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Victoria the corruption state.

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posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 02:20 AM
As we know dan Andrews has submitted victorians to many questionable decisions over covid etc.

Here is another dan Andrews corruption program.

There have been a substantial amount of properties in Victoria that the developers have used cheap non compliant aluminium cladding on many buildings in Victoria, some of these have caught fire like the Grenville tower in London England.

The policy now introduced by dan is a publicly funded program tk replace the cladding.

The cost over 600 million publicly funded.

Reality is if the developer uses non compliant material no taxpayer should have to foot the bill.

Thd developer should bd able to be sued, and lose their building licences, hasn’t happened

Instead dan pats em on the back, and says “She’ll be right mate, we’ll get the taxpayer to pay for it, don’t worry”

This is the level of dan Andrews plan to screw all Victorians over at all levels to financially ruin this state.

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