head which carries it, to being similar to the symbol for mind/sun

But they are different

If the symbol meant life, there would be no reason to depict people carrying them. As it would be an unnecessary distinction to make in a picture of a person standing upright

People are depicted with the Ankh, because they possessed or carried noteworthy intelligence within a particular area

On the Christian version, they replaced the circle, with a crown of thorns

And Intelligence, was correlated to a "Christ" reflection

"Christ" meaning "Conscience"

Sumerian depictions of the Anunnaki literally show people holding an Ankh, whilst offering some type of depicted intelligence or knowledge to the other people depicted

Similar to this one with the sun/mind being offered on an alter to others, by one who is shown to be in the sky, holding it in his hands, casting it down to them (like depictions of "Ra"), at the same time as he is housed within his own body, explaining it to them

It depicts someone explaining the exact same concept I just explained to you, where the Egyptians and Sumerians understood the sun and their mind as being one in the same

In other depictions, they carry sheafs of wheat, as one who knows about agriculture and farming

In others they have water coming out of them, as one know about such things

The personification is no different in any other version of mythology or religion

They all personify characteristics common in all people. Not real life people who lived and died

Even Christianity
edit on 2 1 23 by Compendium because: Corrected a word and clarified something

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: Compendium

I was having fun with the Masons here!! I know the difference between operational and speculative Masonry.

And I was also kind of joking and kind of serious about how to construct a megalithic structure. There seems to be a need to have a central location where the ideas can shared and pondered over. Like “water and sand” idea! Brilliant.

A great example of unknown known items are all the stone spheres that are found around monuments around the world. Just lke Home Alone, you throw your “marbles” on the floor and watch Joe Pesci’s feet go flying up in air; instead of logs, the stone spheres serve the same purpose as guerrilla warfare tactics but in a purpose driven manner: move stones around.

Mainstream academia says, “spheres. Neat! No one knows what they were used for…”

So you can add that to the list of things that are wrong about ancient construction methods.

Which is why I am not just kidding about this idea.

There are a lot of smart people here on ATS, and trying to figure out how to accomplish a task without a magic trumpet or “anti gravity” may be a tough ask but I think we all can spare some brain power on thinking this problem through a bit!

Thanks for the reply and the food for thought!!

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 07:29 PM
Great concept and ideas dude! Theorizing how to go about building a pyramid is a good thinking exercise, and I love the idea of getting a team think-tank together to come up with ways it could be done. Here's one video you might enjoy, I looked it up when I saw this thread and I thought it was pretty well thought out for the most part but I don't know a pyramid from a potato to be fair. lol

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