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Ridiculous 3:33 A.M. Pesterings

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posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 01:56 PM
When I begin to meditate I often hear what seems to be a noise inside the room that allows me to go deeper. It use to disturb me at first but now I just accept it without trying to comprehend is source or meaning. Some say the time for Hindu Brahma Muhurta (Hindu best time for meditation) is between 3:30 AM to 3:40 AM. So wonder if inside spiritual stiring is awakening inside you.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: glend
When I begin to meditate I often hear what seems to be a noise inside the room that allows me to go deeper. It use to disturb me at first but now I just accept it without trying to comprehend is source or meaning. Some say the time for Hindu Brahma Muhurta (Hindu best time for meditation) is between 3:30 AM to 3:40 AM. So wonder if inside spiritual stiring is awakening inside you.

Well I wonder what it is about when mine is 3.03, 3.13, all day everyday now if I need to glance at a clock or is I stopped a video it will be a 11.01, 101, 202, 303, 404. 505..and so on with the variable of 313, 414 and so on plus 33 444 555 and so on, this has gone on for many years now, it started suddenly and at night (early morning) it is nearly always 303 , 313 333.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: Baddogma
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Hi Seaworthy. Long time no read!

The number thing seems to exist, as does the "name game" when it comes to high strangeness. It's all a seemingly big mess of interconnected consciousness 'round here.

Being a "weird chaser" I've heard the almost ubiquitous opinions from new agers, occultists, evangelicals, Catholics, and the myriad other people with one ear to the ether, that we're in for a wild ride.

It's a pretty sure bet that "stuff will happen."

I'm hoping it's nice stuff ... and not all of us agnostics and free thinkers getting dragged to Hades!

Well you seem to be a seeker and if you keep on seeking with an open heart and mind I have no doubt you will find!
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
God is love and love is the greatest of all commandments so I don't think anyone need worry about injustice.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

I do not know why it occurs SeaWorthy. I know that numbers and spirituality are somehow intertwined. So suspect they force us to ponder the deeper realities of existance. Therefore it might be mistake to comprehend the mystery with mind. It is something that may only be understood by your heart.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: glend
a reply to: SeaWorthy

I do not know why it occurs SeaWorthy. I know that numbers and spirituality are somehow intertwined. So suspect they force us to ponder the deeper realities of existance. Therefore it might be mistake to comprehend the mystery with mind. It is something that may only be understood by your heart.

Well I know I have no sense of anything bad around our home and I have always been sensitive to such things.
As we have studied more and more of the bible we have asked for understanding and we are seeing things in a much different light now and increasingly feel like we have been made aware of things that used to go right over our heads.

I think something really bad is coming but something good in the end we just have to hold on!

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Thanks for sharing SeaWorthy. I do feel an increased urgency for prayer/meditation. We can only try generate love for external world in the hope of overcoming the darkness that is forming. Taking comfort in knowing that our mortality is nothing to the immortal force that resides in us. Come what may.

posted on Feb, 14 2021 @ 07:01 PM
Sincere thanks to whomever managed a metaphysical exercise (or exorcise or potent placebo-esque suggestion) to excise the alleged thingy from myself. I'm not naive enough to think ingrained patterns are so easily changed or (at least partially) mental constructs easily banished, but the kind soul (who likely questions the terminology "soul") apparently took the effort to look in and boot the thing. Oh, apologies for the miserable state of my abode, but... maybe It'll get cleaned now.

I have to admit to a change in perspective, attitude and behavior patterns before I even knew the maneuver had been attempted.

Interestingly, the evening of the day it was done, I went outside to revisit my old smoking habit and looked into the 20 degree or so space between two trees that afford my only view of the sky from my porch and at that moment, a dim dark red light, like a faint star, moved across the sky from South to North and faded out like a meteor slowed to 1/8 speed.


posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: RMFX1

Yep, agreed on exploding head syndrome. Experienced it a number of times, always unsettling. As for the clue, weird.

posted on Mar, 31 2021 @ 01:09 AM
Also wanted to add that so far, I haven't once happened to check the clock or awaken at that particular time or feel an invisible visitor.

I have no idea if it was a placebo effect or a direct result of the metaphysical attention paid me by the very kind people who wanted to help, but thanks, again.

One view that was offered privately had it that I had created my own demon from self recriminations. That reminded me that almost a decade ago, a christian mystic who I had met through business had asked to pray for me because he sensed "spirits that did not have my best interests in mind" around me... I said "sure, why not" and the very nice man had died two days later.

Even as an agnostic with more questions than convictions and especially knowing that "spirits" had some sort of validity as an existing phenomena of some sort, that incident made me feel ...infectious and guilty.

Whether a "tulpa" or a more nature based self construct or a separately existing creature is unclear and I have to nod to the materialists that it could all be suggestion and coincidence, too ... and it's not all roses and sunshine, now, and I haven't been drawn to hug any passing priests, either, but I am glad for less stifling, draining depression and no more early morning negative reinforcement.

I fervently hope you who helped are still okay, too!

We have a lot to learn about this stuff, I think.
edit on 3/31/2021 by Baddogma because: correction and addition

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 07:05 PM
A further addendum... and anyone wanting to add anything at all, feel free. I am still free of the phantom alarm clock.

There were tear wellingly sweet people who privately reached out to say that they had expended serious effort to help me... a flawed stranger appearing as some words on a screen. That's in addition to the wonderful people who posted in this thread!

I offer that such benevolence and yearning to help a (strange) stranger is more than enough to validate ... well, in my estimation it validates everything (waves arms around).

So... this thread produced some gooey ripples. From my perspective, I am less depressed and harried ... and more hopeful and infused with conviction that the world contains a whole lot more than exists in individual's philosophies, to paraphrase some popular author -or -other.

I'm hoping they who helped (or merely read along or even the majority blissfully unaware of this blip in the universe) feel warm and gooey ... and even the little "physically disadvantaged" fellow who was (perhaps) dropping in has presumably gone on to bigger, better things where it, too, may feel a bit gooey.

So, I'm hoping to spread more warming goo, especially to those who are not especially gooey at the moment and who happen to be reading this. Why not?

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

I assert that much of the so-called "paranormal" is ...stupid. Not that it doesn't exist in some manner, just that it is banal and DUMB.

Really? You sure about that.

I used to think exactly how you wrote above until my later in life years. I had Sleep Paralysis since age 6. I never knew what it was until I read a thread by sled735 in Paranormal in 2019. My communication with her begins on ATS in January 2019. Its April 21, 2021 and I am still Sleep Paralysis free. In December 2018 into 2019 I kept waking up at 3:33. I read its a sign of guardian angels.


So am I full of sheep? I will take a lie detector any time any where. Go ahead and think that way. Assuming you have any ballz read my entries in the sled735 thread. Then buy the book titled dark Intrusions by Louis Proud. He got me when he wrote about the muffled music or talk just behind our comprehension. That went on over 24 years in a home in New York State. I thought was vibrations from the metal chimney fireplace flue as we lived near a 700' radio tower. So its also happening 1000 miles away in Georgia and South Carolina. Until the Spring of 2019.

So go ahead. Make your day and live a live of ignorance. Read my stuff. Its real

PS: The see I eh and nazis also studied the above. So both are stupid organizations? Look in the mirror. Look up Ahnenerbe Society

Then pray

edit on 21-4-2021 by Waterglass because: add

edit on 21-4-2021 by Waterglass because: add

edit on 21-4-2021 by Waterglass because: typo

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: Baddogma
So... I had an odd incident last night/morning when I was disturbed by a distinct crash in my residence and a strange, hard-to-describe feeling of "presence" when I came to full consciousness. I glanced at the clock on my "entertainment stand" and it was 3:33 a.m. At that moment, the T.V. which was silently on, froze a moment and went dark, then came back on a few seconds later. The T.V. has never done that, before.

Nothing was out of place to explain the loud noise as far as I could tell.

This drawing attention to "that time" has happened before, though it usually consists of an unsettled awakening at that ridiculous unit of time. It became "bad" enough that I altered my sleep patterns to avoid sleeping then. Luckily my job allows some autonomy.

But this incident had a noise and an electronic hiccup attached and it makes it difficult to write off as my own unconscious doings. What is this, assuming truth and a modicum of sanity?

I'm aware that the mind can keep a count in the background and that one can "train" oneself to wake at any time. I'm not aware, however, of the subconscious being able to make an objective, physical noise like a small stack of ceramic plates dropped onto a tile counter, though, or freezing a t.v.

I know some of the alleged meanings of 333 and that some link it to 666; but that number doesn't necessarily mean what most 17 yr old metal heads think it does. I am unimportant... in any measure by anyone not myself, that is.

What bored being or process is taking the time to bother another being on a bi-weekly (or so) basis using a particular time count with a weak association to "evil?"

I assert that much of the so-called "paranormal" is ...stupid. Not that it doesn't exist in some manner, just that it is banal and DUMB.

Ya’ll need incense sticks and lots of them. Place them in every room of the house with a bowl of garlic, ginger, three hairs from your head (or a pet) and 1 small cup of menstruation blood mixed together. Whilst this is taking place, do not, DO NOT run any water. If you are able to contact your spirit guide for complete spiritual irrigation, please do this now.

Love & Light


posted on Apr, 29 2021 @ 05:46 PM
I hope you figure this out as it can be startling to wake up and then hear a loud crash .
My first thoughts are Raccoons , bats or A night critter that in your attic or walls rumbling around . They tend to keep a Schedule with their nightly activities and will show up at the same time every night ... chew on wires , knock things over ....that’s the logical side of me thinking .
The not so logical side of me , thinks towards someone who has passed and is trying to contact you. It doesn’t mean it’s a ” bad” person . it’s could be someone you knew, a relative , or someone who you don’t know ,but knows you are more receptive then you are allowing yourself to be . Maybe start talking out loud the next time you wake up , ask some questions and see if you get a response .
If it was me , I’d mount cameras (with audio )around the house to see if I could atch anything ... good luck .. keep us informed .

posted on Apr, 29 2021 @ 06:40 PM
I have been searching for woo in earnest lately. Walking in the desert after midnight...I found some. And as I write this post my computer flashed off and back on all on its own.

Was it a warning, encouragement, or just more FU synchronicity. I've been reading a lot of David Paulides lately and Ive noticed when investigating high usually find it.

posted on May, 3 2021 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: BarbaraTheEnlightened1

Well, thank you for the information.

I have this suspicion that dressing as an S&M Dungeon Master or a Fireman and waving french bread or ravioli around might have the same cleansing effects if the correct mindset were present, but admit to not knowing the whys and wherefores of such operations. I am curious as to the reasons for not running water, though?

As for menstrual blood, I have no close-by female relatives nor young enough friends and am between play partners these last few years (lawdy) .. .and I doubt the co-eds next door would take kindly to the old geezer asking for any spare used tampons. Do they sell such things in Wicca supply stores? Maybe Japanese vending machines?

Love and light back atcha.

posted on May, 3 2021 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: Meldionne1

Yeah, material critters was a thought for me, too, but I live in an urban desert environment and the only critter that could possibly get into my pad is an insect or mouse and it would have to be a mighty one to make the crash I heard. I suppose it could have been a small black hole or something, but ... ?

So far, nothing seems to be nudging me at that time anymore and I'm attempting to think more happy thoughts to avoid recurrences.

Dead friends, family or any friendly organized energy dropping by is fine with me, should they exist and be inclined... though I'd request they not be as creepy.

posted on May, 3 2021 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: olaru12

You'll find your woo, again ... heck, just being here is as "woo" as it gets, in some respects.

Dunno... have you tried searching for "mojo" instead?

I'm hoping to avoid the kind of woo Paulides looks at.

I'm also hoping any "disclosure" dribbled out to us doesn't involve humans being playthings to unstable gods, as ALL human "folktales" tell us.

posted on May, 3 2021 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Japanese vending

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Yeah, I find those types of vending machines amusing though I've never encountered one in "real" life. Talk about "woo!"
Perversions with your snack? Love, hate or indifference, the modern world will sell it to you.
Heck, they even sell "woo" too, according to some Youtube and basic cable channels.

Is the phenomena that acquired you on your walk still around?

I'm befuddled, as usual, by some folk's reactions to "weird woo" due to their convictions that they know what's going on and my own attempt to not commit to any belief systems, hard as it is to do that as a human.

I understand the attitudes that come with seeing it all as good and bad but I have a deep suspicion that it is all more complex than cops and robbers. It's as if we are all looking into a strange mirror who's reflections can also influence the environment.

Writing about this stuff always brings out the idiot in me

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Is the phenomena that acquired you on your walk still around?

I don't know. Last excursion across the clear ditch into the bosque and the trail 1/2 mi. to the Rio Grande, I discovered a "shrine" to who or what was a mystery. I left a dollar .85 as an offering and apparently others had added some trinkets, sea shells, and some Gallo-Juego de Loteria cards thumbtacked to a nearby tree. The cards were El Paraguas and La Luna. A puzzle for the poser or the healer. I didn't feel any malevolence but I don't want to step on any curandero's toes either.

edit on 6-5-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

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