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Abortion, the Elephant in the Room

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posted on May, 3 2022 @ 12:11 PM
This is becoming an ever more heated debate in political and societal discourse, abortion. This is the elephant in the room that no one seems to really grasp or understand, typically drawing their conclusions on pro-choice and pro-life stances by virtue of party affiliation.

But I'm here to talk about a deeper concern in regards to this conversation. A concern about our society, the path we're on, and the route we're taking.

Lets lay some ground rules first. What is abortion?

The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.

How do humans procreate? As a society, we've been pretty adamant about the sexual exploitation of children. Daisy Dukes are just as American as Cherry Pie and Don McLean. Victoria Secret, Pink, Lex Wexner, Epstein, fashion industry, it seems as a society, we've become comfortable and more accepting of woman exposing themselves to the point OnlyFans is the highest paying career for a pretty woman.

So I ask, how do we procreate? We have sex... But in today's sexually charged atmosphere, polygamy is the norm and monogamy is shunned. Hate, affairs, divorce, contempt, deceit, ego, all this comes floating to the top in this society that adorns abortion.

The act of sex is a righteous act (coming from a non-religious) between two people for the purpose of being with that person, sharing responsibilities and thus a life (literally). Because just as the ultimate act of putting a cup of water in a microwave is to heat it up, procreation is the ultimate act of sex. And to engage in any act that has a consequence attached to it, avoidance of that consequence is, in my opinion when it comes to this subject, unfathomable.

A society that promotes polygamy, would you blame any woman or man* who decides to get an abortion? Men and women can have 1-20 partners a week, where-by sex becomes nothing more than a heroin hit. And even then, when succumbing to your vices, there are always consequences to your actions.

We've become the most irresponsible, naive, and lost generation in all of human history, unfortunately, with the most destructive weapon systems in all of human history as well. Pales in comparison to an age we called "Dark", this must be the Vantablack Age....

Why is it double homicide if a pregnant woman is murdered w/ the fetus, but not murder in the case of abortion in the eyes of "progressive" voters?

The argument always stands "Who would want to bring a kid into THIS world?", as I would respond, "what if that kid made this world....or at least your world, a better world to live in?" My child will be 4 years old on the 3rd of July. I'd swallow a bullet before I give my seed to any woman that would be willing to take this beautiful life away. There's nothing more sweeter to live for, than watching them laugh, cry, whine and kick. Yes, it's hard, but god damn it, it's the most rewarding thing.

Imagine the men out there that have been put into a position where there's nothing they could do. Even on the other side of the coin, a man would be forced into supporting a family he didn't want to take responsibility for meanwhile the woman was given the choice between abortion and pregnancy for her actions.

Lastly, if you'd like to cherry pick the debate and mention rape, incest and health, please be my guest. I'm not sure this conversation really applies, as I'm illustrating the desensitization of sexuality in our society, polygamy and rampate abortion from people that do it as a convenience to their consensual sexual acts. My only response to anyone bringing these topics up, abortion is the "deliberate" (intentional) act of "terminating" (killing) a "fetus" (human child), if you can deliver the child, the child should be delivered. Furthermore, I bet you wouldn't like to get the lethal injection if your father murdered or raped someone. Most pro-life people would argue regardless that sexual crimes need to be punished a lot more, to the point most would argue death penalty, but then the woman can't get child support

I guess the question to ask in the end is, how valuable is human life, in general (fetus, young or old), to you personally? At this rate, there's no reason why we shouldn't pull the plug on anyone past retirement age and not contributing...**

*Not saying men can get abortions, but men do sometimes play a role in the final decision through cooperation with his female partner.
**I hope the ATS staff appreciates my humor and doesn't imply me calling for the euthanizing of old people just to make a point.
***Rough Draft. If I have typos or broken sentences, sue me.
edit on J14522 by JimmyNeutr0n because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 12:17 PM
You keep talking like that and sooner or later somebody is gonna want to "logan's Run"this beeyotch.

Ironic that sounded so appealing in my teenage years.

I say let me atleast have my SS contributions these last 40 or so years and go to Vegas and put it all on black 22. 
edit on 3-5-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: putnam6
You keep talking like that and sooner or later somebody is gonna want to "logan's Run"this beeyotch.

Ironic that sounded so appealing in my teenage years.

I say let me atleast have my SS contributions these last 40 or so years and got to Vegas and put it all on black 22.

"Logan Run: Revisioned"

Produced by Andrew Cuomo

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 12:25 PM
Why is it anyone else's business besides the woman making a choice.

It isn't.

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 12:29 PM
Why is it double homicide if a pregnant woman is murdered w/ the fetus, but not murder in the case of abortion in the eyes of "progressive" voters?

because it is a matter of want or unwanted. if it is wanted it is murder if unwanted it is not. a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: HODOSKE
Why is it double homicide if a pregnant woman is murdered w/ the fetus, but not murder in the case of abortion in the eyes of "progressive" voters?

because it is a matter of want or unwanted. if it is wanted it is murder if unwanted it is not. a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

Ah I see. So our laws operate based on what the victim wants, rather than based on facts?

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 12:43 PM

how valuable is human life, in general (fetus, young or old), to you personally?

It's not about how valuable human life is. By that logic, we've traded millions of lives so a billion more can survive. If the current trend escalates much further, that math will repeat itself in the near future. That's asinine and self defeating.

The questions are, to what point does self autonomy actually mean self autonomy? If a fetus is the property of the state, should parents also be the property of the state? Should children across the nation be appropriated and cultivated in administrative programs to guarantee their quality of life? What rights do parents actually have? The right to terminate, the right to vaccinate, the right to indoctrinate, the right to protect their families and homes from all three or none at all? Where does individual autonomy end and state intervention protocols begin? Should men be held accountable and sterilized per successful operation? Should women be legally required to submit blood tests and confirm their non pregnancy the way we confirm our immunity status?

There's a metric ton of nuance to the topic and it is continually dumbed down for people who like simple answers. There is no simple answer.

edit on 3-5-2022 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

The whole thing is been planned, is a political move for the mid terms elections, is no about precious fetuses is all about politics.

I can not wait how this going to take center stage for mid term. Democrats are playing their wild card.

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: Annee
Why is it anyone else's business besides the woman making a choice.

It isn't.

I'm ok with abortion to a Point .

Yes it's a woman's body and she has the right do what she wants with her body , but My problem is with Late Term Abortions .

5 to 6 monthes in the Child is basically fully developed , I do not understand why a woman would abort a child that far along unless there is a serious medical reason for it . If you catch the pregnancy and abort inside the first 3 months I personally have no moral qualms with that , 3 months is more than enough time to make a decision about a pregnancy and more than enough time to realize your pregnant .

If you carry the Child 5 to 6 months and decide you don't want the child then just adopt it out end of story , there are a line of parents around the corner wanting to adopt.

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 01:00 PM
The trans movement has made the "men can't have an opinion on abortion" argument moot.

They think men can carry babies, so we can absolutely have an opinion now.

Men, thank the mentally ill for your newfound legitimacy in this debate.

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

A world where courts decide the fate of life ... is not usually the most desirable place to live.

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

rampate abortion from people that do it as a convenience to their consensual sexual acts.

Abortions are down, and have been trending down for quite some years.

The U.S. Abortion Rate Continues to Drop: Once Again, State Abortion Restrictions Are Not the Main Driver

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

The whole thing is been planned, is a political move for the mid terms elections, is no about precious fetuses is all about politics.

I can not wait how this going to take center stage for mid term. Democrats are playing their wild card.

Do you find it ironic that it was the conservative arm of the supreme court that decided to bring this topic/decision to the forefront once again and at this time before the Nov. elections.... Of course the dembs will play the wild was delt to them by rightwingers. It was the conservative SC justices that turned the Elephant lose. Seems almost planned like you said...
edit on 3-5-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 01:10 PM
if you legally allow sale of babies i bet the abortion rates would plummet.
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 01:13 PM
maybe because we are becoming a more civilized society? a reply to: JAGStorm

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: Annee

A choice is: coffee or tea? Should I have sex with this person or not?

An abortion is a procedure. Let's start using the correct terms, at least.

You are pro-procedure, not pro choice.

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: Annee
Why is it anyone else's business besides the woman making a choice.

It isn't.

so conversely, if a dude knocks up some chick, that's her problem?

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Annee
Why is it anyone else's business besides the woman making a choice.

It isn't.

so conversely, if a dude knocks up some chick, that's her problem?

That's usually what they say...."Get an abortion beootch"

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Annee
Why is it anyone else's business besides the woman making a choice.

It isn't.

so conversely, if a dude knocks up some chick, that's her problem?

That's usually what they say...."Get an abortion beootch"

No, Annee doesn't seem to think the guy has any responsibility in the entire process. Screw all the bitches you want, no protection, and let them deal with the fallout.

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

originally posted by: Annee
Why is it anyone else's business besides the woman making a choice.

It isn't.

5 to 6 monthes in the Child is basically fully developed , I do not understand why a woman would abort a child that far along unless there is a serious medical reason for it . If you catch the pregnancy and abort inside the first 3 months I personally have no moral qualms with that , 3 months is more than enough time to make a decision about a pregnancy and more than enough time to realize your pregnant .

Are abortions free?

A very poor person is not going to have immediate funds.

Also, a woman may not know she's pregnant early on. All women do not have "text book" reproductive systems.

My daughter, for one -- she was 5 months pregnant before she knew (no, she did not abort the baby).


Let me know when paternal DNA testing becomes mandatory.

edit on 3-5-2022 by Annee because: (no reason given)

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