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Well, This is Awkward...

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posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Strangely enough, that could be considered a silver lining of sorts.

We are living in the midst of a remarkable time in history. I have long joked that the virus I was afraid of was not the Chinese virus from Wuhan but rather the "stoopid" virus that seemed to coincide with it. It was a joke but like most jokes there is a bit of truth in there. Humankind seems to undergo such episodes in societal evolution on a fairly regular basis. From 1692 to 1693 in Salem, Massachusetts, a similar episode of mass hysteria broke out. Before it was all over, many innocent women had lost their lives to mob violence in the Salem Witch Trials. In 1930s Germany, I believe one cause of the people placing in power one of the worst maniacs of all time, Adolph Hitler, equal in infamy as a war criminal and mass killer to William Tecumseh Sherman, was the fear over the Great Depression. This led directly to World War II.

History is littered with similar episodes; those two just popped to the front of my mind. In the former, it took the unjust killing of enough innocent women to reach a critical mass among their families and friends before the official narrative was questioned. In the latter, it took atrocities such as mankind had not seen for ages to persuade a critical mass of people of their poor choice. In both cases, had this critical mass not been reached the killing would have continued unabated.

Late last year, we all heard of this unknown SARS-like virus that was becoming epidemic in Wuhan, China. Within a couple of months, the fear turned to the possibility of the virus becoming a pandemic and causing untold deaths a'la the Black Plague. As it did indeed spread across the globe, hitting some populations pretty hard, that fear turned to unbridled panic and mass hysteria. We now know what it is; the virus is no longer an unknown and we have treatments for it that have proved somewhat effective. We know that the elderly and immunocompromised are those who have a high risk of succumbing to or even becoming hospitalized from the virus; the rest of society is low risk. In a world dominated by scientific thought, that would appear to indicate measures taken aimed at isolating high-risk populations from the rest of society. Yet, hysteria has decreed that we isolate all of society from itself, a task that, if implemented along traditional quarantine expectations, would lead to more lives lost than the infamous Black Plague ever dreamed of, simply from want and exposure.

So we seem to have compromised: we are only semi-isolating everyone from everyone else, in the process making little headway against the virus and keeping most people from dying of want and exposure. In other words, we are taking the worst of both responses, all the while believing we are doing something great.

In that respect, this vaccine is no different than everything we have done so far. It won't kill most people who take it, and it also won't really help with the spread of the virus. It will make people think they are doing something good.

The only way to break out of this cycle of hysteria is through enough people with enough voices realizing that the hysteria is the true enemy and stopping the progression of said hysteria... potentially through force. Medical personnel, as much as I do not want them to become sick, are those who are in the best situation to learn the hard lessons we must now learn and get the needed information out. The faster we reach that critical mass I spoke of above, the sooner we can get over this mass hysteria, actually cure the virus, and return to a happy, healthy, prosperous society.

Back when the Fukushima Nuclear Plant disaster happened, I started out trying to be a voice of reason. Of course, my voice has not the power behind it to make real change, and the situation quickly progressed into something that could not be stopped. As soon as I realized that had happened my purpose following that incident became one more of scientific curiosity: what will actually happen in a full nuclear meltdown? Similarly, when the Chinese virus was being unleashed on the world, I tried to be a voice of reason with little to no success. Now, however, we are in the very midst of a mass hysteria event, so there's no reason to warn about what has already happened. I now content myself with a scientific curiosity: what will be the impetus to ending the event, and what will be the consequences thereof?

I am lucky to have a doctor who shares my viewpoint, and so far the difficulties getting health care have been surmountable (I actually had to have blood drawn sitting in my car in a parking lot a week or so ago; luckily, it was a fairly mild day). My only concern now, aside from the curiosity mentioned, is that I retain the ability to obtain health care. That is actually becoming a legitimate concern.


posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck

Had a dentist appointment cancel late last month. Reason? My hygienist (who is terrified of getting the Chinese virus) had her second shot and was unable to work due to a severe reaction.

My wife talked to our pharmacist today. He was adamant that neither of us should get the vaccine. He claimed it could kill us if we had a bad reaction to it.

I've been hearing for a couple weeks now anecdotal stories about how badly someone reacted to that second shot.

The skinny on this, from a scientific (as opposed to religio-scientific, narrative-driven, media-supported, propagandized popular opinion) viewpoint is that there are two things... and only two things... about the Chinese virus that makes it a problem. The first is the fact that if it enters the blood stream through the lungs the proteins produced during viral replication can destroy the hemoglobin in red blood cells leading to sudden, severe, acute anemia which can be fatal. Being placed on a ventilator (which induces positive air pressure into damaged lungs and thereby assists with breaching the lung-blood barrier) is one of the surest ways to get all dead and stuff from it. I believe I heard a while back 85% of patients placed on a ventilator due to the Chinese virus died from it.

Ok...sure it goes into the bloodstream via the Lungs....then what does it do ? sends for signals other bugs to also enter the bloodstream from outside of it to join the party...hence what you are calling a cytokine storm is really a mass morphing and displacement of bugs that were already insitu to another location on the body....they join the party coming from the belly into the blood and all hades breaks loose.

The massive cascade event has been called a cytokine storm....and I dont even bother to break down that lie further than telling you ....simply do the math....the numbers will show you the way.

Why do you think smokers do not get the bug as much?

The bugs lipid fat protective layer cannot handle the heat and chemicals from the kill it in your nose moth and throat ... plus smokers already have a coating of crap protecting their lungs from easy entry.

They know what I am telling you...understand that..... they know that the LIVING bug is in the blood camoflaged by and with its Lipid fat coating to look exactly like an antibody covered wee viral sized package of garbage or dead RNA/DNA that is INERT OR DEAD.......SO WHEN THIS BUG GETS INTO YOUR BLOOD AND STARTS POLLUTING AND LITTERING NSIDE YOU TOXIFYING YOUR BLOOD VOLUME FASTER THAN YOU CAN CLEAN AND WHEN YOUR ANTI-BODIES START LOOKING FOR THE CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM THEY CANNOT FIND IT......

Its a math problem....they know that and are trying to cover the truth up....hence the BS story about the cytokine storm.....they are trying to tell you what the cause of the cascade effect they cannot hide is.....they are trying to fudge the numbers....where do the sudden massive numbers that overwhelm us come from ? you understand now ?....the numbers dont add up....the few bugs you get via covid-cold could not reproduce fast enough to do what is happening....your own immune system could not over-react enough to THOSE FEW BUGS to do what is being done....there is an Insitu hidden causality.... 3 forces are working together against us.....the viral covid-cold---our own Immune System--Insitu Pleomorphic Bacteria in our gut........all 3 things are working overtime to change the basic makeup of the volume of our blood....everyone is polluting the bloodstreams VOLUME so fast the blood cannot be cleaed...the very volume is being actively toxified by a combo of living bacteria and our Immune System.

We can account for the viral covid-cold invaders...we can account for the Immune System response that produces the viral sized packages of inert dead RNA/DNA.....what we can now account for is the missing numbers.....the 3rd factor is emanating from an Insitu source.....and in some who are heavily infected before they contract covid-cold its a big enough migration from belly to blood that it overwhelms us completely.

I am not a Doctor I am a if anyone is sick please go see your own Doctor.

It is your belief that others are smarter than you which prevents the correct questions from being asked.....ignore external white yourself...know the Path to truth is mined with lies and deceptions.....use your common sense and instinct to defeat those not be intimidated by words you dont understand connected to ideas you also cant understand....they MAKE THE WORDS AND IDEAS UP COMPLETLY TO HIDE OBVIOUS TRUTHS AND TO CONFUSE AND MISLEAD YOU.....LIKE CYTOKINE STORM....OH YES THERE IS SOMETHING TO DESCRIBE THAT IS REALLY HAPPENING...BUT THEY ARE NOT TELLING US THE TRUTH......they know the full and complete truth and have booby-trapped the path we must follow to find it...... they have weaponized the verbiage and concepts connected to such.
edit on 6-2-2021 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on Sun Feb 7 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: quote trimmed Trim Those Quotes

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Five Alaskans between the ages of 73 and 100 did die after they got at least one dose of vaccine.

There seems to be emerging proof that this particular vaccine is very hard on senior citizens.
See this ATS thread....
A Dire Warning About The Vaccine For Seniors

I have come to the conclusion if you are over a certain age you shouldn't take it.

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

Hol' Up! Haven't we spent the past year with government health officials telling us pre-existing conditions don't matter... any death with COVID is a death from COVID? But here now, as they attempt to shake their money maker experimental vaccine (that isn't even an actual vaccine), suddenly pre-existing conditions and age matter greatly?

Anyone who trusts these people has my deepest sympathies.

It's the same as you saying that all of a sudden pre-existing conditions and age shouldn't matter! Which is it? I opt for the idea that pre-existing conditions DO MATTER in BOTH SITUATIONS.

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 09:16 AM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33

I have come to the conclusion if you are over a certain age you shouldn't take it.

I have read and re-read all of those threads and they absolutely scared me to death. Because my parents aged 90 & 93 are both scheduled to get the vaccine next week, I took all day yesterday to open-mindedly research both sides and evaluate the risk vs. benefit of each of the vaccines. In my parents' cases, which are the only ones I can judge, I have come to the conclusion that it probably is best for them to get it.

My mother has always wanted to get it and, in the past, I have cautioned her on them knowing the anti-story to them. But I never wanted to dissuade her because I didn't want to be responsible if something bad happened - either way.

So, bottom line, I feel much more comfortable with them getting it after deep dive researching it. Be careful not to judge for others lest you become responsible for the outcome.

ETA: In my own case, I probably will not get it.
edit on 6/2/2021 by Iamonlyhuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: one4all

Ok...sure it goes into the bloodstream via the Lungs....then what does it do ?

I need to know what exactly you are referring to by "it." "It" as in the virus? If so, "it" does nothing. The Chinese virus does not do very well against blood cells; it works very well against lung cells. So "it" just floats along until it manages to overtake a weakened cell "it" comes into contact with, or until an antibody renders "it" inert.

This is the issue: people who know only enough to try and make themselves look informed.

During replication inside a lung cell, the Chinese virus produces an extraneous protein. This protein, when in the bloodstream, has stronger attraction to the globin molecules that are normally attached to iron. It effectively rips the globin molecules from the hemoglobin and attaches to them instead of the iron that was liberated in the process. When that happens, the hemoglobin can no longer carry oxygen.

The virus is not the culprit here... the protein produced by the virus is the problem. At that point, simple chemistry takes over; no life processes are involved and there is no need for a virus to "call in its buddies." The damage is quite sufficient as is, thank you very much. Without a regular oxygen supply a human cell will die within minutes. That includes liver cells, heart cells, nerve cells, skin cells, pancreas cells, kidney cells... all cells require oxygen. Shut that oxygen supply off and cells start dying, including those in major organs. Hence, various organ failure as has been reported in severe cases.

the few bugs you get via covid-cold could not reproduce fast enough to do what is happening....your own immune system could not over-react enough to THOSE FEW BUGS to do what is being done...

So, you''re saying runny noses do not exist? They're caused by a cytokine storm. The immune response is so strong once an invading germ is recognized that the various components of the immune response all work to overwhelm the invading germs. It happens all the time; the issue with the Chinese virus is that the immunity has trouble recognizing the needed configuration to combat it. A key only fits certain locks.

That delay in the immune response is the problem. Most of the pneumonia cases occur after the infection itself is waning. All a cytokine storm really is, is a strong response to an invading infection. Under most cases, there are enough invaders to neutralize the antibodies; in the case of the Chinese virus this is not always the case. The body has to get rid of the antibodies as well as any damaged cells, so it produces mucus. That's what a runny nose is: mucus produced to clean up any damage so the body can repair it. In the case of the Chinese virus, that mucus production is simply severe and inside the lungs.

Do you have any idea how much liquid it takes to make a severe case of pneumonia? Hint: it ain't much. Lungs are designed to exchange air, not liquid.

It is your belief that others are smarter than you which prevents the correct questions from being asked...

No, and you might want to keep your day job while studying mind-reading. It is the very fact that I do not consider others smarter than me (or vice versa for that matter) that causes me to independently analyze situations and draw my own conclusions. Sometimes my conclusion aligns with those of others, sometimes it doesn't.

Now, if by "smart" you mean there are people who know more than I do, absolutely that is the case! There are always those who know more than we do about various subjects. Sit down across from me and let's have a discussion about math... or control theory... or general electrical phenomenon... or physics. I'll make you look like a babbling idiot. There are people who can do the same to me.

You're a carpenter? OK, that should mean you know a lot more about construction practices than I do. If we were to both build a house, yours would go up faster, stronger, and overall better than mine. You know more about that subject. In that area, your expertise would make me look like a babbling idiot. I'm a research engineer. I know how to analyze phenomena, design ways to use it practically, design equipment to do so, and analyze any problems that may come up. While I am not as well-versed in medical terminology as some, this virus is much closer to my area of expertise than yours.

I strongly suggest you start listening to others. That's different from agreeing with others, but disagreement for the sake of disagreement isn't going to get you anywhere.


posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: Iamonlyhuman

Let us know what the result is, good or bad.

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I strongly suggest others start listening to me...yes that is different than agreeing with me, everyone is not cut out of the same I see no reason for formalities when we are trying to solve a problem and Teach @ te same time which is what I am trying to do although I cannot of course speak for you....if you dont listen to me with equal and equitable levels of normalcy then we will get normalcy I mean you need to give what I say the same weighted impact you give your own education/Experience/knowledge.....with an open mind...and its YOU who cannot seem to do that because of an unwillingness or inability to let go of the Status Quo baseline you walk cant possibly BELIEVE ME unless you DISBELIEVE your own Paradigm....hence you cannot by proxy give my contributions equality and equity paralell to your own.....

Politics aside...ok.You are sure well versed in this bug...and I appreciate are on task.Because I truly respect your openminded approach and your altruistic intentions I will try this and your conceptual vision are to valuable to ignore right now.

I am appealing to you to step out of your Box...the one YOU BUILT...NOT THE ONE OTHERS TRIED TO BUILD BECAUSE THEY DID NOT HAVE TO DO IT YOU DID IT FOR THEM......I make this appeal honestly.....just work with me on a Hypothetical basis...this will enable you to let go of your Status Quo anchor...seriously.

Please disregard my use of Caps it is not intended to be loud....just bold.

I will give you a Template ok an you will put it into your own words...understand ?...... you will CLEAR YOUR MIND----- thats how you become open-minded.....clean slate...ok ? are now in Learning mode in School with your most Respected Teacher and you will NOT THROW UP SMOKE AT EVERY TURN OF THE WILL NOT BE AN OPPOSITIONALLY DEFIANT LEARNER. ....

Remember I can learn what you know any time I want by simply reading ....I can skip your years of education and access the Internet and all of your Peers and all of the worlds data .... anything you contribute that is Status Quo Peer Approved data I can learn cant learn my approach anywhere else.

There is no such thing as a virus as People have been taught,it is a lie....the behaviours attributes impacts ect ect ect of Pleomorphic Bacteria which research divulged long ago were accounted for and then that data and knowledge was WEAPONIZED against HUMANITY....the very concept of a "virus" as an entity unto itself is the LIE....the actions of the Pleomorphic Bacteria were manifested into an entity they called a "virus" see there are viral SIZED things but no such thing as a "virus".

Yes when you hear people discuss "viruses" and everything about them they can produce scientific data and proof of what they are saying....but that proof is ALWAYS an evidenciary conduit stemming from the Pleomorphic Bacteria we are dealing with..... yes all of the massive Constellation if symptoms illnesses and damages are very real and documented and are directly catalysed by a single entity.....a bacteria....the many impacts of a single bug have been spun into thousands of different diseases /names via lies and deceptions....spawning a multi-Qunitillion dollar per year Industry.

I will use Cytokine Storm as a prime example of how people are being lied to and decieved....yes there is an action that can be defined as a Cytokine Storm but the causality has been disguised and bastardized and weaponizd against People....yes the scientific technicalities surrounding what we are calling a Cytokine Storm are correct.....but the presentation has been weaponized to hide the true causality of terminal situations which is in fact a morph/migration/cascade action.....some would have to call that action a Cytokine Storm....which is fine....its what is CAUSING IT THAT NEEDS TO BE RECOGNIZED.

So what does a Pleomorphic Bacteria do that could instigate the actions/impacts we are calling Cytokine Storms ?.... or...what "action" by the bug is causing the bodies "reaction" we hear some call Cytokine Storm ?

What physical Symptomology is connected to all 3 Phases of a Pleomorphic Bacterias life cycle ?

Well it lives in the Gut....which is where it usually enters our body via Parasitic contamination of the we need to Map what it does once it gets inside the gut and we begin calling it "bad gut " bacteria....I expect there to be thousands of diseases and afflictions and symptoms caused by this bug in the its going to take you a while to find and list them all.

Well it migrates from the gut when it Morphs into its VIRAL size and shape and then it lives in the just as with the Map of bad gut bacteria symptomology and diseases and afflictions we need to make a Map of what the bug does inside the closed system we call the bloodstream --- its going to take you a while to find and list them all.....BUT WE DO NOT CALL ANYTHING A "VIRUS" WHY THE HELL WOULD WE?...... so because of The Great Virus Lie people have been taught we shall arbitrarily replace the noun "virus" with PLEOMORPHIC Bacteria and keep the scientific data....we simply filter the data by correcting the scam.....

Well after it Morphs a 2nd time and takes on its FUNGAL size and shape and moves its location to the ENTIRE BODY.....we must rinse and repeat the filtering process we have now already done two times.


Hulda Clark was correct.Thousands of good men and women were correct but were screwed over...and I have zero pity on people today who disrespect their sacrifices by refusing to learn and to FIGHT TO LEARN TRUTHS not just accept status quo brainwashing....but I do have empthy which is why I share knowledge.

Causality....that is the answer we all need.

I am a Carpenter among other things.....clearly I am not an English teacher or an Author or my grammer and presentation suck and I have zero couth when teaching...bupkiss....and whats worse is I offer no apologies...because it wasnt easy for me to learn either...there is NO EASY WAY to break free of the brainwashing we are all victims of.

Yes a Carpenter needs to know how to build...but much of that knowledge stems from his action of deconstructing things.....a balance is required...... some say that to learn something right you need to do it a thousand times....thats freaking insane....why not do it once...then deconstruct it once ?....I would hate to see the carnage created by a Carpenter learning to build houses by just doing it a thousand

I am simply asking you to deconstruct your own Paradigm.....then build a new one with the data I have shown you , do it for science if you have to.....then just see what you come up with.

The Cytokine Storms are real...of course..and I am tired of teaching so slow.....listen up then go figure it out using your obvious deep knowledge and passion.....just skip the virus bullspit ok ? it a proper Template ok....what do you think happens when a living polluting bacteria expressing itself in viral size and existing in your bloodstream begines doing its thing stealing your resources to live on and producing detritus and toxic byproducts 24/7/365 as fast as they can ?....well you body both the theft and to the polluting .

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

So the task is simple....we have a closed System we call the has filters.....when anything like viral sized dead inert RNA/DNA is detected within that closed System the body responds by sending out Antibodies whose job is to find the invader which happens in the case of dead inert RNA/DNA just garbage floating around.....and the Antibodies coat the garbage forming a capsule or wee garbage bag which is then worked through the System until it is filtered out...

I know there are many technicalities I am not mentioning....and because the slate is clean dont entertain them ok.....just go with it as we deconstruct your can rebuild it however your judgement chooses as normal.

Now we have the System as described above.

A specific volume of fluid is contained within this closed System we call the bloodstream.

This is where working on Drilling Rigs poking holes deep into the ground comes in learn a little about closed Systems.

This fluid can be replaced...but only at specific can only displace a specific volume at any given time or you risk diminishing or changing the Systems ability to execute optimally.

So the body naturally and normally can make new blood as it is required.

By that same token the body can only FILTER a specific volume of fluid at any given time for any given duration without negative symptomology manifesting itself....

We have a finely tuned System which can even clean itself and produce fresh fluid when needed.

The parameters of the System are extremely fine....perfect balance translates into extremely fine performance parameters.Its called optimization and is the driver behind many closed Systems.

If any of these Parameters exceeds its maximum performance envelope and could break the System will register and read then exact predictable ways.

In our model here we are now ADDING IN A MASSIVE CASCADE EVENT...a living Pleomorphic Bacteria expressing itself in viral size ..... we are FLOODING our bloodstream with an invader from our gut.....and this Invader immediatly begins stealing resources from within the closed System of the Bloodstream to feed and excreting waste-product pollutants into the closed System of he Bloodstream.

The bodys first material response is to send out Antibodies to clean up the expected normally occuring dead inert bits of RNA/DNA floating freely in the as usual as they say.....and due to the cascade impact this response is at Maximum.....immediatly at maximum....meaning changes in command and control and in resource reallocation because when you step on the gas everything else has to keep now we have a MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ANTIBODIES being sent out to clean up requiring production of new replacements enmasse immedatly cause the tanks are now empty....because the System added so many Antibodies above normal average and balance THE FILTERING PROCESS MUST ALSO KICK THINGS UP A FEW NOTCHES TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW keep System we have extra strain on the filtering System in all ways......hope you are keeping track of all the wee little changes and adjustmnts we already see.....more to we have a maximum number of Antibodies in the closed system looking for garbage to surround in other words looking for the INVADERS which are live pleomorphic bacteria NOT REGULAR GARBAGE RNA/DNA....we should now see a MASSIVE BATTLE where the Antibodies surround all the invaders with capsules and then kick them out ASAP....howevr....remember its a Paradigm change for research so relax.....however.....these Invaders happen to be wearing camoflage suits or armor made of lipid fat which MIMICS the outside of an Antibody encapsulated piece of garbage....when the actively seeking Antibodies encounter an invader they think its just a normal regular garbage bag already encapsulated and waiting to be filtered out which is not their job so they ignore the invaders and move along........looks like the body has Union problems lol lol lol.....

At this point the body has maxed out Antibody production and emptied its tanks and it knows the closed system cannot accept any more volume so it sends a STOP PRODUCTION ORDER......which it will hold until the volume changes and dictates a need for more antibodies.....

Now we see the real problems.

The bloodstream has had its Defenses defeated has been invaded enmasse by a living foreign entity and it has accomodated this invasion itself by making volume adjustments via increased filtering that was sucked them the Invaders cannot be identified nor removed and they are STEALING OUR CRITICAL RESOURCES FROM WITHIN OUR BLOODSTREAM to sustain themselves.....then they are excreting waste products which pollute and further poison our bloodstream increasing the need for antibody action tenfold...... the action of the bug prevent the bloodstream from functioning properly...the sheer volume of clean usable blood is being replaced by pollutants and garbage 24/7/365....the body cannot clean the blood fast enough or really at all and it CANNOT MAKE AND OFFER FRESH if left unattended the bug will keep displacing usable blood with toxic poisons until we begin to break own....or kill it.

Want to test the idea?Easy...with a severe case...give an immediate blood transfusion of clean fresh blood....trick is it cannot already contain the bug which is not tested for when blood is donated....which is why they need people who know they have just beaten the bug to donate....they are fairly sure that blood is clean enough ...but you hit the belly with something to kill the bug there to prevent any further morphing and entry into the blood stream at the same time you replace a specific volume of toxic blood with fresh usable blood that is certified bug free...then you administer replacement minerals or vitamins or whatever the bugs have been stealing which will show up as a major deficiency ..... any support of the blood filtering processes is optimal and needed as well....but thats pretty much it.

Now you can see why the bad gut bacteria form of this monster is akin to a Powder Keg....this is the source of the invaders that flood the bloodstream enmasse and trigger cascade events within the body when communication from covid-cold force them to morph .Covid-cold is the spark but Covid-Gut Bacteria are the powder that enable the explosion.

Now before you go back to your own Paradigm please use your knowledge and acumen and passion to apply the scientific terms and pocesses ---- WHICH HAVE BEEN HIJACKED AND WEAPONIZED TO MISINFORM AND CONFUSE AND DELAY US ALL----to what I have just told you ....then do a White Paper follow through and win a Nobel Prize....if you can survive that long with that much exposure.

I think the key to longevity is avoiding Pleomorphic Bacteria completely....and would bet a dollar that telomere destruction is somehow connected to this issue.

edit on 6-2-2021 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
My concern is the possibility of it triggering the immune system in such a way that it could tip off autoimmune disorders that don't show up for 6 months to a year afterward.

I have a family history of arthritis and there is Felty's disease floating around there too.

No way would I beta test this mRNA Vaccine, wait for the traditional vac to become available. Take Ivermectin in the meantime

On arthritis
Across many message boards, Jarrows curcumin 95 is recommended the most.

I would also go with
-4 grams fish-oil and Gamma E
-Type 2 collagen trains your immunity not to attack your joints.
-low inflammation diet
-something free, barefoot - link1 , link2

edit on 6-2-2021 by 111DPKING111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Actually that article from the Alaska Watchman is probably misleading for people who don't actually read it.

Titles are pretty much always sensationalized and misleading. In this case - At least five Alaskans died and 111 suffered adverse reactions after COVID vaccines. That title is misleading and intentionally so.

I don't disagree that they are trying to have it both ways, but I suspect the vaccines in reality are less dangerous than eating peanuts for the first time.

Anyhow, here's the preexisting conditions for the first two listed from the VAERS reports. LINK

Age: 80
Current Illness: Aspiration pneumonia (dx on 12/16/2020)
Preexisting Conditions: Congestive heart failure, chronic respiratory failure, dementia, chronic mylomonocytic leukemia, chronic COPD, coronary artery disease, dysphagia.

Age: 77
Current Illness: Scrotal edema, aspiration pneumonia
Preexisting Conditions: Ischemic cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, hypertensive heart disease, type 2 diabetes with diabetic neuropathy, spinal stenosis with neurogenic claudication, chronic kidney disease, atrial fibrillation, COPD, venous insufficiency.

I get your point though and agree with it. The numbers can't be trusted.

As far as the vaccines go, it's a personal choice and no way do I ever take advice from anti-vaxxers. I've worked with a couple and they both had phobias and both nearly died from stupid decisions based on those phobias. Both are alive today because they were saved by the drugs and doctors they were so afraid of.

Like it or not, Covid is a killer. The numbers may be untrustworthy, but that does not change the fact that you can die from it. Even if you believe the sensationalized reporting against it, the vaccine is safe for most people. Fewer people will die as a result of the vaccines than would otherwise.

To be clear, I am an anti-vaxxer and I suffer from no phobias, nor have I ever needed a drug to pull me out of the fire. Lets be careful about painting anti-vaxxers with the same brush. Many can and do dispense good advice.

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: Iamonlyhuman

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

Hol' Up! Haven't we spent the past year with government health officials telling us pre-existing conditions don't matter... any death with COVID is a death from COVID? But here now, as they attempt to shake their money maker experimental vaccine (that isn't even an actual vaccine), suddenly pre-existing conditions and age matter greatly?

Anyone who trusts these people has my deepest sympathies.

It's the same as you saying that all of a sudden pre-existing conditions and age shouldn't matter! Which is it? I opt for the idea that pre-existing conditions DO MATTER in BOTH SITUATIONS.

Well, I'm not the one dictating state policies nor do I have the media on speed dial to relay my opinions in real time to the pleebs like these HHS officials do, so no... no it isn't even remotely the same. My position impacts ME, state official's positions impact just a few more people, ya?

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: Blaine91555

The problem is that those with an agenda polarise the debate; covid’s real or it’s a conspiracy to steal our freedoms; the vaccines gonna kill or it’s the only cure. Truth is that none of these things have ever been mutually exclusive.

The virus being real doesn’t stop tptb wanting to not let a good disaster go to waste, but equally the reality that there are unscrupulous and powerful entities preying upon us via the loopholes and dilemmas in our Swiss cheese of political ideologies doesn’t mean that every damn $hitty thing that happens to mankind is down to secret societies, corrupt institutions and megalomaniac millionaires and such a fake, a lie, not real.

Conflating all these things is lazy and only serves the mission of those exploiting bad situations, form millionaires and politicians wanting more of everything to the mamma’s basement keyboard jocks needing the worst case scenario to be true to justify their years of self imposed social distancing long before Covid.

As you say, it’s all about personal choice - it’s about weighing the risks. In this case the odds highly favour respecting the reality of the virus and timing your vaccination as late as possible so data on it can accumulate VS. the risk to you getting Covid, or missing your chance at the vaccine if supplies dwindle. It’s not complicated and unless someone’s privy to info unavailable to the public that suggests otherwise, then the rules of this game really are that simple.

Decisions need to respect the odds, not the irrational fear. The minute someone commits to a theory based on fear and without definitive supporting evidence, they commit to making bad decisions. I speak from experience - I’ve made many bad decisions based on fear. It’s a dilemma that never eases up.

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

Man that’s a dig, I wish sites, especially ones like that one would post better references but then that would make it too easy to discredit questionable interviews. It looks like it’s a case of “oh yeah possible but I’m not going to explain everything and make it look really bad.”

ADE was originally observed with Dengue virus infection and also in the coronavirus feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV).2 A relatively overlooked body of ∼40 years of research exists with cats and coronaviruses. Cats infected with FIPV experience dry and wet forms of disease that ultimately result in serious pathologies, including respiratory and neurological issues that are usually fatal.2

Like SARS and its friends the feline CoV is thought to bind to a receptor similar to ACE2 for normal cell entry and to a receptor like CD209 for immune cells like macrophages and dendritic cells. ACE2 is mostly found in tissues all over since it acts as a regulatory factor with ACE. Basically ACE=stress, ACE2=relax to make it super simple. Also found in vasculature and some blood cells. CD209 is found in immune cells, vasculature and tissues. The lungs contain high numbers of both, organ systems high numbers of ACE2, vasculature and immune cells have high numbers of CD209, kind of like an inverse thing. Spike protein can bind either one, or if it’s feeling lucky, it can heterodimerize, form 2 binding units to 2 different receptors to increase affinity or binding strength. Not good for the lungs which have high numbers of both.

Moreover, in cats, it is well known that immunization with feline coronavirus spike protein leads to ADE and, in general, the worsening of infection upon exposure to infectious virus.3, 4, 5 Interestingly, in cats infected with FIPV, the expression of ORF7 has been found to be required for macrophage infectivity and ADE, suggesting that coronaviruses have evolved molecular mechanisms to modulate macrophages.6

Spike protein is the target in the vaccine studies, they will talk about why the experiment failed a little later. ORF is the concern here with macrophages which are antigen presenting cells that destroy pathogens with a NADH process that creates reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species. This requires a bunch of energy, so if you think about it, this is not going to be turned on until it is activated or told to activate by an outside environmental stimulus. Macrophages are first activated by a system that recognizes damage (DAMPs) or by a system that recognizes specific structures on non host or non microbiota (nice bacteria) pathogens called PAMPs. They are also primed by the compliment system, once they are primed, they go hunting for this external pathogen.

ORF is important because once it gets into the macrophage or dendritic cell, it’s going to block transcription factors, proteins that bind DNA and work with activators to express genes into protein. This is what turns off when exposed to ORF. So those reactive oxidation systems that break down pathogens don’t work and signaling is down. The virus just evaded destruction and can now replicate. It’s also compromised signaling and may activate aberrant or abnormal signaling to give it an advantage. Now the macrophage or dendritic cell can’t present antigen to the adaptive immune response. ADE happens when antibodies bind to virus, they tell these macrophages and dendritic cell it’s all clear the virus is neutralized when it’s definitely not and the virus has a third more powerful receptor to enter immune cells, compromising the immune response.

Indeed, ADE has been observed to date in several coronaviruses, including CoV-17,8 and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS),9 and, notably, Orf7 is present in the genomes of both Cov-1 and Cov-2,10 ultimately suggesting that macrophages are involved in the basic biology of coronaviruses and ADE. Collectively, what is apparent is that the evolutionary adaptation of ADE by coronaviruses to infect macrophages as a means to not only replicate in these immune cells, but to also disseminate the virus infection distal from the lungs,1 represents a bona fide and largely underappreciated challenge to antibody-based therapeutics and, in particular, the development of a humoral-based vaccine.

This is important, many pathogens do this including bacteria. Bacteria can change shape to modulate this under stress through pleomorphism, they have coatings that allow them to sit and replicate in the macrophage like anthrax, plus there are proteins they generate to inactivate the reactive oxygen species precursors in the macrophage or to prevent phagocytosis. It makes sense that a virus can do it as well through proteins and gene expression. ORF could block multiple systems through its stopping of the transcription factors, those could be Jak-STAT, NFKB, NADH, downstream signaling and that compromises the cells antiviral defenses. It’s important because a macrophage or antigen presenting cell travels through circulatory systems and this can allow the pathogen to replicate and spread instead of being digested like the macrophage plans on happening. This is why you see many studies use the target tissue as a reference point and then select something else like kidneys or GI tract to see if the pathogen traveled there through vasculature. ADE just accelerates this process even more. Antigen presenting cells do have alternative pathways though, they’re not stupid and they evolve countermeasures just like the pathogens but it’s an evolutionary arms race and some pathogens are better at this process.

Coronaviruses are susceptible to RNA interference,11,12 antisense RNA, and oligonucleotide therapeutics,13, 14, 15 suggesting that both cellular and molecular gene and cell therapies could prove quite useful in treating coronavirus infections. What is important to note is that therapies exist that can generally work in a relatively short period of time and can be tailored to specifically target the virus at a fraction of the cost of a vaccine. It is not surprising that there is much hope for a vaccine to end this pandemic in a single shot so that we can all return to the “old normal,” but there are, however, regrettably objective realities in biology, and ADE is one of them.15 This is not to say ADE cannot be overcome, but rather that it should heavily factor into the equation in the development of a viable vaccine for Cov-2 and coronaviruses in general. The exceedingly difficult past ∼35 years of challenges in trying to develop a vaccine for HIV have made clear to me that we should strive for the penultimate goal of a vaccine but always have a therapy in our back pocket.

That’s referencing many of the alternative methods we have.!po=4.54545

I couldn’t specifically find the article they mentioned, many used mRNA analysis to monitor gene expression. Maybe that’s the confusion. From all the studies I found, recombinant vaccines are the ones that wiped the cat group through ADE. Attenuated and inactivated have a whole array of results from non functional, to ADE, to functional. mRNA vaccines produce the best results because of combined cell mediated and humoral immunity on a specific target. Antibody or humoral immunity specific vaccines are the ones most likely to produce ADE.

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Link being weird on mobile:

Morris KV. The Improbability of the Rapid Development of a Vaccine for SARS-CoV-2. Mol Ther. 2020 Jul 8;28(7):1548-1549. doi: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2020.06.005. Epub 2020 Jun 12. PMID: 32533920; PMCID: PMC7291966.

edit on 7-2-2021 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Hope you’re feeling better!

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Thank you I am! Just in time for the weekly quizzes for school. All that is left is kind of an off feeling and intermittent headaches. Plus swollen lymph nodes and that armpit lymph node is swollen. Arm still a little sore.

36 hours of ass, did not enjoy, but I’m not gonna push for a vaccine and support it and then not get the thing. Plus I work with COVID daily so it’s stupid not to try to develop immunity and I can always switch positions if I wasn’t comfortable.

You know it’s bad when 800 mg of ibuprofen liquid gels, something that worked great for wisdom teeth removal, didn’t help 100%. I think I may have an actual cold though coincidentally which probably didn’t help. My immune system didn’t appreciate it too much. I do think the Moderna dose is too high.

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 12:04 PM
I have numerous pre existing conditions.
I'll let you know how I respond to the vaccine as soon as I can get it.

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
5 Alaskans Died From Vaccine?

This is a wonderful view behind the curtain of just what a duplicitous bunch of idiots are running our nation's health departments and how manipulative these assholes are.

Note this:

The piece, which Facebook marked as missing context and potentially misleading, was based on data shared with the public via the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, where providers and patients can report reactions. The VAERS site specifically warns against using the data to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to a reaction: “The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable.”

Five Alaskans between the ages of 73 and 100 did die after they got at least one dose of vaccine.

All five had numerous pre-existing health conditions. Three deaths were specifically not linked to vaccinations, according to provider notes. Data for two other cases did not specify. None of the five cases included any information linking the death to the vaccine.

None of those deaths were caused by vaccine itself, according to Pollyanna Stewart, who coordinates the VAERS program for the state of Alaska.

Hol' Up! Haven't we spent the past year with government health officials telling us pre-existing conditions don't matter... any death with COVID is a death from COVID? But here now, as they attempt to shake their money maker experimental vaccine (that isn't even an actual vaccine), suddenly pre-existing conditions and age matter greatly?

Anyone who trusts these people has my deepest sympathies.

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 12:08 PM
Then there's this:

COVID cases dropping and no one knows why.

Did the CDC quietly drop the sensitivity of its tests finally? I know the WHO issued guidance in January that the PCR test was being run too many cycles, and the old CDC guidance was 38 cycles. I wonder if they quietly dialed it back to something more like 30 cycles to account for the mysterious vanishing case rates?

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Maybe we’re getting real test results instead of the exaggerated remnant positives that we were getting. I’m sure they’ll go right back up after the super bowl parties.

Don’t different tests have different CT value standards? Then they were telling them to lower them all? I don’t remember the exact details. All I know is a bunch of it is shenanigans.

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