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You’d Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State Is Making a List, And You’re On It

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posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 12:28 PM
So, anyone seeing black helicopters with no readily identifiable markings circling your house ?

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 12:35 PM
I can barely get out of bed these days. Zero threat to the scumbag government.

Revolution will have to be accomplished by the younger generation. Trouble is they've been indoctrinated to the left and are too busy worrying about what color lipstick they want to wear with their size 13 pumps.

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Its not effective at all, they have collected so much data that until AI is fully up and integrated its useless.

Its going to end up being like Nostradamus, take the words and make it fit after things happen.

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
I can barely get out of bed these days. Zero threat to the scumbag government.

Revolution will have to be accomplished by the younger generation. Trouble is they've been indoctrinated to the left and are too busy worrying about what color lipstick they want to wear with their size 13 pumps.


The club memo states that respectable women-folk types only adorn their feet with a 2-inch heel or less.

And ballet flats for some reason.

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 02:47 PM

Headline: "Big Brother is Protecting You"

except people don't feel safer.

Despite the mayor’s staunch support for the nation’s largest police department, more than $5 billion in city resources and the reinstatement of a controversial unit tasked with seizing illegal guns, crime jumped 23.5 percent over the past year. Adams has overseen a reduction in shootings and murders, but felonies and misdemeanors climbed in nearly every other measurable category.

That rise is coupled with a general perception of insecurity, underscored by people with mental illness living on streets and in subway cars, a rash of hate crimes and extensive media coverage portraying a city in chaos. At times, Adams’ near-singular emphasis on violence has led the progressive Working Families Party and other like-minded observers to blame him for a communal sense of fear. As the mayor of the biggest American city prepares for his second year in office, he must decide whether to stay the course as his moderate base grows restless, or inflame tensions on his political left by pushing officers toward more aggressive tactics.

the problem is cultural. too many inner urban areas (regardless of race) are full of violent lawless thugs and uncaring women (often unmarried) unable or unwilling to raise their children properly. the schools are great at teaching diversity and tolerance but not so good at addressing moral values (work, respect for elders, respect for others' property).
until/unless this culture is changed, government 'solutions' will just be window dressing.
(but hey, our kids aren't forced to read Bibles or pray in schools...)
edit on 01032020 by ElGoobero because: clarify

edit on 01032020 by ElGoobero because: clarify

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 06:18 PM
I know I'm being tracked by corporations that think "They" own me. Constant ads for things said in conversations with the phone close by. Heck the phone you keep in your pocket weather smart or dumb is enough to track where you are at all times and at what stores you visit. We've chipped ourselves with pride. Who got the newest Iphone???

Me myself. I got nothing to hide and refuse to buy what "They" throw in my face. I do keep my phone on me for I must. Connection with Friends, Family and work.

All we can truly do is make sure the info "They" gather is useless. Its fun to watch the algorithm (what you all call A.I which is not A.I) fumble trying to figure you out. When you have gave it nothing to work off of.

Though its not me why it works so well. Its you. Well not you personally. Those that have more money than they know what do with. Those who live beyond their means. Frivolous spending has been something I could never do nor will ever do. Buy something just to buy it... ridiculous.

So, with someone like me with nothing to hide from. May they fill their servers with useless info. Seeing as "We" are the ones paying for it, whether we like it or not.

If you don't like it. What you going to do about it?

So far "We" have given "Them" the right with our silence. Our ignorant compliance. Seeing with what "They" have gotten away with. We'll just b*tch and complain and throw a fit.

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 06:45 PM
Neat stuff, really. Sounds like a good way for 'them' to get caught up..lots of big fish swimming around ya know..If Ive learned anything from this place its just deal with it , suck it up, flip the script if you can and move forward..But You're right..could be an insidious thing…One would really have to trust their PTB with all this floating around..But You can always turn it first, right… not even going to start on timing..a reply to: cappie

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: jerryznv
Shoot...they've been on me for decades...nothing new to me!

...*snipped*...they know what I'm up to and what, where, when, and who I am in contact with...nothing new folks!

Yup. Same here.
Ive worked for them, lived next to them, had them as friends, they have files on me, so on and so forth.
They have my DNA, all my 411 blahblahblahblah. I still troll them all over the internet and tell them to F off.

Ive had more issues with random people weirdos from the internet. Seriously.

edit on 2022 by shaemac because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: Maxmars

"They" spend so much effort and resources on spying and info gathering, they have no brains or manpower available to stop murderers, fire starters, power-station saboteurs, etc..

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: Maxmars

Take a few minutes and look at this video.

I apologize for having to use such a horrible case as an example, but I think it drives the point home, and shows just how scary the situation actually is.

Keep in mind that this case involves a person that is not a celebrity, not rich or famous. Just an unknown. An unknown that they were able to identify 4.5 years after the crime was committed.

Listen to the details on how the case was broken. Keeping in mind that no one involved was in the police database.

I think it is fairly clear that it is already way too late. The surveillance State has been in operation for a very long time.

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 10:16 PM

originally posted by: shaemac

originally posted by: jerryznv
Shoot...they've been on me for decades...nothing new to me!

...*snipped*...they know what I'm up to and what, where, when, and who I am in contact with...nothing new folks!

Yup. Same here.
Ive worked for them, lived next to them, had them as friends, they have files on me, so on and so forth.
They have my DNA, all my 411 blahblahblahblah. I still troll them all over the internet and tell them to F off.

Ive had more issues with random people weirdos from the internet. Seriously.

My experiences have been that you'll usually find out most of them are dumber than stones in person...they really are overtrained, overthinking, morons, that are bouncing around like rubber balls in a concrete tube!

Telling them to "F off..." is a wise policy in general! I try to make it a generalized statement right from the get go!

posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo

So, anyone seeing black helicopters with no readily identifiable markings circling your house ?

Saw a bright green and yellow helio land at the air strip 2 months back, the airstrip is 1/3 a mile away from my house. Not exactly sure who it belonged to, but a little odd being in a small podunk town.

The strip belongs to the port here and the color scheme doesn't match FedEx. 😎

posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 11:38 AM
I registered to comment on...a source...and was immediately shadow banned. I registered again with a dummy account and attempted the same posts. Those posts went through. Take it for what it's worth.

originally posted by: Maxmars
I always feel like I have to preface threads from this source (ZeroHedge) because of their often-demonstrated bias. But we're adults here, and we can sift the wheat from the chaffe.

posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Caled

I have a feeling that you're not alone in that experience. Bias is a hard pill to swallow...

When the publishers are vested in the optics of "a message" they protect the optics like a child.

I propose listening to a 'bad' message is a price you have to pay if you want to comment on it.

Most of those sources that deny comments show just how weak their optics are.

posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: Maxmars

Well, i counter several of these techniques in very simple ways. Lets see:

Your phone and movements: I rarely travel with phone, often remove the batterry if i do. A simple flip with no gps, and no apps that demand permission to activate the camera and microphone just to install.
DNA its already on a government database, but i never paid to send it to a private corporation who then owns it as part of their database to be sold as they please to third parties.
Your face i concsciously avoid facing cameras when possible. But when using a mobile device with camera, i always cover the camera and refrain from dialogue around these devices. So my eye movements and blinks patterns are not recorded by whatever apps may be running on borrowed devices.
Your behavior see above and below.
Your spending and consumer activitiesi rarely purchase online, and well over 90 percent of my spending ia done with cash and refusal to provide a phone number or email to company when promptes at a register.
Your public activities
Your social media activities non existant outaide ats, and even this is barely used anymore.
Your social network
Your car fully owned non internet connected vehicles. Fuel paid for in cash always. No toll transponder. [b/]
Your mail

There are very simple and honestly traditional methods to counter surveillance. But the masses, probably including you op, have been properly housebroken to view some of these actions as too inconvenient or time consuming despite being the way we grew up.
People have only themselves to blame when being unable to downsize to traditional spending and travel habits. Every credit card and bank account demands you to have an app for your convenience. All of which often tell you in their agreements are accessing your camera, microphone, picture gallery and gps to facilitate a better experience.

When the user gobbles up their system like candy, why the surprise at the data gathering?? My kids hate it, but they will thank me down the road when they are not being blackmailed by a competing candidate for hire or public service by use of some out of context sound bytes, video, or image that they paid one of their cronies in any of these orivatw companies to dig out of their servers. That information is only there by permission by the naive user who believes they have done no wrong. Maybe they have not, but having it publicly exposed jjust may hurt their reputation or that of a friend or relative seeking promotion or public service.

So while you may not care when the goverment knows your jerkin off, for how long and to what; an interested third party may use this against you or a relative because you voluntarily gave it all to a private company with permission to sell it to whomever has the money and/or connections.

posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: Maxmars

If I may...

Well, i counter several of these techniques in very simple ways. Lets see:

Your phone and movements: ...
I rarely travel with phone, often remove the batterry if i do. A simple flip with no gps, and no apps that demand permission to activate the camera and microphone just to install.
Many people don't have the luxury of isolating themselves like this. But good on you.

DNA ...
its already on a government database, but i never paid to send it to a private corporation who then owns it as part of their database to be sold as they please to third parties.
Governments use contractors for nearly every activity they undertake; this includes DNA information... Once it is in the hands of commerce, it's out there.

Your face ...
i concsciously avoid facing cameras when possible. But when using a mobile device with camera, i always cover the camera and refrain from dialogue around these devices. So my eye movements and blinks patterns are not recorded by whatever apps may be running on borrowed devices.
This falls under "behavior" but I understand. However, there are the cameras you can see and then there are the cameras you do not. Just saying.

Your behavior ...
see above and below.
The only way to avoid this is to avoid being in public (and even then... see above)

Your spending and consumer activities...
i rarely purchase online, and well over 90 percent of my spending ia done with cash and refusal to provide a phone number or email to company when promptes at a register.
I can relate to this directly... they ask "" and I say "No email." But for the increasingly on-line world - that won't work.

Your public activities ...

Your social media activities ...
non existant outaide ats, and even this is barely used anymore.
That's a shame, it seems I would appreciate your participation here... but I understand what you mean.

Your social network ...

Your car ...
fully owned non internet connected vehicles. Fuel paid for in cash always. No toll transponder. [b/]
Me too, mostly, but t is becoming more difficult as time passes.

There are very simple and honestly traditional methods to counter surveillance. But the masses, probably including you op, have been properly housebroken to view some of these actions as too inconvenient or time consuming despite being the way we grew up.
I don't appreciate the sentiment. It's yours to entertain, but I doubt you know me well enough to make such a supposition. Also, the world is more complex than the brush you are using to paint it.

People have only themselves to blame when being unable to downsize to traditional spending and travel habits. Every credit card and bank account demands you to have an app for your convenience. All of which often tell you in their agreements are accessing your camera, microphone, picture gallery and gps to facilitate a better experience.

I agree completely. I have found that many people are blissfully unaware of the value of their information, and the uses to which it is put. But then, we have been conditioned as consumers for almost a century. Such conditioning is difficult to overcome.

I will refrain from commenting further, this is not an attack/defend situation; posturing as such is counterproductive.

I disagree that its "their own fault."' If it was, I might not find it necessary to talk about it. My position is that it isn't really a personal choice to be tracked, and I believe it should not be a "default" state of affairs. But that is my opinion.

posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 02:49 PM
Oh, it wasn’t bias. I never got to make a single post. And I am not allowed to post. My email address is on a list.

originally posted by: Maxmars
a reply to: Caled

I have a feeling that you're not alone in that experience. Bias is a hard pill to swallow...

When the publishers are vested in the optics of "a message" they protect the optics like a child.

I propose listening to a 'bad' message is a price you have to pay if you want to comment on it.

Most of those sources that deny comments show just how weak their optics are.

posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: Caled

Apologies. I wasn't clear.

I was referring to their bias.

And frankly, even if you had been biased, it is not their place to invite comments and then refuse them wordlessly.

They need to explain up front: "You may only post if you agree with us."

Or, as the school board from hell pronounced one day: "You may applaud, but you may not "boo."

edit on 12/26/2022 by Maxmars because: grammar

posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: putnam6

It's neither.

posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 08:48 PM
It's actually all with your consent.
If you fail to read the Terms and Conditions, the so called fine print, that's your problem, not theirs.
They give you the information, telling you what will be happening and going on. You choose not to read it, in particular with your mobile phone.

Government laws regarding data retention, are public knowledge. They tell you when they are considering those laws, they tell you when they are in parliament being discussed, and you're told when they are passed into law.

The same goes with apps and what not on your phone, your laptop, tablet etc.
The fine print tells you everything you need to know.

It is entirely your own fault if you are not aware. YOU failed to keep your self informed with the information they've given you.

You can all keep thinking this is some marxist leftist conspiracy to enslave you.
Others can think it's a right wing nazi conspiracy to do the same. Whatever.
The truth of the matter is, this is technological evolution.
Our societies, our world, is becoming technologically enriched, and through that it is progressing forward at a faster pace then ever before.
We are all part of it, through the use of our devices and the every day technologies we use.

This isn't some deep dark conspiracy theory that's been festering away in the shadows that you've just stumbled across.
It's not even a conspiracy, theory or otherwise.

Any good IT student of the 1990's and early 2000's, maybe even earlier, should have been aware of the technological advancements and evolutions that were coming.

It's the 'natural' progression of our technology.

"Conspiracy theories" like this stuff are born out of fear of the unknown. Your reality is changing, and you don't understand it, causing fear, which leads people to jump to conclusions and come up with theories of doom and gloom.

a reply to: Maxmars

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