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What Did He Witness?

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posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 02:24 PM
Breaking the silence of the night, a loud wail reverberates down the empty main street.
Another shriek follows it. A couple of people stick their heads out windows. A passer-by passes by.
An old man staggers around the corner, "murder" he yells. "murder". He's shook. He puts one hand against a wall to hold himself up. He's bent over trembling.
"horrible murder" he says quietly. His body contorts like a shaken old man's body would.. He collapses in a heap on the ground. A couple of people come out of their apartment to aid the old man. "are you okay there buddy"
The old man is mumbling "horrible murder horrible" "i seen a murder".
The couple look at each other with amazement. Did they really hear that correct?
The man asks the old man "did you see a murder buddy. Is that what you said?"
The old man is sitting on the ground, hunched over. "murder, horrible horrible murder" "yes i seen murder"
The man tells his female companion to call the police. "cops are on the way buddy" he tells the old man.
By now a small crowd had gathered round all recording the scene with their phones. The old man is shaking, crying, mumbling gibberish. He's rocking back and forth. He's obviously in a bad way, mentally and physically. He sobs, "horrible murder" over and over. He's frightened. He must have witnessed a very gruesome murder. Maybe it was torture he seen? Perhaps a knife was used, that would be a particularly horrible scene.
Cops arrive, they take the old man to hospital. He is rattling and crying, wailing and shaking. He's in a bad way. But he's still saying to himself, "murder, horrible murder. Horrible. Murder."
The hospital take him in and tell the cops he's in no good state to answer any of their questions at the moment. Besides no crime has been committed, yet. It could just be an old man rambling. The cops tell the nurse they'll be back in the morning, make sure and dont let him out.
Nurse Natalie is assigned to look after him tonight. Give him a sedative and put him to bed, we'll see how he is in the morning, she's told.
Nurse Natalie does as she's told. But the old man is still talking. "it was a horrible murder, horrible." "murder". He kept repeating until finally he falls asleep.
Next morning the cops arrive. They go straight to the old man's bed, he's asleep. They wake him. "right pal, lets bring you to where you witnessed this murder"
Before he knows it the old man is in the back of the cop car. "So where was it" a cop asks him. The old man tells them it was behind his house and over the garden wall. The old man is calm now he's quiet, but alert.
They arrive at the house, they go straight around to the back garden. The old man sits himself down in an old rocking chair he has outside. The 2 cops are now in the field behind the house. There's no evidence of a crime. No blood. No footprints. Nothing. They go back to the old man. "So what did you see last night exactly" they ask him. "Murder" he replies. "i seen a murder"
One cop looks at the other and tilts his head to beckon his partner over. "i think this old dude's nuts, theres no proof of anything out there"
So he takes out his card and gives it to the old man. "Here's my card. If you witness another murder call me"
With that the 2 cops leave. Just as they were getting into their car they hear a loud scream "MURDER AAAAAAAAARRRRGH" It was the old man. The cops run back into the old man's garden. He's in his rocking chair, motionless. One of the cops checks his pulse, he's dead.
"WTF just happened here" he said to his partner.
Just then a large group of crows that were in a tree started cackling. They got louder and louder. They were all facing the 2 cops.
"Jeezus the noise of them" one cop said. "its almost as if they're laughing"..... THE END.

Im hoping that the reader of this knows that a group of crows is called a murder. This is the first time ive ever written a short story. I hope it amuses some of yiz.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

That was fantastic! Especially for your first one.
I could see and feel everything.
Enjoyed that read

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: CrazyBlueCat

Thank you very much.
Its hard to write. You think in seconds but takes minutes to type. But i enjoyed writing it very much

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge


Another writing contest will happen some time after July 4

We usually get between three weeks and one month to write stories.
People who rush it, like me, have only themselves to blame for not taking more time.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

Got a chuckle out of me and an excellent subject matter.

Crows are incredibly intelligent birds but many folk's are afraid of them as they are also the heart of many superstitions with some even attributing them with supernatural powers and reading them as omens and sign's.

They are scavengers and in more northerly climes help to get rid of carryon before it creates disease so are a necessary part of the ecology even if farmers tend to hate them most of the time.

So as you can guess they also were happy to dine on the victims of battle and execution which led to them becoming associated with death.

Pet crows of all family's from the common crow to the magpie can be taught to mimic human speech just like a parrot as well but are far more intelligent than a parrot.

There are also many reports of these incredibly intelligent birds leaving gifts for people that feed them (even making them such as a sprig with a can ring pull around it).

Great Tales of the Unexpected style twist to the story.

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