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David Icke on Reptilian Race - Is he making it up? (Video)

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posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 11:30 AM
Judging him solely on this video, do you think David Icke is making this stuff up? Or is there truth in what he's saying?

Watch this Video:

Personally, I think there is something going on. Nobody can say it's entirely impossible simply because they haven't seen it with their own eyes.

And if you think he is making it up, then that must mean everything he's written and said in his books and lectures are completely packed with lies. But if you look the research he's done, he does seem to provide compelling evidence that leaves little room, if any, for a questionable or suspicious outlook.

And if all of it is true, then we got a big problem!

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 11:41 AM
But if you look the research he's done, he does seem to provide compelling evidence that leaves little room, if any, for a questionable or suspicious outlook.

I'm curious, which evidence are you referring to ? specifically is it an artifact, fossil, skeleton, police report, video or photo images......or links to websites and books for sale ?

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 12:21 PM
I have seen this video, and I am so sad to see this guy being fooled so badly. If he was in any form of contact with Reptilians, he would have the tiniest knowledge of "cloaking technology". He is influenced by an alien lifeform, who actually dislikes Reptilians, and makes fun of David Icke who is actually presenting what he really encountered.

I think, David Icke should be invited to ATS, and should be given a learning lesson on alien threads.

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 03:29 PM

I'm curious, which evidence are you referring to ? specifically is it an artifact, fossil, skeleton, police report, video or photo images......or links to websites and books for sale?

Well, I don't know of any physical evidence I can show you, if your referring to the Reptilian story, and even then that might not even convince the hardest skeptics. It might exist, I just can't provide anything at this moment. Until someone takes a snapshot while their "shapeshifting", this might never get proven until you've seen it for yourself. But look, let's take a simple probability factor test with the NWO (New World Order) & Illuminati "conspiracy", and that includes all these Masonic/Satanic symbols used in all parts of governments & oil businesses, secret societies, especially Bohemian Grove and skull & bones, and the very possible and controversial 9/11 conspiracy. If you collect enough information and connect the dots of all these stories, you start to get a feeling something is definitely wrong here. Sometimes tangible evidence isn't necessary, sometimes even a picture or just going back in history tells enough of the story to come to a definite conclusion. I don't think it's too much of a fantasy to believe that a breed of humans could actually shapeshift, I mean why not? Isn't there a lot of things we don't understand in terms of technology and biology?

This is an interesting page just a collection of Illuminati symbols:

[edit on 30-3-2005 by eudaimonia]

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
I have seen this video, and I am so sad to see this guy being fooled so badly. If he was in any form of contact with Reptilians, he would have the tiniest knowledge of "cloaking technology". He is influenced by an alien lifeform, who actually dislikes Reptilians, and makes fun of David Icke who is actually presenting what he really encountered.

I think, David Icke should be invited to ATS, and should be given a learning lesson on alien threads.

Are you saying that the stories he's been saying about Shapeshifting could be easily explained by cloaking technology? And if so, how does cloaking equal to looking like a reptile? As reported by so many witnesses. If you don't mind me asking, in what way is Icke being fooled?

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by eudaimonia
Are you saying that the stories he's been saying about Shapeshifting could be easily explained by cloaking technology? And if so, how does cloaking equal to looking like a reptile? As reported by so many witnesses. If you don't mind me asking, in what way is Icke being fooled?

Only human eyes witnessed shapeshifting, not a single camera took any photo or video of humans shapeshifting into anything. This is cloaking technology, not an actual visual event of reality. That reptile was never there, Icke might be implanted because his knowledge is inhuman, and he is not being hostile.

But definitely not Reptilians are trying to cause trouble for themselves. There were stories about Reptilians with weapons shooting around in US government facilities, reported here on ATS. We all know that Reptilians have nothing to do with Government, instead, Greys are behind such an act. Greys are playing with humans, and they have reason to show reptiles as hostile creatures.

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 10:45 PM
Quote: originally posted by Vertu

Only human eyes witnessed shapeshifting, not a single camera took any photo or video of humans shapeshifting into anything. This is cloaking technology, not an actual visual event of reality. That reptile was never there, Icke might be implanted because his knowledge is inhuman, and he is not being hostile.

Vertu, just for clarafication, are you saying that human eyes can only see the shapeshifting and it can not be recorded?

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by eudaimonia
Judging him solely on this video, do you think David Icke is making this stuff up? Or is there truth in what he's saying?

And THIS is the problem you are having!

You need to read his books and then judge him on the sources he lists in his books. Not try to base your judgement on a 10 min video LOL!
But too many of the masses don't have the patiences, desire, and on a higher level... the merit, to get off their lazy bum and check out his books.
You can even read them for free! Cuz many major bookstores allow you to sit down in chairs and read any book for free without having to buy them.

Every Icke book is stuffed to the brim with info. Which means it's impossible to "judge him soley on this video".

IF you or anyone else is really, really, serious about WANTING to find out more about this subject, then you, or anyone lurking, posting, or reading this thread, will take my suggestion and go check out his books, and the sources he lists at the end of every chapter.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 03:27 AM

I think, David Icke should be invited to ATS, and should be given a learning lesson on alien threads.

Not sure if your aware or not......but he was invited....

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 03:33 AM
Icke is full of it. Or dellusional.

I actually know people who attend the WTO and Davos. None of them are shape-shifting lizards. Just overweight middle age guys who happen to be good at business and networking.

[edit on 31-3-2005 by Facefirst]

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 05:53 AM
If you listen to his interviews and look into it abit more and listen to what he is saying, alot of it makes alot of sense.

Especially about the Human mind the brain and Manipulation.

That is bang on.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 06:19 AM
David Icke is an id*ot, people shouldnt waste there energy talking about him.

"The best thing in life is to be here now"
John Lennon

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 07:14 AM
Hmmm...Icke is a tough subject for ne since I don't know all that much about him. But that video was absolutely fascinating to me. You can tell he truly does believe what he's talking about and I guess that's good enough for me.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by Muckwa
Vertu, just for clarafication, are you saying that human eyes can only see the shapeshifting and it can not be recorded?

Generally yes. If you tried to record a cloaked alien/UFO, you wouldn't see any cloaking/shapeshifting on the imange/video. Animals can also see the aliens/UFOs.

But it can be reversed as well. Imagine that David Icke has seen that innocent well dressed officeworm turning into a reptile. Any surveillance camera nearby (I suppose there was many in that officebuilding) wouldn't record any shapeshifting.

Therefore his story seems to be BS, but when you put things together seeing all those flying objects in the corner of your eye... they are not true, either. You cannot record them, because they are not there. But they look very detailed, and even a human sized object may appear in front of you, that is fake, too.

It is sick, but we were created this way.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 08:23 AM
it is cleary obvious what is going on.david icke is telling the truth about everything but he works for the govt.its just a test to see how peeps react and a way for him to raise money for the cause of the his interview he continuously plugs his books and future books coming out.we are being fed this information to see if anyone actually takes some sort of action but the only action being taken is jaw flappin.

oh yea one thing i dont get is if the nwo controls the world what do they need money for to finance these projects,why dont they just take whatever they need?

[edit on 31-3-2005 by Drew Da General]

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Drew Da General
it is cleary obvious what is going on.david icke is telling the truth about everything but he works for the govt.

David Icke had a message to Worldwatcher about me, and it was designed to freak him to death. Well, it surely worked out perfectly.

David Icke is a victim of mind control. However, I'm stealth to them, but they are seemingly on the way to do bad things whenever they have the slightest chance. Shameful.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 04:56 AM
I'm a newer member at this site. Want to THANK one of the above posters for posting Icke's interview this site did with him!!!

Icke answers the main subject of this thread in his interview -

The point is ? take what you want and leave what you don?t. The silly thing to do is dismiss it all because you can?t get your head around one aspect of it.

- David Icke

I want to say it again, my question to EVERYONE here commenting on Icke...

1. Who of you have read ANY of his books?
2. WHICH of his books have you read?
3. Which of you have read "The Biggest Secret"?
4. Which of you read "And the Truth Shall Set You Free" ?

Anyone who hasn't read any of his books can't comment on Icke!
Cuz you haven't even tried to do a through investigation for yourself on him, and what he talks about!

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 05:13 AM
Because his ideology and books are full of rubbish, they are nonsense.

Personally I have very good reason to keep away from david Icke and his Grey friends, because they are all hostile.

Also, I notice that he cannot evaluate his ideology to any human being, because they are not really interested in his prophecy. Just imagine that I would start the same prophecy on insectoids attacking the World, and trying to open ppl's eyes before the Final battle takes place... nonsense.

As for the video, he has no thorough investigation on Reptilians. And if someone asked him again: did you read the Lacerta Interviews? He would say: No, but I'll take a look! Interesting.

[edit on 1-4-2005 by Vertu]

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 08:54 AM
the crow is right on the money. i believe icke do work for the govt. he is no has been soccer player that went coocoo for coco puffs.the fact is the info were gettin our reads on is simply a test that we cannot pass.its clearly made an fact by most of us knowing the real deal but it is in us to do nothing about it, hence by keep googling. and i believe most of the info you find on the net are purely facts, cause the fact is a human mind cannot create such image without ever witnessing the event.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 08:55 AM
Anybody notice how every time ATS asked him a question, his response was a dodgy answer that basically ran around the query? He answered about 5% of the questions directly, and managed to plug his book 75 times.

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