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Does john Oliver need new writers?

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posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 01:07 PM
Full disclosure, I was originally a med fan (not huge) of last week tonight… it gave a good alternate viewpoint on a mainstream topic…
I’ve no clue now what it is… obv it’s not right/fox, but it’s not even woke, it’s not left.. I dunno what this is… the last episode was on the British monarchy … something I could care less about, but the diatribe started with a mild criticism of the new King Charles, to make it seem topical… then devolved into a 30 minute self righteous indignation rant against the royal family.

Now I really could care less about the royal family. Abolish, keep, behead… whatever… I don’t agree with this they cost 5 million or bring in 15 million in tourism or whatever… either way, it doesn’t put dollah in my pocket…

The point is it’s cheap as fk tv (journalism? Def not) when there’s much bigger fish to fry with cost of petrol, cost of fuel, home heating.. food prices… rent.. mortgages.. that that show could be hitting!! It’s fkn shameful , they should be ashamed of themselves… and john Oliver on his HBO wage obviously will spew out whatever he’s given… speaks volume about the guy.

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Midnite247

I enjoy "Last Week Tonight" and John Oliver.

Shows been going for a while now, trying to keep things fresh and new obviously becomes more difficult as the seasons mount up.

As to his show on British Monarchy, i found it to be rather entertaining and funny as feck.

My take was the show was simply trying to give its American audience a break from her own politics if only for a mere episode.

Each to their own all the same, if its not your cup o tea any longer that's fine, preferences change mate.
edit on 15-11-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: Midnite247
Full disclosure, I was originally a med fan (not huge) of last week tonight… it gave a good alternate viewpoint on a mainstream topic…
I’ve no clue now what it is… obv it’s not right/fox, but it’s not even woke, it’s not left.. I dunno what this is… the last episode was on the British monarchy … something I could care less about, but the diatribe started with a mild criticism of the new King Charles, to make it seem topical… then devolved into a 30 minute self righteous indignation rant against the royal family.

Now I really could care less about the royal family. Abolish, keep, behead… whatever… I don’t agree with this they cost 5 million or bring in 15 million in tourism or whatever… either way, it doesn’t put dollah in my pocket…

The point is it’s cheap as fk tv (journalism? Def not) when there’s much bigger fish to fry with cost of petrol, cost of fuel, home heating.. food prices… rent.. mortgages.. that that show could be hitting!! It’s fkn shameful , they should be ashamed of themselves… and john Oliver on his HBO wage obviously will spew out whatever he’s given… speaks volume about the guy.

He's MSM. They conveniently avoid talking about the most important things going on.

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 01:29 PM

Personally, I like Gutfeld.

This was his commentary last night. Mexico has been organizing an anti-Fentanyl ad campaign. Guess where they get their images of drug addled street people?


It's ironic to me that we like to think of ourselves as the best country out there, but now we have 3rd world countries using our street people to warn their own citizens off drugs. This is where our biggest cities have fallen to, and this is what our soft policies have led to.

We've got our collective heads stuck up our collective butts. This is serious 3rd world crap right here, and everyone else knows it.

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 01:30 PM
Yea I get u.
That’s his job to keep something every week…I do usually find it funny , but it’s more and more getting a bit self righteous… “everything is bad” without giving any solutions and just pointing out the obvious … this is more and more now bill maHer, Stephen Colbert , it’s getting venomous rather than any productive discourse and to be honest, it’s turning more people off, rather than getting more people to agree

a reply to: andy06shake

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: Midnite247

I don't think people seem to agree about much these days TV shows aside given the palpable division displayed.

And thats not just a problem associated with America.

Where solutions are concerned, well we don't really expect to find those to much on political satire shows.

Remember the "Eat S#@t, Bob" segment they done that was top class.

Disclaimer: Video contains some rather colourful language.

edit on 15-11-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

What solutions are there?

Let's look at the homeless one my clips referenced. A lot of us think that drug penalties are wrong, but this is part of the result of being soft on drugs - people end up addicted and on the streets. At the same time, we cannot afford as a society to simply support addicts. It costs too much in terms of social programs, and an addict that has no impetus to really change themselves very often does not find the willpower to do it. And make no mistake, it takes real will in order to break that hold and it's never really gone, is it?

So where does that leave us?

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

What solutions are there?

Where the public using Fentanyl is concerned ketsuko those are few and far between.

It makes a Heroin epidemic look like a teddy bears picnic.

So where does that leave us?

Same place we are, that being in a nation that dont have any Coca plantations, Poppy fields, or that produces the likes of Fentanyl in any sorts of quantity.

Truth of the matter is, just like over here, bent political and custom officials, the Police and alphabet agencies are directly responsable for all the class A narcotics that make there way to our shores or across our borders and on to the streets.
edit on 15-11-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Well then you want border control, but that would be racist wouldn't it? How dare anyone want to know exactly who and what is coming in to their country for any reason?

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 02:13 PM
Whaooo!!! How did we shift do homelessness and drugs…
People ‘end’ addicted and on the streets? 😂
I don’t know what country ur referring , but generally it costs way more to lock up addicts than either legitimise certain drugs or put addicts through rehab as opposed to spending ridiculous amounts to put them through the legal process and incarcerate all on the tax payers dime.
I don’t want to pay that.
a reply to: ketsuko

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Supply and demand being what it is ketsuko border control is just another band aid for a brain tumor where the importation of drugs are concerned.

I have already pointed out the real culprits.

As to what is coming into our respective nations, im sure they know fine well given the amount of profit and monies that are to be had.

I would suggest legalizing the lot of it thus introduce a measure of quality control and removal of the criminal element that surrounds the use/purchase of drugs because the profit generated by taxation equates to trillions not billions of $$$$$/£££££.

But Fentanyl is a diffrent kettle of fish, down right dangerous, and as you know highly addictive in the extreme.
edit on 15-11-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 03:49 PM
John Oliver sucks
His show sucks.
I don't watch that trash.

a reply to: Midnite247

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Supply and demand? Demand creates the need to provide supply. That's how a market works. If people didn't want drugs, there wouldn't be a market for them to have a need for supply, and it wouldn't be worth anyone's time, money, effort to bring them in.

So tell me where the demand is created and why we cater to it by letting it happen? It doesn't seem to me that California, for example, has improved anything be letting their addicts shoot up safely. They just have lots of these drug zombies shambling around and massive amounts of public money going down a literal crapper building a public toilet - one.

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 04:20 PM
I don’t know if u realise how minority it is to express your own opinion.
I do remember those days. I miss those days. 😢
a reply to: DeathSlayer

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 04:22 PM
Poor mat Hank … can’t say anything against him obv ! 🙄
I’d love to know the reason jeez.
a reply to: Midnite247

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 04:40 PM
It's stuff like this story here that makes me think the soft on drugs, soft on crime policies are a mistake. They're targeting the rainbow stuff at kids and they let this guy walk free. After all, drug possession and dealing are victimless, right?

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

So tell me where the demand is created and why we cater to it by letting it happen?

As long as some people choose to take drugs to numb the pain of life and reality ketsuko there will be a market for such drugs.

Such is the world we live in and as unfortunate as the case may be.
edit on 15-11-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)


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