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The wheels are coming off! About time!

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+40 more 
posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 04:13 PM
Well, well, well....... Hello ATS.

The Walensky fraud is coming apart, where is Fauci?

ATS it seems that our master of the universe himself, the self proclaimed 'science man' has vanished! POOF, like a whisp of smoke amidst the fog of war! Let's see what these charlatans are saying now! We can not let these people get away with this, or allow people (especially some vocal MSM addicts on this site, you know who you are) to slink of quietly!

Let's have a lookey! Oh boy this is a doozey!

Walensky had an interview recently at the Washington University School Of Medicine.
Here's the interview.

Did you hear that, ATS? The rampant incompetence and assanine giggles of a tyrant in the spotlight?

Let's have a look at some things that were said during this interview shall we?

1. "I can tell you where I was when the CNN feed (Errrr) came in that it (the vax) was 95% effective - um the vaccine.
2. “So many of us wanted to be hopeful. So many of us wanted to say, ‘Okay, this is our ticket out, right? Now, we’re done,” she added, laughing.
3. “So, I think we had perhaps too little caution and too much optimism for some good things that came our way, I really do,”
4. “I think all of us wanted this to be done. Nobody said ‘waning.’ When, when… ‘Oh this vaccine’s gonna work. Oh well, maybe it will wear off,’ laughing again.
5. “NOBODY said, ‘Well what if …it’s not as potent against the next variant?.......

Now, I shouldn't need to point out the incredible, unbelievable admission here. But I'm going to anyways for the benefit of the MSM junkies and Dr Campbells of the world who refuse to see what's in front of their face, until it's slapping them....

Why was the director of the CDC getting her information about the efficacy of the vaccine from a CNN feed? Isn't the CDC supposed to have experts pouring over data from the provably untrustworthy pharmaceutical companies data with pinpoint precision?
Not to mention that CNN receives money from Pfizer, the CDC is supposed to be scrutinizing these drug barons whose job it is to make money from illness and suffering, they're supposed to be protecting the public! Not selling them out to CNN and Pfizer! Instead Walensky was getting second hand information about efficacy from CNN who is paid BY Pfizer to push their narrative, let that sink in.....

Walensky says that she remembers where she was, like this was some unexpected revelation like 9/11 or the assassination of JFK. Well the data was wildly distorted (which we now know) to make the product (vax) sell! Walensky would have known this too!

What Pfizer and Walensky failed to mention was the Relative risk reduction was used to calculate the efficacy of the shots, but the public was led to believe that this was the Absolute risk reduction Which is to say a difference of 95% Relative, to 0.84% absolute reduction. Do you understand now why they still had you wear a mask!? Try selling a vax to people when the reduction rate is actually 0.84%!!
Walensky 'wanted' this to be true and so dimmed her conscience (it seems) to make it so.....

This is one of the people who told us over and over to Trust the science (sound familiar).....

Walensky went on to talk about "No one talked about waning efficacy" and this is an omega level, optional boss level of twisting the truth!
What Walensky means by this is that no one on CNN or MSNBC or the BBC questioned the 'science'. Walensky is not a news organisation and her job was to know this! There was myriad scientists calling out the waning effect of the vaccines and talking about the leaky effects of the shots and the breakthrough cases, even Campbell himself admitted early on that the data made no sense in regards to a 'leaky' vaccine!
Walenky is acting as though the opposition opinion wasn't being silenced and suppressed! Which we all know it was!

See the word of Geert Vanden Bossche and Luc Montagnier for starters!

The remark itself of "No one said" is a stark one because it implies that Walensky was waiting on someone to pass the blame onto for her own incompetence! Who was she waiting for? CNN? MSNBC? Don Lemon?

Walenksy would have known early on that the vaccines were failing and that ADE and Pathonagenic priming were real issues. Life ending issues!
Just MONTHS after the rollout of the clot shots the CDC announced it wasn't going to count breakthrough infections becuase it didn't want to undermine the publics trust in the vaccine! Well, good one CDC you really dropped the ball there, eh.

There is data in the UK now which is leaning heavily toward the vaccinated being in bad shape when it comes to fighting off the virus! It seems the predictions of waning immunity and immunosuppression are actually true, like we screamed from the start, and now people are really starting, in real time, to notice! Even Mr YouTube doctor Mr Campbell, who is really a nurse......

Is Walenky going to keep lying about this as children and adults alike start to suffer the ill fate of heart attacks and myocarditis, as well as heart failure and spike protein sicknesses like AID's and blood clots?

This woman is a buffoon and she has dropped the ball, big time! Like everything else about this whole pandemic, she's incompetent and evil, like the rest of Bidens cabinet and the UK Gov! Who is going to hold these people to account? Who is keeping track of their comings and goings? Where is Bill Gates and Lord Fauci? Where are the celebrity endorsements and preening influencers now?

This is but one example, from one interview, of the utterly astounding foolishness that's been happening at the very top, as we're drip fed talking points by the MSM who hate us! STOP BELIEVING THEIR LIES! They lie all......the.......time!

Sorry some people bought into this, ashamed of the ones on ATS who did....... The future is bleak.....
edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: Joneselius

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 04:27 PM
Thank you for posting the interview. I just couldn't get it to work!

Again, thanks.a reply to: Snarl

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: Joneselius

Rochelle Walensky believed in NATURAL IMMUNITY to Covid-19 before she was approached, and changed her position, just to prove she was against the Trump Administration's "Herd Immunity" wing of medical advisors.

“I think it’s wrong, I think it’s unsafe, I think it invites people to act in ways that have the potential to do an enormous amount of harm,” said Dr. Rochelle Walensky, an infectious disease expert at Harvard University and one of the signatories to the Snow memo. “You don’t roll out disease — you roll out vaccination.”

After Democrats and RINO's successfully cheated Joe Biden into the White House, Rochelle Walensky was already positioned as the front-runner for CDC Director. (She was also non-white, which is what Biden wanted.)

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: Joneselius


Why was the director of the CDC getting her information about the efficacy of the vaccine from a CNN feed?


Because she wasn't Director of the CDC when the announcement was made. She was still a doctor at the Massachusetts General Hospital. She didn't have any more access to government information than you did.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: carewemust

seriously how did this clown get her job... natural immunity is all we had for the vast majority of our existence on the planet.

She seems to be on the level of Harris, so far out of their depth they are dangerous to the health and safety of this country.

+7 more 
posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
After Democrats and RINO's successfully cheated Joe Biden into the White House, Rochelle Walensky was already positioned as the front-runner for CDC Director. (She was also non-white, which is what Biden wanted.)

Being attractive and a competent public speaker didn't hurt either.

Medical experimenters have swung in the past too, don't forget.
Until The People rise up and swiftly dole out justice, we are at the mercy of those in control.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: carewemust

seriously how did this clown get her job... natural immunity is all we had for the vast majority of our existence on the planet.

She seems to be on the level of Harris, so far out of their depth they are dangerous to the health and safety of this country.

She believed in Natural Immunity until attending this symposium with FAUCI in the Fall of 2020. Suddenly she stopped.

I bet in all future interviews, Walensky will return to supporting Natural Immunity, now that the vaccine is working to make millions sick, and created hundred of new millionaires. (Mission accomplished)

Most of Biden Admin appointees are very "off". Hard to put my finger on it. For instance, the Surgeon General (Murtha) admitted that he let 10 members of his family DIE of Covid-19. Yes...TEN! The United States Surgeon General...America's #1 Doctor.

edit on 3/12/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Snarl

Hillary Clinton said a whole lot of them will be "swinging from nooses", if the depth and breadth of their crimes against humanity are discovered. (Democrats passed the Anti-Lynching Act last week for very selfish reasons.)

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 05:13 PM
What do you do when your a technocrat; when the elected leaders of the world decide to dither in order not make a decision that can impact their chances of reelection; and when your faced with a technical challenge your not prepared nor equipped for?

edit on 12-3-2022 by dandandat2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: Joneselius

S&F. Yes it's important to maintain the documentation of all of these frauds and those who perpetuate them. Hopefully one day justice will prevail, however .......

The future is bleak.....

I tend to agree with that statement. In Australia, we will be having a Federal "election" in May to find out which political? crime syndicate is going to take over and administer the official diktats from our feudal overlords at the WEF, UN, WHO, BIS ........ etc ad nauseam. It seems that most policy in Australia now originates from any one of these places, and now most notably the Digital ID legislation that may well see us in all sorts of trouble before the end on the year.

And to cap that off, we will be heading into winter soon with a population that, for the most part , has just set their immune systems on fire and thrown them under a bus ....... did I hear justification for reintroduction of restrictions .......

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: Joneselius


Why was the director of the CDC getting her information about the efficacy of the vaccine from a CNN feed?


Because she wasn't Director of the CDC when the announcement was made. She was still a doctor at the Massachusetts General Hospital. She didn't have any more access to government information than you did.

We had as little access as she did yet somehow ats knew more. Imagine that.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: Joneselius

CNN receives money from Pfizer

Actually, the US government paid millions for pro-vaccine advertising, and the ads are still running, targeting our young children.
Sadly, many parents are lining up to vaccinate them, and some schools are requiring elementary children be vaccinated.
The madness isn't over just yet....

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: Snarl

I wish I could star your post a million times!

The entire WORLD needs to see these pictures! And if the MSM refuses to publish them on the front page of every newspaper, and run them as the headline story on the nightly news... then they should HANG just like the bastages in this picture!

They should hang until DEAD!


edit on 3/12/2022 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 06:24 PM
I wonder what Graphene, a super conductor of heat and electric energy does to the human body when high frequency radio waves are turned up to full power now that everyone is surrounded by 5g..

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: wlee48868
I wonder what Graphene, a super conductor of heat and electric energy does to the human body when high frequency radio waves are turned up to full power now that everyone is surrounded by 5g..

Kinda like some insurance. They will cook your brain if you try to arrest them.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: Joneselius


Why was the director of the CDC getting her information about the efficacy of the vaccine from a CNN feed?


Because she wasn't Director of the CDC when the announcement was made. She was still a doctor at the Massachusetts General Hospital. She didn't have any more access to government information than you did.

Wrong, we've been saying natural immunity was evidenced since 2020, and all evidence pointed to it. Decades of immunology studies do too. Similarly, there was no long term evidence to support their claims that rushed, experimental Covid vaccines would be effective long term and in the face of new variants. You, were wrong, and didn't listen to all the counterpoints. They, knew, and lied to you.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: Joneselius

We all know she is lying, she most certainly didn't "get her talking points from CNN." Cnn got them from the same corrupt sources as they.

For non-medical professionals, or scientists, there is an excuse to have just "taken CNN at their word" and "felt hopeful," therefore pushing the vaccine narratives.

There is zero excuse for leading medical "experts" to use this as an excuse, or even taken at her word literally to have used mainstream media (not scientific institutions) sources and chosen to believe "on faith" and due to "hope" in these rushed, experimental products. That's completely unprofessional of her.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Almost makes one wonder if she or family were threatened to play along or else.

Since I seem to remember when she first got the job her initial comments fell in line with traditional approaches to medicine then suddenly straight party line.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 07:33 PM
She mentioned vaccine development.

Is she referring to the initiation of Operation Warp Speed, that not her, but her predecessors should get credit for?

For timely release of vaccine data... she's not telling the truth.

Per NYTimes:

Two full years into the pandemic, the agency leading the country’s response to the public health emergency has published only a tiny fraction of the data it has collected, several people familiar with the data said.


On vaccine effectiveness.
"Nobody said "waning". Nobody said "what if it wears off"? What if it's not effective against the next variant"


So no vaccine in history has ever been developed that can provide lengthy immunity to upper respiratory viruses (e.g. influenza) across recurring generations of mutations.... and you didn't even say "what if" to the possibility of waning protection, or efficacy against mutations?

She seems more like an H.R. rep than the top doctor leading the C.D.C.

Everything I've read about her work, including this paper entitled "Clinical Outcomes Of A COVID-19 Vaccine: Implementation Over Efficacy" (?!?!), points to the personality of a borderline psychopath that really doesn't care if the COVID-19 vaccine works or not, as long as everyone is made to take it.


Vaccination coverage—the percentage of the population that ultimately receives a vaccine—is dependent on efforts that foster widespread public enthusiasm for vaccination and address sources of hesitancy for vaccines in general and COVID-19 vaccines in particular.28,29 It also requires efforts to ensure that vaccines are accessible to all communities, particularly underserved groups for which long-standing disparities in vaccination coverage have been observed.30,31 This includes racial and ethnic minority groups, among whom the effects of COVID-19 have been disproportionately felt.32,33 Delivering the vaccine to as many people as possible as quickly as possible can result in large reductions in infections and death, even at higher Rt. Conversely, a slow pace of vaccination or low vaccination coverage dramatically reduces the benefits of vaccines even with moderate or high efficacy.

Sounds like the ramblings of a pharma shill to me.

"Doesn't matter if it works or not, GET EVERYONE TAKING IT ASAP!"

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