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And here it is...Giuliani confirms pedophilia

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posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: Thenail
So when they say something you like to hear you agree with it . I’m not sure If you pay attention to the news but the FBI has been telling a lot of lies lately . They also have a terrible bias , like you .

Says the guy who believes the thread title when Rudy hasn't said anything of the sort. Enjoy your confirmation bias and please reply appropriately, I'm soooooooooo interested in you avoiding the subject and making this about how you feel about me.

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 05:57 AM

originally posted by: KeithCooper

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: KeithCooper
Guliani's a drunk and a goof. And so what if Hunter Biden diddled 14 year old Russian plants, his Father Joe wasn't involved. You guys act as if you are personally responsible for what your scumbag children do...and reading some of these posts, "scumbag children" surely fits. Fox wouldn't touch this because Fox has good lawyers. Those lawyers smelled trouble with drunken Guliani's story . Good call. All of you rushing to AM radio (lmao) and cable " news" to catch word of this "breaking event" come across like naive abdolute beginners. Why is Hillary and Bill not in jail? Why is Obama not in jail? Why is Mexico not cutting us a big fat check right now for that Wall? BECAUSE all of it...every single word of IT..was bulls@!+. The only way you people are going to find happiness in the Trump Cult is with an electoral win...all else is illusion....and that glass is just about to be shattered too.

Yes, let's not worry about child sexual abuse.....kindly see yourself out sicko.
Excuse me for not hgetting all weepy over Political allegation, lol....Grow up sissy-boy. It's a man's world out there and there's lots of doo-doo to step your step.

I work on cases that deal with this every now and then. Sounds like exactly the kind of thing someone who has done it themselves would say. Sicko. Yes it is a man's world.....maybe you will transition to one some day.

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 07:34 AM
I'm quite curious as to the people not believing that Hunter would take these laptops to a computer repair guy.

Obviously, many of you do not have first hand dealings with a person addicted to drugs.

It is both comical and tragic, at the way their drug fogged mind works. If a drug addict will call the police to report their drugs being stolen, even when they had actually smoked them all up, it is easy to believe an addict could take a laptop to get fixed, and possibly forget what he did with it.

There could be a lot of things that happened here, but believing the above about a drug user really isn't hard, if you know one.

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
This is comical.

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
1. Proof of Verification
How on earth can they prove its actually Hunter Bidens laptop and not some random laptop loaded to seem like his?

Might be a few points you're missing, namely the repair shop owner, who provided an invoice with Hunter Biden's name, contact info and signature on it. BTW turns out that the FBI subpoenaed and took a deposition from the repair shop owner in 2019.

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
2. Chain of Custody- So your political opponent just happens to get ahold of your son's laptop and he's the one to turn it into the authorities? Yeah.. ok sure. I could get any laptop and make it seem like someone by doing a ton of stuff and loading whatever on there.. turn it in and say it's

So, you could get a new Macbook, and load it up with intimate, close-up pictures of me, emails/text messages between myself and friends/family, replete with information that is not in the private domain/publicly knowable about me, my business dealings, travels, sexual relationships? Wow, I'd better never p!55 you off...

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
3. Chain of Custody 2- If it is Hunters.. and Guliani had his hands on it, and works for Hunters father's political opponent... How do we know things weren't loaded on there by the opposition?

See point 1 above. Turns out the FBI was given a copy of the hard drives right off the bat, BEFORE Rudy every had his hands on it. People are missing the big-picture here: it's entirely plausible Rudy got copies of the drives from a whistelblower *inside* the FBI.

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
4. Political Opposition- Again, anything turned in by a political opponent will be taken with a grain of salt.

NOT turned in by a political opponent; delivered to the FBI *under subpoena* by some random repair shop owner in Deleware.

Just as an aside, if you've been following the story, you'd have heard that there has been independent verification by journalists who've reached out to folks copied/CC'd on email chains originally pulled from Hunter's laptop drive, and those folks have acknowledged the authenticity of those email conversation

I would expect subpoenas to email providers/internet hosts to confirm and acquire corroborating material that validates all of this information (if this hadn't already been done long ago), on top of the verification journalists have already done as described above.

You better believe this *hit is real, because it's *ing happening.

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 07:46 AM
Are you CONFIRMING that Hunter Biden sexually abused his daughter and spreading that libelous
"Confirmation" on this website? Is that what YOU are doing? I'd be careful there Mr Butch Guy (if that is your real name) lol...Libel online can cost you quite a bit in attornys fees if this website is served with papers to release your name and address to aggreived parties. Kinda takes all the "fun" outta spreading unfounded rumor doesn't it? a reply to: butcherguy

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 07:56 AM
This ridiculous nonsense that the FBI had and sat on these "copies of harddrives" (lol, seriously? copies?) makes no sense at all if you happen to know ANY FBI agents. You couldn't dream up a better cop or policing agency. Not saying some political "something" may or may not have been sent in just to stir some political garbage up..just saying if a State entity (lets just say Ukraine) wanted to CREATE a false narrative (lets say laptops) and happen to fill them rim to brim with incriminating evidence of wrongdoing ( lets say pedophilia and criminal banking) WOULD LOOK PERFECT. Why did FOX or Tucker or Laura not touch this with their 10 foot poles? You know why.

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: KeithCooper

Are you CONFIRMING that Hunter Biden sexually abused his daughter and spreading that libelous "Confirmation" on this website?

No, I am not.
And, if you do your homework, Natalie Biden is the daughter of the late 'Beau' Biden and his wife Hallie.
You will also know that emails and messages released point to problems with her and Uncle Hunter's relationship.
That is what I was referring to in my post.

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: KeithCooper

"This ridiculous nonsense that the FBI had and sat on these "copies of harddrives" (lol, seriously? copies?) makes no sense at all if you happen to know ANY FBI agents. You couldn't dream up a better cop or policing agency."

Being retired from the FBI, I could not disagree more.

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: CIAGypsy

originally posted by: HalWesten
The narrative will be "Hunter wasn't responsible because he was high on crack" and "Joe never knew anything about it and doesn't know who Hunter Biden is anyway."

Well, I'm sure he might TRY to claim that but it will be as ridiculous as saying Giuliani is a Russian asset....ha ha. Part of what Giuliani exposed were text messages between Hunter and Joe Biden where Hunter tells his dad that his sister-in-law told his therapist that he was videochatting with 14 yr old girls while naked and creating an unsafe environment for children.

That was supposed texts between hunter and Beau's widowed wife. Not Joe.

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: Thenail
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus


I think maybe someone stole the computer and brought it in and the guy who can’t see covered for him since he’s pro trump I believe. Perhaps Hunters sister wanted to see the laptops . Maybe Hunter threw them in water and told her he destroyed them and she found them and had them taken in . I’m not sure about it . I am damn near positive that Hunter didn’t take them in. No evil globalist career criminal is that dumb . No way . I am glad it’s come to light though . The Biden’s make me sick

No they showed the ticket it was brought in by Biden he signed it and paid for it. And there were 3 of them not just one i just think he forgot he had the photos on the one. something tells me both Bidens have memory problems since they deem to forget some important stuff they said and do. Little doubt it was his because if it wasn't the Biden campaign would have made sure you knew.

The signature looked NOTHING like other Hunter Biden signatures. They were posted on this website. Even though they look nothing alike, people still say they are the same. Anyone using the signatures as proof is a fool.

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: sligtlyskeptical

originally posted by: CIAGypsy

originally posted by: HalWesten
The narrative will be "Hunter wasn't responsible because he was high on crack" and "Joe never knew anything about it and doesn't know who Hunter Biden is anyway."

Well, I'm sure he might TRY to claim that but it will be as ridiculous as saying Giuliani is a Russian asset....ha ha. Part of what Giuliani exposed were text messages between Hunter and Joe Biden where Hunter tells his dad that his sister-in-law told his therapist that he was videochatting with 14 yr old girls while naked and creating an unsafe environment for children.

That was supposed texts between hunter and Beau's widowed wife. Not Joe.

Reading the texts, Hunter refers to 'she/her' (Hallie) not allowing Natalie to come visit him... If he was speaking to Hallie, wouldn't he refer to her as 'you' if he was speaking directly to her?

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: KeithCooper
Are you CONFIRMING that Hunter Biden sexually abused his daughter and spreading that libelous
"Confirmation" on this website? Is that what YOU are doing? I'd be careful there Mr Butch Guy (if that is your real name) lol...Libel online can cost you quite a bit in attornys fees if this website is served with papers to release your name and address to aggreived parties. Kinda takes all the "fun" outta spreading unfounded rumor doesn't it? a reply to: butcherguy

LOL....I can safely say you may be the least educated troll on here these days. Please prove me wrong and sue me for libel. Outside of that, take your trolling threats elsewhere. This is a private forum. We can discuss anything we like here. But folks like you just love to threaten freedom of speech. Take a hike leftard!

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: sligtlyskeptical

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: Thenail
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus


I think maybe someone stole the computer and brought it in and the guy who can’t see covered for him since he’s pro trump I believe. Perhaps Hunters sister wanted to see the laptops . Maybe Hunter threw them in water and told her he destroyed them and she found them and had them taken in . I’m not sure about it . I am damn near positive that Hunter didn’t take them in. No evil globalist career criminal is that dumb . No way . I am glad it’s come to light though . The Biden’s make me sick

No they showed the ticket it was brought in by Biden he signed it and paid for it. And there were 3 of them not just one i just think he forgot he had the photos on the one. something tells me both Bidens have memory problems since they deem to forget some important stuff they said and do. Little doubt it was his because if it wasn't the Biden campaign would have made sure you knew.

The signature looked NOTHING like other Hunter Biden signatures. They were posted on this website. Even though they look nothing alike, people still say they are the same. Anyone using the signatures as proof is a fool.

Please post all signatures you have seen of Hunter's.....I dont know what thread you say they are on.

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: RickinVa
"This ridiculous nonsense that the FBI had and sat on these "copies of harddrives" (lol, seriously? copies?) makes no sense at all if you happen to know ANY FBI agents. You couldn't dream up a better cop or policing agency."

Being retired from the FBI, I could not disagree more.


posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 11:24 AM
Even if Vlad Putin himself personally hand delivered the laptop to Giuliani, the evidence must be looked at.

Remember when Hillary used a British Spy and phony Dossier to try and impeach Trump ? You think if there were pictures of Trump peeing on hookers the media wouldn't cover it ? Gimme a break.

Corrupt boot licking Statist apologists are disgusting.

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: BruceZuckerberg
boot licking Statist

good name for a punk band

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 11:33 AM
The FBI is dirty, bought out by Democrat dollars. Many of them are anti-Trump They have proved it over and over again. You know all their names: Strzok, Comey, etcetera.

The FBI is dirty. We all know it. Some of us just will not admit it.

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect
The FBI is dirty, bought out by Democrat dollars. Many of them are anti-Trump They have proved it over and over again. You know all their names: Strzok, Comey, etcetera.

The FBI is dirty. We all know it. Some of us just will not admit it.

Yeah! It's those Soros fat stacks keeping Rudy from actually saying what's in the thread title, he's obviously bought off Rudy Rubout.

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect
The FBI is dirty, bought out by Democrat dollars. Many of them are anti-Trump They have proved it over and over again. You know all their names: Strzok, Comey, etcetera.

Rudy Rubout.

Stop giving Rudy a HARD time.

What I don't get is that he did it all wrong . Heck he was even told to by his boss to "grab them by the pussy" and yet he grabs his own?

Oh Wait, nah couldn't be. Oh Crap you don't think Rudy has a P do you?

edit on 441031America/ChicagoThu, 22 Oct 2020 11:44:22 -0500000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2020 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: interupt42

You almost feel sorry for him, he's turned into a useful idiot.

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