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Catholic leader blasts human rights court for absolving feminist who 'aborted' Jesus on altar 'No le

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posted on Oct, 31 2022 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: ToneDeaf

A feminist who interrupted a Catholic Mass while topless
and 'aborted' Jesus on the altar before urinating on the floor.
The church's priest filed a legal complaint against her (Bouton)
She was temporarily sentenced and ordered to pay
the church €2,000.
The European Court of Human Rights high court said
she was merely engaged in freedom of expression,
and should never have been prosecuted.
The European Court now has ordered the French courts to
pay her more than $9,500 in damages, costs, and expenses.


" merely engaged in freedom of expression"
Then, If anything . . .
the Canadian Truckers Protesters should
not have been prosecuted,
but be compensated and reimbursed.
Law can be such a horses @ss.
(when the politicians are in their pockets)


same with the J6 people.

posted on Oct, 31 2022 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: abe froman
Wonder what the ruling would've been if this happened in a mosque.

Global Jihad.

posted on Oct, 31 2022 @ 05:33 AM
I consider myself a pretty tolerant and progressive Catholic, but I wouldn't go to a Gay Bar and start preaching, nor would I interrupt a Drag Performance to preach, nor would I even infiltrate a Satanic Mass and start in on my Personal Path and Belief system.

It's called RESPECT.

If people would just respect other peoples spaces and right to practice and profess their beliefs, we wouldn't have this problem.

Maybe this is too avant garde for a lot of Old Testament Traditions, but if God created EVERYTHING, that means He also created Homosexuals, Trans Individuals, Mentally Ill, Hindus, Buddhists and EVERY OTHER CULTURE OUT THERE.

I wish some sects would get that through their thick freakin' skulls that we're ALL IN THIS TOGETHER and quit being dicks to one another over differences and expressions that aren't harming anyone else and just respect people.

I may not agree with the majority of expressions and lifestyles (there are some that make my blood boil and are flat out illegal such a pedophilla and murder in the name of your "god") but as long as people respect the Secular Laws and the rights of others to gather unmolested and unviolated in their chosen place of worship or congrgate venues (Church, Drag Bars, whateverhave you) the world would be a very nice place.

Too many people are freaking out on passing judgement and lashing out on people who have done them no harm other than being "different" and offending their personal sensibilities and it's become a freaking epidemic.

I say that as a Judge Not Christian, who just wishes the human race would get their collective traumas over and done with and just freakin' COEXIST PEACEFULLY.


It's not a freakin' competition.

We ALL come from the same source.

We're not all ending up in the same places though.

While we're all in this mess together we can at least try to be civil and tolerant of one another like Jesus advised.

Easy to say that to Christians, what do you say to the Godless Heathen Nihilist Hedonists?

Any pointers to how to get through to the Defilers besides escorting them off the premises and getting a No Tresspassing order? Are those even still valid during this madness? Do Christians get ANY protections anymore or are we just the new Hate Target?

What would Jesus do?

It this the way the world ends?

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