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Attack of the Debt Tsunami

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posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 12:03 AM
Researchers from The Institute of International Finance (IIF) says that due to COVID the global debt has increased by a whopping $15 trillion in 2020.

Global Debt Monitor: Attack of the Debt Tsunami
Global debt has surged by over $15 trillion since 2019, hitting a new record of over $272 trillion in Q3 2020. As the fiscal response to the pandemic continues, we expect global debt to hit $277 trillion (365% of GDP) by end-2020

Source: IIF

Are we handing the COVID-19 virus epidemic correctly? Lockdowns are perhaps good for preventing the spread of the virus, but what are the longterm consequences for the world economies? Will the world sink into an economic depression due to COVID? Is there a better way of doing this, like the Swedes perhaps with no lockdowns - but they have high mortality rates as a consequence. I read in the papers about small business owners selling their houses to keep the business going, but for how long will they be able to? Me personally; I don´t blame the politicians, these are hard decisions to make, but I think it´s still worth a discussion if we´re on the right track.

edit on 19-11-2020 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 12:30 AM

originally posted by: MerkabaMeditation
Researchers from The Institute of International Finance (IIF) says that due to COVID the global debt has increased by a whopping $15 trillion in 2020.

Global Debt Monitor: Attack of the Debt Tsunami
Global debt has surged by over $15 trillion since 2019, hitting a new record of over $272 trillion in Q3 2020. As the fiscal response to the pandemic continues, we expect global debt to hit $277 trillion (365% of GDP) by end-2020

Source: IIF

Are we handing the COVID-19 virus epidemic correctly? Lockdowns are perhaps good for preventing the spread of the virus, but what are the longterm consequences for the world economies? Will the world ink into a depression due to COVID? Is there a better way of doing this, like the Swedes perhaps?


Always sucks when you first see that bill... and this one is a doozy with a capital DOOZY

Lots of people here were playing that tune about the economic impact way back in March... plus once again lockdowns were ONLY TO SLOW THE SPREAD AND NOT OVER BURDEN THE HOSPITALS, it was never going to get rid of COVID but now we have moved the goal posts and with the Dummicrats we will be lockdown likely till spring.

Psst gonna whisper-like Joe you know for effect, we are screwed the got nothing to get the economy rolling, those closed small businesses won't open back up in 5 years more likely never, even larger businesses are getting scrunched and going OOB.

The fact is we are likely headed towards worldwide economic disaster to the depth that used to only war fixes. Shouldn't have to spell out the problems with that scenario

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 12:38 AM
“Great Reset” cure-all gonna spike the punch and see us through...goodwill to Men and all

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Absolutely, large businesses are tumbling over too, but they often are more resilient than small businesses and take longer to fall over. I read yesterday that Norwegian Airlines has applied for a Chapter 11 in Ireland - they have something like $4.5 billion in debt now, and who would want to buy their airplanes to get them out of debt; no one I guess as the whole airline industry is struggling.

edit on 19-11-2020 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 12:46 AM
Covid is an opportunity, like every crisis; natural or contrived.

Lockdowns are a means of pacification and dominance. It's letting you know, and get used to, who's really in charge as before all of this madness the world was getting wise to the elites plans and vices.

I'm noticing people getting more impatient and nasty with each other lately when I'm out and about. The psychological toll is starting rear it's ugly head. This next round of lockdowns is just going make EVERYTHING worse, especially for the people who literally can't afford it or take it anymore.

Lockdowns are just a tool; a means to an end that has little to do with safeguarding the public.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 02:05 AM
LA-La-laaa 250,000 deaths, but those are *obviously* not from Covid, they would have diiieeed anywayyyy.

Seriously, even Sweden has left the path to herd-immunity, even they are doing a lockdown right now.

Kill your parents, you won't listen.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 02:22 AM
a reply to: MerkabaMeditation

Yeah and no one gives a #$*& about the derivatives market of $1.2 quadrillion hanging like the sword of damocles hanging over our heads

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: EternalShadow

 Nov, 19 2020 @ 01:46

link    quote   reply

Covid is an opportunity, like every crisis; natural or contrived

Opportunity my a$$. It's a weapon.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: ManFromEurope

Dunno about you, but my parents wanted me to have a financially better life than they have dealt with. Considering the majority of people I know treating COVID like a totally manufactured, overhyped virus that can be dealt with through common sense without destroying our economy are 2 decades+ older than I am while the majority calling for total destitution in the name of "flatteningvthe curve" are my age or younger, I say you're full of it.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 03:42 AM
Oh I agree!
You'll never hear it described that way, but I've heard it being referred to as an "opportunity" many times.

Just recently in fact by Justin Trudeau in reference to curbing climate change.. 🙄

I mentioned back in March how this would be used as an excuse to usher in a takeover and reset.

I don't get many right, but this wasn't too hard to predict anyway.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: MerkabaMeditation

So, about a 5% increase in debt over 10 months.

However, world debt was already moving upwards well before COVID-19.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: MerkabaMeditation

Yes, the BANKERS are lovin' it!!! The British "Crime" Minister Boris Johnson is loading the British people up with debt for generations to come. He is spending money on CRAP that makes business for his friends. We have a huge homeless problem and lack of affordable housing, our social and health care is in ruins and the money is not even being spent on what our country really needs. Boris is splashing cash out, money that is not even his, making business for his friends, making them billionaires even right under our noses.

Yes, the Virus is big business for them and the BANKERS. The Bankers who lend the money to us are loving it, rubbing their greedy little hands together. I bet some of them are near trillionaires by now. They are the worse criminals on the planet who take advantage of us in our need. Letting private banks make profit on the interest whole states all over the world have to pay is the most lucrative cash cow ever to happen on planet earth. I see it so clearly. Don't you all???

It is the lowest behaviour I have ever known. However, we all know that is how those BANKERS got to be so rich - by using, abusing and exploiting us with USURY. USURY is evil and exploits.

edit on 19-11-2020 by Kakamega because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: Kakamega

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: MerkabaMeditation

This lockdown is the best business the billionaires on our planet have ever had in the history of humanity. It is a well dangerous development. The businesses that are being trampled by the virus lockdowns are not important to them. They are low grade investments that make only pennies compartively. Lockdown is BOOM, baby!!! They are having an economic boom as we sit there in our homes under their control. They are controlling our freedom to visit friends and family, husbands and wives if apart, mothers and children if apart. Even China do not control their citizens this much.

When it suits an investor with such DIVIDENDS and INTEREST and makes him this much money to lock you down then you better start worrying. They will keep doing it, obviously, as it is such a cash generating caper.

The sum is:

Loss of citizen freedom + Virus = Lots of profit and interest for investors and state bankers.

I think Satan has beeen doing his mathematics.

Marx predicted the destruction of the middleclass. The middleclass in Britain are being deceived into a "woke" trance when really they are more blind and asleep than ever. They have been drugged with political correctness as they are torn to pieces by the new age "feudalist" international investors. These dudes LOVE China too and do not give a hoot of an owl about personal citizen freedom as we clearly see by how we are being controlled by political correctness. You better start feeling scared right about now. The middleclass in their "wokefulness" forgot they are a vulnerable minority too. Now the billionaires know they just get in the way and they can have their wealth too.

They will gobble us all up and keep us under their thumb. They are the enemies of all humanity. FIGHT THEM or lose everything!!!

edit on 19-11-2020 by Kakamega because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
LA-La-laaa 250,000 deaths, but those are *obviously* not from Covid, they would have diiieeed anywayyyy.

Seriously, even Sweden has left the path to herd-immunity, even they are doing a lockdown right now.

Kill your parents, you won't listen.

What pathetic emotional blackmail. My parents are dead. That makes ME the parent you are pretending to give a rats patootie about. And I'll tell you right here and now that I would much rather take the hit for my kids, than expect the world to destroy itself trying to "save" me.

In the end, ain't none of us getting out alive.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: MerkabaMeditation

Sorry, I don't post here very often, but just need to inform about this:

Remember how Jesus said don't call anyone "Raca"? He was trying to tell us not to give others a hating response to us.

People have really fluffed it up by attacking the elites the way they have. We have given them all the fuel for their fire. How do you think Billy "Virus" Gates and his wifey are feeling about the masses right now after all the trolling and hating on them? I bet he thinks what I would think and what you would think in his place. I do not even need to tell you what that is, do I! You know, he is not going to worry too much about using his powers of usury upon you and will feel no particular conscience disturbance about it.

It seems all hell has broke loose now. Who can put that cat back in the bag. eh?

I want those people to know that I can see through them and exactly what game they are playing upon the people of the world. If only people could rise to the occasion! There are only a thousand or two bankers and investors doing this to seven billion of us. We should politically send them packing and take the wealth back, refuse to pay inbterest as states. Ooops, didn't Hitler do that though???

You see, neither state nor banker nor investor can be trusted. They are all as bad as each other. It always ends in the same place. Bankers and investors who are doing this to us are not just Jewish. They are all nationalities. It is a political problem that needs to be addressed politically, not violently.

Stable democracy and state scrutinized financial activity are our only real hope. The state must show the public everything. Cronyism must be outlawed. Bankers must be held to DEMOCRATIC ACCOUNT and not "current account".

In the West even our governments are so compromised now. They are just brokers for these international bankers and investors.

I dread what is coming upon us. I am seeing it going from bad to worse. I think we have been too much messed with and have lost democratic control and now our loss of freedom is profiting these bankers and investors. They must be held to democratic account and by fair law that works for everybody. Moses would turn in his grave at their behaviour. There is no law with these dudes. They have become lawless like the Adversary.

edit on 19-11-2020 by Kakamega because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 05:30 AM
Many countries will never recover from this, id rather roll the dice personally my dad a cancer survivor pushing 80 would rather roll the dice than see his grandchildrens future destroyed.

the rate of death purely for covid is so small according to the cdc none of this makes sense unless the end game is we are all dependent on pleasing our masters in the govt.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 05:30 AM
This can all be fixed with one simple word. Just everyone has to agree to it.

The word is jubilee.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 05:43 AM
Been a bit of talk of 100's & 1000's of Trillions $ floating around the global financial system. Lots of different currencies, assets and valuations around, all adding up in different kinda ways. Sure $15 Trillion is going to affect a lot of lives, business and industries around.

About $1 Billion runs a large metropolitan hospital for a year, $15 Trillion sounds like a small size city.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: MerkabaMeditation
a reply to: putnam6

Absolutely, large businesses are tumbling over too, but they often are more resilient than small businesses and take longer to fall over. I read yesterday that Norwegian Airlines has applied for a Chapter 11 in Ireland - they have something like $4.5 billion in debt now, and who would want to buy their airplanes to get them out of debt; no one I guess as the whole airline industry is struggling.


Jeremy Vine is doing a slot in a few mins on Radio 2 about fields full of Londoners black taxis. They just have very little trade right now as the govt told all office workers to work from their homes if able to so our city centres become vacant of folk
edit on 19-11-2020 by ufoorbhunter because: They are temporary fields full just until lockdowns end but if ever?

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