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Stanford University's "Harmful Language Initiative." SMH ...

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posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 11:48 AM
A bunch of eggheads at Stanford University have been developing the Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative (EHLI) (link to NYPOST) to help us all feel safer on their website. Nice people. The project's stated purpose is to “eliminate many forms of harmful language, including racist, violent, and biased … language in Stanford websites and code.”

Here at ATS, we all know that the actual purpose is to reinforce thought control, institute standards for ThoughtCrime, and give the ThoughtPolice something meaty to work with.

Newly forbidden and potentially offensive words and phrases include:

>American: Because everybody on this side of the world can claim the word, so it's violence to call one's self "Ameican."
>Walk-in hours: Becuse some people can't physically walk in, so the phrase might hurt feelings.
>Beating a dead horse: Becasue it promotes violence against animals.
>Immigrant is now “person who has immigrated.” (There's a diference?)

When you can control the words that people use, you are controlling their thought processes. This is why I refuse to refer to cross-dressers as "transgender." This is why I refuse to call abortionists "pro-choice" instead of baby murderers. This is why I wall always refer to anyone with XX chromosomes as a woman and XY chromosomes as a man. To hell with their though control.

WE DON'T NEED NO THOUGHT CONTROL. (Remember the days when rock 'n' roll actually stood against this crap?)

This is nothing new; it's simply a continuation of the same mental manipulation that has been going on for decades now.

The kind of scary thing to me is that this time, it actually made me laugh out loud. I just laughed at it. It's gone beyond being disturbing anymore. We have definitely crossed over into Clown World and are deep in its territory. I think we've passed the Clown World Rubicon and there is likely no turning back. At least, not until we experience total societal collapse.

You can see the official Stanford University release on this garbage here

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: incoserv

We need to start an initiative to get the normal people away from the west coast, I'll gladly let my taxes go to the costs to get them out, and extend a permanent wall up from Mexico to Canada. Those people out there are wacked in the head.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: incoserv

EHLI sounds like from someones pencil who is locked to psychiatric hospital ?

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: incoserv

So they're saying the US isn't the most crucial country in the Americas; that's interesting. Wrong, but interesting.

Edit: You have got to be kidding me.

An email domain or IP address being whitelisted or blacklisted? - These terms assign value connotations based on color (white = good and black = bad), an act which is subconsciously racialized; consider using the words allowlist and denylist.

Until you get vendors to change the language on their platforms, that's the name they're going to be.
edit on 12/20/22 by Hypntick because: Additional info

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Let's be realistic here. All of the recent news about "unacceptable" language usually only applies to language the cabal of social engineers has designated "unacceptable." By unacceptable I mean - THEY don't like what THEY think other people are thinking... presumptuous much?

"“eliminate many forms of harmful language, including racist, violent, and biased … language in Stanford websites and code.”

How extensive is this list? How is it that the marketing department of Stanford is projecting their "standard" to be important... as if we are all just laser focused on what they think.

“[‘American’] often refers to people from the United States only, thereby insinuating that the US is the most important country in the Americas,”

Notice how they directly state that "often" everyone who uses the word "American" must be insinuating something. Define "insinuating." It means to slyly and indirectly imply (as in a narrative) which colors perception to the benefit of the person (or purposes) without actually saying it.

I think they are the one's insinuating something.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:12 PM
How these people aren't pelted with turds any time they show their faces in public is beyond me. Those who find themselves agreeing with the word police may well be past redemption.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: incoserv
Yes it's true California has gone full retard quite a while ago. I laughed when I saw this but my wife just sent me this -

California launching "Feather" alert system

I assume eventually each ethnic group is going to get their own separate alert system. Can't wait to hear the names they come up with for the rest!
(I have a few ideas, but I'd probably get banned LOL)

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:16 PM
they are coming for our free speech. Anything they deem is too mean or hurtful or inciting violence( speaking up for yourself or disagreeing) will cost you.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:22 PM
Wonder how much grant money they got to put together that horse pockey.

So much for "higher education".

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: Maxmars
I think they are the one's insinuating something.

Yes, and it's causing me great harm and distress in what they're proposing. It's very harmful speech to me. I say that should be at the top of their list of words to do away with. Actually, that should be all that's on the list to ban.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:27 PM
Yeahbuthowbout those same words in foreign languages?

The U.S. has no official legal language.

You'd think scholars would already know that 😎

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:29 PM
One would hope that as a society evolves and progresses, it would be come less oppressive, not more.
This smacks of a dictatorial society. By now, with all of the human infrastructure, technology, communication, one would hope thought crimes, oppression, treating someone differently because of their skin color/heritage, and political censorship would have long been removed from a forward-progressing society.
Something's wrong.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: incoserv

I don't want to beat a dead horse, but as an American, our southern border doesn't have walk-in-hours for illegal aliens.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:46 PM

Tier 3 - Potentially harmful language used in a non-harmful way (e.g., “apple” can be a derogatory term for a person of Native American descent, but it’s also a computer vendor)

First off, I've never heard of "apple" as a derogatory term.
Second, "apple" isn't just a "computer vendor", IT"S A FRIGGIN' APPLE.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:47 PM
I don't think college kids should be allowed to graduate or play sports without the simple knowledge of grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. These are things we were (or used to be) taught in elementary school and had to use throughout our learning careers. But, of course, what do I know... That would be preparing them for the real world instead of setting them up to be sheep.
edit on 20-12-2022 by LSU2018 because: grammer speling and sentence structur

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: underpass61

Tier 3 - Potentially harmful language used in a non-harmful way (e.g., “apple” can be a derogatory term for a person of Native American descent, but it’s also a computer vendor)

First off, I've never heard of "apple" as a derogatory term.
Second, "apple" isn't just a "computer vendor", IT"S A FRIGGIN' APPLE.

Stop being such a grapefruit!


I went there.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: servovenford
One would hope that as a society evolves and progresses, it would be come less oppressive, not more.
This smacks of a dictatorial society. By now, with all of the human infrastructure, technology, communication, one would hope thought crimes, oppression, treating someone differently because of their skin color/heritage, and political censorship would have long been removed from a forward-progressing society.
Something's wrong.

Ask the democrats, going in reverse is what they call progress. They started this rolling boulder.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 01:12 PM
So this in now "The Person Who Has Immigrated Song"?

And sorry to be beating a dead horse but it is already dead.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 01:13 PM
I have to stick up for these jerks? Whatever. Ok, the mechanics of what they're doing is productive and has a beneficial endgame. At least they're lubing you up though right? 'The US Indigenous' had it way worse than Y'all right wing looneys..oh the ahhsarcasm tension tension release…is it worth it? Yeah til those three letters eat Your pancreas….whiners.haha..dude I had a lucid dream that $%&) was hanging out of an aircraft dumping a bucket of P2P onto a planet resembling Camino..dude has to be one of the most decisive people Ive ever encountered..ftw he needs to make a does bullet bouncer..
edit on 20-12-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: content

edit on 20-12-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: clearance issues

edit on 20-12-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: holla

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: underpass61

Tier 3 - Potentially harmful language used in a non-harmful way (e.g., “apple” can be a derogatory term for a person of Native American descent, but it’s also a computer vendor)

First off, I've never heard of "apple" as a derogatory term.
Second, "apple" isn't just a "computer vendor", IT"S A FRIGGIN' APPLE.

Stop being such a grapefruit!


I went there.

Figs you would go there - Orange you tired of using your melon this way? I bet you're jealous because you want to Date me. Sorry, already married so we Cantaloupe.

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