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the witch hunt

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posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

Originally posted by billybob
i don't give a crap about the board.

Wow you make a statement like that and you expect the owners and maintainers of this PRIVATE site to care about you and your concerns?

yes. i expect them to realise that although i am the messenger, the message exists outside of me and is a concern to EVERYONE here.

am i supposed to brown nose my way into favour of these deities by always espousing popular views?
must i testify love and loyalty to the owners of this site in order to post here?
this is one battlefield among many. it's where i am, now. if i get banned for being an upstart, or something, i will find a different venue to share my 'truths'.
i expect the owners of this board to be interested in self preservation. if the flavour of the place becomes increasingly less tolerant of 'conspiracy theory' because 'conspiracy theory' is 'left wing', it's not gonna attract many 'conspiracy theorists'.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 12:40 AM
It's appearent that you don't want ATS as a part of your day, unless it is on your terms. How does that enhance the rest of the membership?

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by billybob

Originally posted by DeltaNine
I think billybob has an important point and we shouldn't be cluttering his thread.

thank you, deltanine. i think either side of the political spectrum should see this as relevent to the FORMERLY open, toleRANT atmosphere of ATS.

Was I banned? Me? Who? Huh? Wha...?

I'd join my liberal friend Intrepid in trying to convince you that your liberal views aren't being persecuted, but I'm busy persecuting conservative views at the moment.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 02:04 AM

i don't give a crap about the board. i serve no master.
my agenda is truth. truth cannot breathe in a brownshirted enviroment.
if this board becomes a land of brownshirts, it will probably be awhile before anybody realises i'm not here anymore. and noone will care. not even me.
but, while i am here, and enjoying the enviroment that led me here in the first place, i will seek to fend off the insidious creep of fascism.

If you don`t give a crap about the board why don`t you take your views and express them to a larger more adult audience.If your agenda is truth you should take your views wider into the general populous.I fear though you are one of many who use this site as a platform to force your views that the adult population that don`t spend all day in front of the nerd net would find extremely funny and you a major irritation.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 08:21 AM
Love it

Right or wrong this 'pops' a few bubbles. I read the story through all its twists and still don't get it. I've seen ATSNN threads about everything imaginable- and who am I to judge what is news worthy anyway? I remember one by a long time member about an open house at his lodge- gimme a break! Open house! What kind of 'news' was that?

Anyway, this is the place for a cry/rant like this billy, that behind the scenes wailing never lets the rest of know anything. I am still laughing at the posters that bewail ATS as being 'leftie,' it is all a matter of perspective. I have always thought (long before joining) that ATS tended about 12 deg. to the right.

I like ATS- I appreciate the wideness of it all. I don't understand an 'deny bias' slant as that seems unatainable and counter productive. I am biased and am glad I am. Without bias I wouldn't have strong belief in things I believe in.

Back to the thread- props

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by billybob
i don't give a crap about the board.

Wow! What are you here at all then!? Yes, I get aggravated, I get POed...heck, that's why I haven't posted for a couple of days.....

::::see little red "warn" to your left that was given without asking me anything about it first:::::

but sheit move on.....most of us here do care about...some of us see the board as a large family of fuss and argue and get po'ed, then you get over it......I personally can't understand why you even started this thread to begin with if you care nothing about the board....or why your even here

[edit on 3/20/2005 by LadyV]

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 11:32 AM
Your story doesnt get accepted to ATSNN? OMG!!! someone call the FBI!!! it must be a national offence dude, but grow up. I've had plenty of articles rejected from ATSNN and i didn't go crying to SkepticOverlord or SimonGray, i just accepted it and moved on...thats what most members here actually do. Just work something out, ATS doesnt do what you want to do, the administration runs this board not you, so dont start crying when you news stories are not good enough.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 04:13 PM
Man how many threads on ATS are pro-Bush, pro-US, or pro-conservative? Not that many. I mean hell, only 70 percent of the people here are from the US, and almost all that aren't are critical of the Bush administration to some point. Add to that all of the liberal Americans.

It's not like the thing was put in the trash bin. It still exists on the site. How exactly is that being persecuted?

Over the past few weeks several have tried to turn ATSNN into a personal sounding board to push some extreme political view. How do you think the site got so polarized without any kind of election to discuss? It's worse now than it was last fall.

None of us want ATSNN to look like Rense. Nothing more, nothing less.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 04:40 PM
The espresso machine in my office has petered out this morning. I'll have a coffee, Daystar.

I followed some of the thread about Ritter and your reactions, billybob. I have had some issues with editorial policy in the past, on quality grounds
not so much grounds of bias. But 'quality' is seen as a subjective domain and up to members to maintain, and we see the results of that.

I don't truly expect ATSNN to be a website where readers other than children take the 'journalism' seriously. It's a cut and paste effort by enthusiastic people who comb other sites for things that match their pet interests. No-one is paid and no-one builds a career out of ATSNN, it's an extension of our discussion forums and through the overall presentation of the whole ATS website it comes with a caveat that it's for entertainment purposes.

That said, how is the Ritter thread going?

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
The espresso machine in my office has petered out this morning. I'll have a coffee, Daystar.

Seems like the lights are out right now (it is night here). Maybe too much clicking on and off? Coffee maker status
This is not my office or company, BTW. Every office should have a system like this I think...

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 04:58 PM
SO's reply (#19) at the following thread could mean a positive review of the potential that was/is ATSNN.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by billybob

aaaa, ......HA HA HA HA!!!!!

a ...heh.....

why are we laughing?

'love and light', ......BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

your both stupid?
me too

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
The espresso machine in my office has petered out this morning. I'll have a coffee, Daystar.

I followed some of the thread about Ritter and your reactions, billybob. I have had some issues with editorial policy in the past, on quality grounds
not so much grounds of bias. But 'quality' is seen as a subjective domain and up to members to maintain, and we see the results of that.

I don't truly expect ATSNN to be a website where readers other than children take the 'journalism' seriously. It's a cut and paste effort by enthusiastic people who comb other sites for things that match their pet interests. No-one is paid and no-one builds a career out of ATSNN, it's an extension of our discussion forums and through the overall presentation of the whole ATS website it comes with a caveat that it's for entertainment purposes.

That said, how is the Ritter thread going?

Hot damn.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 04:05 AM
Mr Caffeine Dude.....Can I please have a cuppa tea, English Breakfast preferably with four sugars and milk. I'd love a cookie to dunk in it too. Common I know but I like it and I like doing what I like and enjoy.

Now forgive me here all but I have to say this once and for all, from a person who hates politics because I do not believe in the crap that is dolled out.....I haven't voted for years because really who cares...all the same same...
but I really would like to know what the hell is right wing, left wing.......what is wrong with taking bits from everywhere and learning from it. How can people vote in a 'party' system. Politicians vote along party lines, not what they personally believe or what is good for the electorate they represent. Brownie points are on offer, you scratch my back, i will scratch yours. In your effort to be free, you are conforming to 'the party lines'.

Unless politicians cross the floor, which would really lead them nowhere in their chosen party and high positions would be sacrificed immediately, no party member is going to vote against a new policy. Then deals are made to individuals or independents who would never have the chance to pass anything under their own power without a party to back vote with us on cutting down the forest, and we will vote for your idea to do such and such. Its a scam of the highest order.

Parliament on telly is just bullcrap, name calling and as the taiwans show, a better than springer episode irl. But its this left wing and right wing stuff that has got me the most you have colours assigned to your wings? like do left wings walk around proudly wearing blue left sleeves? How do you define what is left wing or right wing? and why is it that people who visit conspiracy sites so proudly wear and argue for these labels? The pied piper of Hamlin never had it so good....

Ya know instead of arguing of the wings, which I really prefer the meaty breast myself or even a plump drumstick.....Maybe some thought should be put into why is there just two wings on the chicken to argue over...why aren't there drumsticks and breasts and thighs and even ribs which are much more tasty morsels

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by Mayet
breasts and thighs and even ribs which are much more tasty morsels

No more talk of breasts and thighs please. I'm starting to get excited. Let's stick to the topic.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 11:02 AM
Here's your tea, Mayet. Milk and four. We are out of cookies, but Sarcasimo is out buying some as we speak.

Apologies for the lack of cookies, but Sarcasimo hit the Kill Cookies button, and we had a massacre.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 11:10 AM
I hope everyone likes my homemade cookies! I call them hockey pucks, because they are pitch black and hard as rocks. Enjoy!

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 11:14 AM
I guess we've hunted enough witches for today.

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