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I am an AmeriCAN...

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posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:22 AM
...not an AmeriCAN'T and not an AmeriWON'T and I'm sure as hell not an AmeriWUSSYASSCHICKEN#.


And I don't speak CRYBABY!

I am a natural born citizen with inalienable natural rights. NOT a subject.

I am a bitch -- and I am MY OWN bitch. NO ONE ELSE'S.

I have a God-given brain to think and reason and a voice to make myself heard. And you can bet your ass that I am going to make the best and the most of every opportunity and resource I can muster to stand up for everything good and noble and righteous that once made the USA the shining beacon on the hill. I thank everything sacred and holy that I'm in good company... I'm in Arizona... where the BAD ASSES are already fighting the good fight and doing more than ANY OTHER STATE to right the wrongs from the STOLEN ELECTION for a TREASONOUS regime. I can almost guarandamntee you that by the time I'm done, you will have heard my name. You probably won't know it's me, but you'll hear me.

I've done the impossible before. I will do it again. I am NOT a defeatist. I am NOT a quitter. I am NOT a spineless jellyfish.

My steel backbone is firmly in place. My armor of God is polished and oiled and ready to go. My weapons of choice are my words and the truth.

Because if not me (us), then who? (Sure as hell not the whinyass cowards already giving up.)

And if not now, then when?

Push has come to shove. We can be part of the solution... or part of the problem.

I've made my choice. Everyone will need to choose for themselves.

I suggest you choose wisely.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: Boadicea
I hear ya. It can be a struggle sometimes to stay positive about the shape of our nation. I do what I can to live free and independent in the state of NY.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:31 AM
I am a Human, a natural born citizen of this planet, believer in God, the Universe and everything in it. The Panda is my Spirit Animal. 🐼

Believe your beliefs and fight your fight!

This Bamboo ain't gonna chew itself ... 🤌🤌

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Ooh I was going to go to town on this propaganda piece, “hi ho hi ho, it’s off to war we go” and all that patriotic hyperbole , but all the best
Change starts somewhere and somebody has to begin, hope you are heard.
It’s a long road with little support, I am just adding mine, many many thousands of Km’s away
Boadicea i see, hope it works out better for you than her, carefully I hope

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
I've made my choice. Everyone will need to choose for themselves.

I suggest you choose wisely.

Beyond the insanity of the world, this is also the core, the real battle each individual is faced with. Nobody can serve two masters, and, if one does not serve the Lord Jesus, one is serving the other guy, and no matter what anybody believes to the contrary. Truth is not dependent on what anybody believes. Neither is God mocked. To put it in common vernacular even unregenerates can comprehend, the time comes to pay the piper, and for the fat lady to sing. That bill always comes in the mail. This is the bottom line issue for mankind, as you well state, time to choose what they want:

Psalms 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

People want that, the Lord will more than oblige. We're seeing, as we speak, God giving to people things that they should have watched what they asked for, all along. This perversion in government and industry is not the sovereign Lord thwarted, sitting on His throne, wringing His hands. There are no emergency cabinet meetings in heaven. God has many times given the evil leadership they preferred over Him. Israel wanted kings over prophets, so the Lord let them have, largely, bastards on the throne and disaster. You want Nimrod? Alright, his name is Biden. You want to serve the devil, who is only interested in destruction? Alright then, and enjoy, fools. All the Lord need do is stop blessing wicked mankind, despite himself, restraining the devil and wicked mankind, let evil idiots have their way, and we're dead meat, as nations and as a planet. As soon as the Lord opens the seals, there's a double barrel shotgun in your face, the devil you love in your face, that shotgun called the apocalypse, the tribulation. You finally got God and righteousness largely out of your affairs. Smooth move!

The judgement always comes. Go on, folks, promote some more sexual perversions the Lord condemns, go after that Christmas nativity scene again this year, as if God is on permanent vacation, or needs to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. In any case, you be sure, you evildoers and unbelievers, to sleep well, with your brilliant plan that is one missed heartbeat away from hellfire.

Yes, we are seeing a wake up call, and,

Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

edit on 27-8-2021 by Scrutinizing because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: SwampFox999
a reply to: Boadicea
I hear ya. It can be a struggle sometimes to stay positive about the shape of our nation. I do what I can to live free and independent in the state of NY.

That's all any of us can do.

But we all have options. We all have something we can do to fight the corruption and tyranny. And it starts with living our truths. Sounds like you're doing exactly that.

Thank you!

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: valiant
I am a Human, a natural born citizen of this planet, believer in God, the Universe and everything in it. The Panda is my Spirit Animal. 🐼

Pandas are amazing creatures of God and nature just like us. Panda power!!!

Believe your beliefs and fight your fight!

Thanks much. I'm going to give it my best.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: Boadicea

Ooh I was going to go to town on this propaganda piece, “hi ho hi ho, it’s off to war we go” and all that patriotic hyperbole , but all the best
Change starts somewhere and somebody has to begin, hope you are heard.
It’s a long road with little support, I am just adding mine, many many thousands of Km’s away
Boadicea i see, hope it works out better for you than her, carefully I hope

Thank you for the encouragement... thank you for wanting to be part of the solution.

It is a long road, and a bumpy one with lots of twists and curves. But the one we're on is worse.

We can do it. We MUST do it.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Scrutinizing

... but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Yes. Come what may it will always be better than the alternative.

One of the reasons I love the USA is because the values and principles upon which it was founded and built are in accordance with the laws of "Nature and Nature's God." I am trodding sacred ground and I understand that.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for Thou art with me."

Prayers up!

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: Boadicea
I fought the system once, many years ago and lost the battle, because those who were supposed to have my back got scared and left me to take the fall, but that's no reason to give up the war.

Watch your back m' lady.

edit on 8/27/2021 by Klassified because: eta

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: Boadicea
I fought the system once, many years ago and lost the battle, because those who were supposed to have my back got scared and left me to take the fall...

Been there and done that! It's the ultimate punch in the gut and a tough lesson to learn. But now I know. Now I will do what is within my power to do and put my faith in all that is good and righteous to guide my way.

...but that's no reason to give up the war.

Watch your back m' lady.

I'll sure try!

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 12:03 PM
Very solid rant!

Ive been in the fight for a couple decades now. In a sense, I find solace in the fact that more people are starting to go "wait.. there is something wrong here."

I dont think the actual beneficial solutions are obvious, when they are met with the state of current technology as well as technology in the near future. I believe that the success of this path is very strongly dependent on general overall stability, even if parts of it are a bit of a facade (like the current economy).

Pretty sure we are gonna need to figure all that out (I believe I have, but thats besides the point).

The organizations we are up against sure have, and it all works in their favor using some pretty wild stuff that far transcends any normal political, social, or cultural processes. The aces up their sleeves can only be played effectively if people fall for their provocation. Always gotta be on the lookout for the strategic and tactical blindsides, because they are very good at it. Instability only works in their favor, whether that is through anything from protests to riots. So, they want people pissed.

I think folks are going to be absolutely shocked at how the world changes in the next 10-20 years, and not in ye olde "things change so fast" meme. I think it could be one of the best things to ever happen to humanity, or one of the worst.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
Very solid rant!

Thank you -- it's my first! At least on ATS... not so much in real life...

Ive been in the fight for a couple decades now. In a sense, I find solace in the fact that more people are starting to go "wait.. there is something wrong here."

I dont think the actual beneficial solutions are obvious, when they are met with the state of current technology as well as technology in the near future. I believe that the success of this path is very strongly dependent on general overall stability, even if parts of it are a bit of a facade (like the current economy).

And I'm counting on you and all the thinking folks like you to help us all figure it out, when we get to that point.

We can do it. We will do it.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 12:39 PM
I love synchronicity... when your heart is open, good things come to you.

I've also reached out a couple places, put a few irons in the fire, and I'm already getting very positive and proactive responses. There are still red-white-and-blue-blooded patriots and the American spirit is still alive and well in the world. It's not dead yet!

Don't let anyone or anything convince you otherwise!!!

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 12:57 PM
Well said! I'm pulling for us, too.

May God have mercy on America and bring us back to the right path.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Oh, I think weve been there for a while.

Hot Take: We have been embroiled in WWIII for nearly 3 decades, with the true opening salvos occuring in 1992. The shape of the conflict is just so vastly different from any that have come before it that it has taken a very long time to really penetrate into the general publics consciousness.

People deride organizations like the UN and even the WEF as being toothless and useless, but the reality is that they are groups that have specialized in 4th and 5th generational warfare. Tactics and strategies that will become well known a generation or two or three down the line, but are currently abstract enough to go largely unnoticed (until relatively recently). Basically, even the "sides" are abstract and foreign to the general historical contexts. One side is a "nation" that doesnt actually have borders and can use entire traditional nations (like China) as everything from testing grounds, to pawns, to scapegoats.

Their entire strategy is to create situations that will lead to instability. Any instability can be played in their favor. Any. However, they cant be seen to be creating this themselves. So, even when doing something like wrecking economies, they need a scapegoat (covid).

I can go into what I think their actual plan is, but at the core of it right now is provoking dissenters into some kind of violence. Jan 6 is a good example of this, and I believe they are trying to provoke something more with the situation in Afghanistan (as well as create a premise to actually stay there, but thats only tangential imo).

The key is to avoid really engaging with any of it. Or, at the very least, making sure that its not a case where everyone who dissents are all focused on the same handful of situations that are plastered in information channels like media.

What needs to happen is a parallel infrastructure that isnt beholden to the oligarchic structure, and cant be used to force the population to comply; power, manufacturing, and food as a start. Then over time, everything from mesh networks to distributed engineering and scientific systems that are based on merit instead of.. whatever the hell "science" is based on now.

That can be done right here and now, with stuff bought on amazon and ebay

There are vast benefits to this, far beyond the current situations, however it is still viewed by many as irrelevant because they are looking at events through the lens of more traditional terms. That said, rapid deployment of these decentralized systems can be accomplished in literally weeks, stalls the biggest points of manipulation and leverage, and builds a foundation for the future. All with little to no inherent aggression, increased stability, and immense future potential. It can be appeal to the ""left"" as an actual way to ameliorate everything from poverty to hunger to environmentalism and can appeal to the ""right"" as a system of actual self-sufficiency, personal responsibility, and freedom.

Its brilliant, if I do say so myself
And, thats why I dedicated my life to creating the systems themselves. I just hope its not a situation where people look back and go "boy, we could have avoided all of this if we would have just listened to that one cripple dude."

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: TrulyColorBlind
Well said! I'm pulling for us, too.

Thank you! And that's awesome to know!!!

May God have mercy on America and bring us back to the right path.

From your keyboard to God's ears. But even God and all His angels cannot do it alone. We're partners and co-creators in this sense. He will work with all of us ready, willing and able to do the legwork and make it happen.
edit on 27-8-2021 by Boadicea because: formatting

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

So many wise words... where do I even begin to respond???

Their entire strategy is to create situations that will lead to instability. Any instability can be played in their favor. Any. However, they cant be seen to be creating this themselves. So, even when doing something like wrecking economies, they need a scapegoat (covid).

I can go into what I think their actual plan is, but at the core of it right now is provoking dissenters into some kind of violence. Jan 6 is a good example of this, and I believe they are trying to provoke something more with the situation in Afghanistan (as well as create a premise to actually stay there, but thats only tangential imo).

I definitely agree. I actually think there was an effort to stoke that violence right here on ATS, and it was pissing me off. It got me in trouble with the Mods too.

(Not complaining! I love our Mods!!! :gomods

The two primary suspects (at least in my eye) are no longer with us. Hmmmmm....

We don't need violence. We have truth on our side and the pen is mightier than the sword. We cannot win the peace with violence, and peace is the ultimate goal.

It can be appeal to the ""left"" as an actual way to ameliorate everything from poverty to hunger to environmentalism and can appeal to the ""right"" as a system of actual self-sufficiency, personal responsibility, and freedom.

Yes! When people have the tools and the resources to take care of themselves and their family/people, they neither need nor want government handouts, no need for government interference, and no need for government nannies.

We can do this. We will do this.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I love the mods here, and dont even try to hide it lol

I can talk about all kinds of things that get me castigated and cast out of pretty much everywhere, my entire life. I always think that I tend to be respectful, albiet occasionally snarky, and always like to think I provide food for thought. But, I am nearly always a heretic in the general social discourse lol

We can do this. We will do this.


I think the most amazing thing is how what Im talking about plays out in the modern context.

We always centralized so many things because it was simply necessary. Many systems sprouted up to keep the power in check that is inherent to this process, and there has never been a way to truly decentralize. Until now.

The amazing part is that what would historically lead to things like balkanization or even "breakaway civilizations," can actually lead to something much, much different now. A modern take on the brilliance of the founding of the United States. Where the different experiments of each state can now be extended to the different experiments of each home.

The capabilities and potential of the decentralized system very quickly outpace what can be done in a self-serving, oligarchic centralized system. It would very quickly become clear which offered the better quality of life, and over time, would even outcompete an idealized centralized structure. We arent quite to that latter part yet, but we will be much more quickly than many imagine imo (a couple decades). We could even accomplish the former in literally weeks(!!) with the right organization and participation.

Best of all, it doesnt require some tearing down of any existing structures, no destruction or violence. It can simply sprout up and emerge from what is already here, as we learn how to build a truly Modern World.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

nice rant. agreed

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