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Has anyone else thought about this type of afterlife?

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posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 09:48 PM
I've been thinking about life and death quite a bit over the last couple years. Largely due to an ayahuasca experience and a new found interest in philosophy. I had some thoughts and I was wondering if anyone else looked at life this way or could perhaps expand on the ideas.

Looking at the world simply through a materialist lens you as an individual are basically a collection of atoms. If you go back far enough in time all of the particles that make up your mind and body were once the beginning of the big bang. What you currently consider your human experience are just particles rapidly interacting in a specific way.

At the time of your death these particles will continue to exist and begin interacting in many ways not consistent with what we know as human experience. Obviously we will decompose, other organisms will grow, and we will essentially be scattered around almost endlessly as the circle of life goes on. Whose to say this isn't also an experience even if not a human one?

If you fast forward far enough earth will eventually become uninhabitable, the sun wil supernova, and eventually all particles within the known universe will be condensed into black holes. Meaning all the particles currently known as "you" will also be swallowed up. I think it's a safe bet we will all be in a black hole one day. I expect whatever is going on inside a black hole would be quite violent. Needless to say your particles will be interacting at a scale that dwarfs what is going on in the brain. The number of interactions between particles happening inside a black hole would be an order of magnitude greater than probably can ever be comprehended.

The thought I've been having is what if a near infinite number of experiences (human and other) are occuring simultaneously at this time. Basically, every possible interaction that could occur between particles will eventually occur including the reactions that are producing your experience right now. Would we not consider this a form of life after death?

I'm not claiming any of this is true, nor do I necessarily believe in the materialist view of the world. I just thought this through as a neat and practical possibility of our future given what we know with modern science.


posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: centrifugal

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: centrifugal

Read Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton.

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: centrifugal

Perhaps "black holes" are where atoms and energy realign into new physical forms.

But in any case: Yes, I agree with the general direction of your thoughts.

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 10:34 PM
Thanx! Now I’ll be up all night!!

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 11:09 PM
Also read those. I would actually like to read them again. Pity theres not more books like these. a reply to: pteridine

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: centrifugal

I think we are put in a quantum soup like prison. Seemingly forever. Because time we experience, only exists in this soup. But outside, it is a whole different world, where free will and freedom is suppressed. And those not complying are put into this soup.
Karma is real. It is a method, a machine if you say, which keeps us in this soup forever. It is designed to keep us here permanently, by making us believe, that it needs to be so.
And our conciousness is everywhere in this soup, albeit you and me and that cat or dog or tree, might think otherwise. Each believes in their rightful own existence. And this makes your true self almost guaranteed to remain in this prison.
But the prison is not made of locks, chains or guards. It is just a pool. And you have your free will to exit it at any point of time. Apart from being coerced to go back. Over and over again. Because you are made to remember max your last step into it. And only thru major efforts, you might get a flashback of life as it was before you got into this soup in the first place.
All the big thinkers and god like prisonmates here have told the same story. Path to freedom is thru finding your true self. Attachments keep you here. Awake. And never coming back.
edit on 5-2-2021 by deckdel because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-2-2021 by deckdel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 02:20 AM
Maybe ask a NDE about the afterlife?

You know....someone who died and came back?

Because I did not experience anything like what you are talking about. None of the thousand...millions of NDE have experienced what you speak of.

The body dies and you still live. You will understand when you die.

a reply to: centrifugal

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 03:14 AM
What a interesting thought you had, and who is to say what we experience is really reality as it actually is.
For now i only heard about computer simulations like the Matrix. This is some outside of the box thinking to actually imagine us living out our lives as our particles slowly spiral into the deep and infinite density of a black hole. But i don't understand why you would think that every possible interaction that can take place with particles does take place or do you think a blackhole functions more like a multiverse? Wonder what else you will come up with, please do share.

On topic the topic itself did interest me when younger, and my plan was to be buried after my death and after 2 years be dug up and burned. The idea behind it was if you suppose to be buried and not burned i would at-least experience what people that do get buried (and choose correctly) experience for 2 years before ending up burned up.
Now older and realize time is inconsequential after death, let alone your body, there is a connection but its minor and possibly meant for unfinished business one might have perhaps.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: centrifugal

No more ayahuasca for you.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 05:55 AM
You ever go to sleep, then wake up 8 hours later not remembering anything in the dream, nor having any feelings, thoughts, etc.? Just nothingness.

That’s what happens when we die but for infinity. Scary huh?

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: centrifugal

We don't have to die for the atoms that we're made to become a part of something else, it's always happening. Every year or so you are made from a different set of atoms entirely!

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer
Totally agree...many will attribute the NDE stories due to various brain malfunctions, etc. ...which does not account for the experiences that some sightless people have had...they say they watched the doctors working on their bodies, saw all the equipment and described it to a tee...unexplainable.
I, like Michael Landon back in the day expressed...I'm looking forward to the adventure!

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: 38181
You ever go to sleep, then wake up 8 hours later not remembering anything in the dream, nor having any feelings, thoughts, etc.? Just nothingness.

That’s what happens when we die but for infinity. Scary huh?

Same goes for being unconscious

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 06:49 AM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: centrifugal

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

The Christ is the Door OUT of the "prison" we all make for ourselves. It's a conception-to-death spacetime envelope (recording) you generate. That's where you are.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 07:42 AM
It happened twice actually....both times I found my self above the clouds, way above them, clear blue sky, no sounds, couldn't hear nothing, couldn't feel the air, and then I find myself moving through the air. I do not see anyone else, only me. The sun is off to my left side, to bright to look at it. Then I see a large Greek type building with numerous steps. At the bottom sits a man on a large chair (not a throne) but he was made of gold, melted gold that flowed through him. As I approached him, he looked to his right as if someone was talking to him and then I woke up in the hospital. (2nd time)

Both times same scenario, second time I almost made it. Both times the man looked to his right. At the time I did not understand but now I do. That bright burning sun was God...

originally posted by: Zrtst
a reply to: DeathSlayer
Totally agree...many will attribute the NDE stories due to various brain malfunctions, etc. ...which does not account for the experiences that some sightless people have had...they say they watched the doctors working on their bodies, saw all the equipment and described it to a tee...unexplainable.
I, like Michael Landon back in the day expressed...I'm looking forward to the adventure!

edit on 5-2-2021 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: centrifugal

One question posed to me by a Zen Buddhist monk:

Take a glass marble, throw it hard at a brick wall. A millions tiny shards are everywhere. So, where'd the marble go?

Nowhere. Still there... just in a different form. A marble albeit in a zillion pieces...yet still...a marble.

So is life for us...and death
edit on 5-2-2021 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: marceldp1
Also read those. I would actually like to read them again. Pity theres not more books like these. a reply to: pteridine

I just bought and read the revised editions. Interesting, to say the least, and recommended for all who are curious about such things.
All of us have lived many lives and lives are the schools for souls.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 12:10 PM
"All of us have lived many lives and lives are the schools for souls."

Says it all.
I Just hope more people carry on with his work.
edit on 5-2-2021 by marceldp1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 12:22 PM
This is somewhat related to your it deals with the afterlife and what comes after we die.

I’m still trying to process the last episode of the last season of “The Good Place”. (Spoilers ahead)

In the last episode the key characters in the series wind up in the real Good Place (heaven) and they find out that everyone in heaven is a mess. In heaven everything you can ever wish for is immediately available to you. Every question you ever had is answered. Every place you ever wanted to see is only a step away.

The problem - when a person gets everything they have ever wanted and everything they have ever dreamed of they eventually get bored with it. Due to the lack of challenges people’s brains were turning to mush and people become lethargic, sedentary...and kinda unhappy.

To solve the problem the “Good Place” was changed to include a portal that people could walk through to just be done with everything. That solved everything. People were much happier knowing that even “The Good Place” (heaven) had a permanent exit.

After several hundreds or thousands of years people in the Good Place might decide they had seen everything and done everything, that their lives were complete and that they were essentially done. Then the person would walk through the door and painlessly dissipate into nothingness, stardust, atoms. That is it...the end.

This episode really stuck with me. I have to acknowledge that with how humans are wired anything unending (good or bad) will eventually become tedious, monotonous, unpleasant. Knowing there is an exit makes things more bearable.

Side note: If I eventually discover that we are existing in some type of simulated matrix type program and “death” has been programmed in as a concept to make us think there is an eventual an “out” or an “end game” I’m going to be so pissed!

a reply to: centrifugal

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