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"On the side of the angels" - phrase of intelligence professionals, denoting a righteous cause.

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posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 09:03 AM

This one has interested me deeply as a UK citizen, who actually does have a former MI6 man in our extended family, who is very active with the Church of England (a former cathederal warden in a major city) & remains so in his retirement.

Basically, the phrase "Don't worry, we're on the side of the angels" has been used as a reassurance when counselling prospective native or foreign sources, denoting that their cause is righteous, and does not intend harm to anyone specifically who has no reason to fear harm (IE - if they aren't nasty people involved in bad stuff, then nothing bad will happen to those who are engaged on the periphery of the operation, or amongst the unknowing public masses).

From my own experiences (I will not go into great detail about how I come to think this way, to save space in the OP), it seems that there is a very specifically Christian network in the intelligence agencies of the West, which literally views what they do as a righteous cause before God, that they are serving God by serving the highest ideals of their nation, and they actively seek to shut down operations which are rooted in 'darkness', wherever they can, or at minimum, to maintain overwatch of such operations, and to provide supply lines/information portals which benefit any on the side of 'the good' who happen to tangle with the bad guys. This would set them directly against the Great Reset globalists, though they may be unfortunately in the minority position at the current time.

My question for you, is whether you had personally been aware of anything like this, which has a very definite root in the church/es? In my case I'm aware that the Anglican church seems to play a role with MI5/6, and they may have a hand in 'special operations' which require the particular sort of services that only an anointed man (or woman) of God could provide (such as exorcism). Have any of you been aware of specific networks or activities that align themselves as being part of a 'godly conspiracy', a good cause 'on the side of the angels'..?

And furthermore, what do you know/ think of the idea that actual bona fide angelic beings might have interacted with members of our security services (& perhaps other branches of government), for the purpose of actively stopping certain nasty activities from taking shape/ stopping dastardly plans from being executed..? I would assume it's a very rare event - but otherwise, where did the phrase originate, and with it such a stamp (or seal) of authority, an assurance that only a truly righteous cause would be associated with the use of that phrase? It goes without saying that the most senior branches of healthcare & security services in the UK & elsewhere would be aware of the existence of, for example, actual demonic possession occurring in members of the armed forces, various other sectors which might be exposed to such things, for whatever linked reasons, including maybe the unexpected outcomes of the idle games of the nobility (seances, ouija, trance mediums) which then led to high status individuals dealing with rather exotic spiritual disturbances in their lives - even to the point of being a threat to the State's interests perhaps.

Old time intelligence operatives (going back to the time of Francis Bacon) were involved in the practice of alchemical experimentation, contacting one's holy guardian angel, and so on, basically magic sponsored by the State. I also know from experience that the State does employ actual psychics for certain operations, though it's mainly low level surveillance stuff that I've seen first-hand. So how much does magic & mystery play a part in modern day statecraft, and is there a concerted Christian imperative which seeks to 'capture every [action/thought] for Christ', aiming for the proper 'righteous' fulfilment of all operations unfolding in the service of the realm at a given time? Food for thought perhaps.

Cheers, FITO.

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 10:00 AM
As for divine intervention, I don't know? I don't expect it. I know it is a dangerous world where bad things do happen. Trying to do the right thing has a lot of experience in avoiding many mistakes.

When seeing what is happening to many whistleblowers around the world, some of these topics are dangerous job with a lot of money at stake.

It was Trying to resolve 9/11 that has kept me going, chipping away when I can.

Can see these troubles go deep, pits of hell some of it. I know some that have gone too hard up against it and got burnt. Going to have to be reasonable in how we approach it.

If trying an exorcism, only under the authority of Jesus Christ is your best chance. These things can have a nasty bite. As for the Church and Religion thing, lots of money, connections.

As for some other kinds of angelic forces, UFO, multidimensional or some other kind of high tech? I don't know, Universe looks like a complicated place with lots going on. Just taking things one step at a time. General approach is 'Damned are those that harm the righteous, for evil shall destroy the wicked'.

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

HItler thought he was on the side of angels too.
One person's angel is another person's demon.
I mean, most religions have their equivalent of
angels in them, and point their fingers at the
other religions angels as being demons. The
innocent nature folklore of Pan, was rebranded
to Satan, that sort of thing.

In the past, when I associated with certain individuals
who are often thought to be 'ufo insiders', they told
me that the so-called 'Collins Elite' people certainly
do actively exist in the USG, and are a pain in the ass.

Apparenlty only the members of the group themselves
thinks of them in a positive manner, while most others
see them as dangerously mentally ill, serving nothing
but their own abberant agenda.

People get all emotional and opinionated on this topic,
where there are far too few data points that can be
relied upon.

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 10:15 AM

Have no information but I do know God has delayed the end times apocalypse three times and there will be no more delays.

a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

the so-called 'Collins Elite' people certainly do actively exist in the USG

Sounds like it is linked in with Michael Aquino and Temple of Set type stuff. Or was, things felt a bit better the day he passed. High up in Military Psychological operations and gave himself fully to the dark side.

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 11:03 AM
"Gott ist mit uns" was on every German soldiers' belt buckle during WWII.

Guess He wasn't.

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

This is an interesting topic, of which I know very little about.

Looking at the word Angel, if reversed spells Legna...

In Italian, legna means Wood. With that in mind, check this out:

From Wiki

In J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, the Two Trees of Valinor are Telperion and Laurelin, the Silver Tree and the Gold Tree, which brought light to Valinor, a paradisiacal realm also known as the Undying Lands where angelic beings lived. The Two Trees were apparently of enormous stature, and exuded dew that was a pure and magical light in liquid form. They were destroyed by the evil beings Ungoliant and Melkor, but their last flower and fruit were made into the Moon and the Sun.

Commentators have seen mythic and Christian symbolism in the Two Trees; they have been called the most important symbols in the entire legendarium.

Bold is mine.

How weird. The Lord of the Rings saga is more than the sum of its parts... who knows what it all means?

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: Encia22

Well, as Richard Bach said in "Messiah", you can find
'truth' in a box of cracker jacks.

You can twist anything on it's head, and make it mean anything
you want.

"meaning is in the eye of the beholder".

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment


Without getting into 'good' or 'bad', at one time there were some Western military high rankers who belonged to, if I recall the organization correctly, the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem.

I may be mistaken, but this order had a stiff annual membership fee and requirements to hold relatively high positions in particular professions, which made it rather exclusive.

edit on 17-4-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 01:21 PM
To speak about the other part of the OP's post;

The question is, "Do Angel type beings exist, care about us" and are
"summonable" either by prayer or hocus pocus, by the government
or otherwise.

Here's the rub.

After long associaton with people who believe in angels and 'good'
'denizens of hypothetical mystical realms',

I've noticed that a lot of the 'gateway' that allows such perceptions
(of angels) to exist, goes right through the same neurological pathway
and biological system configuration as the 'nasty stuff'.

And as has been stated elsewhere, it's generally trauma that opens
doors in the psyche (the MUFON Omega-3 study had it right),
and it's documented far and wide.

Since 'trauma' opens the doors more than anything, that's why
'the Other' tends to manifest as 'evil' and not 'good'.

So if you look at that 'good', with a magnifying glass, you will
tend to see some really 'not good' aspects to it, and if you
'push it', it might go completely 'mad' and show it's true colors.

Now mind you, if you wish to posit this as pure psychological
damage remnants you are 'talking to/interacting with', that's
fine.. there's no need to go 'supernatural' if you don't want

What matters is that a person / group of person's believe
this stuff, and that leads to consequences in the world..
whehter from something 'true' or mostly or all 'delusional'.

It took me freaking nearly forever to learn why the 'Phenomenon'
is nearly universally 'nasty' and not 'good'.

It's becuase the part of the human mind that brings it in is hurt
and nasty.. that's the simple truth to it.

There are some people so enmeshed in their 'right hand path
religion' , that thier 'Id' (their 'shadow') the grungy unconscious
parts of themselves are so saturated, that they do not tend to
'manifest' the nast stuff so much as 'good appearing stuff'.

But if you push hard enough, you will find the nasty stuff is
included in those 'angels' as well.

That's my experience, for what it's worth.


posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Yeah, I know, it was a lame connection of unrelated dots. I sometimes get fits of spouting total hogwash.

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 03:01 PM

Is there anything about any religion that mentions being SPECIAL in the eyes of God?

Is this religion one where they are favored by God?

Do they have versions similar to theirs for others to latch onto?

Does this religion have a history of being involved in troubles or strife with many different people?

Does any religion have a rumored history of doing exactly what their book says they can..

Does this religion divide people by race and socio-nomic status?

Is it based on astrology whole at the same time says it's bad?

Does it predict the future but at the same time say doing that is bad?

Does any religion have derogatory terms for outsiders?


posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: Encia22
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Yeah, I know, it was a lame connection of unrelated dots. I sometimes get fits of spouting total hogwash.

we all do!

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 04:03 PM
I can just imagine the hiccup if any of those
religiously minded intelligence officers
find out the Jesus story was a contrived
narrative exaggerated and mythologized
version of Lucius Caesar.

Some people are not ready, nor
could they handle the truth.

Truly, for the majority, ignorance is bliss.

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: MrBlaq

True enough.

You are referring to "Caesar's Messiah"?

There's quite a lot of evidence that Christiantiy was 2 parts
messiahanic judiasm and 2 parts psychological operation
on the part of the Roman empire.

It's no wonder that the New Testament wants slaves to
obey their masters, and for subjects of Ceasar to pay
thier taxes to Caesar.

All religious and spiritual systems are 'control systems'
of one sort or another.

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Hi KellyPrettyBear,

Many years ago I wasted time attending a Bible seminary
only to learn the truth concerning the Messiah.

Quite frankly, I was not surprised when the Vatican
decided to divulge the truth on the matter.

It was a blip on the radar of the media, but a
few ran with the story.

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 04:19 PM
An interesting topic to think about.

Not all angels are good, you remember there was a rebellion in heaven and a third of the angels fell to earth. I guess you can always say "we are on the side of the angels" whether you have honorable intentions or bad ones.

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: MrBlaq

History is written by the victors.

And religion in any form (including modern polarized politics being
a new religion)

is used to control the masses.

Thanks for the link.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Since 'trauma' opens the doors more than anything, that's why 'the Other' tends to manifest as 'evil' and not 'good'.

The common symbolism of Christianity is Jesus hanging on a cross. Sitting as a kid in Church seeing him hand there sends a strong message to not stuff up.

As for more spiritual aspects of this conflict, still a lot in the too hard basket with out of body, near death and reincarnation parts, something seams to be going on, as for what exactly is cloudy. Some alien stories of transplanting souls? Now Claus Shwarb wants one as he plays Supreme Commander on the metaverse?

Enough stories around to approach the Kingdom of Darkness with some respect and awareness. It plays rough and goes deep. With some of the rituals undertaken, it can open interactions to other things. I expect the kind or ritual performed will influence just what type of interaction there is. With stories of dark rituals going on in high places, gotta kinda expect that things are the way they are.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

The human conception of 'good' is the major problem in some ways.

People think something is 'good' when it benefits humans, even though
humans aren't very nice creatures. We are expert killers, and have put
the world on fire, and now are crying to be rescued (from ourselves).

Nature is 9 parts of red of tooth and long of claw, and only 1 part
cooperative or symbiotic.

Religion tends to be a rebellion against basic undeniable reality,
that humans are not special, and when run over by a car are
every bit as much road kill as any other living thing.

(no, i'm not a sociopath.. I grieve a lot when people are hurt,suffer
and die.. not to mention innocent animals).

But reality is reality..

and inventing fantasies to hide from reality do not ennobloe us,
they degrade us.

Now yes, I won't deny that various people attempt to play with things
they don't truly understand, and there is blowback. It probably
happens a lot.

Just like we don't fret about individual organs in our bodies much,
or individual cells at all, we need to consider the human race in
that light.

People need to scream LOUDLY before 'something notices', and, as
I've written at some length.. our 'screams' don't tend to be 'nice'
or sourced from a 'nice part of ourselves'.

It's no wonder that we 'reap what we sow'
edit on 18-4-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

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