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Different Masonic Sects

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posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 04:04 PM
There appears to be many different Masonic organizations. There are Ancient Free and Accepted Freemasons. There are Free and Accepted Freemasons. There are Prince Hall Masons. I have just discovered a new one that I would like more information ablout. They are called Federated Free and Accepted Masons. Can someone please enlighten me?

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Osirisrisen
There appears to be many different Masonic organizations. There are Ancient Free and Accepted Freemasons. There are Free and Accepted Freemasons. There are Prince Hall Masons. I have just discovered a new one that I would like more information ablout. They are called Federated Free and Accepted Masons. Can someone please enlighten me?

I have never heard of that, but I DO know that F&AM and ANCIENT F&AM are the same. They used to be different, in the 1800s, but they standardized and are now the same. Only the name differs from state to state.

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 06:35 PM

Some groups are not recognized as Masonic at all.

Here are a few interesting and federated cans of worms for you from the state, not the republic. They are not examples of "sects" but they are indicative of what happens in a wide world of jurisdictions and groups that create totally separate paths.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 10:37 AM
Thank you Masked Avatar for the information. I find it amazing that there are so many irregular bodies operating within Masonry. It appears that many individuals may have been duped and may be totally unaware.

I was wondering as far as regular Masonry is concerned, is the fact that the current charters can be traced to the original charter in England make the lodges regular and constituted?

This brings up another issue altogether and that being of the different conspiracies concerning Freemasonry. It appears to me that some of them may in fact be true. I say this becuase with so many lodges operating separately of each other who is to say what the teachings are of these irregular lodges. Also, if an individual is a member of one of these lodges and is ignorant about the different charters, they may believe that "this is the way things are done."

So it appears that many of the conspiracies are in fact started by Masonic entities. Albeit clandestine Masonic entities. Regular Masonry needs to do something to protest its name and reputation by cracking down on the illegal organizations.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Osirisrisen

I was wondering as far as regular Masonry is concerned, is the fact that the current charters can be traced to the original charter in England make the lodges regular and constituted?

Yes, at least indirectly. For example, a regular Grand Lodge could charter another in a place where one does not already exist. This would make the new Grand Lodge regular because it is indirectly linked to the Mother Grand Lodge in England through a regular intermediary.

I say this becuase with so many lodges operating separately of each other who is to say what the teachings are of these irregular lodges.

This has indeed been a problem; P2 Lodge is the most famous example. However, most irregular Lodges are pretty harmless. They may be irregular for more petty reasons, such as they admit women or atheists, or something of that nature. Those things would make them irregular because by doing so they have ceased to be Masonic, yet there is nothing inherently malevolent about admitting women and atheists into an organization.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 11:36 AM
Quite right, there have been many irregular Lodges that are talked about in most conspiracy theories, but I can assure anyone that just because they have a similarity to Standardized Practice and Name does not mean that the Masonic Fraternity is TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD...If they wanted that, they would have succeeded right after the loss of power of the Catholic Church in our Age of Industry.

Such groups such as: The "Illuminati" were a branch created by one Adam Weishaupt (sic.), this is the most famous distortion of which also may or may not have been those responsible for the absurd Protocals of the Learned Elders of Zion, which stated that the Jews were going to take over the world...then again I might be wrong, I have been trying to find a way to go to Lodge and see about being a member like my great-grandfather may have been, but no transportation in the middle of the country, and no money for fees if I did make it, so I may be wrong about all this...but I have read Morals & Dogma...I love it! May be long but well worth the read.

By the VSL be blessed

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Osirisrisen
There appears to be many different Masonic organizations. There are Ancient Free and Accepted Freemasons. There are Free and Accepted Freemasons. There are Prince Hall Masons. I have just discovered a new one that I would like more information ablout. They are called Federated Free and Accepted Masons. Can someone please enlighten me?

There are several ‘sects’ or rather orders, of freemasons but not all of them are recognised. There are Co-Masonic bodies that admit men and women and some that only admit women. Some of these exist within the regular Masonic framework whilst others do not. This recognition, when it is given, is not universal in all constitutions. For example the UGLE refuses to recognise the ‘Order of the Eastern Star’ whereas the Grand Lodge of Scotland is more tolerant. Even if these other bodies are not officially recognised, a Grand Lodge may give it a measure of approval to it, if the order is in concord with the spirit of freemasonry.

Prince Hall freemasonry is a case in point. Although not all Prince Hall Grand lodges are recognised by the UGLE but other constitutions may do so! To make matters worse not all Prince Hall Grand Lodges recognise each other. I think that the ‘Federated Free and Accepted Masons Incorporated’ is a Prince Hall group although I do not know whether it is recognised by the UGLE.

Add to this the fact that freemasonry is far from universal. There are several systems of freemasonry and it is not imposable for more than one regular Grand Lodge govern lodges in the same country, the UGLE has many lodges overseas.

So grand lodges withdraw recognition from other ruling bodies that found lodges in their jurisdiction, except when they don’t. The do not tolerate bodies that the admit women, except when they do.

The issue of recognition seems to be a somewhat foggy matter and many apparently pucker masons are confused about it. I think that insistence upon regularity it one of pure pedantry, owing to the extreme confusion that appears to surround it.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 10:05 PM
Quite right Freemasonry by it's very definition is "irregular" so it's a nice little slight of hand to carry on about "regular" freemasonry because you can claim everything and anything is or isn't regular depending on what rubbish your trying to pass off for the minute.

The only thing that is regular about Freemasons themselves is that they are ALL pathelogical liars in the medical sense.
The process that is conducted on initiates is designed to destroy their ability to make their own individual judgements by overloading them with massive amounts of random and conflicting stimuli coupled with the offering of "light" to overcome this.
Freemasons are encouraged to believe whatever they want so long as they stay on the cable tow, as time goes by any morality that has been embued to them from either religious or paternal guidence gives way to a much simpler way of discerning right and wrong.
Everything "inside" the cult is "True and Good", everything outside the cult is "False and Bad."

As far as the relationships between supposedly regular and irregular lodges, I assure you the first thing any active Freemason will do upon their arrival in Phuket is to seek out the clandestine lodge in Patong to touch base, this would appear to be consistent with their activities anywhere.

I mean seriously, this "Temple" is right in the middle of the red-light district and actively recruits almost exclusively from local pimps and swindlers, yet supposedly "upright" Masons will be mixing with them like it's the Chelsea Flower Show.
Maybe there really is no such thing as an "upright" Mason, to be honest in 4 years I'm yet to meet one.

Some are just better at lying than others.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by MrNECROS
The only thing that is regular about Freemasons themselves is that they are ALL pathelogical liars in the medical sense.

Some are just better at lying than others.

Welcome back.

This post is just to offset the question you are about to send my way.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 10:18 PM
Brother Intrepid,
You mean this one:

A member of the forum staff, intrepid, has sent you a warning regarding your activity on the thread titled,
Different Masonic Sects. Your have been warned 1 times.
Warnings are recorded, and each individual warning expires in three days (72 hours) from the time it was applied.
If forum staff continue to warn you and you gain 5 or more warnings, a temporary posting ban will be enforced automatically.

Individual warnings carry a points penalty of 250 points which have been deducted from your total.
Do not reply to this U2U.
reply forward save delete

I stand by the statement because it is true, 4 years of abuse by your bretheren have shown this to be the case.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 10:20 PM
OK dude, what the hell do I have to do to PROVE that I'm not a Mason. Not that it's a bad thing, just isn't the truth.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by MrNECROS
Quite right Freemasonry by it's very definition is "irregular" so it's a nice little slight of hand to carry on about "regular" freemasonry because you can claim everything and anything is or isn't regular depending on what rubbish your trying to pass off for the minute.

Irregular lodges are very clearly defined. Stop lying, Necros. You know damn well which lodges are regular and which ones are irregular. It all has to do with OFFICIAL RECOGNITION. If a lodge does something bad enough to get their charter revoked, then they are an irregular lodge if they keep on meeting without a charter. What's so hard t understand about that?

I mean seriously, this "Temple" is right in the middle of the red-light district and actively recruits almost exclusively from local pimps and swindlers, yet supposedly "upright" Masons will be mixing with them like it's the Chelsea Flower Show.

YEAH RIGHT!!! ALL candidates go through a background check before they are accepted into the fraternity. Any felonies, and you're automatically disqualified. NICE TRY Necros, but I think the warn under your name tells us everything we need to know about your credibility.

And who's the compulsive liar? You are convinced that masons blew up your toilet, fed your dogs laxatives, and kidnapped you. You tell us that you know many masons, but you dont seem to know anything about the fraternity. Everything you posted above is a lie! You are the compulsive liar!

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 10:39 PM
Intrepid, you could always leave them (or can you?)

You *should* know the truth, what I think is largely irrelevant.
If you know yourself to be a coward, a liar and a Freemason then you have to live with that not me.
Proof is not required.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by MrNECROS
If you know yourself to be a coward, a liar and a Freemason then you have to live with that not me.

Fine by me, that's 2, for that.

I seriously recommend that you get a grip. You are seeing conspiracy where there is none.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 10:47 PM
Gosh Intrepid!
I just realised I'm accidentally posting in a Conspircy theories and secret societies forum.
Oooops I 'd better run on over to and ask sensible Freemason friendly questions.
Will I be seeing you there as well?

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by MrNECROS
Gosh Intrepid!
I just realised I'm accidentally posting in a Conspircy theories and secret societies forum.
Oooops I 'd better run on over to and ask sensible Freemason friendly questions.
Will I be seeing you there as well?

Nope, has nothing to do with ATS.


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