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I posted this on Facebook tonite

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posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 04:00 AM
I finally got fed up tonite and posted this on Facebook. I'd appreciate if anyone who doesn't agree with this just not respond to me anymore.

This is Insane that People want the Police to stop being Police, but don't want Criminals to stop being Criminals.

Who's brilliant plan was this?

We're just going to have a Country filled with Criminals.

I feel bad for the FBI and the Police.

If I worked there, I would quit!

They should be filing lawsuits against the Government for making their job HARDER and MORE DANGEROUS.

F^*k Criminals!

Every single one of them.

EDIT: If you stick up for Criminals, as far as I'm concerned, you are in Conspiracy. If you are sticking up for Criminals, please remove yourself from my Friends list. Don't try to explain or complain. If you bother me with your Criminal BS, I'll flag you so Facebook can kick you off. Which is the least that should happen to you.


So, if you don't agree with this, please don't explain or complain. I'm done. If I get bothered here, I'll report you and block you.

If you do agree, you're welcome to copy and paste it where you want people to see it.
edit on 9-7-2022 by CryHavoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 04:23 AM
What kind of criminals are we talkin'? I broke the speed limit a couple times yesterday... I have a lot of friends who smoke Marijuana, only a few of them have a medical card, and I will defend them.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 04:28 AM
a reply to: CryHavoc

What about the police who are criminals, the justice system that is criminal
What about politicians who commit crimes and justice turns a blind eye

Yeah, block me because your opinion is so shallow

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: CryHavoc

So, using the Liberals own tactics against them ?

" Agree with me or I'll cancel you "

By the way, you forgot the video where you fall to your knees and scream at the sky. That'll REALLY let them know you mean business.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: CryHavoc

Imagine thinking anyone here, even anywhere at all, cares about what you're posting to your Facebook.

You did however, literally, just made the most boomer sounding post I've probably seen this month so far. So congrats on that. Go to sleep, grandpa. Lmao.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 05:15 AM
a reply to: CryHavoc

Not gonna get a sympathetic ear from me.

Born and bred in a former penal colony where our ancestors were transported here in chains for such heinous crimes as stealing bread to feed their families in the industrial waste lands of England, being drunk at church, espousingIrish nationalism, being Irish, being Scottish, being get the picture.

Then after that in the goldfields when the redcoats were enforcing crippling laws and taxes the miners (of multiple cultures and nationalities) took a stand and were shot dead for their trouble.

Recently in the COVID lockdowns they broke in to a house to arrest a mother in her pyjamas for something she said on Facebook, arrested and pepper sprayed elderly ladies and put the boot to the people.

Yeah some of them are good guys but they’re a minority.

If you enjoy having high school bullies that never grew up and people so sh**ty no one respects them and they feel the only way they’ll get it is wearing a badge telling you what you can and can’t do then I don’t know what to tell ya.
edit on 972022 by IAMALLYETALLIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: CryHavoc

A job in law enforcement is hard, that is why they don't let just anyone do it, or they shouldn't. That's problem nr1

but police mentality hasn't changed... much. The thing that's changed is that now there are camera's around everywhere and nothing goes unnoticed. that's their problem nr2.

If they can't handle it and can't do their job as they're supposed to do,
with professional objectivity and without corruption
then they should quit!

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 05:27 AM
a reply to: CryHavoc

If you dont want opposing views DO NOT post on a conspiracy site! Also alert and block? What kind of child are you? It is hard to take anyone seriously who comments like this. If you dont agree with me I will have a fit. Boo hoo. How about growing up and having an adult conversation? Is that too hard?

If you dont want to have a conversation do not go on the internet. Do not post on the internet. Stay in your cozy little bubble and let the adults do the talking.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: CryHavoc

I’m glad I stopped using Facebook a long time ago, something about it makes everyone sound a bit retarded somehow.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

I do agree, not completely but I do agree.

There are cameras everywhere and usually it's not the good deeds that get the media attention. 99% of the time it is the "bad egg" cops that get the video of them posted on Instagram of them beating up some guy, most of the time with no context.

As far as police mentality, it has changed. Now more than ever we have a police force that is starting to consist of Millennials and Gen Zs. The guys and gals that have been raised with a cell phone in their hands or a computer in front of their face to where anytime that they disagree with someone they go off on them at the touch of a keyboard. They had little to no parental controls over them and most of the kids I grew up with treated their parents like absolute garbage. Granted I am of the firm belief that if you acted up as a kid, you got your A$$ beat. I did and I feel that I turned out halfway decent. Most of them have little to no social skills and that is what, most of the time, causes these violent outbursts by younger cops. That is how they have spent their lives, getting violent with anybody that has anything to say that doesn't match up with their ideology.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: CryHavoc

I’m glad I stopped using Facebook a long time ago, something about it makes everyone sound a bit retarded somehow.

Same here it’s been years and I’ve not looked back. I only use LinkedIN to maintain professional connections - was gonna delete it, tried and couldn’t figure out how to shut down a group then a few months later had a recruiter headhunt me through it and get me in to business finance, highest paying and most enjoyable job I’ve had so thought I’d stay on.

That said I login once or twice a week, post in there rarely (mainly when the higher ups are getting hot under the collar about it).

I don’t share some other people’s need for constant, external validation.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: PorkChop96

I don’t think it’s got anything to do with what age and generation they’re from and broad statements about the cringey things a small percentage of kids these days do are intellectually lazy and getting old.

I think the bad behaviour of certain police comes down to an archetypal personality type that’s been in existence for time immemorial. Narcissistic, borderline sociopaths who can not mentally process any slight challenge to their perceived authority.

These people have existed since time immemorial and span across all races, cultures, socioeconomic classes, ages and genders.

“Like humans some elephants are just jerks....Mr Simpson would you stop that!?”
edit on 972022 by IAMALLYETALLIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 05:57 AM
The problem is, its rich criminals who have the power over the police forces. They mostly work against but not for the people, they are there to defend the "status quo" of the rich from the rest, the low wage slaves, the working poor.

Little example from Germany. While that Corona lockdown BS and that forced Corona self-imprisonment BS and all that dirt that was thrown at constitution, laws, democracy and freedom, people in the so called democracy that Germany allegedly is peacefully protested against these anti-constitutional and anti-human measures for the profits of big pharma and for the profits of a transformation of the "society".

The police was more than happy to hit, kick, pepper spray and use all of their brutality against people who did what was their democratic right. And what they were teached for decades: If you see fascism rising, name it and fight it! Even the UN Special Representative on Torture had to step in and reprimanded the "peoples government". Not that somebody had to take his hat, go to jail or something that would happen if people would have still the power, would still be the state. But that showed who the power over these army for the rich and powerful has.

Now we have "activists" who glue themselves to streets to stop cars because of "saving the climate". This is serious interference with road traffic and a felony in Germany. No water cannons, no pepper spray, no batons, no boots to the head, no old people thrown to the floor with all brutality, no beat up of parents in front of their kids. They are not arresting these Green New Deal terrorists but helping them to remove the (as we know now even often faked) adhesive slowly and carefully, then they sometimes have to spend a few hours in an arrest cell and then they can go on to glue them to the streets, being criminal and being supported by the power that control the police.

It is not "our" police anymore or better, it has never been the peoples police but an army to protect the rich and their henchmen from the rabble.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 06:21 AM

I don't understand your logic here, stating that I am intellectually lazy for commenting on the exact issue we are seeing. This has been the pattern for the last several years with the younger members of a police force. And wouldn't you know it, that corresponds with the fact they they are Millennials or Gen Z. I grew up with people from both of these generations, I am part of them. I know exactly how these people act and the trends I am seeing in the police brutalities are precisely that of who I grew up with.

Narcissism and and sociopathic tendencies are exactly what I was referring to. The kids had no structure given to them at a young age, allowed to act out in any manor they wanted, treat anybody however they saw fit and nobody punished them for their wrongdoings. You give that person any sort of authority and that is what you get, a cop who thinks he is untouchable once he puts on that badge and then goes and beats down or possibly kills somebody because they weren't going to take his $#!T.

I never made the comment that it was only one, race, ag group, socioeconomic class, gender, or anything of that nature. I simply put that this was the trend I have been seeing, from the age group that I grew up with. Yes, these issues have been around for a long time, but with the exponential growth in people with a camera in their hand it has been brought to light even more.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 06:36 AM
Basically "agree with me or I'll cry."


Ok dude.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: PorkChop96

Relax mate, I’m not having a dig at you, the intellectually lazy comment wasn’t specifically directed to you- I should have said broad statements about any group are not useful as they’re rarely if ever accurate.

I still agree to disagree, I know plenty of great youngsters from all kinds of family structures, backgrounds and situation and think we’re talking about a human personality defect here not specific to age group or generation.

Yeah the brats with their phones and inability to deal with the world are annoying but so were all the ones before them with no phones and social media

P.S I’m a late 80’s baby so not far removed from that generation if not a part of it depending on who you ask

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 07:10 AM
We're not in Facebook any more Toto.
We live in a criminalized society, where anyone can be convicted and jailed for something.
The problem is the worst criminals are at the top making National policy.
We're back in the days of the king's carriage running over serfs.
Just another day in the kingdom.
edit on 9-7-2022 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 07:18 AM
First, if I blocked everyone who didn't agree with me here, I'd see very few comments.

Second, your opinion is valid, even if no one agrees.

Third, all are welcome here. All views. Even if every last person doesn't' agree. That's what makes this site a bit different.

I generally simply leave my comment and let the rest debate. I do so, so that people here will know not everyone thinks the same. I find myself outnumbered many times. Most of us do at some point. But since I believe my opinion is just as valid as anyone else's, it doesn't make that much difference to me.

Hang in there. State your case. And don't feel the need to shut down. Again, everyone has something to contribute.

a reply to: CryHavoc

edit on 9-7-2022 by MiddleInsite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 07:21 AM

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: CryHavoc

You seem upset?

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