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posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 02:37 PM
Religion (FATHER) - Thought Control, Perpetuates Ignorance Through Blind Belief, Based Upon Belief, not the search for Truth, Controlled by A Dark Occult Priest-Class, The Essence of All Mind Control, Basis for the "Old" World Order.

Money (MOTHER) - Emotional Control, Perpetuates Apathy, The New God to which human beings now entirely devote their care, attention and energy, The Ultimate Religion, Basis for the "New" World Order.

How many people think about money all day every day? Money is the main motivational force globally and could easily be called the global religion as it is undeniably that which most care most about. Money controls people’s thoughts, behaviors, and emotions and acts as a blockage to aligning oneself with Truth and Morality. However, this is no excuse. We must wake up and we must wake up fast. Money DOESN'T EXIST IN NATURE. Never has, never will.

Christ went against the religious priest class first, then the temple money changers (fiat currency bankers of his day), and finally tragically the Roman government had him crucified at the behest of "Father & Mother."

Government (CHILD) - Bodily Control, Perpetuates Cowardice, Based upon the erroneous belief in "Authority", Violent Enforcer for Father (Dark Occultists) & Mother (Banksters), "New" World Order

Jesus was a dissident against these three institutional bodies. Jesus was an opponent of the established religious priest-class (THE STATE) during his lifetime. He taught spirituality which was in direct opposition to the worldview of the Pharisees and Sadducees, the most powerful Judaic religious sects of his time. He did not descend against these institutions politely if you actually read the stories but instead fought against them with much passion/intensity. True Morality WAS NOT the objective of these institutions in the same way they are not today. CONTROL was the objective, SLAVERY was the objective which is the exact same objective today. Jesus told them just like it was. You DO NOT have to accept the historicity of the account however the idea is to understand the allegorical principles therein contained so that we can learn lessons from them as intended by whoever wrote the original book. It even says in the Bible itself to not take it literally but instead to see the book as a collection of parables or allegories.

Jesus spoke out against the monetary powers of his day. He even took physical action against them in the famous biblical story where he drove the money changers (the equivalent of monopolistic banking institutions of his time) out of the Temple in Jerusalem. He wasn't afraid to take out a switch and whip people in the ass if he had to because what they were doing was completely immoral, fraudulent, and evil. They were overtly robbing the people of their hard-earned resources in the same way that is still happening today. This institution was also defrauding and harming people mentally as it incorrectly placed their attention and importance on money when instead it should have been on truth and morality.

Jesus spoke against the so-called ''authority'' of the Roman Government, which was the most powerful governmental institution on Earth in his time. He often said "Render to Caesar to That Which is Caesars" which meant "let them have their crap and don't have anything to do with their crap''. Some people think it's a soft way of saying it but in his day, it would have been equivalent of saying "To Hell with the Government & Banks!". Let idiots believe in that garbage. Please understand what is really "Of God" - meaning Natural Law or true Objective Cosmic Universal Morality. He attempted to teach this to people however sadly, even with the power of the allegorical teachings, whether you believe he was an actual rabi of that time period and geographical location or not it didn't succeed as we haven't been liberated from slavery/evil yet. We're in the same condition then now which is why we all need to step up the effort in The Great Work of the ENDING OF SLAVERY FOR ALL FOREVER.

Through the allegorical story in the New Testament, we see how all the institutions of slavery of Jesus's time (the same institutions of slavery that exist today) colluded to have him murdered with the consent of the brainwashed population. Jesus's murder was actually performed by the police of his time, the Roman Centurions. Traditional Christians should realize that the police murdered Jesus Christ. How can the same text be read and it NOT be clearly understood that the murder of Christ was conducted by the collusion of money, religion, and governmental powers. The actual execution was conducted by "The Police" that followed their orders to do so! How could people who claim to be adherent to the Christian Religion NOT understand this allegory? It's unfathomable that they cannot recognize that the Roman Centurions were the police and military of the Roman Empire during that time period. In the same way it happened then so too would it happen today in a heartbeat. Yet people who call themselves Christians cannot see this. These so-called Christians exist in spiritual darkness and are under obvious brainwashing. Romans literally refers to "Rome"!
In that time period people would have claimed that those who murdered Jesus were "just doing their jobs" or "just following orders". The bottom line is the Unholy Trinity of Priest Bankers Politians & Police (Religion Money Government) MURDERD JESUS CHRIST who was the teacher of the values of the Christian tradition. Most people who claim to be followers of his teachings fail to properly understand this crystal-clear allegory. Whilst someone such as myself who doesn't claim to be of "religious" faith DOES understand the truisms taught in the scriptures. It is somewhat frustrating that people like me who DO understand the message have to attempt to teach those who think they understand that in fact, they do not and are themselves operating in error/delusion.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: livinglight108


That got a chuckle out of me. So true!

Good post!
edit on 28-9-2022 by Antisocialist because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: Antisocialist
a reply to: livinglight108


That got a chuckle out of me. So true!

It might be chuckle worthy however the tragic truth is the average joe/kill cannot comprehend this obvious fact.

We are the only species on Earth that has to pay for their existence and when many people are given this truth, they'll defend their addiction/obsession/dependency with fiat! It simply boils down to ignorance, and a lack of real education, which is why the great work is dedicating ourselves to being educators in a time of great deception.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 02:55 PM
Wait! Corie shells were used as money in about 1200 BCE. Money started out as objects from nature.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: StarsInDust
Wait! Corie shells were used as money in about 1200 BCE. Money started out as objects from nature.

Money doesn't exist in Nature. Humans place value upon X Y Zed which gives it its value. Therefore it is HUMAN BELIEF that gives MONEY its value.

The things that have intrinsic value are few:


And I'd go on to add RELATIONSHIPS and LIFE-SKILLS.
edit on PMWednesday3pm2236891Wed, 28 Sep 2022 15:23:36 -0500239 by livinglight108 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 03:33 PM
And money is the root of all evil.......

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: RonnieJersey
And money is the root of all evil.......

One Eye

All seeing eye on one dollar BILL (Billionaire, Bill gates, Billderberg, Pay a Bill, Bill of rights, Bill of sale, etc)

^ A Symbol Of Enlightenment (One Eye, Third Eye, Spirit Eye)

Money is GREEN to correlate with HEART CHAKRA / CARE PRINCIPLE

So, BILLS...... You use BILLS to PAY BILLS. BILL = BAAL. If you don't think there is a correlation to BILL and the demonic "God" BAAL you are mistaken.

edit on PMWednesday3pm2225906Wed, 28 Sep 2022 15:45:25 -0500459 by livinglight108 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: Antisocialist





They do exist in nature.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: livinglight108

and a lack of real education, which is why the great work is dedicating ourselves to being educators in a time of great deception.

Yet how successful to you think this could be in a time where the ears to hear are so stuffed up with the goal and deception of great wealth. Can we imagine the commoners of Jesus time worshiping a man who proudly decorated his dwellings in gold plate. A man who proudly proclaims he is one of the richest men in the world. Imagine those commoners of 2000 years ago cheering on a rich man who gathered them about promising them a place in his kingdom. That's the kind of closed ears an educator of the great work in a time of great deception has to deal with.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: livinglight108

Jesus never spoke out against the Roman authority
Jesus never condemned fiat currency or monetary power

You have little idea about what you have read or have heard and your interpretation is typical of 20th century comprehension of a society that existed 2000 years ago.

Delusion is an appropriate word

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: livinglight108

and a lack of real education, which is why the great work is dedicating ourselves to being educators in a time of great deception.

Yet how successful to you think this could be in a time where the ears to hear are so stuffed up with the goal and deception of great wealth. Can we imagine the commoners of Jesus time worshiping a man who proudly decorated his dwellings in gold plate. A man who proudly proclaims he is one of the richest men in the world. Imagine those commoners of 2000 years ago cheering on a rich man who gathered them about promising them a place in his kingdom. That's the kind of closed ears an educator of the great work in a time of great deception has to deal with.

Many psychological barriers exist between the one that has adequate awareness and that one actually dedicating oneself to educating said awareness. It is my understanding that the only way we will change the tide is by committing ourselves to The Great Work of awakening minds and souls because it is the sleeping / hi-jacked souls that are bringing the rest down through their continued ignorance, apathy, stupidity, laziness, acquiescence, conformity, and complicity.

If it weren't for strong, healthy, dedicated men spending their previous sweet time as educators I would know nothing that I know today. I do not take the suggestion as taking any sort of physical action against evil at this time but to instead inform everybody within ear-shot using all of the mediums available of the truth and the solution.

The voice of FEAR is akin to a Sun in contrast to a grain of sand, the grain of sand being symbolic of the voice of freedom/truth. The reason that is is because the adversary has been perfecting their methodologies of control, domination, deception, and manipulation for literally thousands of years. The WARRIOR has been seemingly bred out of mankind. Men have been feminized, women have been masculinzed.

A great blockage is falsely believing that there is nothing that one can do to change the tide of increasing tyranny and evil. The opposite is in fact the truth. We can not only do something, we can do EVERYTHING. Furthermore, one might die in the process (well, no matter what we will die) however this will not stop one from continuing to be a warrior of TRUTH & FREEDOM until the job is complete. It's a warriors decree. And it's needed, now more than ever.

We have no other option as, in the end, it will not be the few psychopaths that are ultimately to blame but instead will be the masses for allowing themselves to be deceived, dominated, tricked, and ultimately mass-murdered. History never repeats itself however it does have a way of rhyming and as we speak it is rhyming its way to the same dark-corner it has traversed several times in the past 120 years. Is this an outcome you're willing to accept by standing down and not lifting a finger to even speak out against the evil?

For me personally, I am FAR from perfect, however I can celebrate the fact that I have, in these final hours, tried a little more than in previous years. Word of mouth isn't enough. We must get louder. We must take direct action against evil. (Writing and giving presentations are actions)
edit on PMWednesday3pm2216993Wed, 28 Sep 2022 17:51:16 -0500519 by livinglight108 because: (no reason given)

edit on PMWednesday3pm2234994Wed, 28 Sep 2022 17:52:34 -0500529 by livinglight108 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: Antisocialist





They do exist in nature.

You are patently incorrect. You can't eat any of those mentioned materials.

They have value because they have utility in technology. What if those technologies cease to be generated?

Those have value beyond their utility alone because human-minds have GIVEN them value and it is co-agreed upon.

I am amazed that this concept is such a stretch for so many peoples minds.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: livinglight108

Jesus never spoke out against the Roman authority
Jesus never condemned fiat currency or monetary power

You have little idea about what you have read or have heard and your interpretation is typical of 20th century comprehension of a society that existed 2000 years ago.

Delusion is an appropriate word

You are the delusional one, as are all of the humans that fail to rightly interpret the story.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 05:56 PM
The current human condition, regardless of any individual's opinion of this truth, is SLAVERY. This is exactly how it is in plain language. The goal of mankind, if we are to consider ourselves a developing species in this Universe, is the ENDING OF SLAVERY. Slavery has NEVER BEEN OKAY. It has ALWAYS BEEN IMMORAL. It will always be WRONG. The people that continue to perform either the actions or the beliefs that keep this condition in continuance are immoral people operating in perpetual error. These individuals in such error must be reached by those with the mind to do so as to change the tide of continued human slavery in which we all undeniably suffer.

While there may be many paths that might lead an individual to what the objective solution is, there is only one real solution. As much as this might sound dogmatic or religious, which it isn't, the understanding and abiding by Natural Law is our ONLY solution. In the same way that gravity exists independent of human belief, so too does Natural Law exist. Behavior is BOUND BY LAW regardless of the human-ego thinking that it can do anything that it wants as long as it can get away with it. We are inextricably and forever bound by Natural Law. We have the free-will to act however we'd like however we DO NOT have the freedom to be insulated nor removed from the EFFECTS of our behaviors.

Humanity is going to do down a very dark, ugly, negative path if we collectively fail to rise to the occasion of, foremost, understanding and abiding by Natural Law within ourselves and then, second, dedicating ourselves to teaching others the same. Some great human beings have dedicated themselves to this Great Work over the course of the past few decades however the effort has, sadly, not been enough.

NATURAL LAW is a set of universal, inherent, objective, non-man-made, eternal and immutable conditions which govern the consequences of behaviors of beings with the capacity for understanding the difference between harmful and non-harmful behavior.

These laws apply to beings with a higher capacity for thinking and morality and not to ‘’lesser’’ animals that have not been endowed with such higher processes in consciousness. Human beings have the "neo-cortex" as an evolved element to our brains which is something lesser animals do-not have. Therefore, our higher placement on the evolutionary ladder causes us to be subject to a set of rules/laws which govern our behavior not present to other animals.

A world-wide common-sense understanding of true, objective morality and the laws that govern behavioral consequence is the ONLY true solution to the current human condition of Slavery.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: livinglight108

Jesus never spoke out against the Roman authority
Jesus never condemned fiat currency or monetary power

You have little idea about what you have read or have heard and your interpretation is typical of 20th century comprehension of a society that existed 2000 years ago.

Delusion is an appropriate word

Very true, people often misinterpret the Bible, and most especially read into it what they think it says. This is a good example.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 06:41 PM
Absolute Truth right there. Every word of it.
That's the difference between the flesh and the Spirit. Once you've found the Spirit, you can clearly see the flesh and all it's stupidity and blindness. And unfortunately you can't explain works o the Spirit vs works of the flesh to those who are still in the flesh.
Religion is the most dangerous thing on this earth.
To the other readers: Find the Spirit (Holy Spirit). Ask for Him (have faith and do not doubt) and you will receive the Holy Spirit. Ask the Father (Lord of Hosts/Yahweh/God) in the name of the Son (Jesus Christ) and you will receive the free Gift. It's True ... Once you find that, you will see with your Spirit eyes and not the eyes of the flesh. We need the Helper now more than ever...

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: AOx6179
Absolute Truth right there. Every word of it.
That's the difference between the flesh and the Spirit. Once you've found the Spirit, you can clearly see the flesh and all it's stupidity and blindness. And unfortunately you can't explain works o the Spirit vs works of the flesh to those who are still in the flesh.
Religion is the most dangerous thing on this earth.
To the other readers: Find the Spirit (Holy Spirit). Ask for Him (have faith and do not doubt) and you will receive the Holy Spirit. Ask the Father (Lord of Hosts/Yahweh/God) in the name of the Son (Jesus Christ) and you will receive the free Gift. It's True ... Once you find that, you will see with your Spirit eyes and not the eyes of the flesh. We need the Helper now more than ever...

Godspeed. You can see. Narrow is the path that leads to the TRUTH and to FREEDOM, few walk it. Broad is the path that leads to DESTRUCTION, most walk it. This is blatantly evident however part of our work is freeing others from their mind-control and delusion through becoming educators, becoming MESSENGERS of TRUTH ITSELF!

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 08:35 PM
Godspeed to you as well. And amen. I was told to testify....and testify I will.
I really liked the way you worded and formulated that all out in your thread. Beautifully stated.
I saw the Truth here, in your words as soon as I started to read. This is the same as it has been shown to me through Spirit and Truth; ---and a whole lotta Bible study and meditation. "Gnaw on His Flesh"

And yeah, I started it all off with wanting the truth. Found peace joy freedom, and all the Fruits, all while being shown the Truth.
Keep writing! And sharing.a reply to: livinglight108

edit on 28-9-2022 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2022 by AOx6179 because: Misspelled

edit on 28-9-2022 by AOx6179 because: Misspelled

edit on 28-9-2022 by AOx6179 because: Added content

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: AOx6179
Godspeed to you as well. And amen. I was told to testify....and testify I will.

I really liked the way you worded and formulated it out in your thread. I knew immediately when I started reading that you'd been taught by His Spirit. That makes us family, btw.
keep writing and sharing.a reply to: livinglight108

Amen & hallelujah :-)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 09:39 PM
You present very agreeable principles yet do not, as far as I can ascertain, address the point I attempted to make about closed ears and how difficult it is to speak to them. So to get more direct and to the point, I will repeat my point more specifically as I suppose you might agree could be that path of a warrior.

Your OP strongly addresses the pursuit of money and how that pursuit is at the core of the dysfunction of not only our modern world but indeed goes back to antiquity. So, as you fashion yourself a person who would themself as being an ''educator in these times''

people like me who DO understand the message have to attempt to teach those who think they understand that in fact, they do not and are themselves operating in error/delusion.


For me personally, I am FAR from perfect, however I can celebrate the fact that I have, in these final hours, tried a little more than in previous years. Word of mouth isn't enough. We must get louder. We must take direct action against evil. (Writing and giving presentations are actions)

how do you propose to to take that education and shine it on that major dysfunction of modern society as exemplified by the worshiping of monetary gain as promoted by Donald Trump. la reply to: livinglight108

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