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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I am not concerned. It is white to move though as laid out.


posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 12:19 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Columns usually represent the male form. I'm going to flash back to that comment about the current pope being a hermaphrodite. This House of Colonna has links back to more than a few Popes, Classical connections to Rome, even have a palace in Switzerland. Infact, they have connections to almost all the countries in Europe. Can you guess while ones they don't have yet?

You could be right as well since this symbology can be linked both to the House of Colonna as well as Classical Masonry.

a reply to: FlyingFox

In my opinion Obama is nothing but a tool of whoever is behind all this. This term could mean a descendant of the Moors that ruled in Spain back in the day.

originally posted by: pheonix358
a reply to: Guyfriday

I am not concerned. It is white to move though as laid out.


LOL a PC Chess Board should have both sides being grey as fog so that a race war can't be started.

edit on 4-3-2022 by Guyfriday because: just being funny

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 12:22 AM
The closer we get to a solution (read complete take-down of the DS) the more this confusion attack takes hold.

From here on in, the ability to determine what is occurring is near to impossible from our vantage point.

Take solace in the fact that the DS is more confused than we are. That is the primary tactic of a confusion attack.

Deliberately, so many dates have come and gone that the DS is no longer taking much notice of dates.

Falling like a thunderbolt is the usual ending for a confusion attack.


posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

LOL a PC Chess Board should have both sides being grey as fog so that a race war can't be started.

I am surprised they haven't changed the square colors to match the Ukraine Flag.

What is the right color for the awakened, sleepy sheep can be grey.


edit on 4/3/2022 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 01:33 AM
Re IAMTAT focus on Georgia/tbilisi... this is interestingtiming, from Whiplash347 3/3/22 15:15:31 gmt:

JUST IN - PM Garibashvili has signed an application for Georgia to join the European Union, following Kyiv’s suit.

@disclosetv (
Georgia’s PM Signs Application to Join the EU
Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili has signed an application to join the European Union, following Kyiv’s suit. Georgia now awaits receiving the status of a candidate from Brussels. …

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Moldova did as well.


posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I never realized that the Georgian Coat of Arms shows a Knight facing the opposite direction than the Russians. Those they are mirrored images of each other. I mean the Knights killing the little lizard guy is mirrored.

Speaking of chess, The Georgian COA has a White Lizard or Dragon being killed and on the Russian's COA it is ether a lizard guy or Dragon of green or black being killed. From a Chess Board view of these two Russia would be the White Pieces (since they are killing a dark Dragon) and the Georgian people would be the Black Pieces (since they are killing a white Dragon).

Sometimes its funny how in sync everything happens to be.

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Consider this... maybe the knight on the horse, spearing the dragon - should be reinterpreted in reverse?

The lizard is using the spear (Vril) to get into the bloodstream of the knight?

Don't forget St George (the palestinian) is the patron saint of England... St George "slayed" the dragon?
edit on 4-3-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 02:03 AM
Saw this on telegram: Nate Burruano, at 20:00:10gmt on 3rd:

Mike Pompeo made a visit to Taiwan, just as things are getting crazy between them and China, with a boot on 👀

Don't have time to load the picture in the post... time for zeds.

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 02:36 AM
Previous to the Julian calendar was a 360 day calends iirc Butt But but previous to that was a natural nature time use as such, sorry broken record, world living in false time ain't helpful, as in Earth plus moon n Sun and Solar System, galaxy etc = 13 moons , while humanity = 94.5% roughly Kalibraked to 12 moons and is such a beautifullll record ( lol Vynal thing ).

So solutions wise, look for Easter giver ( vaticant ) to be released of this task ( they decide dates iirc ) and the start of smatterings of indigenous peoples here and there, to begin anew of old.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Caled

Caled, following up on your 46/SHA 256 post, I found another equally SERIOUS contender for the meaning of Mr Pools 64 post.

This one has MAJOR IMPLICATIONS for decodes over this next phase:

1) We have already learnt and used the calendar calculations between GREGORIAN and JULIAN calendars; including the need to lose 10 days to reset to Julian calendar; so Oct 4th was followed by Oct 15th.

2) The Mr Pool 64 post refers to the need to also reset to the pre-julian Roman calendar - i.e. to reverse what happened in 46 B.C.!!!

3) 46 B.C.:

Year 46 BC was the last year of the pre-Julian Roman calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Caesar and Lepidus (or, less frequently, year 708 Ab urbe condita). The denomination 46 BC for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.

This year marks the change from the pre-Julian Roman calendar to the Julian calendar. The Romans had to periodically add a leap month every few years to keep the calendar year in sync with the solar year but had missed a few with the chaos of the civil wars of the late republic. Julius Caesar added three extra intercalary months to recalibrate the calendar in preparation for his calendar reform, which went into effect in 45 BC.[1][2] This year therefore had 445 days, and was nicknamed the annus confusionis ("year of confusion") and serves as the longest recorded calendar year in human history.[3] The actual planetary orbit-year remained the same.

4) The move from pre-Julian to Julian calendar therefore added 445-365 days = 80 days - to reverse this we would need to go backward in calendar date 80 days,

5) Here's where it gets interesting:
a) 80 extra days moving from pre-Julian to Julian, plus 10 days moving from Julian to Gregorian means that any given date this year is 90 days ahead of where it should be?
b) So what date would we need to bring Christmas Day back to by removing 90 days? It's September 26th = 9/26 = 9+2+6 = 17.

c) Sept 26th is the 269th day of the year - hows that for a MIRROR - it's also 96 days from the end of the year!
(I'm getting Tesla 369 vibes)

6) How do we apply this?
a) By reading posts from 90 days prior to the current date!

b) For example:
i) Today March 3rd becomes Dec 4th,
ii) This Friday, March 4th (34) becomes Dec 5th (17) = D5 !!!

7) Using this method, posts that apply today March 3rd are:
#249 RED_RED Hussein AIDS video

Re-review RED_RED stringer.
Focus on Hussein AIDS Video.

Cross reference.
Date of stringer vs video?
Learn to decider.
News unlocks message.
Find the keystone.


Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank.
Future topic.
Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb).
Think AIDS.
Future topic.


Also #253

8) Posts that apply Friday March 4th are from:
a) Dec 5th:
#259 to #276
#2549 to #2559
These are ALL significant and imply lots of perps trying to FLY, WAR, ATTENTION ON DECK, etc!

b) 17 posts with D5 in, including:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 866b8a No.9473673 📁
Jun 4 2020 18:49:59 (EST)
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1

#3654 [D5] usatoday /pearl-harbor-shooting-dead-sailor-navy-dod-defense/2617338001
#2549 D5/Huber drops 1st - last. [RAPID_FIRE]


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b8622e No.4130062 📁
Dec 3 2018 12:42:42 (EST)
Odds of a State Funeral on D5?
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
68–95–99.7 rule

68–95–99.7 rule = 68+95+99+7 = 269th day of the year - see point 5(c) above!
I.e. Apply the 90 day rule Dec 3rd +90 days = March 3rd = today!!!

#2096 numbergram of Sept 26th, the 269th day.


Fellow Patriots:
What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.
Stay the course and trust the plan.
Protective measures are in place.
Remain BRAVE.
We knew this day would come.📁
United We Stand (WW).
Conspiracy no more.

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

Interesting 13Kiwi20qYes,

So, in theory, we may see a further phase of calendar change - relative to the KU posts - that removes a further 360 days, giving 440 days total?

That would mean that we actually look 75 Days forward on the clock from any given month/day date to get further insights.

I guess my reply is antithetical to the point of view (?) that we should be bereft of formal calendars altogether (e.g. Months/weeks?) and perhaps just work from days since/to solstice?

...but then we'd have to find a way to agree with periods laid out in the Bible.

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 03:31 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

Interesting 13Kiwi20qYes,

So, in theory, we may see a further phase of calendar change - relative to the KU posts - that removes a further 360 days, giving 440 days total?

That would mean that we actually look 75 Days forward on the clock from any given month/day date to get further insights.

I guess my reply is antithetical to the point of view (?) that we should be bereft of formal calendars altogether (e.g. Months/weeks?) and perhaps just work from days since/to solstice?

...but then we'd have to find a way to agree with periods laid out in the Bible.

I don't know.

Start with the world wide symbol seeked n found = circle with a dot in middle.
It birthed the Flower of Life imo. Plus differing tree's.
Make the dot a plus by adding another line = four seasons.
One can move to many facets from here, alphabets, enneagram-s, moons etc etc
The truine not forgotten.
Always starts within to unscatter without, to harmonise around ones searching mirror.

To simplify = each day more ( real ones ) Saints gather, live ones.

PS many that have evolved already, watching the movie, now having the remote, assisting each other, are standing up seeking higher, again.

edit on 4-3-2022 by 13Kiwi20qYes because: many bridges may fall at once

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 05:10 AM

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 05:28 AM
Thread number 40 is up and running thanks to the mighty Dashen.

Click me


posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 05:28 AM
On March 3, by court order, documents were released showing that Moderna was involved in the creation of Covid-19;
Pfizer vaccine data showed nine pages of vaccine side effects battling in court not to be released until 2097;
A shocking new study conducted at Lund University in Sweden confirmed that Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine mRNA nanoparticles enter human cells and are reverse transcribed into DNA, resulting in a permanent alteration of the person's genetic code and a study on the safety conducted by Pfizer showed that 1,223 people died within 90 days of vaccination.


posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 05:42 AM

(DTOM will confirm, I'm sure

edit on 4-3-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 05:43 AM

posted on Mar, 4 2022 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Here's the Pompeo chessboard proof graphic I couldn't load last night - from April 2021:


I've just noticed that the 2 Russian Icons must have represented Russian action in Khazakstan, Ukraine and Georgia(?) because the one in the kitchen has 3 characters on it and the one beyond the black sea has 1.

Never mind I was off by a square.

edit on 4-3-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

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