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strong silent ground vibrations

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posted on Apr, 13 2021 @ 08:14 PM
So I was sitting on the ground floor of my house and that has a concrete floor.

I was watching TV when all of a sudden the floor felt like there was something vibrating it but it was silent. It was so strong at a point it was uncomfortable to keep my feet on the ground, it was going on all over the place but I couldnt find a source and as I'm looking around it was like someone flipped a switch and it stopped.

I have lived here for YEARS and there is nothing new or broken in the house.

I guess my question is has anyone ever felt something like this? and when I say vibrating it was at such a frequency I'm shocked it wasn't making noise.

id love to know if anyone else has felt something like this, I assume it was something in the air or if you want to get crazy something underground

posted on Apr, 13 2021 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: penroc3

Are you sure you chose the proper forum for this, Pen?

posted on Apr, 13 2021 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: penroc3

i'm sure you already thought of this but did you check if there were any earthquakes in your area?

posted on Apr, 13 2021 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: penroc3

Yes, Gilbert AZ. 11 years ago. I was on the phone with a co-worker who lived about 3 miles away from me, and she felt something too, in fact we both said out loud “what was that” at the exact same time. We chalked it up to a small tremor.

edit on 13-4-2021 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-4-2021 by KTemplar because: No such thing as a ref phone

posted on Apr, 13 2021 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: penroc3

I get that every now and then here too, but for me I know that when Magma moves to Mt Saint Helena it causes slightest of vibrations. Sometimes flat out earthquakes but usually it's just slight vibrations. Check with geological sites to see if any magma moves under where you live.

posted on Apr, 13 2021 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I honestly didn't know where to put it, I was going to put it in the gray area but I landed here lol

I live in upstate NY in my 36 years living here I have felt two minor quakes, were in a quite area as far as i know

the vibrations almost hit a harmonic, when I went on the deck i couldnt feel it.

it was very odd and I'm not going to lie after it kept ramping up and up to the point where it made me want to take my feet off the floor so what ever it was had allot of energy and i was like i wonder if someone is testing a DEW type device.

I know that sounds crazy but the sudden appearance and the vibrations being so fast and the fact it just stopped instantly, no ramp down r aftershock, just gone.

I just have chalked it up to the strangeness in my house

posted on Apr, 13 2021 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: penroc3
Logically, the vibrations would seem to come from below the concrete.
If objects on tables/shelves were not shaking...the vibrations may have come from inside of you.

posted on Apr, 13 2021 @ 10:34 PM
The compressor running in the garage which is not attached to the house will cause vibration in the basement floor and even vibrate some stuff with no sound in the house. It could be a compressor on a freezer or fridge and you may not hear much from either of those units but it will vibrate a concrete floor lots of times.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: penroc3

There are a number of thing's that can cause this, waves of sound moving along the ground from an industrial site if there wavelength is just right can cause your house to oscillate in sympathetic resonance with them depending on it's structure, you say concrete so probably a monolithic concrete slab floor that may just be the right size.

Earth tremors of course, they happen all the time and anything below a certain level such as for example a 3 on the Richter scale you are unlikely to even notice, also you could just be one of those folk's who is just very sensitive, some people claim they can feel underground train's going past beneath there homes and have difficulty sleeping while other's could sleep through a hurricane and wake up non the wiser except for the mess outside.

It's one of those things with thousands of possible answers, the ground structure (it's geology) of your area, the water table, the presence and distance of industry and main roadways and train network's both above and below ground as well as sources of sound that can cause such sympathetic resonance are all factors that are worth looking into.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

compressors? we keep tall the power tools and freezer chest etc in the barn/workshop.

this was obviously a low frequency wave of SOME sort that must have been very powerful to vibrate a large concrete floor like a speaker

I'm sure it was something very prosaic it just was strange, I went outside expecting to see my neighbors and as soon as my feet were off the floor of my house it was gone and to me that says it was something in the house or even something coupled to the ground having a mechanical issue

it's just one of those things that happened but have no explanations

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 08:27 AM
Perhaps it was ELF waves?

I remember reading about an ELF device that was used during the Cold War to contact submarines at sea. I believe there are 3 or 4 such devices and one of them was in upstate New York. As I remember the, transmission site had to be a particular geological condition, either granite or iron deposits.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 08:32 AM
Interesting thread. It could well have been some other entity, personally I'm away from the alien theory regarding space ships / ufos etc, it is looking more and more theyr are native to this Planet and probably beneath the surface of Earth. How far down who can guess but they make their appearance every now and then up from the cracks and caves and the deep sea entrances. The vibrating heard is probably them moving around, even mining something for their sub surface society.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Thats what I was going to ask. Are you sure it wasnt YOU vibrating Penroc? I once vibrated in bed to the point I was freaking out. Only time its ever happened.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 09:59 AM
One longshot idea.

Perhaps the way you were sitting restricted blood circulation to your legs...and they essentially 'fell asleep' without you knowing.

This can result in a tingling/vibrating sensation in your lower extremities.

Standing up can stop it almost immediately by starting up blood circulation.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 10:05 AM
there's lots of odd anomalies with the ground/Crust of the Earth

one article i read was the Alps are rising 30 feet in days, and thats' with precision monitors in orbit

my take on the Earth vibration has to do with the Mantle layers of molten rock surrounding the overactive Core(s) ~inner & outer) is getting hotter for some reason, or else we are getting focused 'hot spots' which causes the layers of strata rock to move---
no so much to result in EQs but to make the different layers of crust rocks/minerals to physically react, perhaps even to vibrate

Quartz has some electric properties... for instance

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: penroc3

I was watching TV when all of a sudden the floor felt like there was something vibrating it but it was silent. It was so strong at a point it was uncomfortable to keep my feet on the ground, it was going on all over the place but I couldnt find a source and as I'm looking around it was like someone flipped a switch and it stopped.

I guess my question is has anyone ever felt something like this? and when I say vibrating it was at such a frequency I'm shocked it wasn't making noise.

maybe it was your better half. and your having ex i tations.

edit on 14-4-2021 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: rickymouse

compressors? we keep tall the power tools and freezer chest etc in the barn/workshop.

this was obviously a low frequency wave of SOME sort that must have been very powerful to vibrate a large concrete floor like a speaker

I'm sure it was something very prosaic it just was strange, I went outside expecting to see my neighbors and as soon as my feet were off the floor of my house it was gone and to me that says it was something in the house or even something coupled to the ground having a mechanical issue

it's just one of those things that happened but have no explanations

In Marquette, they changed the power plant to reciprocating natural gas generation and there were people a half mile away that felt the house vibrating. It was traveling through the rock ledges and there is lots of rock around here, the houses troubled with this were built on the areas where the rock was close to their basements.

Have any new businesses gone in around your area, is someone repairing their car someone in the area, using pneumatic tools? Is there some construction around where they are grinding or drilling rock? Why is your house on a slab, is there rock under your house so you can't put in a basement? Vibration can also travel through saturated ground better than dry ground, energy travels through ion channels in the ground electrolytes. There could be thousands of possibilities causing that, first thing to do is ask a neighbor if they experienced something like that. In the case of the power plant, these effected people still have problems even they did a study and tried to put in dampeners on the engines, the ground is low and the base of the plant is deep, but not down to the rock but the sand underneath contains electrolytes and water so the energy transfers to the rock from the generator units and then goes to houses even a half mile a way to effect ones close to the rock.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: rickymouse
I agree. i posted about this phenomena before. I did some work at a coal fired generating plant. The grey ash flowed like water and to store it in large silos they used 2 pumps.
When these pumps were operating no one could go near them, if fact even 100 yards away you had to wear ear protectors and you would vibrate along the floor.
But that wasn't the problem. The plant was in a valley and when the pumps were working ( well not pumps as only 1 could be used at a time) houses 5 miles away out of the valley were experiencing vibrations and high pitched whining. It took a long tome to find the cause, but when they did was when I was employed to build reinforced concrete buildings around the pumps. What surprised me was the size of the pumps, approximately 2 foot by 6 foot by 2 foot high.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

I live by and am powered by nuclear

I live in the suburbs in the middle of no where so there isn't any constructions that I know of, and if it were something like a power plant or construction it would have happened more than once and during the day.

as far as my vibrating I never thought of that, it may have been random EM field that passed by and made it feel like the house was buzzing.

I wish I could figure it out, I would make some serious cash selling it as a special effect


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