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How to become an exorcist

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posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 11:45 PM
Hey guys

Im thinking about being a Catholic Priest and Ive searched all over the internet trying to figure out to where I can try to become an Exorcist if i do become a priest. Can anyone help me out with this?

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 11:57 PM
What's so ''paranormal'' about becoming a Catholic priest?
And a true exorcism is done with faith and lots of prayers.....not something that you joke with.......

If that is your intentions......

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 01:07 AM
It is my intentions and I know what it is Helen
I didnt ask you what it was I asked if you know how to become one
I think the only issue with it today is all the mental illness's coming to light
you have to be really sure if there is an actual demon possesing someone

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 02:01 AM
The Catholic church has courses on exorcisms at the Vatican.

According to this, there is also a shortage of exorcists, especially in the US.

If you're looking to be a John Constantine, I seriously doubt that's going to happen. I also think it would be a mistake to enter the clergy if you wanted to be an exorcist, since I think your chances would be rather slim, and you would probably end up being a typical priest who never performs an exorcism in his life. With that in mind, if you still want to be a priest, then I say go for it, just make sure it's what you really want first. (that goes for anything; doctor, lawyer, priest, engineer, plumber)

I'm not a Catholic, so I'm not sure how you would go about becoming a priest (or exorcist) but it sounds like you are probably Catholic, why not speak to your priest or bishop or somebody about it? I'm sure they would be happy to help, at least about the priest part. I'm not sure what they'd think about the exorcist stuff, though.

[edit on 29-3-2005 by Spectre]

Mod Edit: Link format edited. Please review this post.

[edit on 14-12-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 02:04 AM
I believe that any Catholic priest has the power to perform exorcisms but require the permission of the Bishop of their diocese.

The laity (ie non-clerical) can perform a certain ritual of exorcism should a priest be unavailable.

I think this site is one linked to the old (pre-Vatican II) Catholic church and may be of use.

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 02:10 AM
Howdy Nav,

I'll introduce you to priests the do exorcisms daily, it I’ll turn your gut upside down. Watching that happen to a person is a great crime, I mean possession. Exorcism is said to be a miracle greater that raising someone from the dead. As the latter is only flesh and the former is a sinful will.

U2U me and we can get in touch.

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 12:37 PM
Guys Ive never seen that movie Constantine but I just figured that Id love to help out the church that way.

Thanks for all the links
Ill be sure to post what my priest says to

Happy Easter

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by navajoprophet
Guys Ive never seen that movie Constantine but I just figured that Id love to help out the church that way.

I hope I didn't seem insulting with my comment about Constantine, it's just that I saw that movie recently so of course when I read this thread I thought of it, and it wouldn't be the first time someone was inspired to do something because of a movie.

Good luck with this, by the way.

(edit to make sentence more understandable)

[edit on 27-3-2005 by DragonsDemesne]

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 04:54 PM

interesting career choice

there's a Father Wingate
he has the website called
www. trumpeters mission

he's kinda a rebel, maverick priest
maybe e mail him


Article: Rome Priests get excorcism lessons

Lessons at the prestigious Athenaeum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum will include the history of Satanism and its context in the Bible.

it seems the exorcist specialty is a very small group within a very select campus=>

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 08:05 PM
yeah that campus sounds awesome
only problem they only to cater in Italilan : (
what they teach you there is truely wonderful.
the requirements to get in there though
itll be a sigh of relief just to be allowed to go to there front window

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 03:12 PM
this is a dangerous job and not for the weak so be sure that it is something you want to do but i appreciate you looking into the field because with the new age movement come much demonic infestation and then people like you are needed so God bless you but be careful because they will start to come after you...i just said a little prayer for you

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 03:29 PM

I believe that any Catholic priest has the power to perform exorcisms but require the permission of the Bishop of their diocese.

True, big difference between exorcisms, and church-sanctioned exorcisms. Nor is the Catholic church holding a monopoly on the practice... Many religions have such a ritual...

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 12:30 AM
Personally, I believe that with enough faith anyone can be an exorcist. Its a gift from god to be brave enough to stand up to satans strongest minions. Even with all the experience that I have with demons its still hard for me to look them straight in the face. It's nice that you wanna help people, and if you feel a calling towords this I would suggest learning from someone with a great deal of experience.

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 01:19 AM
when you go to do an exorcism you just dont do it by yourself. Generally you have two other people there. You have a Exorcist in training and then you have a medical doctor. I forgot the reason but the Medical Doctorwas there for something. And the Exorcist in Traning is there to back you up in case anything bad should happen. yes it is the power of prayer however I figure that anyone who wants to enter a profession should study about it beforehand and not immeditely rush into the work field.

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 11:23 PM
Just be care full, i too am interested in the subject, and ive been noticing some strange things going on around my home. It seems like the more i look into it the more it occurs.

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 06:11 AM
i have read the links provided before very intresting read
i to would like to lern how to combat and identify who is posesed
i honeslty think it is a trait that will be worth lerning with all the dark times ahead of us

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 09:55 AM
i to would like to join this fight ive seen alot of weird stuff and i would love to learn how to combat it i also here that the vatican is short on excorsists in america hopefully i can help

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 11:10 AM
As someone above has remarked, exorcisms are not for the weak hearted. Nor should exorcisms be attempted by dilletantes or those thrilled and inspired by the exorcisms they've seen on tv or in movies.

I witnessed an exorcism some years ago. There were two exorcists in attendance: one was associated with (but not officially sanctioned by) a local church. The other was 'in training'.

They were well intentioned, no doubt about that. They were both in their 40s. Both were well educated. One held several degrees in biologoy and related disciplines.

Both would-be exorcists claimed considerable experience.

They coerced witnesses/assistants into attending.

They appeared extremely confident of success.

They claimed competence.

But they neglected to inform witnesses/assistants beforehand that they would not be utlizing the traditional Latin exorcism rituals.

Afterwards, they explained they did not believe in Heaven or Hell or 'good' and 'evil' spirits. They claimed there existed only 'troubled' and 'lost' spirits.

They were well-intentioned, ethical, courageous and tenacious.

And they botched it all up.

They were not prepared for what they encountered, despite all their experience.

They were no match at all.

They were left shaking like rag dolls. Exhausted. And scared.

They did not exorcise the thing.

Instead, they made it worse.

One of the would-be exorcists became chronically ill soon afterwards.

Don't know what happened to the other one.

The one who fell ill quit all involvement with exorcism, yet he'd been in training for years and had planned to make it his life's work.

The subject of the attempted exorcism became progressively worse afterwards.

In Malachi Martin's book on exorcism (Hostage to the Devil ), he explains that the exorcist offers himself (his own soul for eternity) in place of the possessed individual.

Then, upon his own death, the exorcists is compelled to rely on Christ/God to pay the 'ransom'.

If the exorcists' faith in God/Christ departs him between the exorcism and his own death, then there can be no deliverance. The exorcist would then be owned by Satan.

If we accept all this, it would be reasonable to suspect that Satan would do all in his power to destroy the exorcist's faith in God, during the exorcist's remaining physical life. This would mean that Satan may have lost one soul (the individual saved via the exorcism) but in place of this, Satan would have gained the exorcist's soul.

The Church does not regard exorcism lightly. It conducts numerous investigations before considering exorcism. It conducts exorcism only as a last resort. In the vast majority of instances, it rejects exorcism and instead recommends the individual receive medical and other assistance. Movies portray the situation far more sensationalistically than is actually the case in reality.

There's considerable debate regarding the reality of spirit possession. Many do not believe in possession or in exorcism. They believe it's a hangover from more ignorant eras when everything was attributed either to God or to Satan. They believe that supposedly 'possessed' individuals actually suffer from one or more psychosomatic or recognised illnesses.

Whatever the case, before any would-be exorcist was permitted by the Church to act as exorcist, they would first be required to undertake many, many years of theological study, followed by specialised study, during which their character and suitablility would be continually assessed. The chances of becoming an official Church exorcists would be slim. And by the time an individual had completed his theological studies, he would in all probability have long before abandoned his youthful interest in exorcism.

There are numerous lay-persons who claim to successfully conduct exorcism: tv-evangelists for example. Most of their performance is proved to be just that: a performance conducted for the benefit of the gullible.

Having attended an exorcism that did not play out according to script, I would caution anyone against offering his soul to unseen forces as hostage for the allegedly possessed individual. The exorcist would need to be totally confident that at no time during the remainder of his life, would he ever, even for a split second, lose total belief and faith in God/Christ or allow himself to be tempted. It would require the constitution of a lion and the sanctity of a saint. Most people don't possess those qualities. Which is why, despite all the bally-hoo about exorcists in movies and in the media, there are few official exorcists conducting even less genuine exorcisms.

[edit on 8-2-2007 by Dock6]

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 07:23 AM
Since you mentioned you want to be a (Catholic) priest and an exorcist, I'll limit my comments to that.

A pastor from my youth told me that every diocese has one appointed exorcist. Back then, the designated exorcist was at a church two parishes away from mine. I don't know if there is still one exorcist per diocese now or not. Some Catholic writers have commented that there are now fewer exorcists around, others say there is a resurgency of the ministry.

Catholic exorcists are not typically known to the general public, or have their identity out there for everyone -- they don't go by something like "Fr. (Name), Pastor and Exorcist" for their own safety.

I'm sure that every priest/bishop by virtue of their ordination possesses the faculties to perform an exorcism (a Catholic baptism utilizes what is called a "minor exorcism"), provided they use the formal ritual, and, most importantly, obtain permission from their bishop (or the local bishop). I've heard that every Catholic exorcism that's been attempted without permission has failed.

I don't think, once ordained, you'll be able to go to an "exorcist sign-up sheet". In fact, I'd wager that if you offered to fill the post, you would be denied. Its probably something that needs to be appointed, not sought after.

Other qualities necessary for an exorcism: personal piety and and sanctity, calm nerves, focused mind, and preferrably physically strong (or at least the assistants).

For more information, I'd suggest you read "Hostage To The Devil" by Fr. Malachi Martin. He was an exorcist for many years, and the book relays details of exorcisms performed by himself, and I think others. The names have been changed to protect the identity of those involved. If I recall one of the exorcisms, one was done on a former priest.

Good luck!

Pax Vobiscum,


posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by navajoprophet
Guys Ive never seen that movie Constantine but I just figured that Id love to help out the church that way.

Real exorcisms don't work that way.

Originally posted by navajoprophet
Im thinking about being a Catholic Priest and Ive searched all over the internet trying to figure out to where I can try to become an Exorcist if i do become a priest. Can anyone help me out with this?

When a person is called to be a priest they are called to be a priest. There isn't a 'calling to be an exorcist'.

Exorcists are appointed by the church. There is a long and involved vetting process. Anyone who WANTS to be an exorcist will not be picked. The reason ... PRIDE. An exorcist has to be extremely humble and have an impeccable background. When someone wants to go kick demon butt ... that comes from human pride.

If you are truly called to the priesthood .. then go and be a good priest.
Learn about what it means to be a good priest. Forget about the exorcist stuff.

Originally posted by Zhenyghi
I don't think, once ordained, you'll be able to go to an "exorcist sign-up sheet". In fact, I'd wager that if you offered to fill the post, you would be denied. Its probably something that needs to be appointed, not sought after.

100% correct.

Originally posted by Gazrok
Nor is the Catholic church holding a monopoly on the practice... Many religions have such a ritual...

VERY true! If you think you just want to go kick demon butt ... then don't bother with the priesthood thing. Investigate other avenues.

But honestly .. I think you are sending out major psychic waves to dark entities ... and looking for trouble. My advice ... leave it all alone.

[edit on 2/9/2007 by FlyersFan]

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