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At what point do lockdowns become torture?

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+5 more 
posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:43 AM

I'm becoming increasingly frustrated at people's desire to become serfs in a globally controlled, politically run lockdown economy. I fear that the furlough scheme has made people reluctant to work and that the loss of income from low to medium income households will have catastrophic consequences for many, many years to come.

Governments are now gaslighting their entire populations like this for example: gaslighting .

How is this not mass scale torture and conditioning. This whole fiasco is making people increasingly more paranoid, frantic and unsocial. All the things which give 'power brokers' their fix..... The narcissists their supply and the pyschopaths their victims.

The population is turning on one another and the divide is obvious. The maskless and the, soon to be, vaccineless.
We'll be labelled as dissidents and dissenters. Locked up or forcefully done away with.

We are being conditioned to fear and hate again. As usual the public seem to be just dandy with it.

Science is dead and emotions rule the roost with their appeal to authority.

Is anyone else just really tired of this? Like seriously tired to point of just walking away from 'civilisation'?

+7 more 
posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:45 AM
At what point do lockdowns become torture?

Minute one of implementation.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:45 AM
"Two weeks to stop the spread!"

So 15 days, I would say.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:51 AM
When more people died from the flu in past years, about a year ago.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: Joneselius

As soon as it's mandatory. If there are scared or ill people who want to self isolate, be my guest but it has to be a choice.
Maybe ask people to do it more when the hospitals get full but that hasn't happened yet, not even during the worst flus did we need to go into 'lockdown' which is a prison term.
What did I do exactly to force this on me?

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: Hecate666
a reply to: Joneselius

...not even during the worst flus did we need to go into 'lockdown' which is a prison term.
What did I do exactly to force this on me?

What did you do? Well, you likely had a job, maybe some savings and retirement stashed away, had some joy in your life, a career, and maybe even a life!

All Capital Crimes in the New World Order!

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 12:17 PM
Here (raising both hands)!!!
If you find a place to run please let me know; I'm so ready to pack my stuff and leave this whole madhouse behind.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 12:28 PM
When you changed the definition of "torture."

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Maybe cruel and unusual punishment.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 12:37 PM

At what point do lockdowns become torture?

As soon as they are implemented.
edit on 2020 11 18 by incoserv because: what's it to ya?

(post by DarkestConspiracyMoon removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: schuyler
When you changed the definition of "torture."

The definition of torture according to the BBC Ethics Guide is thus:

The United Nations definition of torture is more restrictive and includes the following ingredients:

>Inflicting severe physical or mental pain or suffering
>Doing so deliberately
>For any of the following reasons (this is an illustrative list, not an exclusive list)
>>To obtain information or a confession from the person being tortured or from someone else
>>To punish that person for something they, or another person, has done or is suspected of having done
>>To intimidate or coerce that person or another person
>>For any reason 'based on discrimination'
>A 'public official' or a 'person acting in an official capacity' must either inflict the pain, instigate the action, or agree to it being carried out
>This element isn't essential to the ethical debate - an act might still be torture without 'public officials' being involved
>The actions must not be part of a 'lawful sanction'

I'd say that that pretty much covers the massive house arrests, lock-downs if you wish, quarantines if you are an idiot-sheep.
edit on 2020 11 18 by incoserv because: formatting.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Joneselius

I call it involuntary political incarceration. Incarcerating the population who have committed no crime and who are not elite politicians (who still do whatever they want).

They are jailing the entire population of many states.

Thank goodness my Governor has said no, and plans to say no if Biden's COVID czar gets his way. He has said the entire US must be locked into their homes for 4-6 weeks. He also said that the rest of the world should get the vaccine before all US citizens get it. Got to love the socialist globalists who don't give a rats behind about the US citizens. That's what the Democrats voted for, this is what they can expect for the next 4 years.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 01:20 PM
Atleast I've had the time to learn something new and now have 2 3D printers.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 01:31 PM
Well there are plenty of activities you can still do. Plenty of things you can do outside. I would say it becomes torture when you change the definition of torture like someone else commented.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 01:43 PM
What about this couple? O-Urf8rjgjRK4Yj&ust=1605814949210000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCOjOlIHtjO0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

a reply to: 5ofineed5aladder

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 02:06 PM

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 02:23 PM
Torture can include keeping people from their peers.

Torture is a very wide reaching term and arguing semantics over a word just proves you have little to say. It IS a form of torture, ask my mother who this whole debacle put in a mental institution. Thanks for the input....
The government now has carte blanche to incarcerate anyone for a 'perceived' violation of an ongoing and ever changing lockdown.

I agree with the "as soon as it's implemented" comment.

This whole thing is, literally, allowing inept, easily corruptible, money grubbing malcontents to govern where we go, who we see, how we interact, when we work and, soon, if we get to take part in society at all.

I'M SICK TO DEATH OF IT ALL. God created us free! Damn sure gonna' go out that way.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Except for the first two bullet points the rest of this "United Nations" "definition" is utter BS. That's the kind of definition one should expect from the UN. To claim you have undergone "torture" because you have been "forced" to wear a mask, for example, is laughable. Ask someone who has actually survived torture if this is realistic. Substitute "triggered" for "torture" and you might have something

edit on 11/18/2020 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: schuyler

I didn't say anything about masks, you did.

Stop trying to derail and stick to the topic at hand. I won't bite that bait.

The government is not at liberty to dictate to people what they should do with their families for a virus that is 99.9% survivable to the public at large. Ridiculous.

Wearing masks actually does, really effect people with anxiety btw and children who now see the population as a scared, faceless mass.

Your response is terrible.
edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

Torture isn't always imminently evident. Psychological torture is very real, and in my opinion being used now to shape public perception and reaction to this ridiculous lockdown culture.
edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

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