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Fast food: Is it acceptable sometimes or no?

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posted on Jul, 11 2021 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Good news, I finally fixed my Mac a couple days ago. And so now with a beautiful, comfortable desktop, I will make good on my promise that I would look into the posts in this thread.

I don't think I can be convinced of a need to eat meat. Though I am interested to see why exactly you and others believe it necessary. And I'd be glad to learn more specific info about human nutritional needs in general.


Re: Why I removed the screen: Because this is an iMac (desktop) from late 2017, and it''s the way to access the inside. It's a desktop computer which is basically a monitor, on a stand, but with the actual computer guts inside the monitor (and nothing inside the stand).

I think that Apple's laptops -- MacBooks -- are so much more popular, that people often think of laptops, when they hear of a Mac... and I suspect that most folks don't even know that Apple makes desktops lol. However, I think it's their very best line of products, regardless.

I made a vid as I fixed it. With dramatic nature video in the background. Here's a screenshot just to see my Mac:

Like I mentioned earlier, I know it's not a big deal to replace an internal hard drive, but first I was getting all different ideas and input that did not help clarify anything... plus I didn't want to leave it at the Apple store, when I 1st visited there, because I didn't want them looking at my stuff, or possibly deleting it... and I definitely didn't want to wipe my old hdd for a new install of macOS... My 2nd visit to the Apple store clarified everything, that my hdd had some kind of problem, and it wouldn't be read or extracted from another device, and I couldn't fix / reinstall macOS. And to hopefully save my content, I planned to just physically remove it, and make it an external hdd, and I'd put in a new hdd. Which I've now done, after waiting a while to actually get the chance to buy stuff, and then I took my time actually doing everything as I made a video log in the process.

Probably too much info lol but we did touch on the topic, and now I explained everything.

Next post will be responding to specific dietary posts in this thread from earlier.

Thanks for the computer help and diet conversation.

posted on Jul, 11 2021 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: JamesChessman
a reply to: tanstaafl
I don't think I can be convinced of a need to eat meat. Though I am interested to see why exactly you and others believe it necessary. And I'd be glad to learn more specific info about human nutritional needs in general.

The references are there, happy learning!

Re: Why I removed the screen: Because this is an iMac (desktop) from late 2017, and it''s the way to access the inside. It's a desktop computer which is basically a monitor, on a stand, but with the actual computer guts inside the monitor (and nothing inside the stand).

Fyi,. that is called an 'All-In-One', and it isn't the screen you removed, it is the back panel.

posted on Jul, 11 2021 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: JamesChessman
a reply to: tanstaafl
I don't think I can be convinced of a need to eat meat. Though I am interested to see why exactly you and others believe it necessary. And I'd be glad to learn more specific info about human nutritional needs in general.

The references are there, happy learning!

Re: Why I removed the screen: Because this is an iMac (desktop) from late 2017, and it''s the way to access the inside. It's a desktop computer which is basically a monitor, on a stand, but with the actual computer guts inside the monitor (and nothing inside the stand).

Fyi,. that is called an 'All-In-One', and it isn't the screen you removed, it is the back panel.

...Bro, I removed the actual glass screen, lol. Not the back panel. I removed the front of the monitor. The viewing screen. It's the way to access the inside.

To clarify, again: This is the most basic of the 4 models sold in late 2017... and the back does not have any part that comes off, nor did I do anything with the back.

You're probably thinking of how some iMacs DO have a small panel / door on the back, which comes off, for upgrading the RAM, apparently.

And of the 4 iMac models in late '17, I know that at least 1 or 2 models did have that removable piece on back.

But mine does not.

Plus I've only seen it mentioned for upgrading RAM anyway; I don't think it was for general access to everything, like swapping the hdd, etc.


Some details:

My iMac's screen was held in place with a border of sticky-foam-tape, underneath its edges. I cut through the tape with a guitar pick. Then the screen was freely removable, with only 2 small ribbon cables connecting it to the rest of the Mac, and easily unpluggable / repluggable.

While the foam tape keeps the screen in place, the actual weight seems held by magnets, plus the glass is resting on a small ridge of metal below the screen. And yet it also needs tape, too, to keep it from falling apart, lol. This actually happened to me after I finished: Without applying more tape, I was admiring the beauty of magnets holding the screen, and it randomly fell out and got a small hairline crack in it.


Also, you're right that it's called an All-in-One.

And I'm also right that it's called a desktop. Unless you're disagreeing with Apple's terminology of it, but they always called their iMacs as desktops.

If your point is that it's more clear to call it an All-in-One, well ok you have a point, for folks not familiar with this line. And I may not realize how unfamiliar people are with this line. But on the other side of things, if someone IS familiar with Apple's desktops, then it's crystal-clear, because all of Apple's desktops are iMacs, which are All-in-One.


Getting back to diet, one more meaningful statement I wanted to make, is that when I was in Mexico a few months back, I saw the most SLIM, healthy-looking group of people that I've ever seen in one place, in my life. The local folks, who we mixed in with, in a local nature/theme park. I found it amazing to see such natural slenderness and healthiness in them.

That was roughly a month and half before I made this thread. I got terribly sick on the way home (April 1st), then was sick and disoriented out of my mind for a solid 3 weeks there. During and after which, I wasted untold $$ on fast-food coffee and fries and veggie burgers, which led to feeling poisoned, and so I made this thread. (And my bad health / disorientation was another factor for why this took an eternity to fix my Mac, when I came home to realize her broken state.)

I haven't made a point yet of researching their specific diet in Cancun, but honestly that's what I find convincing that they're eating right: The actual manifestation of health and well-being in a population, you know?

Here in the States, just look at us. I don't think most of our doctors really understand health even for themselves...

posted on Jul, 11 2021 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

The references are there, happy learning!

Thank you, I am honestly looking fwd to happy learning.

I became vegetarian about 21 years ago, at which point, I was not hip to the interwebz so I actually never made a point of learning about diet online like this.

And you're promising some gems in this thread so I am indeed looking forward to learning some new things about nutritional needs.


One more thing:

I could use your advice re: Data Recovery, if you don't mind. Because after everything, my old internal hdd is now a nice external hdd.

Which my Mac thinks is blank. I really did a number with that power button abuse, apparently. (Though she was really freezing badly, at the time, so it seemed possibly appropriate to manually shut her down, a few times, when she kept freezing... but I was too manic and impatient and reckless.)

I'm not overly worried about actually recovering my lost content, but it is very important to me, so please let me know any advice you may have on that. In the past, I had a very similar situation and Photorec worked for me...

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 07:13 AM

originally posted by: JamesChessman
...Bro, I removed the actual glass screen, lol. Not the back panel. I removed the front of the monitor. The viewing screen. It's the way to access the inside.

Interesting... I hate Macs so, I wouldn't have known, but yeah, a quick search reveals this can be done pretty easily.

Good on ya mate for taking the dive!

Also, you're right that it's called an All-in-One.

And I'm also right that it's called a desktop. Unless you're disagreeing with Apple's terminology of it, but they always called their iMacs as desktops.

Yes, I'm disagreeing with it. A Desktop computer is headless - doesn't have a built-in screen. But Apple has to be 'different'. You know, like charging you 5 times more for a RAM upgrade than it actually costs.

The only reason I still have anything to do with them at all is because my folks have always had Macs, and every time they aske me if they should switch, I think of all of the months of phone calls while they figure out how to do things on a Linux or Windows box, and I ask them if they'd rather spend the next few months just doing what they want to do, or learning a new operating system. 'Nuff said...

all of Apple's desktops are iMacs, which are All-in-One.

Nope, not true. They still have their Mac Mini (basically an Apple NUC), and their still (and even more) ridiculously overpriced ;Mac Pro'.

Getting back to diet, one more meaningful statement I wanted to make, is that when I was in Mexico a few months back, I saw the most SLIM, healthy-looking group of people that I've ever seen in one place, in my life. The local folks, who we mixed in with, in a local nature/theme park. I found it amazing to see such natural slenderness and healthiness in them.
I haven't made a point yet of researching their specific diet in Cancun, but honestly that's what I find convincing that they're eating right: The actual manifestation of health and well-being in a population, you know?

Just like Dr. Weston Price when he traveled the world researching the diets of extremely healthy cultures, you'll find that they eat a mixture of things, but they definitely eat meat/animal foods.

Here in the States, just look at us. I don't think most of our doctors really understand health even for themselves...

Well, on that we totally agree - but as I have said, it is changing, lots and lots of Doctors who actually believe in the Hippocrates Oath and helping people have rightly recognized that 'modern medicine' can work near miracles in cases of trauma and many acute health conditions, but when it comes to chronic conditions, they have nothing to offer but poison pills, toxic chemicals, and the knife, and so they have embarked on a voyage of discovery, rediscovering traditional therapies, and coming to an understanding that you cannot treat lifelong chronic diseases caused by poor lifestyle and eating habits with poison pills, toxic chemicals and surgery - not if you want to actually cure someone.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: JamesChessman
a reply to: tanstaafl
I became vegetarian about 21 years ago, at which point, I was not hip to the interwebz so I actually never made a point of learning about diet online like this.

And you're promising some gems in this thread so I am indeed looking forward to learning some new things about nutritional needs.

I believe you are honestly searching and have an open mind, so I know you are in store for a lot of revelations, and even if you decide to remain vegan/vegetarian, you'll learn enough to avoid most if not all of the pitfalls, and be able to maintain reasonable health, but it will be a lot more work than if you incorporated some animal foods into your diet.

Please do respond back here any time, I'm always interested in learning and evolving, and the only thing I'm 100% certain of is, while I feel I have a pretty firm grasp on things now, I know far less than I think I know, and much of what I know, in spite of my best efforts, is not the whole truth (and/or even just flat wrong)

One more thing:

I could use your advice re: Data Recovery, if you don't mind. Because after everything, my old internal hdd is now a nice external hdd.

Which my Mac thinks is blank. I really did a number with that power button abuse, apparently. (Though she was really freezing badly, at the time, so it seemed possibly appropriate to manually shut her down, a few times, when she kept freezing... but I was too manic and impatient and reckless.)

I'm not overly worried about actually recovering my lost content, but it is very important to me, so please let me know any advice you may have on that. In the past, I had a very similar situation and Photorec worked for me...

Hmmm... this is really going to depend on exactly what happened between the last time your data was showing, and now.

From your simple description of ''my Mac thinks it is blank', it sounds like you deleted the partition and/or initialized/reinitialized the disk, so - were you prompted to initialize/reinitialize the disk when you hooked it up externally?

If so, and you did, you wiped/deleted the partition. Next question would be, have you done anything at all with it since (added any data/files to it)? If so, you have overwritten some of the data, but all may still not be lost. There are a few options, some free, and others that are paid utilities...

Without having access to the machine and/or more detailed information, I'd recommend first try Apple's 'Disk Utility', as described about 2/3rds of the way down the page at this link. It also has links to other utilities, some free (one is command line only, so harder/less friendly to use if you're not used to the command line), and it also has a link to some less complicated 'data recovery' software that may just let you recover the data you're interested in.

Things like this are hit and miss, so just be sure to follow the instructions about not installing or copying anything to the hard drive in question, as any time you write to the disk, you will be overwriting any potentially recoverable data.

Good luck, and feel free to ask if you run into anything and have questions.
edit on 12-7-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Interesting... I hate Macs so, I wouldn't have known, but yeah, a quick search reveals this can be done pretty easily.

Good on ya mate for taking the dive!

Thanks, I'm feeling very good about the whole thing, now that I've gone though it all. I know it's a nothing project, once every aspect of it is clearly understood, but I started out not knowing what to do with my broken Mac, and the first weeks of trying Apple support on the phone, and even my first visit to the Apple store, were simply not helpful.

Specifically people kept suggesting trying all the different optional modes that a Mac can do, when its normal usage isn't possible. Which is very interesting, but none of these modes could resolve the situation for me. So I was spinning my wheels for weeks / a couple months, while talking with Apple all the time.

Besides that I was very sick for many weeks there, I said 3 solid weeks but the small lingering nausea probably lasted 2+ months. Sleeping as much as I could, being inactive, etc.

So basically there were all these extenuating factors for why it took an eternity, lol. Not being able to buy the parts needed after I did find out exactly what's up, on my 2nd visit to the Apple store, etc. Still being busy and not doing it immediately after buying needed parts. I finally only sat down with the project about a week ago, and then I took a long time to make a video of it, as I went through it.

So it was all these additional factors that made everything drawn out, but in the end I'm glad that I figured everything out, and then actually did exactly what I wanted to do.

For some funny context, the Apple store offered to swap out my hdd for something like $560, which is absurd, and so there's also that aspect that I didn't waste money on this.

But I do realize that if I actually knew what to do in the 1st place, and I actually had the parts on-hand, then I could have just done it on the same afternoon that my Mac stopped working. I could have just swapped out the hdd's, right then and there.

But at least I can do that next time. It was a learning process that I'm glad I went through, and made the best of it. I'll cut up the video into a YouTube vid, "Noob replacing harddrive on my iMac," or something like that. I think people will enjoy it, with backgrounds of my TV set showing Planet Earth nature footage. And there's even the comedy of my screen falling out and getting cracked.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Yes, I'm disagreeing with it. A Desktop computer is headless - doesn't have a built-in screen. But Apple has to be 'different'. You know, like charging you 5 times more for a RAM upgrade than it actually costs.

The only reason I still have anything to do with them at all is because my folks have always had Macs, and every time they aske me if they should switch, I think of all of the months of phone calls while they figure out how to do things on a Linux or Windows box, and I ask them if they'd rather spend the next few months just doing what they want to do, or learning a new operating system. 'Nuff said...

all of Apple's desktops are iMacs, which are All-in-One.

Nope, not true. They still have their Mac Mini (basically an Apple NUC), and their still (and even more) ridiculously overpriced ;Mac Pro'.

^Alright, it's fine if you're disagreeing with Apple's terminology of it then, it's what I was saying accurately to their terms. But technically, I'll believe you that you seem to be saying that they're using the terms wrong, on purpose.

For the linked products, this is really about Apple's arbitrary terminology, then. I didn't think the Mac Mini was called a "desktop" by Apple, but yeah this is very arbitrary. And I'm not even sure exactly what Apple calls that thing. But technically, I suppose it's accurate to call it a desktop...

For the linked Mac Pro, I actually never knew about that before your link, and I barely know what I'm looking at. The closest thing that I've seen is the iMac Pro, which is the same "desktop" design as my iMac, just overpriced as high as possible, with maxed out RAM and such.

The linked Mac Pro looks bizarre. Ugly as sin, really, isn't it? It's obviously made to stand upright vertically, with disgusting iron handles and legs. So I doubt Apple even calls this monstrosity a "desktop" because it doesn't look like it's supposed to go on a desk, those iron bars would be sticking out everywhere if you lay it down on a desk. Just disgusting lol.

But technically, these may count as "desktops," as strange as these products are... I mean, the Mac Pro is an obvious vertical tower, which isn't made to go on a desk, so it's weird...

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 05:10 PM

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posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 07:56 PM

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posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 04:58 AM

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posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 10:12 AM

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posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 01:34 PM

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posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: JamesChessman
a reply to: tanstaafl
For example, people have lived exclusively on eating fish. Or only eating meat. Or only vegetarian food. Etc.

There are a whole lot of examples of the first two.

I can't think of one single example of the last one (vegetarianism).

But by all means... enlighten me.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 11:38 AM

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posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: JamesChessman
a reply to: tanstaafl
For example, people have lived exclusively on eating fish. Or only eating meat. Or only vegetarian food. Etc.

There are a whole lot of examples of the first two.

I can't think of one single example of the last one (vegetarianism).

But by all means... enlighten me.

Well bro, I'm assuming this is a genuine conversation, and I'm still assuming that.

But I already said that Buddhism counts for 2,600 YEARS of vegetarians lol. Which must be untold MILLIONS of vegetarians right there.

Myself, I've been mostly vegan for the past 21 or 22 years, or so.

Your post reads like you don't believe that people have lived their lives as vegetarians lol.

I acknowledge that there's probably never been a large country that's vegetarian / vegan, all throughout it, but that's not really the point, lol.

Buddhists have basically always been a fringe population of vegetarians around the world, these last 2,600 yrs.

Whether you interpret Buddhists as malnourished or not, they have certainly been here, these last two-and-a-half millennia.

edit on 14-7-2021 by JamesChessman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: JamesChessman
Well bro, I'm assuming this is a genuine conversation, and I'm still assuming that.

But I already said that Buddhism counts for 2,600 YEARS of vegetarians lol. Which must be untold MILLIONS of vegetarians right there.

Except, most buddhists are not strict vegetarians - most are lacto (consume milk and dairy), and yes, some considerable number eat meat.

Myself, I've been mostly vegan for the past 21 or 22 years, or so.

Your post reads like you don't believe that people have lived their lives as vegetarians lol.

Most people haven't 'lived their lives' as vegetarians, some have, but most are still relatively new, and most importantly, a large and growing number have switched back to eating meat (at least some) as a result of encountering numerous inexplicable health issues that are quickly and fully resolved by the simple addition of some high quality animal foods into their diet.

Many have even switched to full on carnivore and resolved life-long issues, mostly very quickly.
edit on 14-7-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Well I’ll look at your link. But regardless, I don’t think it’s really possible to make generalizations about how “most” of these millions of people over 2,600 years have eaten, exactly, all around the world.

And I don’t really believe that “most” have been consuming dairy etc. because it’s really contrary the basic philosophy of leaving animals out of their diet, which is the fundamental concept.

But even if it were possible to claim “most” as not vegan, well even then, that still would leave a minority of Buddhists as vegans, over 2,600 years, it would doubtless still be millions of vegans.

I’ll respond better in a little while because Macayla is currently struggling a bit to look at my old hdd so she doesn’t want to run a web browser at the same time, and I’m currently using my phone again, which I’ve complained about its use for the web, all these last months.

But I think this might be missing the forest for the trees to try to argue how “most” Buddhists have been accurately or inaccurately vegetarian / vegan, in all the scattered fringe populations of Buddhism around the globe in 2.5 millennia...

TBC on my desktop later...
edit on 14-7-2021 by JamesChessman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 02:30 PM

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posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 03:31 PM

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