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POLITICO: "Ex-official who revealed UFO project accuses Pentagon of 'disinformation' campaign"

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posted on May, 26 2021 @ 11:01 PM
So, an unpopular opinion amongst about half of you.

The PSYOP/DISINFO campaign... is NOT the leaks of pilots testimonies, and UAP videos/pics/reports over the last 4 years, the PSYOP/DISINFO campain is everything thats been trying to prevent that information from coming out!

At least thats was Politico's newest article on the subject states:

The former Pentagon official who went public about reports of UFOs has filed a complaint with the agency’s inspector general claiming a coordinated campaign to discredit him for speaking out — including accusing a top official of threatening to tell people he was "crazy," according to documents reviewed by POLITICO.

Lue Elizondo, a career counterintelligence specialist who was assigned in 2008 to work for a Pentagon program that investigated reports of "unmanned aerial phenomena," filed the 64-page complaint to the independent watchdog on May 3 and has met several times with investigators, according to his legal team.

See, because so many people on this forum, Twitter, and in other places are seriously sketched out by Lue, and dont trust his motives or intentions. He is now trying is absolute best to truly show you guys he is on your side. Lue really wants disclosure, and he's not a part of a DISINFO or PSYOP to "herd the cattle" "distract" or any of that. He is now literally taking legal action AGAINST the government because they are legitimately trying to shut up and take away his security clearance!

“What he is saying is there are certain individuals in the Defense Department who in fact were attacking him and lying about him publicly, using the color of authority of their offices to disparage him and discredit him and were interfering in his ability to seek and obtain gainful employment out in the world,” said Daniel Sheehan, Elizondo’s attorney. “And also threatening his security clearance.”

Sheehan, a public interest lawyer and activist, has a long history of taking on the federal government on behalf of high-profile clients, including defending The New York Times in the Pentagon Papers case as well as one of the Watergate burglars.

This is no joke! Its very clear that Lue is not only doing this for his own protection, but also to show he really does believe in disclosure, and he really does want all of you who really truly honestly want disclosure as well to know he's not trying to lead you down a calf path.

But a day after Elizondo filed his complaint, the IG announced a probe into Pentagon “actions” on UFOs, which is being undertaken by the assistant inspector general for evaluations on space, intelligence, engineering and oversight.

"We may revise the objective as the evaluation proceeds, and we will consider suggestions from management for additional or revised objectives," stated the IG’s memo announcing that probe.

Now if you were to ask me, outside of what is plainly written.. what I personally believe this article and Lue Elizondo
is INFERRING (which of course I fully admit I could be way off base on) based on anecdotal evidence, other things people around Elizondo have been saying, and the vibe Ive been getting...

Elizondo is trying to smoke out "The Other Side" and what I mean by that, is..

Right now we pretty much have a consensus from the Pentagon that UFO/UAP's are real, but they are saying that is full extent of their knowledge. They are playing this game, which im sure is honest for 98% of the people employed at the Pentagon and above, that all they know is that theres UFO's/UAP's out there making incursions in our airspace, and that they have photos/videos/reports/data/ and maybe a few crumbs of "material" and NOTHING ELSE. Outside of that they claim they know nothing, and "want to get to the bottom of it"

I think Lue, as the article describes, has found that there is definitely an unspoken directive in the Pentagon, coming from someone, somewhere in power over there that wants the lid on this closed, and they want it closed, because they know more, alot more, and have been filtering data, debris, objects into SAP's buried so deep, theyre nearly impossible to find.

Lue is trying to expose that chain of command, and he's using this.. to get people to start pointing fingers.

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 11:38 PM
Doesn’t this dovetail to what Greer was saying about Sheehan representing Lou? For Lou to come clean?

edit on 26-5-2021 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

No, actually. Im not sure how you got that.

This article if anything is directly calling Greer a liar.

Greer is saying Elizondo himself, is a part of a Disinfo campaign/Psyop and is working for the man using this all as a distraction to PREVENT disclosure.

This article is directly contrary to that, saying Lue is fighting back at the people who ARE trying create disinformation and throw people off the right track.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

eh, yes and no. Greer directly and very publicly in a live youtube broadcast stated that THE ONLY REASON Sheehan was willing to represent Elizondo was that he was basically a plant to get Lue to come clean. To stop saying they were a threat and expose everything, even the hidden SAP reverse engineering craft.

It might be a slight stretch to say that everything in Sheehan's statements reflect Greer's statements in their entirety, but it is hard to deny that it is still somewhat in line with what was said.

I don't even much like Greer myself, but wow.......... what a twist.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:21 AM

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Greer is saying Elizondo himself, is a part of a Disinfo campaign/Psyop and is working for the man using this all as a distraction......

saying Lue is fighting back at the people who ARE trying create disinformation and throw people off the right track.

I have no doubt that Lou is fighting back.....I’m just pointing out that Greer and Sheehan are buds....and Sheehan has taken on to represent Lou. That’s how I interpret what’s going on. Greer already talks of Sheehan helping Lou.

Perhaps start from time stamp 3:48 or perhaps the entire vid again

—->Greer Vid

edit on 27-5-2021 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

But since he's now kind of self-employed in the entertainment business why would he need security clearance?

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

One could argue this is all scripted in such a manner so as to afford Elizondo more credibility.

Want to bet this halfbaked attempt at obstruction fails and Lue is allowed to "spill the beans" regardless?

The biggest historical announcement ever and the government will reluctantly let it happen because they can't do anything about it but they really, really tried?

The same people that took Kennedy out in public?

Remember, the public absolutely 100% has to buy into the information that's going to be released.

Lue is now, officially, the good guy whom you can trust....

There's also no way Politico could be part of Project Mockingbird, right?


Too much of a coincidence for me that disclosure will happen in lockstep with globalization.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

No, the public does not "absolutely 100%" have to buy into the information that will be presented.

In fact, I seriously doubt that anyone actually believes that anything presented, regardless of the bona fides of the source, will be accepted as hard fact by various segments of the population.

Such is our society, if not human nature itself.

What is important, and vitally necessary, is that whatever is presented,by whoever presents it, is scientifically sound to the greatest extent that we are capable of proving.

Or, if science is not up to the task of rational explanation, then its representatives must unanimously admit that they have no explanation, but cannot discount the evidence of existence.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 03:35 AM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: 19Bones79

In fact, I seriously doubt that anyone actually believes that anything presented, regardless of the bona fides of the source, will be accepted as hard fact by various segments of the population.

Such is our society, if not human nature itself.

How do you reconcile the fact that Chris Cuomo(cnn) and Tucker Carlson(fox) are presenting the info in a similar manner?

There's no healthy dose of scepticism being applied. Just a space opera that is gently unfolding in front of us. All they ask is that we watch the spectacle unfold. This is a huge departure from not so long ago where reporters would jokingly report on the spectacle or worse, you could be declared unfit for reporting high strangeness whether you were the captain of a navy vessel or a commercial pilot.

Remember the Phoenix lights? Remember Governor Fife Symington bringing out the alien at the press conference?

If unwillingness to accept a surprising revelation is human nature, why is everybody still wearing a mask that cannot protect against a virus that's a 1000 times smaller than the space between the fabrics of the mask that's supposed to protect the wearer?

Now they want us to get caught up in the drama of Greer vs Alizondo, conveniently forgetting that it might be terrestrial.

Of course I may be a hundred miles off in my speculation, but I will not blindly accept any of this government space opera that they are deliberately rolling out for us to consume.

Who benefits?

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Lucidparadox

But since he's now kind of self-employed in the entertainment business why would he need security clearance?

Because he's consulting for the Senate Intelligence committee in this purging of info most likely. He's the only man that can keep the DoD honest because he knows some of what is behind the curtain. If the DoD delivers a BS report to the senate, he can call it out for them.

He sorted recently he is back "working" again... Just. It for the Pentagon

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: 19Bones79

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: 19Bones79

In fact, I seriously doubt that anyone actually believes that anything presented, regardless of the bona fides of the source, will be accepted as hard fact by various segments of the population.

Such is our society, if not human nature itself.

How do you reconcile the fact that Chris Cuomo(cnn) and Tucker Carlson(fox) are presenting the info in a similar manner?

There's no healthy dose of scepticism being applied. Just a space opera that is gently unfolding in front of us. All they ask is that we watch the spectacle unfold. This is a huge departure from not so long ago where reporters would jokingly report on the spectacle or worse, you could be declared unfit for reporting high strangeness whether you were the captain of a navy vessel or a commercial pilot.

Remember the Phoenix lights? Remember Governor Fife Symington bringing out the alien at the press conference?

If unwillingness to accept a surprising revelation is human nature, why is everybody still wearing a mask that cannot protect against a virus that's a 1000 times smaller than the space between the fabrics of the mask that's supposed to protect the wearer?

Now they want us to get caught up in the drama of Greer vs Alizondo, conveniently forgetting that it might be terrestrial.

Of course I may be a hundred miles off in my speculation, but I will not blindly accept any of this government space opera that they are deliberately rolling out for us to consume.

Who benefits?

I think the key element that alot of people are missing, and rightfully so here..

And the same reason why CNN and FOX are actually on the same page...

Is that Lue, Mellon, and Corbell have given the media enough verified sources on the back end (without possibly the physical evidence) confirming the multiple types of radar data recorded on the objects and it's interpretation, the fact EW was used and resisted by the objects, and potentially confirmation of what the CONFIDENTIAL information has confirmed.

As much as I hate and don't trust Tucker Carlson, he did some serious digging and confirmed all the above about 48 hours ago.

People are in lock step because this really is the biggest news story of our lifetimes, and we really are peeling back the curtain.

Many of you will say "why don't they just give us the radar data then, a d the EW data, and all the other stuff"... Classification. The news can report it if they confirm with various sources as to it's validity, but they can't drop confidential data to the masses or get their hands on it.

It's journalism.

The leap of faith I guess you have to take, is that if they confirm with 6+ verified sources that this extra data and testimonies exist and match, that it's real and isn't BS

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

That sure is a lot of ducks sitting nicely in a row.

I have a lot of trust issues with all sides working together in such a nonpartisan way to...

... ensure the truth comes out because....

... people have a right to know and....

... the journos will deliver...

.... and receive no instructions whatsoever from their cia handlers on how to process and disseminate the information.....

... while Obama chimes in just blessing the overall freakshow...

Much bravery. Such wow.

Who benefits?

How is any of this proven to be extraterrestrial and not some super advanced earthly technology that has been reverse engineered from actual alien tech but now applied for whatever purposes suits the government?

They've supposedly been sitting on this for what 70 years now?
edit on 27-5-2021 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: 19Bones79
a reply to: Lucidparadox

That sure is a lot of ducks sitting nicely in a row.

I have a lot of trust issues with all sides working together in such a nonpartisan way to...

... ensure the truth comes out because....

... people have a right to know and....

... the journos will deliver...

.... and receive no instructions whatsoever from their cia handlers on how to process and disseminate the information.....

... while Obama chimes in just blessing the overall freakshow...

Much bravery. Such wow.

Who benefits?

How is any of this proven to be extraterrestrial and not some super advanced earthly technology that has been reverse engineered from actual alien tech but now applied for whatever purposes suits the government?

They've supposedly been sitting on this for what 70 years now?

See that's probably the one "setup" angle im willing to entertain, because theres too much smoke around this being, and us having encountered ET tech. I just dont think its likely.

I think everyone is arm in arm because its not a partisan issue, there IS a secret part of government withholding information that doesnt care about agendas or partisan issues, and it shouldn't surprise you, that both power hungry parties are appalled anything is withheld from them. Were all greedy.

Sometimes you look at the pond and you do in fact see ducks floating on the pond top all in a row.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

We're living in a time where we're constantly being bombarded with lies, it seems like the whole world has lost its mind and everything is being deliberately collapsed, and here you are telling me this time it's going to be different.

I wish I could believe you.

posted on May, 28 2021 @ 12:35 PM
The author of this article has a new one out. Bender suggests that the UFO work by Bigelow during the early days of AATIP was cringeworthy. Chris Mellon and the TTSA team did not use it in their publicity campaign because "they would be embarrassing and only undercut their long-term efforts."

posted on May, 28 2021 @ 02:33 PM
Ugh, really??? Drama in the UFO community?

....or, have many snake oils man realize that UFOs are a hot topic, which means its their turn to make some money from all the MSM buzz...

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