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If Australia had not just given up their guns.... ? -- Funniest outcome thread ever.. too much derp.

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posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: jerich0

I feel so sorry for the shopkeeper and his friends helping to protect what is theirs.

Though glad the victim had a great lawyer.

Though we’re these police really stupid, driving around in a plain white van, to me that says looter mobile.

And to randomly fire at people, suprised others weren’t shooting at the van prior to the shopkeepers responding.

It’s like a black comedy. I couldn’t help but laugh at the police stupidity.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: pheonix358
Now you have made me mad.

Sick and tired of ignorance!

There are more guns in Australia now, than there were before the buyback.

What they took off the street were semi-autos and pump shotguns. I have not known any sport shooter in this country to have a .223 / 5.56. We use hunting calibers. They were so thick that I had to hand in my 10/22 Ruger. There are many scoped weapons in this country and I pray to God that it does not come to that.

Stop with the THEY TOOK YOUR GUNS crap. Please! It is bloody insulting!


I know sports shooters with .223’s they’re pretty good for kangaroos, wild dogs, pigs and will take down a deer in the states with no minimum caliber requirement.

As for the pump shotguns, you can get straight pulls that have a similar rate of fire.

I’ve got a pump action .308 with a 10 shot magazine for deer hunting.

These morons think that we ought to be out in the street shooting I’m not sure who exactly, or atleast we could if we “still had guns”. Bunch of tough talk and pud pullin’ over their cosplay fantasies of being constitution defending patriots. Most of ‘em would cry after a fist fight.

Hope you’re well

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: jerich0

Waiting for the blue lives matter boot kickers to come in defending these pricks and blaming the shop keeper for being a Marxist/snowflake/whatever fox told ‘em

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 03:55 AM
Having gins wont stop the government or police doing anything. It will just get you shot and killed and labelled an extremist.

The police, government and army have more and better guns and equipment.

Dont expect the vast majority of the public to support you when you go on a rampage in the name of freedom or whatever.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 04:18 AM

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM
a reply to: jerich0

Waiting for the blue lives matter boot kickers to come in defending these pricks and blaming the shop keeper for being a Marxist/snowflake/whatever fox told ‘em

Oh man if that happens, I'm just gonna pretend I'm someone else and never made this thread. lol

But you know, that's probably likely that they will.. Those cops were nothing but provocateurs, without the costumes.

And cheers brother, for taking the point I was making in context... I didn't expect the first few negative comments to assume anything else, but here we are... talk about a world divided... O.o
edit on 12-10-2021 by jerich0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 04:20 AM

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
Having gins wont stop the government or police doing anything. It will just get you shot and killed and labelled an extremist.

The police, government and army have more and better guns and equipment.

Dont expect the vast majority of the public to support you when you go on a rampage in the name of freedom or whatever.

This was my point.

These guys didn't go on a rampage however, they were protecting their property against looters and rioters, were shot at by an unmarked van with people inside, fired back and the bloke ended up beaten to a bloodied pulp with the cops lying about what had happened.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 04:30 AM

originally posted by: jerich0

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
Having gins wont stop the government or police doing anything. It will just get you shot and killed and labelled an extremist.

The police, government and army have more and better guns and equipment.

Dont expect the vast majority of the public to support you when you go on a rampage in the name of freedom or whatever.

This was my point.

These guys didn't go on a rampage however, they were protecting their property against looters and rioters, were shot at by an unmarked van with people inside, fired back and the bloke ended up beaten to a bloodied pulp with the cops lying about what had happened.

I know.

You quite often see on here that if it came down to it the police or army would support the public in their armed uprising. They wouldn't, they like their paychecks and pensions too much. We also see, as with your example, examples of their lack of care almost every day.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

Sadly, I think I worded my op wrong, and title, and it's set people off in the wrong direction.

Ahh well, est quod est, it is what it is... but I'm glad a few did understand my point.

Cheers Nexttime...

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 06:32 AM

originally posted by: pheonix358
Now you have made me mad.

Sick and tired of ignorance!

There are more guns in Australia now, than there were before the buyback.

What they took off the street were semi-autos and pump shotguns. I have not known any sport shooter in this country to have a .223 / 5.56. We use hunting calibers. They were so thick that I had to hand in my 10/22 Ruger. There are many scoped weapons in this country and I pray to God that it does not come to that.

Stop with the THEY TOOK YOUR GUNS crap. Please! It is bloody insulting!


I'm going to quote two things from your post.

They were so thick that I had to hand in my 10/22 Ruger.


Stop with the THEY TOOK YOUR GUNS crap

hopefully you can see why some would be confused. It seems they did take your guns. They just let you keep a bolt action rifle. Do they make you store it at the gun club too?

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: network dude

hopefully you can see why some would be confused. It seems they did take your guns. They just let you keep a bolt action rifle. Do they make you store it at the gun club too?

Most gun clubs do that.. at least when I was a kid, even well before the trade in.

shame my post lost it's gusto in lieu of other things...

But next time I see a post saying "See what happens when you give your guns up!!" I can post this post to remind people, your guns don't make a lick of difference when you shoot back at cops...

edit on 12-10-2021 by jerich0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: jerich0

Shocking but not surprising. It’s their enthusiasm that makes me sick.

Yet again we have proof that bad cops are not as rare as we are told. There’s far too many psychopaths in these jobs.

OP I love your signature. That retired nurse is pure class. Ive written her statement on a card that I carry around with me and quote to people every chance I get.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: jerich0

Sad part in America, you'll have quite a percentage who want tyranny that own guns and will side with the maskies and vaxxers and Biden Brownshirts.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: jerich0

originally posted by: pheonix358
Now you have made me mad.

Sick and tired of ignorance!

There are more guns in Australia now, than there were before the buyback.

What they took off the street were semi-autos and pump shotguns. I have not known any sport shooter in this country to have a .223 / 5.56. We use hunting calibers. They were so thick that I had to hand in my 10/22 Ruger. There are many scoped weapons in this country and I pray to God that it does not come to that.

Stop with the THEY TOOK YOUR GUNS crap. Please! It is bloody insulting!


Holy crap.... Did you watch the video? What good did a gun do, when all the Americans are saying to US AUSTRALIANS, that if they hadn't taken our guns, we'd not have such tyranny... And yes I know they didn't take all our guns, and there are guns in Australia. Doesn't stop that rhetoric.

EVEN IN AMERICA, they don't do anything except get you bashed into hospitalized submission.

haha I think you got the wrong end of the stick, mate... doesn't matter if they take our guns, some guns, 1 gun, or leave us with all the guns in the world. Using them against this tyranny, is not going to stop bugger all..

If it ever does come to that, as you say, we'll see a lot of people dead, or in prison...

The point is - if and when this crap reaches a point where the people are pushed too far - large groups of organized citizens can and will utterly mop the floor with these tyrants. Not having guns because of confiscation, banning or other means - removed that option from the table. Which in turn allows this type of tyrant and oppressive behavior to go unchecked indefinitely.

When that point happens prison is not going to be a deterrent as the police will have 0 ability to enforce anything on anyone. They are using that deterrent now to stop anyone from acting, which is a very effective and logical move. It just will be moot if / when things pop off.

We are not at that point yet, but it is getting closer every day. If and when it happens all police who do not disarm or stand down will be have a shelf life of about 5 seconds vs thousands of armed Patriots.

So the remarks about the aussie having willingly disarmed is in reference to this potential outcome. You may have weapons available, but you do not have the types of arms, ammunitions or equipment to stop your tyrannical government.

Not that there are not plenty of patriotic Aussies that are standing up and willing to stand up - just that it wont matter for you because of the mass disarmament.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 01:50 PM
the 2nd amendment seems a rather toothless, mangy old guard-dog, on current evidence. all those privately-held guns, yet all that governmental/police overreach is accelerating every day regardless. all the 'freedom loving' citizens' guns seem powerless, and certainly unused, in the face of this covid tyranny that is largely supported by the proles. from what i'm seeing.
edit on 12 10 2021 by RoScoLaz5 because: spelling

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: jerich0

The key difference here is this is someone that was shot at unknowingly by the police and responded in kind. Once the identification was made he complied fully, still got beat into submission. I think the key difference is if he knew full well this was a van full of police and had friends with him who were also armed and in no mood to comply, you would have a very different outcome.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: Hypntick

Yeah, maybe if he was Clint Eastwood....

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: jerich0

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: jerich0

Getting back to law and order seems to be a Utopian dream.

Law and order is a fictional show on the telly, mate!! :/

I read one comment say that if this was a war zone and these were soldiers caught beating someone like that, they'd be in for a world of legal punishment...

but it just screams to me, that this is not something to romanticize.. it's not the wild west. It's a damn straight up war on people, and none of us have the means to go up against it without being bashed to hell. If there were no body cams, and no security cams, this guy would likely have ended up dead, and no one would have thought twice about it..

if this was a war zone and these were soldiers caught beating someone like that, they'd be in for a world of legal punishment...

And it is just so fair, this war, with the interesting rules of engagement, which specify that you
get to pick off your 'enemy' one at a time, that the 'enemy' should never consider you as the 'enemy',
(indeed you are their friend, right, or you'd be on the dock at Nuremberg)
that the 'enemy' can at no time fight back either in thought, word or deed, even as you commence to set your scopes
to recalibrate any 'brain imbalances' which you have been trained, and certified, to this 'war' zone.
Oh, and you get to shoot things into battlefield straggler's veins. Mercy, that's considered mercy.
That is what the grant money is for, after all.

Or let us be frank...the war chest.

Hell. You don't even have to identify yourselves!

sic 'em.


eta: everyday can be Tuesday, in certain spaces.

The scoops are on their way,
the scoops are on their way.

# 1440

edit on 12-10-2021 by TheWhiteKnight because: split infinitive

edit on 12-10-2021 by TheWhiteKnight because: Today is Tuesday...

edit on 12-10-2021 by TheWhiteKnight because: won't be able to walk down the street

edit on 12-10-2021 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-10-2021 by TheWhiteKnight because: it's called 'technofascism'. because they can. Chuck Hagel had something to say about this with needing more laws to keep up with...

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: jerich0

Getting back to law and order seems to be a Utopian dream.

I think we will find it never truly existed at all. There have always been multiple tiers to the justice system, nobody wanted to admit it but its true.

It pains me greatly to realize this.

The only positive side is that government/public have bought & paid for some pretty advanced weapons put in the hands of law enforcement. A good percentage of individual officers are bonafide patriots and will no doubt bring those weapons to bare in defense of the Republic.

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: jerich0

This thread reads like a Monty python skit making fun of Australians.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 09:31 AM
There are comments across the web from Aussies who retained their weapons both legally and otherwise. Mostly calling people who point out that the police in AU wouldn't shoot folks like they have if the populace hadn't been disarmed morons.

I can understand that viewpoint. I can also understand that in the US cops will get the everloving snot kicked out of them when they go too far. Or even when they don't ,but there is an axe to grind. We just watched a summer of police pelted with concrete shakes for daring to keep a building from being burned in more than 1 US city. There is a big difference in the people here an there. Maybe its not the firearms. But its something.

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