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Does anyone work in healthcare or a hospital? Are you seeing a Covid resurgence?

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posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 04:23 PM
I have had it twice once when flew back from thailand in January and once about 6 weeks ago which was horrendous for a few weeks. Back to normal now but i know loads of people who have had it this time around and even died but they was either old or had underlying issues

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 06:34 PM
717 today, and 11 died, this is worse than it was back in spring, on both joke.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: nOraKat

I work with a bunch of doctors. All of them say its just as bad as the regular flu, and masks are a bunch of bull. People need to wake up, and realize that they are being lied too. It is very easy to lie on a large scale just look around. Its becoming more apparent is it not. I really like whats happening these days. People are starting to see what the world is really like. Some will not accept it and maybe never will. Soon it will not matter. Too many people are waking up and it will not stop. I thank the liars and scam artists. The truth will always come out. THE MOVIE IS ABOUT TO GET REAL GOOD.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: vonclod
717 today, and 11 died, this is worse than it was back in spring, on both joke.

It's also flu season.

And people die.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: vonclod
717 today, and 11 died, this is worse than it was back in spring, on both joke.

It's also flu season.

And people die.

Ya, I know, but the beds don't typically get used up like they are now, flu season or not. All I know is..we are about to get locked down
A friend of mine in the security world just told me he got the call.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: vonclod
717 today, and 11 died, this is worse than it was back in spring, on both joke.

It's also flu season.

And people die.

Ya, I know, but the beds don't typically get used up like they are now, flu season or not. All I know is..we are about to get locked down
A friend of mine in the security world just told me he got the call.

We live is a world of soft tyranny now.

Soft tyranny is an idea first coined by Alexis de Tocqueville in his 1835 work titled Democracy in America. It is described as the individualist preference for equality and its pleasures, requiring the state - as a tyrant majority or a benevolent authority - to step in and adjudicate.,to%20step%20in%20and%20adjudicate.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: vonclod
717 today, and 11 died, this is worse than it was back in spring, on both joke.

It's also flu season.

And people die.

Ya, I know, but the beds don't typically get used up like they are now, flu season or not. All I know is..we are about to get locked down
A friend of mine in the security world just told me he got the call.

We live is a world of soft tyranny now.

Soft tyranny is an idea first coined by Alexis de Tocqueville in his 1835 work titled Democracy in America. It is described as the individualist preference for equality and its pleasures, requiring the state - as a tyrant majority or a benevolent authority - to step in and adjudicate.,to%20step%20in%20and%20adjudicate.

Covid or not, there is truth to that. I'm not much for bending over, but, not much I can do about it I'm afraid.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: nOraKat Yes here in Albuquerque, our hospital has over 100 cases of china flu. Up from 88 last Thursday.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: nOraKat

Our newspaper is pretty good about reporting local and state cases and trends and cases reported in schools from grade schools to local colleges. Its almost daily. From what they report, cases have skyrocketed and hospitalizations are up, although serious ICU cases are not. Deaths are not. We're seeing maybe a few per week in the county.
But a local cable news station has a state wide graph of cases and deaths and I've noticed an unusual finding. The case count and death count charts have become almost completely reverse. Imagine a roller coaster. Case counts start out low and slowly rise until its almost vertical, a huge rise at the end. This is from all the testing. Deaths are the exact opposite. The death counts start out high but then drop off and become low. The two graphs are almost completely reversed to each other.
So we have a huge number of cases now but far fewer deaths than back in April and May. Back in April and May there were so many deaths but not many were being tested. This whole thing sounds like the information they have is at best skewed and doesn't seem to make much sense.
Look at it this way. This virus is extremely contagious. It will be lethal to the sick and the elderly, but pretty much ignored by the very young and the otherwise healthy will either have mild cases or be asymptomatic. Back in April, you couldn't get tested, they were hard to get. And it was raging like wildfire. Doctors wouldn't even see you if you were sick. You got sent to the ER if you were really ill.
So how is is suddenly even worse than back then? People are wearing masks and more aware about social distancing. The signs are everywhere. If the cases are increasing so rapidly, the masks apparently must not do anything. Yet we're being told we must wear them and they're so important. Yet at work, there hasn't been anybody out sick with it for months. Not one or two months, I mean for three or four months. granted our area was hit early on. And what about herd immunity and lasting immunity once you get the virus. I've been able to find a report that there has only been FIVE verified cases where people got Covid and then got it again. One had it then got sick again a month later. That makes me wonder if he ever really got over it. One coworker I have was out recovering from it for two months. So are these people just testing positive for it but not showing any symptoms? Maybe we're all constantly being re exposed to it but not getting it. Could that be the reason the case counts are so high? And maybe these are false positives from other virus and colds or even the flu. What's the old saying? When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 10:50 PM
How can I be the only one who sees...IT...!?!? Its so in your face it makes Meghan Markle look timid and reserved.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: Krakatoa

Yet, here you are tossing out political rhetoric and using your fathers death as a tool.

Actually - you're the one using it as a tool. And it's obvious

How sick is that, seriously?

Seriously? Pretty sick

You want to shut down discussion by emotionally manipulating someone and by pretending you are above that sort of thing

So now, I'm about to go back on topic and point out that mzinga is right. Also - she's on the right side of things

She (he?) most likely won't convince anybody in this thread to change their behavior, but their intentions are above reproach

Denying ignorance used to be a thing here - but ignorance took over the joint

What are you a "white night" riding in to save the damsel in distress now?

Please spare me your platitudes. It was not me that brought politics into this mess, it was the poster I was responding to (which was not you by the way nosey-body). And, for the record they WERE using the death of their dad to guilt people into being shamed. They are most definitely using his death as a tool to advance an agenda.

too bad you are too blinded to see that yourself too. But, then, how can anyone expect much more from the indoctrinated.

Open those eyes, you will see you are being willfully manipulated by media driven fear. And, to me that is fine. Swim in it. Just don't expect me to jump in that pool, or attempt to guilt me into doing so either. Unlike you, I have independent thought.

edit on 11/17/2020 by Krakatoa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:29 AM
My brother in-law is an Emergency room/ urgent care middle aged doctor in Cincinnati area. He treats only Covid patients who are employees of a local hospital in the Cincinnati area. He said last night cases are up 600% and the hospital is full to capacity. I think we should all separate, wear multiple masks, hand sanitizer hourly, wash hands hourly, run errands only one day a week. Change your furnace filters. Stay away from other people in confined close spaces. The virus is highly contagious. If your coughing stay at home. I heard three people coughing in public while getting groceries. Scary stuff. Our hospitals in SC are at 74% full.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: Krakatoa

And, for the record they WERE using the death of their dad to guilt people into being shamed. They are most definitely using his death as a tool to advance an agenda.

It's a shame you've been backed into such a corner by group-think that you can't at least understand mzinga's outrage. It paints you as less than humane, but also not capable of rational thinking. Mzinga wasn't trying to guilt you (small Freudian giveaway there sport). Mzinga called out those that refuse to think directly - for what they are: stuck, confused, terrified, cowardly - powerless. It's not a comfortable place to be - and so we try to create the illusion of control and strength

This thing is bigger than all of us, and it will take the freaking village to pitch in and work through it

...too bad you are too blinded to see that yourself too. But, then, how can anyone expect much more from the indoctrinated.

I know all too well how you see me. It doesn't actually surprise you that I judge you. And - I do

Open those eyes, you will see you are being willfully manipulated by media driven fear. And, to me that is fine. Swim in it. Just don't expect me to jump in that pool, or attempt to guilt me into doing so either. Unlike you, I have independent thought.

Laughing here at the power of your projection

You have exactly as much independent thought as your peers will tolerate

edit on 11/18/2020 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: vonclod

One issue with the beds being used is an after affect from the first lockdown when many services were closed and stopped to accommodate the projected influx of patients. When that didn’t happen hospitals lost a ton of money and in turn layer off nurses and support staff and closed facilities. Once the lockdowns ended services resumed and beds have been being filled.

I know in the state I live in they still have hospitals closed from the initial wave. All their numbers and statistics have been bogus from day one and much of the pain being experienced is a direct result of their failed policies and poor management when this first started

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

You have exactly as much independent thought as your peers will tolerate

Quoted for the irony.

Considering the first topic I heard on the morning local radio was about restrictions this morning. On one side the state line, restaurants and bars are able to stay open until midnight and on the other, they have to close at 10. A local reporter Twit-asked people if it would affect their Chiefs watching plans for the weekend. It was an honest question.

She has received so much blowback and hate from the mask shaming Karens for asking that ...

The game kicks at 7:30 so it won't be done by 10. Presuming someone is planning to go out to watch the game ... then they have the option of driving a few miles to the other side where they won't have to leave early. You know, reporter doing her job and all.

But that cannot be tolerated.

edit on 18-11-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Quoted for the irony.

As you understand it

ETA: I misunderstood your statement about the game. I understand you're upset about the blowback. Everyone is tired of this. It's November, and people are still pretending they don't understand how this works, and resisting every attempt to try and do something productive

I actually understand the anger on both sides. It's not helping

Meanwhile, I heard someone yesterday saying: Have your Thanksgiving. Be prepared to plan some funerals before Christmas

If your strongest argument here is: people die all the time? There really isn't anything left to say is there?

Stay safe Ketsuko

edit on 11/18/2020 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: nOraKat
a reply to: blueman12

I think, here it is:

Its not a Nothing Burger and people are dying. I dont agree with people who don't wear masks when people are in close proximity of others especially groups and especially around vulnerable people.

On the other hand we also have to respect peoples livelihoods, their Liberty, and the health of the world economy as a whole which will have dire consequences for the living, and future life conditions.

Its not a Nothing Burger but does not justify lockdowns or jeopardizing all the things I just mentioned.

Here are the odds of dying (in the U.S.), after you have contracted Covid-19.

0-19 years: .003%
20-49 years: .02%
50-69 years: .5%
70+ years: 5.4%

For every 100 people over age 70, 5 will not make it. They will rightfully be the first recipients of the vaccine next month.

Since 94% of those who die with Covid-19 have 2 or more existing chronic medical conditions, they will be next on the priority list. (Depending on what medical conditions. Some are much worse than others when combined with Covid-19.)

Most Americans under age 50 (67%) say they don't want to be vaccinated. Only 51% of Americans get an annual Flu Shot. (I don't think it's a vaccine, since you need it every year.)

Very well thought out reply.

I'm 51, so barely in the .5% category. I have a better chance of dying from my wife stabbing me to death in my sleep from pissing her off than from COVID. I'm generally healthy except for maybe 10 or so extra pounds, so I'm not really altering my life except wearing a mask where required.
edit on 18-11-2020 by peter_kandra because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

My wife works in a nursing home. Her view on COVID:

- that is can be painfully deadly to those who contract it
- that its not deadly who most who contract it
- that we are grossly over reacting in the public at large with lockdowns, and that masks should be used without a lot of other interference from governments
- most of what is seen is nothing but avoiding lawsuits by showing action that can be seen as reasonable in court

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

LOL. You know nothing of me or my political affiliations.

So please spare me your "arrogant elitism" display. It's not impressive, just sad, really.

But, you keep cowering in your home, and listen to the big government that has nothing but good intentions for you. While they steal everything they can from you while you watch those dangling keys in front of your face.

Just keep chanting, "they are the government, they are here to help".

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Krakatoa

I believe I have seen you do your angry dance before Krakatoa - a whiles back

I'm doing just fine in my home - just don't you worry your pretty little head

Cheers - and all that

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