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A retired neurosurgeon tells the truth about the Covid pandemic

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posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 12:15 PM
Russell Blaylock was an assistant professor of neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Blaylock wrote the Covid article for Surgical Neurology International last April. SNI offers a totally free online library of nearly 6000 articles and videos. Blaylock's article was then uploaded to PubMed Central, The National Institute of Health, and The National Library of Medicine. People the world over need to read his story.

As they say in the sport of boxing, Blaylock comes out swinging:

"The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies."

And further:

"For the first time in American history a president, governors, mayors, hospital administrators and federal bureaucrats are determining medical treatments based not on accurate scientifically based or even experience based information, but rather to force the acceptance of special forms of care and “prevention”—including remdesivir, use of respirators and ultimately a series of essentially untested messenger RNA vaccines."

Blaylock's full article: COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

What a great article. It actually contained the truth, and truth is hard to come by these days.
We've all heard the endless lies, and they're still being repeated. If you question ANY aspect of the narrative, The Powers That Be always have an answer. When you call them out on their bullsh!t, you're branded a conspiracy nut.

One of my favorite "Covid Myths" websites is provided by John Hopkins Medical Center. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Bill Gates gives them lots of money.
There are thousands of these propaganda sites littering the internet. Some of them have some really wacky content. Orange County, California went as far as saying that The Nuremberg Code doesn't apply to those who don't want the vaccine. I'm not kidding. The Nuremberg Code was written to address the Nazi 'medical experiments', aka war crimes, that were committed during World War II.
Orange County Health Care Agency "Trust the Truth" website.

edit on 25-9-2022 by ColeYounger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 12:40 PM
Fake dissidence.

Covid does not exist and mRNA is a red herring. The real payload is micro/nanotech, furthering the 666-Golemization (graphene is a flattened cube i.e., a hexagonal lattice) of mankind, outsourcing each one's brain to be assimilated by the Crimean Borg Cube or "She-Emperor." The prime-matter zombies, that is Neo Adam's members, "find themselves" (they won't be aware) remote-controlled, this is what cell phones and the invasive GSM masts are for. (Interchanging with the inoculated, self-assembling particles/undifferentiated "cells" specialized into microrouters among others. Graphene derivatives are expedient, at the very least as freq. scalers in order to make communication within GHz bands possible. Graphene shrinks wavelengths a thousandfold.)

Ramblings of a madman that will turn out true.
edit on 25-9-2022 by Kovalevsky because: Addendum

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 12:42 PM
Ultimately about control of the masses.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 12:59 PM
You cannot undo memory though, these people know this, they dont care that they're lying they know if they keep saying this bull# it will go into peoples minds and by that point the scale of damage is far too great to undo.

It gets all this to happen and now its done. Most people are predicted to just "accept" it cause what else can they do???? cry themselves to death???? They were fooled, they are fools, they trusted - its far easier for them to just sip some crappy excuse that makes them feel better about it.

They will accept these liars "apologising" or "admitting they made a mistake" cause these people made the same mistakes, they didnt know so they can just imagine the liars didnt know either, they'll let them off with not knowing because they themselves didnt know any better either.

This is the predicted behavioral reaction thats expected.

They have gotten everyone to react and now its VERRRRRY hard to get back off that track. The mask thing and locksdowns, all that simple stuff people can argue endlessly about was simply a distraction to continue the whole thing and start a million different fires, so nobody knows whats going on.....these people need that as cover or else it becomes glaringly obvious.
edit on 25-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

6.5 million people died from covid-19 globally, just under 1% of the 8 billion of us, the total population of the planet. A "real" pandemic would be more like 10% of the species or more.

Of those 6.5 million, the vast majority were elderly or had poor health. Nature did us a favor? That's such a weak culling of the herd that you can't even call it that.

Did you know that the global population has more than doubled since 1960? There was only 3 billion humans back then, a mere 60 years ago. If this trend continues, in 2080 there will be over 16+ billion human beings. More than that, the equation is exponential until there aren't enough resources to support life. If we have supply chain issues now, imagine what they'll be like in the future.

In the year 1700, there was approximately 610 million people on the planet. Our population has increased over 10x.
edit on CDT01Sun, 25 Sep 2022 13:16:08 -050000000009b2022 by Thrumbo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 01:21 PM
Wow, is no longer a conspiracy, is becoming a fact, we were manipulated, coerce, forced and intimidated into unproven treatments, jabs and lies.

Our government is under corporate rule, what they say it goes, we are nothing but the lab rats.

Will this happen again? you bet your butt it will.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Thrumbo

Simply not true. We will reach population peak around 2050-2070 then face rapid decline, population levels by 2100 are expected to be below the current number. Birth rates are already below replacement levels in many European countries.

edit on 25/9/22 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 01:38 PM
I wrote this in another forum I frequent in May of 2020.

Get busy living: How you have been manipulated through fear and shame.

Sir Edmund Burke, Irish statesman and Parliament member once said:

"No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear."

No truer words have ever been spoken, but there is something that comes in a close second: Shame.

Let’s look at these individually, and then looks at how they have been combined to control the public.

First, fear. What Edmund Burke said is scientifically and physiologically correct. All mammals share commonalities in brain structure. The “fear center” of the brain is called the amygdala. This part of the brain is responsible for the fight or flight response. Psychologically, we find that people, and animals for that matter who live under constant fear begin to filter everything, every reaction, every response to any stimuli through the amygdala. So everything we do when we are in this condition is filtered through fear.

When everything is filtered through fear, reason and logic are sacrificed completely. You cannot reason with a person who is in the throes of terror. This is why lifeguards are taught how to deal with a drowning person by carrying a float that they can extend to the person instead of getting close enough where the drowning person can get a hold of the lifeguard. In their fear, the drowning person can end up drowning themselves, and drowning the lifeguard who went to save them because they have lost the ability to reason.

Now, let’s look at shame. One of the main reasons I left organized Christianity is because of the constant manipulation of people’s shame to keep congregants towing the line. “If you have un-confessed sin, God won’t hear your prayers.” If you don’t give enough of your money, God will curse your finances.” “if you think about having sex with that woman, God will turn his back on you.” But religion is not the only type of movement that has figured out how to harness the power of shame, and how to manipulate it to their advantage.

From the TED website:

*Religions, cults, governments, and social media platforms all use the same tactics to control members: they learn an individual’s secrets, sexual proclivities, or identity issues, and threaten to use this information against them. Some cults use lie detectors to drill down into their targets’ most shameful truths, technologies that are updated versions of the confessionals once used by churches to blackmail wealthy parishioners or to shame the poor ones into exploitative compliance. The happy explosion of new genders, racial identities, and disability intersections flies in the face of social programming designed to stigmatize differences and disadvantage those labeled outsiders.

Shaming those who deviate from the norm helps galvanize unity among the group and enforce adherence to the rules. Frat houses shame new recruits into macho antics, just as pious hypocrites shame their followers into obedience. In more prosocial hands, the same tactics can be used by schools to stigmatize bullying or by environmentalists to punish polluters. But the problem is that people and institutions behaving destructively are not so vulnerable to shame. Bullies are proud of their conquests, and corporations experience no emotions.

Now, what happens when we combine these two psychological forces on a public at large? Submission. Those who seek to control the world have the perfect one-two punch to keep you in line.

I cannot go to my facebook feed, or twitter, or Reddit, or here for that matter and not see accusations like this:“You should be afraid!! This Virus is killing hundreds of thousands! You are a heartless bastard if you don’t wear a mask! If you don’t wear a mask, you don’t care!”

So not only have you been made to be fearful, you are also made to feel shame if you want to go back to work, leave your house, provide for you family, or live a normal life. The terrible truth is that it is working on far too many people.

So what's the point? I guess it is simply this: No amount of hiding in your house, feeling ashamed or shaming others is ever going to guarantee the safety of even one person. No one gets out of this life alive, and no one gets out without pain, or suffering, or loss. It is just the nature of life on earth.

This "pandemic" in the grand scheme of things is nothing. If the numbers are to be believed, (which is a stretch considering that such absurdities as counting heart attack and gunshot victims as Covid-19 deaths has been observed and admitted to,) it has killed abut three hundred and sixty thousand people (I suspect that is inflated anywhere from 25 to 40%) in the seven months since it appeared. By comparison, one hundred and fifty to one hundred and sixty thousand people die on earth EVERY DAY, and I am sure a lot of them had no idea that today would be that day.

So stop cowering in your houses, quit being afraid to die because that is coming for you too, it's just a matter of where it falls on the calendar.

Quit being ashamed to want to get back to work, get your business back open, provide for your family, or shaming your friends and acquaintances because they don't "care enough" to wear a mask.

Most of all, stop listening to the media, the politicians, and the "experts."

Those who seek to control you understand that when you are afraid you aren't thinking straight. Your inability to reason gives them carte blanche to do whatever the hell they want because in your fear you are pliable. In your fear you are so occupied contemplating your own mortality that you don't see what is staring you right in the face: this is a political power grab, an attempt to raze society to the ground, and many are going right along with it cheering as the world is driven off a cliff.

If you live in fear that this virus is lurking outside your door waiting to pounce, or if you live in shame for wanting to get back out there to provide for your family, you may as well be dead already, because you aren't really living.
edit on 25-9-2022 by MaxxAction because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

You should have seen some of the responses...

People were responding with the propaganda being force fed them through the media, the very same guilt and shame manipulation I was trying to warn them about. It is incredible to behold, and if I hadn't lived through it, I would have had a hard time believing that people, and especially Americans, could be so easily cowed into submission.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: Grenade

Lol, after +/- 2033 the face of the earth (and, on a deeper note, the heart of man) shall have changed so much that you'll but call it a new world.

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 01:50 PM
Ive long said, especially after my experience with Covid and the hospital, that it was the protocols that were killing people and not really covid itself so much

There was so much they could have done for me, and honestly if i hadnt refused what they were trying to do to me and left the hospital, im fully convinced they would have killed me.

I immediately went home and called my personal doc, he sent over an air machine and prescribed me a steriod, I could breathe within a day, and after a week I was able to move around almost normal.

The hospital on the other hand wanted to put me on a forced vent, and were trying to pump me full of remdesivere, when I flatly refused all of these things, they basically kicked me out

Theres no doubt in my mind had they put me on that vent I would have been dead, and my doc echos the same sentiment

These hospital staff could have put people on a steriod for the breathing issues and ivermectin and these people would have lived

But no they NEEDED this to happen to scare people into the vaccine

Its all manufactured BS for profit

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 02:10 PM
In the end, President Trump was right. He didn't go off the deep end ordering us all to have that vaccine, or else. He made sure the vaccine was available for those who wanted it.
At the company my husband was working for, and he had a union job, the vaccine was mandatory.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Thrumbo

Yeah its a great point you're making, in the 1918 pandemic when around 50 MILLION people died, there was only around 2-3 billion people. Then there was world war 2 which killed .....untold millions and mao's famine which took another 60 million.........

Theres nearly 8 billion now and we've acted like this due to 0.08% dying, which is infact 10x lower than 1%.

More money has been spent by america than was spent on the entire world war 2 .........

The great plague killed anywhere between 70 to 200 million people and the population was around 450 million.... many of the populations of europe have only just started to recover from this.....

Thats what a pandemic is.....not this #ing utter bull#. Lowered the bar so much that literally anything could be an emergency now. Thats one of the points of this horsecrap.

Theres also this......

One particular test – involving live plague bacteria – was carried out off the west coast of Scotland in 1952.

It’s long been known that a fishing vessel inadvertently passed through the cloud of bacteria and that the authorities were very worried that the fishermen might contract the disease.

The plague bacteria field trials, though at sea, took place only a few miles from the Isle of Lewis which had a population of several thousand.

The government scientists, carrying out the trials, banked on the fact that the prevailing wind normally blew away from the coast. If, however, the wind had changed direction, thousands of Hebrideans would have been at risk from plague infection, says Professor Schmidt.

But trust the secret science that was denied until very recently......

The research reveals, for the first time, that around 4600 kilos of the chemical, zinc cadmium sulphide (now thought to be potentially carcinogenic, on account of its cadmium content) were dispersed from ships, aircraft and moving lorries between 1953 and 1964.

The new research reveals, for the first time, that in another British imperial possession, Nigeria, a location was found for chemical warfare field trials.

In an area called Obanaghoro in southern Nigeria, four British Cold War scientific missions spent a total of around 15 months dispersing, and assessing the effects of, large quantities of experimental nerve gas weapons.

The advantage of the location was that it permitted field trials to be carried out in a tropical environment – and, of course, that it was not in Britain or Australia. The extent that local people (including locally employed field trial personnel) were affected by the nerve agents is not known.


One chapter of the report, 'The Fluorescent Particle Trials', reveals how between 1955 and 1963 planes flew from north-east England to the tip of Cornwall along the south and west coasts, dropping huge amounts of zinc cadmium sulphide on the population. The chemical drifted miles inland, its fluorescence allowing the spread to be monitored. In another trial using zinc cadmium sulphide, a generator was towed along a road near Frome in Somerset where it spewed the chemical for an hour.

In another chapter, 'Large Area Coverage Trials', the MoD describes how between 1961 and 1968 more than a million people along the south coast of England, from Torquay to the New Forest, were exposed to bacteria including e.coli and bacillus globigii , which mimics anthrax. These releases came from a military ship, the Icewhale, anchored off the Dorset coast, which sprayed the micro-organisms in a five to 10-mile radius.

Similar bacteria were released in 'The Sabotage Trials' between 1952 and 1964. These were tests to determine the vulnerability of large government buildings and public transport to attack. In 1956 bacteria were released on the London Underground at lunchtime along the Northern Line between Colliers Wood and Tooting Broadway. The results show that the organism dispersed about 10 miles. Similar tests were conducted in tunnels running under government buildings in Whitehall.

In recent years, the MoD has commissioned two scientists to review the safety of these tests. Both reported that there was no risk to public health, although one suggested the elderly or people suffering from breathing illnesses may have been seriously harmed if they inhaled sufficient quantities of micro-organisms.

However, some families in areas which bore the brunt of the secret tests are convinced the experiments have led to their children suffering birth defects, physical handicaps and learning difficulties. David Orman, an army officer from Bournemouth, is demanding a public inquiry.

His wife, Janette, was born in East Lulworth in Dorset, close to where many of the trials took place. She had a miscarriage, then gave birth to a son with cerebral palsy. Janette's three sisters, also born in the village while the tests were being carried out, have also given birth to children with unexplained problems, as have a number of their neighbours.

The local health authority has denied there is a cluster, but Orman believes otherwise. He said: 'I am convinced something terrible has happened. The village was a close-knit community and to have so many birth defects over such a short space of time has to be more than coincidence.'

The report also confirms the use of anthrax and other deadly germs on tests aboard ships in the Caribbean and off the Scottish coast during the 1950s. The document states: 'Tacit approval for simulant trials where the public might be exposed was strongly influenced by defence security considerations aimed obviously at restricting public knowledge. An important corollary to this was the need to avoid public alarm and disquiet about the vulnerability of the civil population to BW [biological warfare] attack.'

uh oh

And you have to imagine...this just the light stuff, you'll NEVER hear the horrific experiments that have been and are being done. But trust that science though.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: thethinkingman
a reply to: Thrumbo

Yeah its a great point you're making, in the 1918 pandemic when around 50 MILLION people died, there was only around 2-3 billion people. Then there was world war 2 which killed .....untold millions and mao's famine which took another 60 million.........

Theres nearly 8 billion now and we've acted like this due to 0.08% dying, which is infact 10x lower than 1%.

More money has been spent by america than was spent on the entire world war 2 .........

The great plague killed anywhere between 70 to 200 million people and the population was around 450 million.... many of the populations of europe have only just started to recover from this.....

Thats what a pandemic is.....not this #ing utter bull#. Lowered the bar so much that literally anything could be an emergency now. Thats one of the points of this horsecrap.

Theres also this......

One particular test – involving live plague bacteria – was carried out off the west coast of Scotland in 1952.

It’s long been known that a fishing vessel inadvertently passed through the cloud of bacteria and that the authorities were very worried that the fishermen might contract the disease.

The plague bacteria field trials, though at sea, took place only a few miles from the Isle of Lewis which had a population of several thousand.

The government scientists, carrying out the trials, banked on the fact that the prevailing wind normally blew away from the coast. If, however, the wind had changed direction, thousands of Hebrideans would have been at risk from plague infection, says Professor Schmidt.

But trust the secret science that was denied until very recently......

The research reveals, for the first time, that around 4600 kilos of the chemical, zinc cadmium sulphide (now thought to be potentially carcinogenic, on account of its cadmium content) were dispersed from ships, aircraft and moving lorries between 1953 and 1964.

The new research reveals, for the first time, that in another British imperial possession, Nigeria, a location was found for chemical warfare field trials.

In an area called Obanaghoro in southern Nigeria, four British Cold War scientific missions spent a total of around 15 months dispersing, and assessing the effects of, large quantities of experimental nerve gas weapons.

The advantage of the location was that it permitted field trials to be carried out in a tropical environment – and, of course, that it was not in Britain or Australia. The extent that local people (including locally employed field trial personnel) were affected by the nerve agents is not known.


One chapter of the report, 'The Fluorescent Particle Trials', reveals how between 1955 and 1963 planes flew from north-east England to the tip of Cornwall along the south and west coasts, dropping huge amounts of zinc cadmium sulphide on the population. The chemical drifted miles inland, its fluorescence allowing the spread to be monitored. In another trial using zinc cadmium sulphide, a generator was towed along a road near Frome in Somerset where it spewed the chemical for an hour.

In another chapter, 'Large Area Coverage Trials', the MoD describes how between 1961 and 1968 more than a million people along the south coast of England, from Torquay to the New Forest, were exposed to bacteria including e.coli and bacillus globigii , which mimics anthrax. These releases came from a military ship, the Icewhale, anchored off the Dorset coast, which sprayed the micro-organisms in a five to 10-mile radius.

Similar bacteria were released in 'The Sabotage Trials' between 1952 and 1964. These were tests to determine the vulnerability of large government buildings and public transport to attack. In 1956 bacteria were released on the London Underground at lunchtime along the Northern Line between Colliers Wood and Tooting Broadway. The results show that the organism dispersed about 10 miles. Similar tests were conducted in tunnels running under government buildings in Whitehall.

In recent years, the MoD has commissioned two scientists to review the safety of these tests. Both reported that there was no risk to public health, although one suggested the elderly or people suffering from breathing illnesses may have been seriously harmed if they inhaled sufficient quantities of micro-organisms.

However, some families in areas which bore the brunt of the secret tests are convinced the experiments have led to their children suffering birth defects, physical handicaps and learning difficulties. David Orman, an army officer from Bournemouth, is demanding a public inquiry.

His wife, Janette, was born in East Lulworth in Dorset, close to where many of the trials took place. She had a miscarriage, then gave birth to a son with cerebral palsy. Janette's three sisters, also born in the village while the tests were being carried out, have also given birth to children with unexplained problems, as have a number of their neighbours.

The local health authority has denied there is a cluster, but Orman believes otherwise. He said: 'I am convinced something terrible has happened. The village was a close-knit community and to have so many birth defects over such a short space of time has to be more than coincidence.'

The report also confirms the use of anthrax and other deadly germs on tests aboard ships in the Caribbean and off the Scottish coast during the 1950s. The document states: 'Tacit approval for simulant trials where the public might be exposed was strongly influenced by defence security considerations aimed obviously at restricting public knowledge. An important corollary to this was the need to avoid public alarm and disquiet about the vulnerability of the civil population to BW [biological warfare] attack.'

uh oh

And you have to imagine...this just the light stuff, you'll NEVER hear the horrific experiments that have been and are being done. But trust that science though.

The 1918 flu had the almost the same case fatality ratio (CFR) as COVID-19 did prior to the roll-out of the vaccines (on average, the 1918 flu had a CFR slightly greater than 2.5%).

If the SARS-CoV-2 virus had happened in 1918, there would have been about the same number of fatalities that the 1918 flu caused.

In the cases of previous use/misuse of chemical agents and controlled releases of pathogens, we have clear historical evidence of their effects in medical records, birth, and death rates.

Beside those historical records, individual testimonials of one or two allegedly attributed diseases, where a direct linkage to causation is unproven, have very little factual weight.

edit on 25/9/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

How does that maths add up when you have 50 million total deaths versus 6.5 million total deaths with almost 4x the population?????

The fact is also....the spanish flu killed alot of healthy people.....not unhealthy, old people riddled with disease. Almost everyone in the world....several BILLION people have had covid most likely....and 0.08% of the entire world has can that possibly add up????

The spanish flu was mainly affecting europe, not the entire world...... it also lasted for 1 year, possibly 2.

They also didnt have the technology to fabricate a virus like this one..... This virus clearly came out of a lab.

You seem to be pulling stuff out your ass.

they're not testimonials....they're actually from MOD records. They tested live plague bacteria ....outside....WILLY NILLY. The reason i point this out is cause those experiments are insanely dangerous and were done secretly on the public, did you even read what it says?
edit on 25-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

One of my favorite "Covid Myths" websites is provided by John Hopkins Medical Center.

For real? I had to address this first..... I guess all those who have benefited from John Hopkins advancements in transplant, heart, genetics and cancer treatments should go have their procedures reversed... They were obviously hoodwinked by snake oil merchants. Honestly, this is just downright silly.

Now back to the claims being made. I have trouble believing this person who has taken issue with the medical community since the mid 2000s. You can check his past pubmedicine articles..

Seems like he has an axe to grind.

Managed truth: The great danger to our republic - 2011
My experience with a major hospital stroke team-What's wrong with "Modern" medicine - 2016

Checking out his personal website, looks like he is trying to peddle his "free" reports that give you a summary page and tries to convince you to buy more products.

He has an extensive list of books available on Amazon selling alternative medicine solutions for common ailments. Smells fishy to me.

edit on 25-9-2022 by Overseeall because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

People didn’t “die with the Spanish Flu” they died from the Spanish Flu.

Additionally, population mobility and density have increased exponentially since the early 1900’s.

Head to head the Spanish Flu would be far more serious than Covid today.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

somehow these people dont understand 50 million is MORE than 6.5 million..... *sighs*

they read a webpage they dont understand, without thinking about any of the information what so ever.

This is basically how so many people got shot up with a untested drug and are now a guinea pig in a world wide experiment.

edit on 25-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: thethinkingman

Not to mention Covid deaths were inflated by mass testing and registering everyone who died within 28 days of a positive test, irrespective of underlying cause.

Also, where did the flu go in 2020? Answers on a postcard.

Covid was a scam, only fools and shills still believe otherwise.

edit on 25/9/22 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: Grenade

its because they think they'll look even more foolish by admitting it.....except that just makes them stupidly foolish....Oh dear, oh dear.
edit on 25-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

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