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Corbett Report the Global Digital ID Prison

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posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
This should be getting more exposure.

Yes indeed it absolutely should mate - despite certain individuals attempting to convince everyone it:s 'nothing to worry about'.

CBDC Enslavement

SCS Enslavement 1 / 2

• VHS Vid : WEF Controlled Demolition Of First World Economies

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 02:22 PM
You'd be surprised the amount of seemingly intelligent people who would trade conveniences for freedoms.

Congratulations you saved 15 minutes going through customs. But what you just gave them was the ability to de-person you with the flip of a switch for any indiscretion.

These people are 🤡's.

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 09:24 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 3 2023 @ 04:00 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: Maxmars
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Before I post anything else, I wanted to say that I started watching the Corbett report and stopped... because I was feeling terribly uncomfortable about 'where it was going' ... you see like many of us, I am not exactly unfamiliar with these developments and the fascination of those with power to be able to 'categorize' 'their' 'subjects' for 'proper' 'management.'

This stuff, and how it can be abused, really has me worried... more later. Once I've finished the video and calmed down.

From a centrist stance, I'm wary of consuming too much media from independent channels whose shtick is making every fresh mountain spring look like a sewer pipe. Sometimes Corbett feels like MSNBC guest speaker even if his cadence resembles Ben Shapiro.

It has nothing to do with your political stance, Corbett is an independent investigative journalist who is the real deal, he’s not in it for the clicks or hype. To suggest that he feels like an MSNBC guest speaker only belies your ignorance of the quality and impeccably researched content, backed up supporting evidence that he has put out.
edit on 3-1-2023 by surfer_soul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2023 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: surfer_soul

Indeed. I must agree Corbett is an excellent journalist and the best at actually providing sources. He rarely editorializes and sticks to telling us whatever he can find actual sources for. He's a pro, works alone mostly and uses video platforms to spread his research. Using media is only thing Corbett has in common with the MSM.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals
Data mining and the reasons and intent behind it, has long been an ATS subject under discussion.

When I first joined ATS (2009), Klaus et al at the WEF had yet to disclose themselves and their part in the control matrix and there was little access to any info about design and implementation of digital currency vectors.

What we are seeing now vindicates what CT thinkers have previously discerned and anticipated. Globally, how and when full digital control of the Nations actually rolls out is unclear. I think agritech may be one tool in bringing some under control and seeing how megacorp are buying up agricultural land throughout Asia (and I suspect is part of promoting and supporting Zelensky), I think total control of food production and distribution is a prime factor in the drive to control all humanity.

If issues with ensuring 'buy-in', especially for people of so little means they have not/cannot access full GPRS personal devises, means ameliorating resistance via a UBI system, I wonder how the basic amount/allocation will be calculated to satisfy everyone's expectations and need? I also think increased mass production of these devises will result in utter depletion of all lithium deposits.

Also long discussed here, Orwell and Huxley's dystopian works; it seems to me, strategies currently in play are designed to mitigate risk of the rise of a John (the savage) Smith. Ensuring there are no 'wild' populations of people living outside the matrix and able to think for themselves? Otherwise, there risks dissent to Orwell's idea that people can be controlled through fear and the importance of perpetual war.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: teapot
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Data mining and the reasons and intent behind it, has long been an ATS subject under discussion.

I know this might sound strange, but I truly appreciate the assertion. Many seem to think this is "new," or a result of evidence they only recently recognized. This effort has been planned by an effective intelligentsia which may or may not be blinded by ideologies or agenda (theirs or otherwise.)

When I first joined ATS (2009), Klaus et al at the WEF had yet to disclose themselves and their part in the control matrix and there was little access to any info about design and implementation of digital currency vectors.

The globalist effort manifestation was only in its' nascent form ... the plan is older, but the public face isn't. Klaus and the echos of the Maitreya have become a prevalence within that effort, the reasons are not known to me.

What we are seeing now vindicates what CT thinkers have previously discerned and anticipated. Globally, how and when full digital control of the Nations actually rolls out is unclear. I think agritech may be one tool in bringing some under control and seeing how megacorp are buying up agricultural land throughout Asia (and I suspect is part of promoting and supporting Zelensky), I think total control of food production and distribution is a prime factor in the drive to control all humanity.

I wish it were only Asia, I suspect that a diligent analysis would show an alarming change of "ownership" is taking place everywhere. But I agree that the situation in Ukraine, as the breadbasket of the area, is rife with behind-the-scenes support... so as conspiracy theories go, we may have circumstantial evidence that there is an overarching agenda behind the land grab. It isn't just about money, or even commerce in general.

You have rekindled an idea that had crossed my mind about the impossibility of controlling humans, and inevitability of failure for anyone who attempts to 'get around' that fact. Thanks...

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

From a centrist stance, I'm wary of consuming too much media from independent channels whose shtick is making every fresh mountain spring look like a sewer pipe.

Translate - whatever they're paying you.. it's not enough.

Been attached to important threads for 15 years now?

Hope you choke on the money.

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