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Ideology and religion of "Azov"

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posted on May, 19 2022 @ 03:24 AM
Hello ATS!

On May 17, 694 nationalists left Azovstal and surrendered. May 18 - another 785. The wounded are taken to the hospital of Novoazovsk, where they receive medical care, the Nazis from Azov are taken to pre-trial detention center No. 1 in the city of Rostov-on-Don.
War correspondents report that last night one of the leaders and founders, deputy commander of the Azov regiment, Svyatoslav Palamar ("Kalyn"), came out and surrendered. You know him from numerous videos. He is already in Rostov.

In this regard, I became very interested in the ideology and religion of the Azov regiment and I want to tell you about it.

There is another fundamentally important point in the surrender of the Azov banned in Russia. For a long time, this formation was the front sign of the right-wing neo-pagan subculture throughout Eastern Europe. Cool shooting, harsh-looking warriors perform a ritual on a pagan temple, explosions, armored vehicles, torches. The Azov people themselves said about themselves: “Azov” is “As-Gof”, the court of aces, Scandinavian deities.

How a real warrior should behave, according to this system of views, is well described in Anders Stringholm's book Viking Campaigns. All the heroes there die heroically. Who has not read, I advise for development.

What did the "Heroes" of Azov show in reality?

A terrible, indelible shame from the point of view of the ethical system that the Azov people themselves promoted. If all of them sincerely believed in what they planted in the minds of young people, they would go to the Russian military in the last assault and become heroes in the eyes of their audience. He died with a weapon in his hands - and straight to feast in Valhalla. And here toads from all over the global swamp fit in for them: their brave Jarl-Cossack in heels Zelensky, their wives were sent to bow to the Jesuit Francis, Eurovision was held in their honor. So-so, very weak Vikings. Ragnar and Erik would have been condemned. And the Russian princes would not even take slaves after this.

In Russian social networks, the neo-paganism of Azov is actively discussed in the context of the fact that real Vikings or pagan Slavs would never have given up, but would have gone in a joyful crowd to Valhalla, having died in battle, and also that the Azov people profess the dark side of paganism, the so-called path of the Left Arms. Worship of the underground evil gods, demanding bloody sacrifices from their adherents. Well, the burial of Mariupol Azov in the factory catacombs can be symbolically tied to the fact that they climbed into the lower world, to their hellish deities.

In fact, the cult that Azov professes, in my opinion, is a complete "remake", a modern phenomenon, it can be described as esoteric Hitlerism. The ideologist of this cult, who considered Hitler the avatar of a Nordic deity, was the Chilean philosopher Miguel Serrano. By the way, not some kind of fool and madman, but a successful diplomat and public figure who worked as a diplomat in India and Europe and Chile's representative at the IAEA, who became the only European who was received in exile by the Dalai Lama in the 50s of the 20th century.

Esoteric pagan Hitlerism is for the European right-wing radical youth what Wahhabism is for radical Islamic youth. It is also a cult of strength and war, a short way to paradise through death in battle, and the justification of any violence against people of a different faith or nationality. So, the parallels between ISIS and Ukrainian neo-Nazis are not accidental. The Belarusian Nazi Lyashuk, who fought in the most savage national battalion "Tornado", converted to Wahhabi Islam after neo-paganism. And the main ideologist of Russian Wahhabism, Harun Sidorov, was also a right-wing radical from St. Petersburg in the past.

Funny thing is this. In fact, the neo-Hitlerists from Azov with their racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, fighting against Russia and the Russian world, are fighting against a healthy conservative revenge on the side of neo-Marxism, LGBTQ, global comprador capital and other things that they should, in theory, hate. And, on the contrary, Western gays and transgenders, leftist and liberal politicians, ethnic Jews of liberal views from Europe, Russia and Israel support the neo-Nazis from Azov, stubbornly ignoring the swastika, rune and black Sun on their stripes and flags. What unites them? Situational hatred for Russians.

This conclusion is confirmed by Raven Caldera, an American ideologue of the Rökkatru, a neo-pagan movement popular among neo-Nazis. Its adherents worship Jotuns, evil giants who fight the solar gods of the Scandinavian pantheon. But not all Russian and Ukrainian neo-Nazis know the real biography of Caldera. This now bearded neo-pagan was a woman until the age of 30, even gave birth to a daughter. And then the Scandinavian Goddess Hel allegedly appeared to him and forced him to become a male shaman. He changed sex, married a transgender woman who used to be a man, and they also have a slave - a masochist, with whom they practice neo-pagan BDSM rituals for three.

Continued below....

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 03:25 AM
Why was Azov popular among Ukrainian youth? Fashionable uniforms, plates, helmets, drones, pouches. Clips and videos, brutal men with weapons. I don’t know what kind of agency worked on the Azov PR, but everything was done very sensibly. For the youth target audience, the hit is 100%. Again, there was and is an idea behind all this. Pure, uncomplicated neo-Nazism, where the Azov is a type of knight protecting the West from the horde from the East. Mythologems, absurd cleverness, clannishness.

Well, now it turns out that the "knights" are a little broken. Went to surrender. And the same ones that loved photos with weapons, runes and swastikas. Not only the wounded went into captivity. On the video, quite healthy men. Succulent and quite strong.

But they were broken in spirit. For the idea, their ideology is crap. Osovets or the Brest Fortress were held because people believed that what they defend was more valuable than life. Everything, the Russians broke both the ideology of Azov and Azov himself. A beautiful story ended in disgrace.

Mariupol is translated from Greek as the city of the Mother of God, the city of Mary. The ending in this regard is very natural and indicative. Not the Russians defeated Azov, but the Mother of God defeated Satanism

Thank you.

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 04:32 AM
Whew, thank goodness seems like Putin saved the soul of 'Mother Russia" or does Russian believe in souls and the afterlife? So many questions. Here are the most pertinent ones IMHO.

So Russia was threatened enough by 1500 or so satanic Azov Nazis, to invade, bomb, pillage, plunder, rape, bombard and shell the other 40 million or so innocent /non-Azov nazis Ukrainians?

Sounds like typical Russian logic and historical Russian military doctrine.

So now that the Azov nazi swarm has been decimated by the righteous and noble Russians, what's the next step for Ukraine? indoctrination? occupation? gulag? is Russia going to at least try and occupy and hold the disputed Azov areas?

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 05:27 AM

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

So what? considering the deaths of about 4 grand, injuries of another 3-4 thousand, and displacement estimated at 6 million. But yea, go ahead and be worried about a fascist boy scout camp.

Crappy societies indoctrinate their kids, the Azov nazis aren't the only ones.

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
Funny thing is this. In fact, the neo-Hitlerists from Azov with their racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, fighting against Russia and the Russian world, are fighting against a healthy conservative revenge on the side of neo-Marxism, LGBTQ, global comprador capital and other things that they should, in theory, hate. And, on the contrary, Western gays and transgenders, leftist and liberal politicians, ethnic Jews of liberal views from Europe, Russia and Israel support the neo-Nazis from Azov, stubbornly ignoring the swastika, rune and black Sun on their stripes and flags. What unites them? Situational hatred for Russians.

This one of the tragic aspects of this war, from a conservative perspective. Putin partly helped build up the conservative right in Europe, but now he has shattered it into two camps and done a huge favor to the liberals and NATO (although that last part I personally think is good). The situational hatred for Russians existed in Ukraine since 2014, but now it exists in all of the West. And why, what is the situation? Putin's war on Ukraine of course.

You're again blinded by the propaganda you have been fed, and above all you're failing to see this from Ukrainian perspective, the same mistake that made your leaders fatally miscalculate how the first few days of the war would go. Azovs may not like leftism, liberal politics etc, but that doesn't mean they can tolerate anyone who opposes those things. Because believe it or not, the conservative right is not exclusively based on opposing things, like liberals often believe or say. The conservative right wants to conserve their freedom, family, nation, people, religion, values and so on. So, just because Putin is against homosexuals and trans people, that doesn't mean Azovs are going to love him. Do you see? Because when you talk like this, you sound just like a liberal progressive to me, you sound like you don't understand conservatism at all.

No doubt it's a big dilemma for some of them by the way, still, but of course personally I think both political sides are lacking and we need a synthesis, but that's beside the point.

Azov people profess the dark side of paganism, the so-called path of the Left Arms.

Can I ask how you feel about paganism in general, do you think there's a good side to it? I wouldn't say the left hand path is evil though, it's more about order and chaos, right and left, and on the whole we need a balance between them.
edit on 19-5-2022 by Cutepants because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Crappy societies indoctrinate their kids, the Azov nazis aren't the only ones.

How true! All you have to do is look at the youth in America to see how rapidly radicalization of kids spreads! There are over 1 million gang members in the US; 11% white, 35% black and 7% 'other' ethnicities.

As far as crappy societies go, the US school system is doing a good job of filling that role with Critical Race Theory and sex education for young children on choosing/changing their gender with graphic illustrations on how to perform same sex pleasures.

That Raven Caldera is a shining example of a world gone wrong. There is a fundamental sickness spreading across the land and dragging more and more young people down with it.

The US can't even fix the problems at home, so I don't have a lot of faith they can do it anywhere else, like- say- Afghanistan, Syria or even Ukraine. Just like Obama said of Joe, if there's a way to ef it up, Biden will find it. I'm paraphrasing, of course.

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: putnam6
Whew, thank goodness seems like Putin saved the soul of 'Mother Russia" or does Russian believe in souls and the afterlife? So many questions. Here are the most pertinent ones IMHO.

So Russia was threatened enough by 1500 or so satanic Azov Nazis, to invade, bomb, pillage, plunder, rape, bombard and shell the other 40 million or so innocent /non-Azov nazis Ukrainians?

Sounds like typical Russian logic and historical Russian military doctrine.

So now that the Azov nazi swarm has been decimated by the righteous and noble Russians, what's the next step for Ukraine? indoctrination? occupation? gulag? is Russia going to at least try and occupy and hold the disputed Azov areas? do the fallen on your sword parody...almost as pure as a cross dressing pederast comedic actor...playing the part of self-righteousness amongst his house of cards...

Which is to state...that it's not merely pathetic...but literally oozes disingenuousness...

One wonders...if you had such vitriolic disdain...and...gave eloquence voice in also addressing the perpetual..."invade, bomb, pillage, plunder, rape, bombard and shelling"...perpetrated by your own government for the last 75 years 108 times around the globe...with millions of lives lost...all in the name of..."truth...justice...and the American way"...

It is the epitome of hypocrisy...if you cannot point to such high disdain for your own...ahem...adventurism exercised through the medium of...I was just following orders during my own participatory stint as the avenging arm of Americana...

But do's eminently entertaining...

edit on 19-5-2022 by YouSir because: I really detest misspelling three letter words...

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: putnam6
Whew, thank goodness seems like Putin saved the soul of 'Mother Russia" or does Russian believe in souls and the afterlife? So many questions. Here are the most pertinent ones IMHO.

So Russia was threatened enough by 1500 or so satanic Azov Nazis, to invade, bomb, pillage, plunder, rape, bombard and shell the other 40 million or so innocent /non-Azov nazis Ukrainians?

Sounds like typical Russian logic and historical Russian military doctrine.

So now that the Azov nazi swarm has been decimated by the righteous and noble Russians, what's the next step for Ukraine? indoctrination? occupation? gulag? is Russia going to at least try and occupy and hold the disputed Azov areas? do the fallen on your sword parody...almost as pure as a cross dressing pederast comedic actor...playing the part of self-righteousness amongst his house of cards...

Which is to state...that it's not merely pathetic...but literally oozes disingenuousness...

One wonders...if you had such vitriolic disdain...and...gave eloquence voice in also addressing the perpetual..."invade, bomb, pillage, plunder, rape, bombard and shelling"...perpetrated by your own government for the last 75 years 108 times around the globe...with millions of lives lost...all in the name of..."truth...justice...and the American way"...

It is the epitome of hypocrisy...if you cannot point to such high disdain for your own...ahem...adventurism exercised through the medium of...I was just following orders during my own participatory stint as the avenging arm of Americana...

But do's eminently entertaining...


You are smarter than that or I thought you were? I could be wrong there as well.

however, basically, 2 wrongs don't make a right. As well as fool me once shame of you fool me twice shame on me.

The sheer fact that our government pushed the war narrative with Iraq and Afghanistan and ultimately our/American human and financial cost incurred is one reason I'm positive Russia's need to satiate its Aldo Raine impulses in Ukraine is equally bogus and self-serving.

Not to mention pre-invasion I understood Putin's concerns, and definitely, just like in Iraq 2.0 and Afghanistan the ends did not justify the means.

Besides by all Russian accounts Russia's " Special military operation" is going according to plans so why so upset about an opinion posted on a non-descript conspiracy website, comrade?

for the record again..

I trust no country or individual involved here, too much money/weapons are being thrown around without oversight, which in a corrupt region like Eastern Europe is like ringing the dinner bell. It's almost a certainty a bevy of politicians on both sides of the aisle and pond are making bank here. The black market on small arms and weapons just got a huge inventory upgrade. No doubt these will be shooting back at us in the next decade. None of this is new it's really just Dick Cheney's WMD embezzling and governmental contract tour reimagining into Biden's Build Back Ukraine's military and ultimately its infrastructure plan. FWIW Biden is old enough and connected enough he probably got a taste way back when for his support of Cheney's plans, Pelosi and Schummer too.

edit on 19-5-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

So what? considering the deaths of about 4 grand, injuries of another 3-4 thousand, and displacement estimated at 6 million. But yea, go ahead and be worried about a fascist boy scout camp.

Crappy societies indoctrinate their kids, the Azov nazis aren't the only ones.

You sure made a lot of assumptions there about what I was thinking when I posted that video. I didn't even type anything.

I posted it because it came up in my recommendations this morning and I thought it's on topic.

I don't know if you're aware but that Guardian piece is from over four years ago and it's quite insightful.

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: putnam6
Whew, thank goodness seems like Putin saved the soul of 'Mother Russia" or does Russian believe in souls and the afterlife? So many questions. Here are the most pertinent ones IMHO.

So Russia was threatened enough by 1500 or so satanic Azov Nazis, to invade, bomb, pillage, plunder, rape, bombard and shell the other 40 million or so innocent /non-Azov nazis Ukrainians?

Sounds like typical Russian logic and historical Russian military doctrine.

So now that the Azov nazi swarm has been decimated by the righteous and noble Russians, what's the next step for Ukraine? indoctrination? occupation? gulag? is Russia going to at least try and occupy and hold the disputed Azov areas? do the fallen on your sword parody...almost as pure as a cross dressing pederast comedic actor...playing the part of self-righteousness amongst his house of cards...

Which is to state...that it's not merely pathetic...but literally oozes disingenuousness...

One wonders...if you had such vitriolic disdain...and...gave eloquence voice in also addressing the perpetual..."invade, bomb, pillage, plunder, rape, bombard and shelling"...perpetrated by your own government for the last 75 years 108 times around the globe...with millions of lives lost...all in the name of..."truth...justice...and the American way"...

It is the epitome of hypocrisy...if you cannot point to such high disdain for your own...ahem...adventurism exercised through the medium of...I was just following orders during my own participatory stint as the avenging arm of Americana...

But do's eminently entertaining...


You are smarter than that or I thought you were? I could be wrong there as well.

however, basically, 2 wrongs don't make a right. As well as fool me once shame of you fool me twice shame on me.

The sheer fact that our government pushed the war narrative with Iraq and Afghanistan and ultimately our/American human and financial cost incurred is one reason I'm positive Russia's need to satiate its Aldo Raine impulses in Ukraine is equally bogus and self-serving.

Not to mention pre-invasion I understood Putin's concerns, and definitely, just like in Iraq 2.0 and Afghanistan the ends did not justify the means.

Besides by all Russian accounts Russia's " Special military operation" is going according to plans so why so upset about an opinion posted on a non-descript conspiracy website, comrade?

for the record again..

I trust no country or individual involved here, too much money/weapons are being thrown around without oversight, which in a corrupt region like Eastern Europe is like ringing the dinner bell. It's almost a certainty a bevy of politicians on both sides of the aisle and pond are making bank here. The black market on small arms and weapons just got a huge inventory upgrade. No doubt these will be shooting back at us in the next decade. None of this is new it's really just Dick Cheney's WMD embezzling and governmental contract tour reimagining into Biden's Build Back Ukraine's military and ultimately its infrastructure plan. FWIW Biden is old enough and connected enough he probably got a taste way back when for his support of Cheney's plans, Pelosi and Schummer too. those panties...I did say I was eminently entertained by the hubris extolled defense of the MSM and MIC/3 letters narrative...

No upset emotion invested...merely pointing out the utter lack of the same vitriol as per the wests non-stop "special military operations"...

I actually enjoy watching a gaggle of hypocrites...doing the hypocrite thing...


posted on May, 19 2022 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: putnam6

While the Nazis from the Azov Regiment are surrendering in Mariupol, their 3rd commander of the Azov Regiment, Senior Lieutenant of the National Guard of Ukraine Maxim Zhorin uploads terrible photos from the Kiev "Azov". On them, members of the opposition party "OPZZh" of Ukraine, killed by the Nazis. That is, while some "Azovites" crawl out of the Mariupol cracks and tell tales about their service as "bakers" and "technicians", others openly boast about the reprisals against the remnants of the Ukrainian opposition. And not just by reprisals, but by some kind of bestial cruelty - not only to kill, but before that, to mutilate beyond recognition. Russians are fighting with such nonhumans. And the West turns these nonhumans into "heroes".

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Cutepants

I am an Orthodox Christian, a church person. Paganism is multifaceted, some pagans are quiet and calm, respect people of other faiths. Others, like the Nazis of Azov, are simply not human.
But now there is no pure paganism. Now there are many currents of neo-paganism, which are used to achieve political goals.
I will tell you one thing, there are no pagans among my friends. All my friends believe in the One God. among my friends are Orthodox, Muslims and Jews. There are atheists. There are no pagans.

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 01:15 PM
Unfortunately, the news about the capture of Kalina was not confirmed. He went online from the cellars of Azovstal.
With so many prisoners, it is easy to make a mistake, especially if someone is impersonating another.

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: putnam6
Whew, thank goodness seems like Putin saved the soul of 'Mother Russia" or does Russian believe in souls and the afterlife? So many questions. Here are the most pertinent ones IMHO.

So Russia was threatened enough by 1500 or so satanic Azov Nazis, to invade, bomb, pillage, plunder, rape, bombard and shell the other 40 million or so innocent /non-Azov nazis Ukrainians?

Sounds like typical Russian logic and historical Russian military doctrine.

So now that the Azov nazi swarm has been decimated by the righteous and noble Russians, what's the next step for Ukraine? indoctrination? occupation? gulag? is Russia going to at least try and occupy and hold the disputed Azov areas? do the fallen on your sword parody...almost as pure as a cross dressing pederast comedic actor...playing the part of self-righteousness amongst his house of cards...

Which is to state...that it's not merely pathetic...but literally oozes disingenuousness...

One wonders...if you had such vitriolic disdain...and...gave eloquence voice in also addressing the perpetual..."invade, bomb, pillage, plunder, rape, bombard and shelling"...perpetrated by your own government for the last 75 years 108 times around the globe...with millions of lives lost...all in the name of..."truth...justice...and the American way"...

It is the epitome of hypocrisy...if you cannot point to such high disdain for your own...ahem...adventurism exercised through the medium of...I was just following orders during my own participatory stint as the avenging arm of Americana...

But do's eminently entertaining...


You are smarter than that or I thought you were? I could be wrong there as well.

however, basically, 2 wrongs don't make a right. As well as fool me once shame of you fool me twice shame on me.

The sheer fact that our government pushed the war narrative with Iraq and Afghanistan and ultimately our/American human and financial cost incurred is one reason I'm positive Russia's need to satiate its Aldo Raine impulses in Ukraine is equally bogus and self-serving.

Not to mention pre-invasion I understood Putin's concerns, and definitely, just like in Iraq 2.0 and Afghanistan the ends did not justify the means.

Besides by all Russian accounts Russia's " Special military operation" is going according to plans so why so upset about an opinion posted on a non-descript conspiracy website, comrade?

for the record again..

I trust no country or individual involved here, too much money/weapons are being thrown around without oversight, which in a corrupt region like Eastern Europe is like ringing the dinner bell. It's almost a certainty a bevy of politicians on both sides of the aisle and pond are making bank here. The black market on small arms and weapons just got a huge inventory upgrade. No doubt these will be shooting back at us in the next decade. None of this is new it's really just Dick Cheney's WMD embezzling and governmental contract tour reimagining into Biden's Build Back Ukraine's military and ultimately its infrastructure plan. FWIW Biden is old enough and connected enough he probably got a taste way back when for his support of Cheney's plans, Pelosi and Schummer too. those panties...I did say I was eminently entertained by the hubris extolled defense of the MSM and MIC/3 letters narrative...

No upset emotion invested...merely pointing out the utter lack of the same vitriol as per the wests non-stop "special military operations"...

I actually enjoy watching a gaggle of hypocrites...doing the hypocrite thing...


LOL "panties twisted" you must speak from your personal experience, I'd say having your panties twisted does indeed seem to entertain you, sir, especially with your sour commentary and attempt at dry wit.

You can pretend Azov was Hitler incarnate, but that doesn't make it so. Just like you pretending I was banging the drum for war against Iraq and Afghanistan circa 2003 about 19 years ago.

The weird thing is I wasn't fervently for our second foray into Iraq and Afghanistan anyway especially as the years rolled by and was able to actually talk and hear stories from the soldiers on the ground. You know how you are supposed to learn and grow from your life experiences. It's about the money, we accomplished what was needed in both Iraq and Afghanistan in easily one year's time and we stayed there for 19 years. Because by then they had figured out how to make money from the venture, it is the same M.O. going on right now. Putin is upset because NATO's puppet got installed instead of his own puppet, Ukraine was supposed to be his country to embezzle from and it's pissing him off seeing NATO and America do the same thing he wanted to do. It's that simple, both sides are corrupt

So again once you watch something happen and see it was likely not justified, when you see it happen again, that's the hypocrisy.

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Moscow, May 18, 2022

18 May 2022 18:41

Involving minors in Ukrainian nationalist formations

As the nationalist formations of Ukraine continue to be driven out of Donbass, new facts have come to light which confirm the involvement of children in these hate-crazed units. We have repeatedly stated that right-wing radical organisations operating under the patronage of the Kiev regime have systematically spread extremism among minors in order to embed the ideas of militant nationalism in Ukrainian society.

Neo-Nazis from Azov began large-scale recruitment of children back in 2015 when, upon the initiative of the National Corps leader Andrey Biletsky, they set up the Youth Corps’ “children’s camps.” In 2015, they took in children aged 9 to 18 and since 2016, 7 to 18.

A military youth wing called National Squads was formed at the National Corps in 2018. Hundreds of young people over the age of 14 joined it. The instructors from Azov taught them how to fight the “enemies of Ukraine,” including with firearms.

The specialised Youth Corps’ needs are covered by the Ukrainian state budget. Does that sound familiar? In 2019, organisations associated with the National Corps received $17,000 to hold events for children and youth. We see it. And we know what kind of values people with Azov insignia on their sleeves and nationalist and neo-Nazi symbols are teaching ​​young people. There are training camps for teenagers such as Azovets, Bukovynets, and Dnepryanin in different parts of the country. Teenagers were lured through social media and messengers.

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

So again has the nazi threat been eliminated yet?

We have learned that 1500 nazi Azov scalps are worth 8,000 Ukrainian dead, and how many Russian soldiers do Russia officially recognize as dead? certainly, they admit it's over 2000, but it's likely more. But conservatively 10 to 1 ratio, we got to kill 10 innocent people to get one Nazi.

for perspective, the US Justice Department identified the "Skinhead" population as 70,000 worldwide in 1995. Doesn't Putin feel threatened by them? Poland his next-door neighbor has approximately 2000. Read the links below, huge neo nazi resurgence. That's just Skinheads now imagine other sympathetic groups? Now can we expect an invasion of Poland because of its nazi threat?

The Skinhead movement is active in 33 countries on six continents. It numbers some 70,000 youths worldwide, of whom half are hardcore activists and the rest supporters. The countries where Skinheads are found in the greatest numbers are Germany (5,000), Hungary and the Czech Republic (more than 4,000 each), the United States (3,500), Poland (2,000), the United Kingdom and Brazil (1,500 each), Italy (1,000 to 1,500), and Sweden (more than 1,000). France, Spain, Canada, and the Netherlands each have at least 500 Skinheads. The Skinhead movements in these various countries are extensively linked with each other.

And lastly, you got this

There are an estimated 50,000-70,000 Neo-Nazis in Russia according to an ABC News report. The group seemed to organize around widespread unemployment and poverty in the early 1990s. Many of the members are young adults who were hit hardest by the economic downturn. The group operates under the official name of the Russian National Unity, a party founded by Alexander Barkashov in 1990. The party symbol is the swastika and some members receive military training in Moscow.

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
How a real warrior should behave, according to this system of views, is well described in Anders Stringholm's book Viking Campaigns. All the heroes there die heroically. Who has not read, I advise for development.
Might there be an alternative book for English speakers? Can you produce a brief summary derived from the book's concluding chapter?

originally posted by: RussianTroll
In Russian social networks, the neo-paganism of Azov is actively discussed in the context of the fact...
Can you furnish a brief excerpt of their conversation, translated from the Russian?

originally posted by: RussianTroll
Its adherents worship Jotuns, evil giants who fight the solar gods of the Scandinavian pantheon... And then the Scandinavian Goddess Hel allegedly appeared to him and forced him to become a male shaman.
This is the exact sort of thing Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov warned about, daemons disguised as “spirit guides”. He also described people being drawn into spiritualist experimentation against their better judgment.

originally posted by: RussianTroll
Well, the burial of Mariupol Azov in the factory catacombs can be symbolically tied to the fact that they climbed into the lower world, to their hellish deities.
I like how contemporary Russians take note of these coincidences, as the ancient Greeks/Romans used to do. They were not nearly as superstitious as people believe. For instance, there was good cause to take comets as portends.

originally posted by: RussianTroll
Mariupol is translated from Greek as the city of the Mother of God, the city of Mary. The ending in this regard is very natural and indicative. Not the Russians defeated Azov, but the Mother of God defeated Satanism.
What a coincidence!

If by satanism, you mean pragmatism, then it's not defeated yet. The battle is won, the war is not over. The psychologist William James, under the influence of Henri Bergson, renounced pragmatism and the infallibility of logic and declared it finished off in his era. Sadly, that's not the case, the sovereign intellect, this Reich of the Antichrist as Rathenau put it, is still dominating philosophers and scientists.

originally posted by: RussianTroll
But now there is no pure paganism. Now there are many currents of neo-paganism, which are used to achieve political goals.
The purest paganism is Hellenic idealism, but nobody turns to it. They prefer Roman or Viking fashion, superficial cults. Meanwhile, the original Hellenic worship has been supplanted by Homeric deities, who were characterized as jealous, wrathful, petty, etc. And it is these that modern Hellenists turn to, interpreting symbols as if they were literally human beings like themselves.

Bear in mind that Hellenism under Julian, Epiphanes, Alexander the Great, etc. was potent enough to nearly even win over the Jews, the most stubborn religionists. It was also compatible with the Orthodox faith, for what is oldest was regarded as nearest to truth.
edit on 19-5-2022 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
In fact, the cult that Azov professes, in my opinion, is a complete "remake", a modern phenomenon, it can be described as esoteric Hitlerism. The ideologist of this cult, who considered Hitler the avatar of a Nordic deity, was the Chilean philosopher Miguel Serrano.

edit on 19-5-2022 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
The Azov people themselves said about themselves: “Azov” is “As-Gof”, the court of aces, Scandinavian deities.

Do you have an actual source for this or are you just making things up as you go?

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