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A vaccine story…I do believe

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+22 more 
posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 09:06 AM
My brother, age 54, healthy his whole life, is recently out from work on disability. He and his wife got the “vaccine” clot shot early on, soon after it became available.

He was home on Wednesday and was supposed to go for an MRI that day. They think he may have developed Ataxia, an autoimmune degenerative disease of the nervous system that affects balance and muscle control. (genetic inheritance or can be acquired through nerve damage due to varying factors) and gets worse overtime, resulting in a walker and eventually a wheelchair. We do not have that disease in our family, so should not be genetic.

He didn’t get his MRI because—

His wife had a mini stroke (or more) that day and she as taken by ambulance to a hospital. She had a series of mini strokes over a period of several days apparently. She will hopefully be sent to rehab this next week.

I find it very coincidental and strange that 2 healthy people, still fairly young, having MAJOR problems 6 or 7 months after “the jab”.

I just thought I’d share this story

+2 more 
posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: tinker9917

Sorry to hear of the issues your family is facing. I can predict the results here. Many will believe you and offer their thoughts and prayers, and a few will say you are lying, but in the end, no doctor will put his reputation on the line and blame the shot for any illness or death. We recently lost a family friend in June, who had Moderna shot in April. She was in good health for her age (77) and had no signs of illness. Autopsy showed she died of a blood clot, based on the interpretation by my sister who is a nurse. (I don't fully grasp the medical terms) All may just be a big coincidence. Or it may not be. But it won't be blamed on the shot, ever. (I'm breaking my rule on empirical statements, in hopes that the trend follows)

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: network dude

Yes, we must speak up. Hopefully some day we will be heard.
Hard to tell if it a big coincidence… but I wish I knew.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: tinker9917

Ataxia is more of a symptom than a disease in a way. And there are more types of it than just hereditary. For example, ataxia is part of multiple schlerosis, but that's just one example.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: network dude

That's just it ... at that age, it could be the shot and it could be something that was going to happen.

With the OP, it gets less likely in the case of his mother, but with his father, it's too early to know. Ataxia isn't always genetic, but it's a symptom of several different things. Some of them *could* be provoked by the shot ... or not.

It's all very nebulous.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: ketsuko
MS is caused by abnormal immune repose targeting the central nervous system. Yes, MS involves ataxia. Sounds kinda like the same thing per symptoms.

Dr is not thinking MS though. Yet.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:21 AM
I don’t understand what you mean with the mother and the father. Neither was mentioned in the OP. But, there is no MS in the family either if that is what you are getting at. reply to: ketsuko

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: tinker9917

I gave MS as an example.

And as I typed in another thread. While I am not saying one way or the other here, things happen to otherwise seemingly extremely healthy people all the time.

I work in an environment where we produce cancer appointment, treatment, and informational materials. One of the things we produce is "survivor stories" where those who have beaten their cancers tell their tales as an inspirational measure of hope. You would be surprised how many of them were extremely physically fit and healthy going in and thus thought, "How is this happening to me? I did everything right."

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: tinker9917
My brother, age 54, healthy his whole life, is recently out from work on disability. He and his wife got the “vaccine” clot shot early on, soon after it became available.

He was home on Wednesday and was supposed to go for an MRI that day. They think he may have developed Ataxia, an autoimmune degenerative disease of the nervous system that affects balance and muscle control. (genetic inheritance or can be acquired through nerve damage due to varying factors) and gets worse overtime, resulting in a walker and eventually a wheelchair. We do not have that disease in our family, so should not be genetic.

He didn’t get his MRI because—

His wife had a mini stroke (or more) that day and she as taken by ambulance to a hospital. She had a series of mini strokes over a period of several days apparently. She will hopefully be sent to rehab this next week.

I find it very coincidental and strange that 2 healthy people, still fairly young, having MAJOR problems 6 or 7 months after “the jab”.

I just thought I’d share this story

I believe your story, but history shows that the large majority of adverse reactions to vaccination occur within 2 months of the vaccination.

In particular, the blood clotting that is associated with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine typically shows up within 3 weeks.

If these conditions are showing up 6 or 7 months later, they are probably unrelated to vaccination.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:38 AM
Don't rule out other possibilities other than "the jab". Perhaps both of them were unfortunate enough to be exposed (or consume) a toxic substance or ? Doctors often are left guessing when providing a diagnosis, ruling out as many things as possible and choosing from what's left. I hope they both recover. Thanks for sharing.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: ketsuko and that is why I said it could be very coincidental… but is very strange coincidence for BOTH having problems at the same time, after the same time lapse from the shot. That is what I am saying.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:58 AM
The nefarious truth about adverse effects is that almost 100% of them can be attributed on the individual basis to 'wild coincidence'. Only when they are accurately recorded and looked at as a whole in comparison to a control group can there be a statistical inference. Even then, nearly every single individual occurrence can be rejected. Unfortunately the momentum is to reject even the investigation of such things.

The same can be said for other things like cancer, autism, etc. proving a link on an individual basis is an uphill battle. Whether the link is there is another story altogether. Complete shadiness is what is happening now though.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: Halfswede

When is soo many auto immune system diseases anything related to the jab can be tagged to an existing problem, leaving room to no vaccine fault open.

It seems that even if you are healthy, "pre existing" condition are open to be attributing as it seems fit.

Big pharma and their miracle crap have all their corners covered.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: network dude

That's just it ... at that age, it could be the shot and it could be something that was going to happen.

With the OP, it gets less likely in the case of his mother, but with his father, it's too early to know. Ataxia isn't always genetic, but it's a symptom of several different things. Some of them *could* be provoked by the shot ... or not.

It's all very nebulous.

this is where it becomes an issue. The older folks are scared to death. Literally. They feel they have to take the shot, and statistically, they should. But how many of them has the shot itself killed? We know it's possible, we know it's happened. We don't have numbers on it, because that would be bad. it might not go along with the narrative. But what if some of these folks got the virus and lived?

It's hard to say what killed a 77 year old person, when we know "old age" is what gets most of those people. But when you know how active, how good that person seems to be, it's hard to just accept they died and the vaccine had nothing to do with it.

When you look at kids under 20, the statistics show they should not take the shot. They would be much better served to just live life, and if they get sick, get over it, and move on. Is it possible one or two may die from the virus? Yes, but it's also very possible more could die from the shot. But we aren't talking about that, because it's banned from normal content. For those who don't see that as a problem, I'd have to say they ARE the problem.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: network dude

And what you just typed is why I am against the vaccine mandates.

In the case of any vaccine, it's risk v. reward, and in the case of this virus, most otherwise healthy people are going to survive it. So why force them to take a vaccine that has known risks that may outweigh their odds of adverse outcome with the virus?

In the end, the outcome from each event is supposed to be the same - immunity. But as we see now, the vaccine actually seems to grant less immunity than the disease. So why are we compelling certain groups to get it when we know their odds of adverse reaction are higher from the vaccine than from the disease?

And that's why I am not getting a booster and not getting my son vaccinated.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: 1947boomer
All the 'other' Dr's have said that the majority of people will develop problems 6-12 months after vaccination.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 03:13 PM
Ataxia could be caused by an imbalance of glutamine to glutamate in the body. It can cause over-excitation of the nerves controlling some things. I quickly found a link to include because I know what the imbalance can do., childhood%20neurodegenerative%20disease%20known%20as%20ataxia%20telangiectasia%20%28A-T%29.

The mini-strokes can be caused by these vaccines, although I cannot say if that is what caused it for sure, just that it may have done it. I do not know of any test that could actually prove it was caused by the vaccine, so the FDA is safe and can deny it because there is not sufficient proof it caused it.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 04:07 PM
link housands-of-flights-cancelled-as-vaccinated-pilots-fall-ill-or-die/

There sure seems to be a correlation between piolet health and the logjam at airports. There are many adverse effects listed to occur in the first 24 hours of vaccination, but it's beginning to look like they can occur months later.
I'm betting the long-term collection of data will exclude these statistics. We'll never know if there's an increase in piolet deaths from blood clots if they occur after the 48 hour time frame.
The same seems to be happening across the board; increase in heart disease won't be recorded or attributed as a possible result of the vaccine after 48 hours.
So far, it looks like people are dyeing in larger numbers from things that are known to be caused by the vaccine, but since it's weeks or months later it's not even considered to be related to vaccination in any way.
This has to be the worst drug safety research in the history of medicine.

edit on 700000044America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: ETA

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

The current thinking is to get the vaccine to protect your self from the vaccinated (who are asymptomatic)
level 14 insanity

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: tinker9917
My brother, age 54, healthy his whole life, is recently out from work on disability. He and his wife got the “vaccine” clot shot early on, soon after it became available.

He was home on Wednesday and was supposed to go for an MRI that day. They think he may have developed Ataxia, an autoimmune degenerative disease of the nervous system that affects balance and muscle control. (genetic inheritance or can be acquired through nerve damage due to varying factors) and gets worse overtime, resulting in a walker and eventually a wheelchair. We do not have that disease in our family, so should not be genetic.

He didn’t get his MRI because—

His wife had a mini stroke (or more) that day and she as taken by ambulance to a hospital. She had a series of mini strokes over a period of several days apparently. She will hopefully be sent to rehab this next week.

I find it very coincidental and strange that 2 healthy people, still fairly young, having MAJOR problems 6 or 7 months after “the jab”.

I just thought I’d share this story

I believe your story, but history shows that the large majority of adverse reactions to vaccination occur within 2 months of the vaccination.

In particular, the blood clotting that is associated with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine typically shows up within 3 weeks.

If these conditions are showing up 6 or 7 months later, they are probably unrelated to vaccination.

There are roughly 38 trillion cells in the human body. The clot shots contain anywhere from 10-20 trillion individual mRNA/rDNA programming strands. That's enough to effect 25-50% of your body, right? That means every organ, so lets say your 50 years old and have variable efficiencies on all your organs going into this jab, maybe liver is down by 30%, kidneys down 20%, pancreas running at 50% and your spleen down to around 25%. You get the shot and all of your organs drop in efficiency by 25-50% over a few days to a few weeks. How do you think that is going to effect you systemically? Maybe you aren't at the tipping point right away, but your demise has been seriously accelerated due to efficiency decreases.

I don't know if you can see truth of this, but your vascular system feeds the entire body. What happens when endothelial cells are destroyed and the "dams" are set up blocking off capillaries? Cells die everywhere and lets say 25% of them die, most are not going to be replaced except the liver and skins cells. Brain cells don't regenerate, heart cells don't regenerate, lung cells don't regenerate, etc....

So... if the jab doesn't kill you outright in 24 hours or even in two months, your life has been deliberately shortened. The time to death accelerated and for what? To make a bunch of psychotic rich assholes richer?

Cheers - Dave
edit on 10/24.2021 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

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