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Severe Weather 2022 - Mutant Weather

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posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 07:57 PM
I know that the weather on our planet has always been unpredictable. Unusual events happen on occasion. and with the internet now making everything everywhere available in real time, what may be normal and expected, can look cataclysmic.

I tripped up on a channel on YouTube named The Two Preachers. These guy don't do any commentary. They show clips from around the world of odd weather events that take place during the past week. At the end they usually always have video showing the events regarding their Bible Mission. You can skip that part if you so choose.

They are not the only ones that show what are supposed to be recent odd and destructive weather events around the world. There are quite a few people reporting these events.

The sheer number of these events, the level of intensity and destruction, is happening almost weekly. I checked to see if we have been here at this level before. I found a thread posted as Severe Weather 2014, and Severe Weather 2015/2018.

So I decided since it is now 2022, maybe it is time to take another look at the weather on our fragile planet. I found these video that speaks to the changes in our planets thunderstorms and flooding.

Could Mutant Weather Be Making Our Sky Dangerous? | Mutant Weather | Earth Stories

Could Mutant Weather Cause Permanent Flooding? | Mutant Weather | Earth Stories

There are a ton of videos that show recent mutant weather. Storms, fires, volcanoes, earthquakes, flooding, are almost daily somewhere on planet Earth. The frequency and the intensity of the weather seems to be increasing. I do not believe in man made global warming. But we have to admit that our climate is changing.

The Two Preacher's channel shows weekly updates on global weather events. They don't do any commentary, but they usually will have information regarding their Bible mission at the end. You can skip that if wish.

What I find most interesting, is the number of events that no one saw coming. One day everything is well. The next day hundreds of people are homeless. Whole towns wiped out. People left with just the clothes on their back. With everything going on in the world right now, these events are starting to look Biblical to some.

edit on 6-1-2022 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 08:24 PM
i agree. i started seeing a trend . Constantly seeing on the news once in a hundred year storm happening more and more. I got into a fight with my husband about buying extra flood insurance on my home.. He said to me "why are you wasting money on this . we have never had a flood in the thirty years living at our home" Well i kept paying the insurance and a few
months ago we had one of those once in a hundred year flood. We got 12 inches in a couple of hours and water started pouring in our home. Luckily we had flood insurance! a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 08:50 PM
Drastically changing weather patterns are not all that 'mysterious' , as the history of our planet can attest to, and not everybody buys into 'it's man made, and if we through trillions of dollars at committees promising to find a solution, 'global warming' will go away and we won't have adverse weather events anymore. Just one example you'll never hear MSM discussing as a possible contributing factor:

Increased UV from weakened magnetosphere and increased volcanism and magma psi due to polar shift that raise core temperatures are two likely candidates for any apparent global warming, climate change, and increase in CO2." target="_blank" class="postlink"> ift-caused-global-warming-and-climate-change/

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: nugget1

It's like people think volcanoes fart clean, breathable air instead of large amounts of life-unfriendly gases & immense amounts of carbon. Each eruption.

Earth is a plenty dirty, gross, inhospitable bitch all on her own, we don't come close to her damage capabilities.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 09:00 PM
They, some arm of the government, counts lightning strikes... I read someplace there were.....24 MILLION... more strikes in America in 2021 than in 2020; not the earth but just America.. is 24 Million a fluke or are earth changes ramping up... I dunno but that number seems to me to be rather significant . Polar vortex dipping lower so cold air meets warm...lifting warm moisture laden air to cause thunderstorms is part of it IMO... Either way if the 24 mil is correct then wow !

Dry areas in Africa are becoming wetter as the earth greens, which is a good thing IMO yet, if this keeps up people will learn they have built (whatever) in some very bad unsustainable locations.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
They show clips from around the world of odd weather events that take place during the past week.

Is it that the weather is becoming more wild and damaging with drastically increasing frequency?

Is it that the global availability of handheld recording devices, internet access, and video sharing services has increased drastically?

Maybe a little of both.
edit on 1/6/2022 by cmdrkeenkid because: Fixing typo.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Man has always migrated to better pastures and hunting grounds.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 09:07 PM
In my area, the chief meteorologist sometime can't even forecast weather one-twoday in advance . 5-10 years ago wasn't a big problem but recently, the forecast is almost always wrong.

Windy, for example, they never saw its coming. Suddenly we get 50mph windy. Temperatures is always off, 5f, sometime as high as 15f off

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 09:35 PM
Heikki Lunta decided to go tour around the country instead of being stuck in the U.P of Michigan a few years back. He is spreading white priviledge all over the place in the world now. He came back this week and dropped about two feet of snow here for the upcoming Heikki Lunta festival in Negaunee. He will just stay a short time then go tour the rest of the world again.

If people don't want his snow, he will give them floods so they can canoe.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 10:43 PM

originally posted by: cmdrkeenkid

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
They show clips from around the world of odd weather events that take place during the past week.

Is it that the weather is becoming more wild and damaging with drastically increasing frequency?

Is it that the global availability of handheld recording devices, internet access, and video sharing services has increased drastically?

Maybe a little of both.

Maybe neither .
Just weather changes.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Increased UV from weakened magnetosphere and increased volcanism and magma psi due to polar shift that raise core temperatures are two likely candidates for any apparent global warming, climate change, and increase in CO2.

That's quite a ball of wax you've got there. So you think that increasing CO2 concentrations don't have anything to do with us? That's just stupid.

Magma psi? Seriously?

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

It's like people think volcanoes fart clean, breathable air instead of large amounts of life-unfriendly gases & immense amounts of carbon. Each eruption.

So, has there been a dramatic increase in volcanic eruptions? Is that what accounts for the increase in CO2 concentrations? Not us? That's a relief.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

FYI, volcano eruptions and earthquakes aren’t weather.

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 12:00 AM

originally posted by: 1947boomer
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

FYI, volcano eruptions and earthquakes aren’t weather.

There are a ton of videos that show recent mutant weather. Storms, fires, volcanoes, earthquakes, flooding, are almost daily somewhere on planet Earth.

Forgive me for my poorly constructed statement. I included them, as well as fires, as I was referring to the number of videos available that report on the mutant weather and the other extreme and destructive events that seem to be increasing on our planet. I want to look at all these events, that are causing lost of homes, towns, and property.

The main point of my thread was to look at what a appears to be an increase in these events and to determine if others see them as a concern, because I had not heard much discussion about the events that have taken place.

As I mentioned, I know it is possible some of the videos may be reporting events that may be expected seasonal events, that appear unusual to those unfamiliar with the region. The internet provides more information sharing than was available before, but not all of it is reliable and can be misunderstood.

When I found the Earth stories video, they speak of a definite change in our climate. Earth stories has a number of videos addressing climate change, but they also have videos that address some of the other factors that can have a negative impact on our planet. I am interested in it all.

Thank you for your response, and the opportunity to explain the reason for the thread.
edit on 7-1-2022 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

first and foremost things like volcanoes and earthquakes are not weather. and things like pollution and greenhouse gases do not effect them. and while it is technically a possibility that we could cause things like earthquakes, other than rather minor local quakes, it would take a studied, planned, concentrated and purposeful effort to cause a big earthquake. and the same is true for volcanoes. in fact there have actually been tries to purposely cause volcanoes to erupt, that failed.

i will admit that humans are in a great part to blame for the big, powerful and destructive fires that have been happening. but it has nothing to do with any human caused climate change. it has to do with human interference in the natural cycles and order. firstly the fact that for so long we have been working hard to stop such natural fires, as soon as they are noticed. which has allowed not only the fuel that caused those fires to be massively built up, which is the cause of them being so bad. but on top of that we have also made things like forests much more unhealthy and thus more susceptible to burning. by stopping those fires from stopping those natural fires from replenishing the needed soil nutrients needed to keep them healthy. in fact some types of tree even NEED fires to reproduce. the fact is, if we want to interfere so heavily in nature as putting out perfectly normal and natural fires, we need to take the place, and act to replace what we are stopping. that means going into all those forests and removing all that fuel. things like much of the underbrush, collected leaves and other such stuff, and remove all the dead wood. as well as to also ensure that we get the needed nutritionists missing due to our intervention, replaced by ourselves. and yes that could mean that sending in thousands of workers to rake out those forests, and to clear out that built up underbrush, and remove the dead wood, and unhealthy trees, to remove all that fuel. as well as to burn it all, then send those people back in to spread around all that ash.

i must admit i have often wondered how much of an impact humans have had on weather. all those huge buildings in cities blocking and redirecting winds, which drive weather. not to mention those cities being giant heat sinks collecting and holding heat, making things hotter, thanks to all those buildings, cement, and asphalt. even a lot of flooding is actually caused by humans, though things like all the buildings, roads, and other things built that keep all that water from being able to soak into the ground, as well as removing obstacles at would break up the flow, which allow the water to build up and do even more damage. and of course we can't forget that we have built up so much in areas where such floods naturally occur, just making it even worse.

then there is the part where we now know about weather events, that we would never have known about before. both thanks to things like satellites that allow us to literally see every storm, no matter if anyone was around to see it or not. as well as reporting on all weather everywhere. as well as just even admitting such weather happened in the first place. such as in Canada where they only really started admitting that tornadoes actually happen, in the late 1980's. and even back then they always tried to down play tornadoes as just "big winds", maybe a localized "down burst", until confronted by pictures of actual funnel clouds, with buildings flying through the air. then there is the fact that we are now able to measure things like winds and rain accurately, where for so much of history there was no reliable way to do so, so old records are almost useless and so we can classify the weather far more accurately, and thus it seems like these things never happened before.

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 12:51 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Nyiah

It's like people think volcanoes fart clean, breathable air instead of large amounts of life-unfriendly gases & immense amounts of carbon. Each eruption.

So, has there been a dramatic increase in volcanic eruptions? Is that what accounts for the increase in CO2 concentrations? Not us? That's a relief.

You're so right about this one. This is probably mankind's fault. I mean, we did create HAARP, so I guess this the weather wars.
Good idea!

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I've looked, superficially, found nothing, so has anybody a site with statistics about severe weather?
To me personally it doesn't feel like there are more severe weather events, it feels like there's always something catastrophic happening somewhere since always.

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

What you are seeing is a combination of things:
  • We now have more people than ever before, living in more areas than ever before, each with more connection to others than ever before. Thus, the same storm that in, say 1822, would have never been known, in, say 1922, would have been a human interest story because it wiped out some farmland near where all of 4 people lived, today is a major news story because so many people witnessed and/or were affected by it.

  • Nearly everyone today has video capability at the press of a button on their smart phone. Nearly everyone today is connected to some sort of social media network. It is quite easy today to see a tornado or a volcano erupting, press a button, watch it for a few minutes, click another button, and viola! Now everyone can see it! Compare that to merely 30 years ago when precious few had video capabilities because those capabilities involved walking around with this massive box hung from one's shoulder and a big camera in one's hand, and it took a few minutes, not a few seconds, to start a video recording at standard definition. Compare that to 50 years ago, when the only people capable of recording were employees of news outlets who had a professional cameraman and a truckload of equipment available, and even then the film had to be physically transported to a media outlet.

  • Our definition of a "natural disaster" also appears to have changed. I distinctly remember a time, in my own lifetime, where flooding of a few streets and loss of a few houses was not considered a "state of emergency." It was considered "bad luck," and instead of Federal/state declarations of disaster and monies changing hands to provide low-interest loans to assist "displaced families" in "recovering," back then we had neighbors getting together to help rebuild what was damaged. Wide swaths of areas at one time could go without power and it was an inconvenience; today it is in itself a "disaster."

  • People have, in general, become addicted to bad news. Just look at any news channel on the boob tube: bad news at noon, breaking bad news at 6, and more breaking bad news at 10. That's because bad news sells, and the news is a product created in order to sell for human consumption, just as surely as a loaf of bread.

  • People have forgotten how to read the sky. My grandfathers and my father could look at the sky and tell what was coming in the next 24 hours ~99% of the time. They knew the area and the conditions that defined our weather. I can do this to some degree, but not to the degree they could. My son cannot read the sky at all. Back when I was young, the main point of watching the weather on TV was to pinpoint how long before the storm got here, not to determine if the storm was coming... we already knew one was heading our way. That let us work outside a little longer maybe, since reading the sky is not as precise as radar data. We looked at fronts and patterns, and that was it... we already knew the rest. Today, TV weather rarely shows the fronts... they show only the radar and give their predictions. Those predictions are right maybe 80% of the time for 1-3 days ahead, maybe 50% of the time for 3-5 days ahead, and I would say 20% of the time beyond that. So people are less prepared when severe weather hits.

  • People have forgotten to include local weather in their home planning. There's a new place going up near me... nice double-wide manufactured home, apparently a lot of money being invested, beautiful location, but... they have forgotten to include a septic system (no county sewer here) and their entire place is on solid bedrock less than a foot or two below the surface; they have ignored drainage and are situated on a very uneven slope; their driveway blocks a wash that drains a mountainside, and contains no culvert to allow water to drain; they cleared only enough trees to situate the home, leaving a "raw" treeline next to their new home ("raw" treelines have a much higher probability of falling trees). Folks who have lived here for generations are taking bets on how long until the place collapses and becomes unlivable. This is also not an isolated incident; I have seen many homes go up, both standard construction and manufactured, which then begin having serious structural issues within 10 years. I know of one actual hotel in the area which has a foundation that, despite regular repair, is cracking and causing the entire building to lose stability. All of these I predicted would have problems, because I could see the mistakes being made that the "professionals" constructing/locating them apparently could not.

  • A lot of people simply do not look out for their own safety. Look at the latest "disaster" in Virginia on I-95. That could have been avoided simply by people stating home for a few hours until the state could treat the roads... but noooo... gotta get to work, gotta move that load, can't stop for something as irrelevant as weather! Besides, we have all this technology, so if something goes wrong the big brains will simply wave their magic wands and fix it... "like it never even happened," isn't that what the TV says?
In short, it's not the rate or severity of natural disasters that is necessarily increasing; it may or may not be. it is the rate at which we have forgotten how to live with nature that is increasing.

As has been said, but needs saying again, nature can be a really mean lady when she wants to be, and nature doesn't seem to like arrogant humans who think they're bigger than her.


posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 02:08 AM
Here is B.C. we got extreme heat in summer, record heat, 600 deaths, a whole town burnt down, that place hit 48' We were in the high 30s hitting 40..and it just hung around. There was extreme flooding late fall, wiped out rail lines, took out major highways. Neither of those things were normal. Winter is kicked in, colder, snowier than normal, but not abnormal. It's hit or miss. Hey, we got a white Christmas though! this is actually rare for the Vancouver area.

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

interesting video that explains much using known cycles and solar radiance.

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