a reply to:
You have to understand Nature and the nature of water to understand how you can give yourselves a chance to survive...a realistic one.
Location is everything.
Digging in @ the incorrect location is simply digging your own Mausoleum.
There are Models that show the last 3 Events.....when one understands the Models one understands where to be to try to survive the next one.
You need to know the direction your Continent will be moving and where it will stop to begin with.
Please understand that giving accurate repeatable Models to the social media world will likely cause a War if they are taken seriously.
This is not new data....its always been known by those who strive to rule Post-Event....and those are the People ruling now......
You dig in because the Event is FAST....its not a long drawn out process its a SLIP if you will....its sudden....it comes and goes like a Thief in the
All my Bananas are not in one Basket....I am not 100% sure of the exact date of arrival....just that it should be within my normal human lifespan...I
am over 1/2 Century now....the window is closing.
Everything is written in stone but only after the fact.
You have to look at your Model and you need to understand what happens and where it happens....Mountains seem like the safest place but they are not
really the best place to be....consider how mountains are made and moved.
TPTB all know......they dont want to go to War....they have ALWAYS KNOWN.....the War today is over the already built and established DUMBS.. between
Factions who wish to lead Post-Event....one is pure Evil and one is pure Good....but thats a silent war we are not being told about.....in short the
bad guys are being flushed down the toilet just before TSHTF....their toys are being taken back and their hiding places are being re-patriated.
Nothing can stop this....Global relocation is an option but will not happen IMHO its to late for that.
Millions and Millions of People globally are already underground or prepared to go there soon.
Behind the scenes Humanity has begun to work together @ this late hour.
Dont worry they are trying to save the Species....they just arent valueing you or I over Humanity as a whole....the needs of the Many outweigh the
Needs of the Few.....we all know that although we have mostly been taught to be selfish .
They cannot have Millions of People running to the few top end areas which have long ago been appropriated and prepared....@ the last second they will
tell the Public...only then will People be able to flood to those spots like Lemmings to try to get underground in time.
"They" know they need us to back their efforts up in case they screw it up....this is after all about Humanities survival not about politics and
Borders.....rest assured that every Race on Earth is represented within the Group working behind the scenes....ALL COUNTRIES ARE INVOLVED.....
We are on our own....either we know where and when to be @ the right places....or we need to know when to run to the pre-prepared places....those
DOORS WILL BE OPENED AT THE LAST MINUTES....because they now they need us.
There is going to be a new set of Poles....you dont want to end up there....because everything will be moving...you really need to have a Model to
look @.
Look at a Google Map of the Continents...you can literally see the material washed off of the Continents and it shows you the last travel path of
those Continents.....look at the leading and trailing edges of your Continent...look at the Mountain Ranges on your Continent.... look for Continental
Once you build a Model and grasp the scope and scale...you understand why there will be no wars now....only a fight for Humanities survival.
I am not revealing my spots because I am completely aware there are Millions of People 1000 times more able to prepare than I and mine are...and
these People ACT NOW NOT LATER....I mean seriously even the LDSers were dug into a Mountain until they were recently evicted.....puck them....I will
help the poor an Meek @ the right time or the smart rich now who want to finance their own futures and will cover improving my end to get it
done....even at that ---- time is soooo short.
edit on 12-3-2021 by one4all because: (no reason given)