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Did a laptop cause all this.

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posted on Nov, 27 2021 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: BrujaRebooted

There needs to be some statute put in place or organization, which acts as secret police just on politicians and judiciary police etc. simply because if they get hijacked so do we all. Democracies are notorious for getting hijacked. Just the act of saying a Democracy is the will of the people, so it has to be Socialist in that sense But Capitalist after that fact for it to provide and keep everyone involved, and paid according to the effort put in. This system we have now is #, if a bank prints the money where is the reward if they can tell you how to spend it. Only the elected government should be able to do that. A few more months and even the sheep won't be falling for the death jab BS.So it probably will be chaos for a while.

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