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The Conspiracy Virus

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posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 04:04 AM
As our world has gone global so has conspiracy theory. I have for many years read posts on forums, in comments sections, on alternative websites and blogs from all over the world related to its increasing manifestation. It is as global as finance is.

There appears to be an emerging mainstream of conspiracy theory, certain traits that many are building into their own collective illusion. It could manifest politically and it will be as multinational as its hosts. If it manifests as a collective political perspective and begins to influence votes it will be exploited politically by extreme elements ever increasingly. Trump has shown the beginnings of that as an early warning to the Western world. This particular strain of mass collective conspiracy identity is verging on extreme right wing. It has fascist elements in its nature. It shows traits of anti-feminism, racist, antisemitism ( financially in the extreme) behaviour. It has become a weapon and unconsciously deployed as indoctrination fuelled behaviour to cult extremes.

It is a great delusion. It is an illusion based upon unproven, unjudged, non evident, unvetted whispers. Most "believers" are willing to entertain the most extreme illusions as explanations and answers to how reality is being perceived by them. It is peer influenced and perpetuated as a kind of mass hysteria response. Evidence and primary/secondary sources as used academically have been completely bypassed. It has corrupted academia and hijacked it as thoroughly as Russian misinformation deliberately sabotages Western academia asa a tactic of psychological warfare. It is being deployed by some secret services of states against competing states. It is nothing new. What is new is its distortion of reality on a global level with global independent media resources via the Web at its disposal that are easily infiltrated and tactically exploited as Assange by Russia intelligence.

It is indeed more easily executable now than ever for a state to play on prejudices in another state and to inject misniformation as a strategy and manifest a herd political response counter to offical media and political objectives. It even has more credibility as all trust in official media is being lost. It is well funded too. Suggestion works better than evidence to influence. They want to believe and are open boxes for whatever goods any influencer wishes to place in them to fuel prejudice and to justify it as some kind of righteous moral and political belief and behaviour. How similar this is to the former Third Reich's ideology that exploited hate and prejudice so surgically and effectively. Often consipracy theory ideology is deployed to destroy the credibility of financial, business,political , health and other sensitive areas of social structure. It is weakening and chips away relentlessly at the monuments of Western freedom and civilization.

For many members of this conspiracy cult it is a way of clawing back some control over their lives from media and state as an alternative divergent unreality. They have been too challenged to change behaviour beyond what they can cope with by the authorities. It is being used as a peception weapon generally. It is being used as a political rallying tool. It is being used to make money in lay-media too. It is as much a virus as Covid. It is a virus of the human psyche born out of the abandonment of the masses' welfare and security and emphasis on capital generation at human welfare's expense.

The concerning factor is that it could manifest eventually as a political force that takes undemocratic control as happeneed in Hitler's fascist Germany. Unfortunately people can be maniplulated like this targeting their prejudices and weaponizing them politically. It is an ever present human weakness through every generation. It is never completely eradicated as it manifests as a response each time the masses are exploited to the point that it begins to destroy them. Backlashes can be deadly even to holocaust extremes.

It is a wide open wound. It was created out of abandonment. The West has made too many orphams out of its extreme capatalist approach. Conspiracy theory has the potential to utterly destroy should it become useful enough as a tool to gain political victory in any state of the world. Trump and other populists have proved that political capital can be made out of it. He is using it right now in his authored illusion about voter fraud to great effect. How close they come to even betraying democracy and distorting reality for political gain because of prejudice, distrust and a hatred of the usual authorities who exploited them and abandoned them to the point that the bottom of the bucket fell out before reaching the well. It was Bob Marley who said,

"Reflexes got the better of me
And what is to be must be
Every day the bucket goes to the well
But one day the bottom will drop out
Yes, one day the bottom will drop out"

(Bob Marley "I Shot The Sheriff").

They are shooting the sheriff indeed. Consipracy theory is the automatic weapon as widely distributed as a Kalashnikov rifle among the masses of even the Western world. It is the "price tag" and back chat, the backlash reaction. There is a great big hole in the bucket.

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I do however believe that powerful people exploit us and conspiracies do happen when people commit crimes. The exploitation and abandonment of the West by their authorities is a huge crime. To exploit populations to the point where they are just batteries of profit and not even rechargable ones is the worst crime ever commited and it is global in scale. If a billionaire is not concerned with the tools of his wealth extraction and does not keep them sharp and care for them they will be beaten from plowshares into swords to use eventually on him by the hands of his competition and enemies.

Who is awake enough to address this present problem of trust and the shortcomings of global capitalism? The West could easily die from this virus, much worse pandemic than Covid will ever be. The Conspiracy Virus has found a very potent ally in Covid too. Even Covid has been used as consipracy capital.

edit on 7-12-2020 by Kakamega because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 04:19 AM
Unproven whispers? That's where I stopped reading this wall of words.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 04:21 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666
Unproven whispers? That's where I stopped reading this wall of words.

That is up to you. I am just writing down my observations. I am challenging you. I have no feelings about this post. Writing it was my only concern.

I am happy to evidence anything or elaborate if you anyone asks.

edit on 7-12-2020 by Kakamega because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 04:37 AM
a reply to: Kakamega

Tl;dr quit asking questions . Only racists, sexists, homophobes, etc ask questions.

Those who oppose questions fear answers.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 04:47 AM
A conspiracy, also known as a plot, is a secret plan or agreement between persons for an unlawful or harmful purpose, such as murder or treason, especially with political motivation, while keeping their agreement secret from the public or from other people affected by it.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 04:53 AM

originally posted by: Kakamega

originally posted by: Hecate666
Unproven whispers? That's where I stopped reading this wall of words.

That is up to you. I am just writing down my observations. I am challenging you. I have no feelings about this post. Writing it was my only concern.

I am happy to evidence anything or elaborate if you anyone asks.

I don't want to blow my own trumpet [below] but sometimes it is needed to wake someone from a deep sleep. Let me reiterate:
YOu think that every opinion against the virus is an unfound hearsay from a dodgy source right?

MAybe you should stop reading the MSN, because what you would find is that there are thousands of [and this is important] professionals [we are talking doctors, nurses, virologists -some incredibly famous, at least in other countries] who are speaking out against the strict overreaction to something we NOW know is not at all as dangerous as it is claimed.

I am talking about people like the inventor of the PCR test, a German virologist who is the best in his field, with hundreds of famous papers, I am talking about front line staff with eyes and brains, not some person in an armchair. There are so many evident studies AGAINST this virus being dangerous, by very accredited Universities all around the globe.

I am too a scientist, I worked for many years in pharmaceutical labs, I have a BSc [Hons] in Neuroscience, I read papers form scientists, not newspapers. I know how vaccines work, I know the molecular workings of medications. I know how viruses work etc. It's not a scary mystery to me.
And when a lot of trustworthy, professionals and a large group pf intelligent people tell you something else than the MSN you just mark them up as 'Unproven whispers'?
Yet you believe every word a politician, a computer geek and some crooked journalists tell you?

I have never come across more ignorance. Sorry.

edit on 7-12-2020 by Hecate666 because: butterfingers

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: Kakamega

There's a cure for this virus... it's called "truth." Yup! That simple. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Conspiracies thrive in the dark and wither in the light.

This was quite the word salad you wrote. I suggest you read your own words again, and ask yourself if YOU are perhaps embracing the very illusions and delusions that you so want to cast upon others. For example, you seem mighty sure that this election is above board in all ways and that Trump "is using it right now in his authored illusion about voter fraud to great effect." Really? You think you know that?

Because the truth is that you cannot know that. You have no personal knowledge of what every single person involved in these elections did or did not do. Not as individuals, and not collectively. As in, you have no idea if people conspired to steal an election.

Then ask yourself what else you think you know that you have no way of knowing...

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: Kakamega

originally posted by: Hecate666
Unproven whispers? That's where I stopped reading this wall of words.

That is up to you. I am just writing down my observations. I am challenging you. I have no feelings about this post. Writing it was my only concern.

I am happy to evidence anything or elaborate if you anyone asks.

It was time for change

edit on 7-12-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: Kakamega

Great post, it will trigger a lot of members who have lost themselves down the rabbit hole.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: Kakamega

It's funny. As I was reading your post, I found myself agreeing with many of the things being conveyed.

I would make (1) 1 minor change and (2) 1 omission:

(1) Replace the word Trump, with the word Biden.

(2) Omit every part suggesting that the 2020 election fraud is merely a conspiracy "theory".

The conspiracy part is accurate. Here's a little experiment. First, try to take the "blinders" off for just a minute, clear your head of biases and revert to a more instinctual, yet analytical way of thinking. Next, (this part may be difficult) consider the possibility that all of these allegations of widespread election fraud are true. Keep your focus. Now, begin to look at the evidence; read the affidavits, research the election day vote count anomalies and abnormalities, watch the hearings taking place around the country etc. While doing all of this it is extremely important that you do so without the influence of the MSM. That means No CNN, no MSNBC, no ABC, NBC or CBS. Not even FOX NEWS. None of 'em. Only facts and information coming straight from the source.

Now if done correctly, you will begin to realize that the conspiracy is much more than just theory.

Extra Credit - watch any Trump rally (all the way through) and/or a (more recent, relevant) Louder with Crowder podcast.

Good luck.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: wheresthebody
a reply to: Kakamega

Great post, it will trigger a lot of members who have lost themselves down the rabbit hole.

Yeah, I do get annoyed [not triggered, that's for wimps] when people have no actual leg to stand on, only hearsay and orders from those they seem to idolise without any thought of their own. I also feel sorry for those that have been so brainwashed, they don't ever do any research of their own...yet they somehow seem so sure that they accuse those, that do research and have knowledge and do work on the front line, of their own ignorance.

It seems some here really, really enjoy the whole lockdown and mask thing. Not just a little bit but they enjoy their loss of freedom, they enjoy when others who want freedom get punished [like a jealous sibling] but I mean enjoy in an all out Eastern bloc communist singing and dancing for their masters.

If you all wanted freedom, wouldn't you seek out proper evidence or at least hear both sides and make an informed decision instead of swallowing all the lies as if they were psalms in a holy book?
Don't they ask themselves why it is forbidden to hear any other evidence apart from that set by their masters?
No just court in the world would be happy with a one sided speech and then cast a verdict.

Unfortunately it is people with this mindset that make tyranny and oppression possible. They were the problem in Nazi Germany, they are the problem in communist countries and they are a problem to all free thinking humans that don't want to live like that.

Again ignorance by those who won't or can't gather their own information but are quick to judge. Why should the whole of humanity be at their illogical mercy?
edit on 7-12-2020 by Hecate666 because: grammar

edit on 7-12-2020 by Hecate666 because: more grammar

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 08:30 AM
Here's something a little easier.

Do you acknowledge the bias of the MSM? The overblown coverage of every "controversial" Trump sound bite. While Joe Biden's daily incoherent ramblings, racist remarks, blatant lies and flip-flopping policies go practically ignored. The relentless mockery of Donald Trump, our US president, since his first day in office (even before that). Yet Joe Biden, the walking gaffe, gets a pass. But most of all, the simple fact that the majority of people in this country can not name even one positive thing that Donald Trump has done for our country. Not one. And yes, there are many. All of these major news networks failing to report significant actions taken by a current POTUS is absolutely disgusting. Instead, they report on things with little to no significance whatsoever. Any honest person with half a brain, will see the extreme and undeniable favoritism of the MSM.

Now, if you agree and admit the above statement to be true, answer this question;

How could you take the side of those who's job it is to fairly report the happenings in our country, but decidedly fail to do so. They uniformly and purposely continue to withhold and fail to report on extremely newsworthy happenings. They blatantly lie and twist stories to fit there agenda. They execute and put forth a completely fictitious narrative, which in turn has resulted in violence, death and an extremely divided country. And then they simply blame it on Trump. They know that they have our trust and they use that to their advantage. They take us for complete f##king idiots and for the most part, they are right. Their evil ways are deplorable, infuriating and outright intolerable.

So... you choose to take their side???

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: Kakamega

What I got out of that was...

Believing in conspiracy theories could make you become literally Hitler.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: Kakamega

Great post, it will trigger a lot of members who have lost themselves down the rabbit hole.

Sadly and chances are it will not have that effect. Chances are it will be met with denial. If denial does not work because it cuts to close to home, the next mental tactic is to revert to the stand by ''mirror accusations'' of I know you are but what am I.

A thing about rabbit holes is that they all to often have no Ariadne to help them.
Ariadne was the daughter of Minos who was in love with Theseus who went in search of the Minotaur deep within the labyrinth. All who had gone before him had become lost so Ariadne gave him a ball of string to real out behind him as he descended into the labyrinth so he would be able to find his way out.

Many people who get lost in rabbit holes today do so in the belief that they will find the ''truth'' and that when they do all will be well and the ''truth will out''. ''The truth will set them free''. With this sense they fail to reel out their string to help them back.

Worse is that, as they get farther and father into the labyrinth they encounter others who are just as lost as themselves and as groups they wander around listening to each other as each one believes themselves to be Theseus even though none of them have a ball of string.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: Hecate666
Unproven whispers? That's where I stopped reading this wall of words.

I read a bit further than that, but your point is right on. This wall of words very closely resembles a wall of government talking points in defense of official conspiracy theories everywhere.

So many are obedient in embracing official narratives, but quick to reject any theories that contradict official theories.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 04:38 PM

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: Flesh699

There will be Remediations and rumors of Remediations.

Darkness has already been cast into light.

No Women No Children.

Things have been done and things shall be done.

Future proves Past.

We know who you are we know what has been done we are moral equity we are cast of solidarity and we are altruistic Justice we were born to consume darkness and manifest light you were born to fuel our Passions.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: one4all

posted on Dec, 8 2020 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: Kakamega

What I got out of that was...

Believing in conspiracy theories could make you become literally Hitler.

Are Grammar-Nazis : literally Hitler ?

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 10:36 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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