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The Gaslighting of the Masses

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posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 05:21 PM
The Gaslighting of the Masses

For students of official propaganda, mind control, emotional coercion, and other insidious manipulation techniques, the rollout of the New Normal has been a bonanza. Never before have we been able to observe the application and effects of these powerful technologies in real time on such a massive scale. In a little over two and a half years, our collective “reality” has been radically revised. Our societies have been radically restructured. Millions (probably billions) of people have been systematically conditioned to believe a variety of patently ridiculous assertions, assertions based on absolutely nothing, repeatedly disproved by widely available evidence, but which have nevertheless attained the status of facts. An entire fictitious history has been written based on those baseless and ridiculous assertions. It will not be unwritten easily or quickly.

This article is pretty well-researched and follows my concerns and observations on this very modern phenomenon. The level of global concerted effort and coordination of events and the focus of media on a global scale demonstrates desperation to control the masses with mind control which they have invested heavily in for so many decades that so many of us were only been raised in this environment as the curtain closes on liberty and freedom.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: machineintelligence

I read this a few days ago, and it is a good article, however I feel CJ has fallen short of the reality.

Sure some sections of society have been gaslighted, others not, the majority however, in my opinion, required no gaslighhting whatsoever.

The majority will do whatever they are told. There are no barriers to break down, there is no convincing required, no coercion, nothing. Just tell people what they have to do, all serious like, and as though they were all Pavlovs dog they will do what they've been conditioned to do, obey.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: machineintelligence

And so what governmental world organization could have had the reach to control this many countries in a massive vicious vaccine attack?

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: StarsInDust
a reply to: machineintelligence

And so what governmental world organization could have had the reach to control this many countries in a massive vicious vaccine attack?

As machineintelligence said quite astutely in the OP, it's a global concerted effort. Big tech, various govt agencies, the media, and most probably, the devil.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger

originally posted by: StarsInDust
a reply to: machineintelligence

And so what governmental world organization could have had the reach to control this many countries in a massive vicious vaccine attack?

As machineintelligence said quite astutely in the OP, it's a global concerted effort. Big tech, various govt agencies, the media, and most probably, the devil.

The devil is behind the gaslighting? God help us...

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

Oh, I got what the OP was saying, I was thinking more of an umbrella type of government organization ran by several countries that could coordinate the entire operation.

+3 more 
posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 06:26 PM
Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
-George Orwell 1984

All I heard for months and months when the vaccine first came out was

“ If you don’t want the vaccine for yourself at least do it for senior citizens or people with auto-immune deficiency because if you catch it and are asymptomatic you can kill a whole bunch of people and not know it!”

This lie was pushed by every newspaper and media source over and over. Now that this phizer executive admits the vaccine was never tested for transmission the “fact checkers” are saying well even though the media pushed the vaccine based on false pretenses it was already known per page 1675 subsection b and c from the phizer study so this has been known since 2020 so……

You should have not listened to us and it’s your fault you didn’t read the study but take the vaccine NOW

This is a perfect example of gas lighting and deflection and lying by omission . How many Americans actually sat down and read the thousand pages of the study? Plus it takes a phd to even comprehend those Dam things.

This resulted in family and friends pushing this lie to other family members and shaming them to make those people think they could actually kill people.

It has to be the biggest psychological operation ever implemented on planet Earth and it F&cking worked
edit on 19-10-2022 by Brassmonkey because: Grammar

edit on 19-10-2022 by Brassmonkey because: Grammar

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: StarsInDust

The devil is behind the gaslighting? God help us...

Look at the big tech companies. They have moved beyond the reach of governance, they have created a global surveillance state, and they have reduced humanity to an algorithm-based commodity. But maybe I'm just paranoid.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
a reply to: StarsInDust

The devil is behind the gaslighting? God help us...

Look at the big tech companies. They have moved beyond the reach of governance, they have created a global surveillance state, and they have reduced humanity to an algorithm-based commodity. But maybe I'm just paranoid.

If that's the way you prefer to look at the world, fine. But this type of obsession will drive you insane.
Don't pay any attention to those black GMC Yukons driving by your house. It's nothing....

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 07:49 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
a reply to: StarsInDust

The devil is behind the gaslighting? God help us...

Look at the big tech companies. They have moved beyond the reach of governance, they have created a global surveillance state, and they have reduced humanity to an algorithm-based commodity. But maybe I'm just paranoid.

Better to look at who owns controlling interest in all those companies, big and small. Blackrock and Vanguard is a good place to start.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: ColeYounger
a reply to: StarsInDust

The devil is behind the gaslighting? God help us...

Look at the big tech companies. They have moved beyond the reach of governance, they have created a global surveillance state, and they have reduced humanity to an algorithm-based commodity. But maybe I'm just paranoid.

If that's the way you prefer to look at the world, fine. But this type of obsession will drive you insane.
Don't pay any attention to those black GMC Yukons driving by your house. It's nothing....

Obsession? For saying big tech is evil? I prefer to think of it as being mildly observant. Some people look at the world from a purely materialistic viewpoint, others tend to think there is something beyond it all. Something more. i guess it's just the way we're all wired. I think there's a point people reach when the lust for wealth and power take control of them, and as the saying goes, you can't serve two masters.

I'll leave you with this. Food for thought?

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: ColeYounger
a reply to: StarsInDust

The devil is behind the gaslighting? God help us...

Look at the big tech companies. They have moved beyond the reach of governance, they have created a global surveillance state, and they have reduced humanity to an algorithm-based commodity. But maybe I'm just paranoid.

Better to look at who owns controlling interest in all those companies, big and small. Blackrock and Vanguard is a good place to start.

When you climb the ladder to find the big boss, the real CEO, maybe it'll turn out to be someone bigger than Blackrock. Maybe someone outside this earthly realm.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: Brassmonkey

It has to be the biggest psychological operation ever implemented on planet Earth and it F&cking worked.

“All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again.” - J.M. Barrie

Unfortunately, it will work next time too.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: StarsInDust
a reply to: machineintelligence

And so what governmental world organization could have had the reach to control this many countries in a massive vicious vaccine attack?

Simple. Disinformation.

The only 2 "authorities" who were reporting and disseminating all early stage information were the WHO and the CDC.

Control the flow of information and you control the narrative.

Why would countries politicians ever doubt the WHO or CDC? They are nothing more than blind unwitting fools being puppeted.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 05:08 AM
Save yourself !

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: machineintelligence

Thank you for this Thread.

Hopkin's clear eyed view of the global reach propaganda has achieved and it's far reaching impact on the beliefs of billions of people, lays out the active information dissemination mechanism for effective mind control.

I was however disappointed there was no mention of the very real neurological mechanisms that make this possible.

There is clearly a median to long term strategy in play, reducing humanity to fear filled automatons, programmed and primed for violence.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 09:03 AM
It started with the US is the "good guys" and our foreign policy was always to "help" other countries. It has since devolved in to all whites are racist, masks offer protection, vaccines are safe and effective and the other political party is threatening democracy. Social media and Iphones have made it so we can be easily remolded mentally whenever needed. My favorite: all new tech is great and helpful to mankind. Guess they thought the same back when the guillotine was invented.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: machineintelligence

I'm not going to disagree with you as far as the general concept goes. People are being propagandized into believing that things which have been firmly established as being true are now false, with the only evidence being put forward being emotionally based.

On the other hand, I will vehemently disagree with people who think that this is all part of a broader plan by some hidden organization.

What we're seeing are lots of different groups with no affiliation to one another, pushing their own agendas for their own reasons, on their own behalf. Sometimes it's convenient for one group to try to build its own platform on the foundations that another group has laid, but most of the time they are still competing groups.

It's like how after the fall of the Roman Empire lots of different groups sprang up to take advantage of the chaos, or simply to fill the vacuum. But nobody is seriously suggesting that the Chinese expanding their trade empire is related to Vikings raiding Churches in northern Europe for their gold. At least I hope not.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: Type1338

Maybe in the US, but globally the picture was very different. For example, the Chinese, Russians, and much of Africa and the Middle east reacted very differently.

The Africans were more concerned with the WHO being used as a tool to forcefully close their borders, while the Russians and Chinese thought that the WTO was a tool of the west being used to attack their economies, or to stifle their global influence.

Did anybody in Europe even know what the CDC was saying, I'm pretty sure that they were all more concerned with what their own bodies were up to than what was happening in the US.

You only need to look at the different approaches taken by the different parts of the UK to see that things were often not being coordinated at a local level, let alone controlled centrally.

For example, the Scottish wanted to lock everything down as fast as possible and have a zero covid policy, while the English wanted to lock down large entertainment venues to prevent super spreader events but to otherwise do the absolute minimum possible. The main reason that Scotland didn't go the same way that China did was because their government was afraid that businesses and consumers would simply bypass restrictions by using England as a proxy.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

It started with the US is the "good guys" and our foreign policy was always to "help" other countries. It has since devolved in to all whites are racist, masks offer protection, vaccines are safe and effective and the other political party is threatening democracy. Social media and Iphones have made it so we can be easily remolded mentally whenever needed. My favorite: all new tech is great and helpful to mankind. Guess they thought the same back when the guillotine was invented.

From an outsider's perspective, this looks like a logical extension to the "big business = bad business" mentality from the 1990s, the left wants to turn people away from established institutions and then fill the vacuum left behind.

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