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New COVID-19 diagnostic breath test given emergency approval by the US FDA

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posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 07:37 PM
Here is the latest information on that test, called a "breathalyzer." It's a 2 foot square box, with a straw-like device sticking out of the front side:

The good news is that it is a highly specific and highly accurate test. The bad news is that it is expensive, so at least this year the expectation is that it will be used mostly in the hospital setting, perhaps in the Emergency Department. Devices like this tend to experience a price drop over time, as assembly lines get up to speed.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: Uphill

More made up BS fantasy fascism for your apocalyptic ending.
Treat this world like 7-up
Never have, never will.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: Uphill
Just reading your first 2 sentences, I thought..this sounds expensive!

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: Uphill
I'm glad its expensive. Our corrupt HHS wants any reason to reimpose semi-lockdowns.

A dramatic surge in weak Covid BA2 infections would be the reason.

That dramatic surge would occur if everyone had access to a quick and easy free test.

We've already got too many people being needlessly tested.

The number needs to be ramped down...not up.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 08:59 PM
We have no gotten any dead by covid in my area for months, soo I wonder were all this bull crap covid money making scams is coming from.

As long as is a 'emergency" somewhere somebody is going to make money with scams. After all with the senile dementia parrot in the white house is open scam market for all.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 11:58 PM
So, it is looking for chemical signatures in the breaths. I would suspect that it would have to find two or more to be a decent source of testing. How are different enzymes in people's breaths going to effect the ability of the test to be accurate? I am sure this is more about someone making money than being a proper test procedure...lots of stuff is approved by these agencies that turns out not to be what it was supposed to be.

What you eat before the test could break down the elements they are testing for in some cases from what I suspect.

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

chemical signatures showing virus and specifically what kind.
People carry coronavirus with common cold, the whole thing sounds ridiculous!

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Uphill
I'm glad its expensive. Our corrupt HHS wants any reason to reimpose semi-lockdowns.

A dramatic surge in weak Covid BA2 infections would be the reason.

That dramatic surge would occur if everyone had access to a quick and easy free test.

We've already got too many people being needlessly tested.

The number needs to be ramped down...not up.

your so right about way overtesting.

my daughter went out of state for a week to a family friend wedding.

when she got back her fast food job and community college (full time student) DEMANDED she get a covid test (showing negative) before she can come back to work/school.

they didnt even know the only thing she caught was an EAR INFECTION that our doctor has treated right away.. anyone who has had one knows you feel lousy for a few days (mostly due to the powerful antibiotic) but not contagious (if you ever were) after 24 hours.

if that isnt assinine enough when i visit my father in the nursing home one of the "covid questions" they ask is "have you traveled unnecessary out of state".. first what do you classify as "unnecessary" .
second what damn business is it of yours if i was out of state or not?
I live about five min from the Wisconsin boarder and cross it ALL THE TIME.. for cheaper gas, to visit friends, hell go get a great bagel and lox's from a local bagel shop.
by this question (and to be FACTUAL they are not the only one to ask this directly or in some other way) if i say go get my bagel/loxs with a nice chi / hot chocolate drink i have to get a covid test?

go PUCK YOURSELF health department.

so in essence not only do they force people to outright lie, but God forbid if a REAL PANDEMIC happens they wont have a damn clue much less people compliance.

ive said this before and will say it again..

but more accurate

WE HAVE A NEW "FLU" THAT NATURE HAS THROWN AT US.. no more deadly to MOST OF US than the common influenza flu and IF YOU ARE MEDICALLY COMPROMISED... YOU TAKE THE PROTECTIVE MEASURES and leave the rest of us out of it ok?


posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 01:00 AM
first i dont buy this "very accurate and quick" claim
in fact i call BS.
there is no way to say that if (key word for those in the back IF) the test says you have covid it is from the past, current, gonna make you sick, or just residual from being previously infected (aka you now have anti bodies)

also how can you say for purposes of THEIR OWN UNREALISTIC covid requirements that the "positive result" means you pose an infection threat?

so we are gonna "blow in a box" and if it says "covid" they gonna stop you from traveling, going to work and maybe detainee you on the spot.

wanna see people loose their minds?
what if (using my case) my daughter who is just 18 going out for a family friend wedding and only reason is our friend is watching out for her.. no experience, no ready flow of cash and she IN ERROR comes up "covid".. they gonna detain her or more likely not let her fly?
how she gonna deal with that?

im sorry but we have people traveling around (pick a way), in stores, in movies, hell on the street with all sorts of diseases that alot make covid look like a bug bite but no "screening"
but again the cold hard fact covid that has a 98 to 99.999 (depending on demograpghic) SURVIVAL RATE.
with now more than 80 percent having it , recovering with NO EXTRA MEDICAL INTERVENTION (like hospital) and DIDNT KNOW THEY DID.


posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Uphill -- here is some additional information on this new COVID-19 test. Its manufacturer says that currently they can produce 100 such machines each week:

In this news article, there is also a link to the manufacturer's YouTube video with further information. Each test cycle takes three minutes.

edit on 4/19/2022 by Uphill because: Added a sentence.

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Uphill

Sounds like a scam, anyway who is going to buy this devices? I guess democrats hell hole states that are still holding to covid any way they can.

posted on Apr, 23 2022 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: Uphill -- According to people I know who work at US hospitals, the first to buy these machines will be the larger US general hospitals and research hospitals. In those settings, the machine will quickly pay for itself, since the test results are produced in only 3 minutes, with over 90% accuracy. Quick and accurate results mean a great savings in staff time. (Personnel costs are the greatest cost factor in any organization.) It also means that the right treatment can be started for the patient much more quickly, minimizing the very serious complications of this disease.

The current COVID-19 "rapid" tests offer results in about 15 minutes after starting the testing process, but the accuracy of these tests is much lower than the above "breathalyzer" test. The PCR tests are about as accurate as the breathalyzer test, but those test results are not available for hours to days.

In the USA, SARS-CoV-2 is not a red state problem or a blue state problem. It's a VIRUS.

posted on Apr, 23 2022 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: Uphill
90 percent accuracy?

buy that and i have some swampland to sell you in the center of utah

but lets say 90 percent accuracy of detecting covid

what does that EXACLTY MEAN?

you have the antibodies from previous infection?

you have the virus but your long past infection and sick stage?

you have some part of the virus in you but who knows when you got it since your NOT SICK.

you have a virus that HAS SIMILAR "biological agent " to covid but isnt it

and the list goes on

along with NOT ONE WORD on the protocol of what happens if it says you do.
how long do you "quarantine" , not let you be with YOUR OWN SICK KID, cant travel, get tested again, ect ect ect...

oh BTW i thought the whole "everyone get vaccinated" made such tests not necessary?


posted on Apr, 23 2022 @ 08:37 PM
funny how every time emergency approval come through there is a rush of deaths aint it?

posted on Apr, 23 2022 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: scrounger

90 percent accuracy?

Hey remember that time they said the vaccines would be 90 percent effective or more? Yeah that was a funny time!

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: scrounger -- in the attached CIDRAP news article above, it links to the US government's FDA health technology licensing process. That process requires test results to be reported to the FDA for many hundreds of tests for real human beings who may have been exposed to COVID-19, in order for this medical test to be granted a US FDA operating license. Those test results are summarized, which is where the 90% figure comes from. In order to understand the health device licensing process required in the USA, it is necessary to read all of that documentation. The documentation thus gives the answer to the above question, "what does that EXACTLY MEAN?"

This medical test equipment gives an analysis. It is then up to the infectious disease physicians taking care of that patient to use that analysis in order to draw conclusions about the patient's medical status and develop a medical treatment plan for that patient.

The idea that if everyone gets vaccinated (it) makes such tests not necessary ... is wrong: First, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a novel virus, which means that previously developed medical vaccines are ineffective. The development of an appropriate vaccine (targeted at the new virus) can take anywhere from months to 3 years, a best case scenario. Second, even a highly specific vaccine of great efficacy (effectiveness) is extremely unlikely to be more than 95% effective; thus, there will always be some COVID-19 patients for whom the vaccine is unsuccessful. Third, RNA viruses like SARS-CoV-2 are known to mutate all the time; as of 2022, Earth is already seeing the natural evolution of some "escape" mutations of SARS-CoV-2, called "escape" mutations when they can partly or totally escape the immunity conferred by the first COVID-19 vaccine. The overall result (so far w/ this novel virus) is that even in highly vaccinated human populations, there have always remained some people susceptible to infection, w/ some of those susceptible people being exposed to what has now *also* evolved to become a far more transmissible virus ... the latest virus variants of SARS-CoV-2 are now as transmissible as the measles virus, which is the most transmissible virus ever known on Earth.

Further questions about this proven test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus are best asked of your medical doctor, not on the internet.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: scrounger -- regarding the above comment that "We have a new flu that nature has thrown at us." ...Actually, the new SARS-CoV-2 virus that we are dealing with is a member of the coronavirus family. Flu (influenza) is a member of the influenza virus family, a *different* virus family than the SARS-CoV-2 virus's family of coronaviruses. The good news is that the influenza virus family is fairly well understood since it has been studied by virologists for 92 years (since the 1930 invention of the electron microscope). The bad news is that the coronavirus family is not well understood at all, due to previously limited funding of basic virology research projects.

So it's reasonable to conclude that the development of an easily transmitted (via airborne aerosol particles that can remain airborne for hours) and novel virus from a poorly understood virus family is a likely candidate for a pandemic. Putting it another way, any time you hear of a novel respiratory disease killing doctors (which happened in China, Italy, the UK and the USA during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic), it's a good idea to remain highly aware of news updates about any such novel disease.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: Uphill
ahh the "technically accurate but totally irrelivant" deflection posts

i NEVER SAID covid was in same family as influenza flu.. but a FLU in general

because RSV, pneumonia, and other biological agents all have the same descriptions for symptoms saying "FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS"

But no one tries to say "they are not the same" like you and others are doing for covid.

along with covid (since you seem to forget) has for (except very SPECIFIC SITUATIONS/COMPROMISES) HIGHER SURVIVAL RATE ACROSS THE BOARD than the influenza flu..

but we dont demand masks , shut down schools, require "vaccination records", require "clean test" and mandatory 14 day quarantines during flu season now do we?

so your attempt at the "its not the same family/identically the same" card has been denied.

care to try "your killing grandma" card now?


posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: Uphill

first the "certification process" diatribe you went though is technically accurate and YET AGAIN IRRELIVANT to the issues and questions i put forth..

just to remind you ..

you have the antibodies from previous infection?

you have the virus but your long past infection and sick stage?

you have some part of the virus in you but who knows when you got it since your NOT SICK.

you have a virus that HAS SIMILAR "biological agent " to covid but isnt it

and the list goes on

along with the PROTOCOLS that a "positive" test will instigate.

i have given examples with my own daughter REAL WORLD situations with current testing and requirements.
along with what could go wrong with a positive test..


with quick tests we ALREADY have alot of false positives and NO REFERENCE to (ex) see if the person HAD IT and now is over it/not contagious.

we ALSO have alot of places that DO NOT ACCEPT FAST TESTS ..
how is this ANY DIFFERENT?

just because the "fast test" says "positive" does not mean the next day it will be "negative"
or the opposite it is "negative" and then next day or week "your infected"

you could have "infected" 10 people on your way to the test and yet you may NOT INFECT OR WERE THE CAUSE OF ANYONE being "infected"

lastly as for your claim
"The idea that if everyone gets vaccinated (it) makes such tests not necessary ... is wrong"
end quote

Im sorry to be blunt but WHAT ROCK HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING UDER OR WHAT LEVEL OF DENIAL ARE YOU AT to make this claim?

we have heard CONSTANTLY (and incorrectly) AND AT NASUM that the "magical" vaccine will prevent covid , that it must be mandatory to stop the pandemic and the biggest comment "to get back to normal"

normal was living our lives without testing, quarantine, masks, ect ect ect.

so how in hades can you make your statement that we still need testing if covid though the magic forced mandated vaccine we are "all safe"?

common dude step away from the covid koolade and join the realm of REALITY.


posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 04:16 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Uphill
I'm glad its expensive. Our corrupt HHS wants any reason to reimpose semi-lockdowns.

A dramatic surge in weak Covid BA2 infections would be the reason.

That dramatic surge would occur if everyone had access to a quick and easy free test.

We've already got too many people being needlessly tested.

The number needs to be ramped down...not up.

true, i was always against the stupid tests.

it's political control.

our 2 room mates tested positive, and we all been in lock down 3 weeks.

now we are fine and can go out.

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