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Arguing with Inlaws about COVID (Fun)

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posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 08:37 PM
Whatup ATS?

Haven't done a thread in quite awhile but last night had a momentous event in my personal life that strikes me as something I wanted to bounce off the ATS community:

Last night I had my first real in-depth debate with my inlaws about COVID, my anti-"vaccine" stance, skepticism, anti-authoritarian perspective, etc.

For some context, my inlaws are far left... think Biden/Kamala are both great, Joe Rogan and the "misinformation" from Spotify should be stomped out, etc.

They are the biggest reason I ever got the JnJ shot last July (of course I was told by them and others 'just get it'... and even though I said IF i did I would only get it ONCE and no boosters, they are now saying I should get boosted LMAO.. F NO).

Anyway, my arguments included some of the following:

  • If this was "all about health", why have zero politicians/mainstream news outlets or talking head doctors told us to take Vitamin D, Zinc, not wear cloth masks that capture moisture & bacteria, etc.)?
  • Well-studied, inexpensive and effective prophelaxis options like ivermectin have been suppressed/labeled as horse dewormer/etc. when there are a number of peer-reviewed studies showing this type of treatment is quite effective
  • CDC Director, Fauci, Biden, etc. all said "if you get the 'vaccine' you cannot contract or transmit COVID", proven false
  • no long-term safety data for any of these shots
  • Previously 'vaccines' have been specifically used for sterilizing agents which prevent one from contracting the disease in the future, however these experimental drugs do not prevent contracting or transmitting the disease and so any comparison to other 'required' vaccines is moot and not even in a similar category to sterilizing vaccines)
  • One-size-fits-all coercion/forceful approach saying even young children and those who have 99.9% chance of having no serious symptoms or danger from COVID being scared/manipulated into taking these experimental treatments, when risk/reward should be analyzed by EVERYONE before deciding to take/not take such experimental treatments

Things I kind of wish I went into..

  • Pfizer refuses to administer their shots in countries where they face any legal liability for adverse reactions
  • Definition of "vaccine" revised by CDC, just as the definition of "Herd Immunity" was revised by the WHO (won't go into the details but it is easy to find if you haven't already heard this)
  • Natural immunity superiority to he "shots"
  • Peter Mccullough and other reputable doctors/scientists/experienced specialists in the space who are speaking out against mandates/experimental shots/censorship/etc.

So much more but those are the few off the top of my head.

Anyway, here were their rebuttals and responses to shut me down/try to get me to "come around":

  • You should listen to Dr. Fauci (lost me right there) and this other guy Scott Gottlieb
  • I'm surpised you haven't researched mRNA 'vaccines' more, the technology is impressive etc. (I explained I HAVE researched these treatments and there is no such thing as a sterilizing/effective 'vaccine' for coronaviruses)
  • You really can't say the 'vaccines' aren't effective when they reduce hospitalizations and death if you catch it (this was actually the statement that resulted in me deciding to make a thread, because it is the least scientific/empirically supported statement, at least according to my limited knowledge... but how can you say such an objecive thing without citing any sources? It is such a broad statement and I keep hearing it with zero data or stats to back it up....)
  • This virus is "new" so the experts were doing the best they could when they said things like "the vaccine will prevent you from catching/spreading the disease" [so for SOME reason you should still go get boosted and listen to us and the 'experts' LMAO.. how about no]

Anyway that's all I got for you but looking forward to opening up the discussion and hearing what some others have to say. I'm sure I'm not the only one fighting this **** on a daily basis

Thanks ATS fam

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 08:55 PM
It's exhausting dealing with braindead specimens like that. I'm guessing you left feeling drained and them none the wiser (aka still asleep) ?

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 08:55 PM
It's all right. I haven't spoken with my parents in about month.

The last time I did, I was trying to explain the COVID rules my workspace implemented over omigawd because it was going to potentially impact my ability to be there if they needed me with my mom having cancer and all. My dad flipped out and basically chewed me out over not being boosted and how I ruined Christmas for my mom, etc. Then he hung up with out giving me a chance to explain how every single damn decision I've made thus far has been with that in mind.

I understand that he's freaked because she's his wife and the woman he loves. Guess what? She my mother. The only one I have and I love her dearly to.

At any rate ... tomorrow is by birthday. I have no idea if they're going to call, and I don't know what or if I want to talk if they do.

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 09:03 PM
l follow my path of common sense. It leads me to understand something is behind getting the world population jabbed. The unknown has always put fear in me not to do something thats not right.
edit on 0100000032042022-01-30T21:04:32-06:00043201pm9 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Truthfully, at this point, common sense would dictate that while the shots might have some use to those who need their immune systems artificially juiced, it's not a blanket panacea for everyone and there is no reason to force it on everyone like they have, and the harder to try, going so far as to attempt to cut people out of social life entirely even to barring them from working at anything, the more suspicious it gets when you consider the vaccine doesn't act like regular vaccines and the disease doesn't kill at anywhere near crisis rates.

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
It's all right. I haven't spoken with my parents in about month.

The last time I did, I was trying to explain the COVID rules my workspace implemented over omigawd because it was going to potentially impact my ability to be there if they needed me with my mom having cancer and all. My dad flipped out and basically chewed me out over not being boosted and how I ruined Christmas for my mom, etc. Then he hung up with out giving me a chance to explain how every single damn decision I've made thus far has been with that in mind.

I understand that he's freaked because she's his wife and the woman he loves. Guess what? She my mother. The only one I have and I love her dearly to.

At any rate ... tomorrow is by birthday. I have no idea if they're going to call, and I don't know what or if I want to talk if they do.

That's tough. I understand & empathize. I know you're looking out for them. "Happy Birthday" seems kind of flat after hearing that lol but, hey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ketsuko, we love you! They love you too...but you know that.

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: musicismagic

Truthfully, at this point, common sense would dictate that while the shots might have some use to those who need their immune systems artificially juiced, it's not a blanket panacea for everyone and there is no reason to force it on everyone like they have, and the harder to try, going so far as to attempt to cut people out of social life entirely even to barring them from working at anything, the more suspicious it gets when you consider the vaccine doesn't act like regular vaccines and the disease doesn't kill at anywhere near crisis rates.

Clear,succinct, correct, and to the point

Do like I do to every pro-COVID vaxxer I know who was semi-obnoxious about it. When talking to them about whatever at the end I'll go oh and one more thing, Don't forget to schedule your booster shot...

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 09:17 PM
There are a lot of families split over the vaccine , … you are not alone ! My entire family ( mother , sisters , their husbands , cousins , nieces , nephews ) are all vaccinated . I am Not …. I’m the only one not vaccinated ,And I will not get vaccinated either … well at least not the ones they are pushing now . Maybe in 15 or 20 years when they have a real one ? … I hear it every time I talk with my mother ..” you know , people will have to live with their consequences who don’t vaccinate .”…. Lmao ….ans My sister thinks anyone not vaccinated is an uneducated redneck hick .… Lmao …..we argue ALOT !…. I’m guessing most people are mindlessly following the news …But , I think The tide is turning with the vaccines and the truth is starting to come to the surface ….or at least I Hope it is … I feel your pain … And Happy Birthday !

a reply to: FamCore

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 09:21 PM

originally posted by: The GUT

originally posted by: ketsuko
It's all right. I haven't spoken with my parents in about month.

The last time I did, I was trying to explain the COVID rules my workspace implemented over omigawd because it was going to potentially impact my ability to be there if they needed me with my mom having cancer and all. My dad flipped out and basically chewed me out over not being boosted and how I ruined Christmas for my mom, etc. Then he hung up with out giving me a chance to explain how every single damn decision I've made thus far has been with that in mind.

I understand that he's freaked because she's his wife and the woman he loves. Guess what? She my mother. The only one I have and I love her dearly to.

At any rate ... tomorrow is by birthday. I have no idea if they're going to call, and I don't know what or if I want to talk if they do.

That's tough. I understand & empathize. I know you're looking out for them. "Happy Birthday" seems kind of flat after hearing that lol but, hey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ketsuko, we love you! They love you too...but you know that.

It'll be a good enough day. Tomorrow is sparring practice. If I don't get to kick people, I'll get to beat them about the head and shoulders with a padded stick.

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 09:22 PM
Happy birthday !!! Ketsuko !!!

a reply to: ketsuko

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: Meldionne1

I hear ya... I'm also the only one in my immediate family who isn't getting 'boosted' and seemingly openly stating their opposition to the tyranny we're seeing

I heard this song on Ozark & reviewed the lyrics since and the part about "If you don't speak out" has been haunting me ever since. The narrative does seem to be changing but I think it's not yet @ that "100th monkey effect" critical capacity yet

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: FamCore

Descartes said that skepticism was the nature of genius

I've yet to hear any evidence or logical (fact-based) arguments from those who are blindly promoting/defending the medical authoritarianism & corporatocracy
edit on 30-1-2022 by ofleming because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: FamCore

The inlaws voted for the guy that got her daughter fired.

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: FamCore

Tell them you are dying.

Then, when they calm down, tell them you only have about fifty years or so left.

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: ofleming
a reply to: FamCore

Descartes said that skepticism was the nature of genius

I don't believe that.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 01:16 AM
a reply to: FamCore

Yeah it went exactly the way I figured it would from the start. The same with my family, although I seem to be wearing them down, somewhat, over time. It is indeed exhausting. All because of the corporate media lies.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 07:33 AM
I have found it is best to not engage with most people as they have done zero research on the subject. Many are nearly or completely ignorant about even the basics of vaccines and viral infections, yet they defend these vaccinations with religious zeal.

Very few people I know would have really looked into the situation and made an informed decision before committing to the jab. Too many are followers who follow without question because they are too busy with their lives to be aware. They are not entirely to blame with all the propaganda and pressure to get the jab, but that in itself would cause me to question it esp. when combined with loads of other information.

If vaccines were encouraged with little more than some public service announcements, most people would ignore it, but when they shove this down your throat from every angle including federal mandates along with the pressure from medical establishments, you may just accept it at face value without thought.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Except I wasn't arguing about vaccines, masks, or boosters. I was trying to explain that my work place had set worse standards than the CDC, and that once I leave, I could theoretically be counted as exposed just for contact with any other human being and made to stay home for 5 days on my PTO and produce a negative test to return. This could impact my ability to be there as needed.

I got yelled at.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Well then, you sound like a "trouble maker" at work. I'd be careful about rocking the boat, esp. if you are right.

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