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Is covid-19 an inflated exaggerated hoax from China?

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posted on Oct, 13 2020 @ 09:17 AM
Preface: I do believe the covid-19 virus is real. I will not provide links to backup my claims in this initial post, because I want to get this out there for your opinions on the following theory and see if it's worth my time to flesh it out.

The timeline of the novel coronavirus and the evolution of media driven narrative over that time until now seem suspicious to me, and maybe it's just me or my memory being off... here we go:

I remember around December 2019 and January 2020 hearing and reading about the novel coronavirus being a new virus originating out of Wuhan, China - from a wet market.

we were told the virus was deadly. I remember seeing and downloading videos from twitter supposedly leaked out of China about what is going on there. People were allegedly falling over in the streets, dying or dead. People were welded shut in their homes and quarantined inside of vehicles. Crematoriums were supposedly burning bodies nonstop. Further, China shutdown their economy to personally devastating levels, which imo made the rest of the world think this is some seriously deadly stuff. Then they came out with stats about it maybe being airborne, living for days on different surfaces. Disinfecting cities with sprays everywhere, burning people's property suspected to carry the virus. Whatever stats coming from China at the time were concerning, and after the virus got out of China and spread around the world, China claims victory over the virus. To date, China is showing 85,591 confirmed cases with a total of 4,636 deaths. Very suspicious imo.

The virus announcement also happened to come out at the beginning of a USA election year. The world started panicking about the virus, because look at how China reacted. There was no initial knowledge or information about the virus and its long or short term symptoms and health affects. We still don't know today. Countries around the world initiated lockdowns and business restrictions which crippled their respective economies and their citizen's livelihoods. As we were told "stay safe, stay home", we also heard thing need to wear masks and in some places, masks with faceshields. Meanwhile, governments everywhere started getting nonstop US Dollar loans to subsidize the people with aid money and supplies, and medical equipment, and eventually lots more money for a supposed vaccine.

It's no secret about the money and vaccine angle, and I could speculate on that, but this focuses on money and China and the USD.

The Chinese Yuan was approved as a reserve currency status on October 1, 2016 - about 4 years ago. It seems to me like China (and whoever else involved) hoaxed the world about this virus. The death stats do not seem that bad or outside of annual averages imo. What if China made the world panic over the virus in order to make the dollar worthless because of how much of it is in the money supply? The reason would be to have the Chinese Yuan as the new world reserve currency. At the same time, Trump can take the blame for it instead of China.

Thoughts on this?

posted on Oct, 13 2020 @ 09:55 AM
Just one, there are several threads about this very subject.

posted on Oct, 13 2020 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: HalWesten

Figures. Got a link to an active one?

posted on Oct, 13 2020 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: Philippines
a reply to: HalWesten

Figures. Got a link to an active one?

Nope, the search feature here should pull up several though.

posted on Oct, 13 2020 @ 10:06 AM
I think both political parties have used this virus to benefit their parties politically. It is a very transmittable virus and is worth wearing masks over, but it is not as much of a threat to most people as they made it out to be. The press was their mouthpiece and the press is using it to boost their prestige and income too.

Yes, we had to take extreme caution till we got PPEs and we have to protect those at most risk. But after the end of april things should have been returning to normal, and this virus should not be political at all....both sides are guilty of inappropriate blame throwing, especially the Democrats. Trump handled it appropriately, but I will be the first to say, he did not do real good, no administration would have handled this good. Biden and Obama would both have not done any better than the Trump administration, in fact, if Biden was running the show, we would have probably had a worse wave of this virus. Blame throwing is going on and instead of concentrating on fixing the problem, the parties are sabatoging each other.

Also the Democrats and their parroting MSM is thrashing at anything Trump says and has been interfering with the medical industries ability to prescribe treatments. Politicians should not be dictating the medical industries by using political divide to make believe a medicine is bad when it has not been tested to show it does not work. Half the doctors use HCQ with good results, others say it is not that much better, no official research actually finds the combo of HCQ dangerous if the people are vetted for a certain heart rhythm before hand like the Mayo memo that was sent to health care providers states to do. HCQ may not be a lifesaver, but it should not be bashed by Democrats just because Trump said it was promising.

We need to make a new law, separation of state and medical treatment, with only the politicians allowed to govern it through the mention or slamming of anything for political gain.

posted on Oct, 13 2020 @ 10:12 AM
"Is covid-19 an inflated exaggerated hoax?"

There are many different interests at play.
You have big pharma who is absolutely drooling at the prospects of the obscene amounts of money they're going to make when their vaccines are produced and sold. It's in their interests to push Covid-19 scaremongering as hard as possible, and they have the money and influence to do so.

You have hospitals and other healthcare providers who were given financial incentive to diagnose as many people as possible with Covid-19, treat as many as possible, and attribute as many deaths as possible to Covid-19 - because they're given more money the more supposed Covid-19 patients are being treated and/or dying. Various officials have admitted that sometimes even suicides and car accidents are being called Covid-19 deaths for the sake of inflating these numbers.

You have politicians (mainly Democrats) who are pushing Covid-19 scaremongering so they can have something to use against Trump - mainly by convincing people that scores of people are dying horribly because of Trump's decisions, whereas the Democrats act like they wouldn't have let it happen due to their superior leadership. This angle is being used, so it's in their interests to make Covid-19 seem as dangerous and deadly as possible.

You have problems with the data itself. From the start, the data has been flawed, wrong, manipulated, and twisted to fit narratives. For example, "cases". "Oh no, there are 50,000 cases of Covid-19 in this place!". What is a "case", when they use the word? Is it someone who was tested 6 months ago? Is it someone who was tested and shows that they already had Covid-19 and now have antibodies and likely won't get it for another year? How were they tested? What did the tests test for - Covid-19, or coronaviruses in general, like the common cold? What kind of tests were used, and are they even reliable and accurate? Are the "cases" people who are asymptomatic and/or not contagious?
Cases are just one issue. Another example is the mortality rate. Some data may say Covid-19 has up to a 5% mortality rate, while other data may say it's less harmful than the common cold. How is it being calculated? What numbers are being compared to what other numbers? The mortality rate will look drastically different depending on this. For example, if you take only people who have tested positive for Covid-19 and call this "cases" and then take all of the people who have died WITH Covid-19 and call these Covid-19 deaths, you'll have a drastically higher mortality rate than you would if you add in all of the other people who also had Covid-19 but weren't tested or weren't sick enough to show symptoms, and then subtract the people who died BECAUSE OF Covid-19 from the ones who died WITH Covid-19.
All data can be easily manipulated to say what someone wants it to say, and this has proven to be the case many times over when it comes to this hoax pandemic. Whenever data is involved or being referenced, we need to actually think critically about it instead of reacting to buzzwords and lies.

And then you have China...
Maybe they released Covid-19 by accident out of sheer incompetence. Maybe another one of their scientists sold yet another infected bat to the wet market for meat for some extra money on the side. Maybe China released it on purpose for economic or political purposes. I do remember at the beginning seeing a bunch of videos being released all over the internet of people falling dead in the streets in China. Why? This was seen nowhere else in the world. It's almost like these videos were created and released intentionally to cause panic around the world, solidified by China locking down, welding people into their homes, and spraying truckloads of God knows what chemicals into the air, turning their cities into giant clouds.
edit on 10/13/2020 by trollz because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/13/2020 by trollz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2020 @ 11:42 AM
a lot of us haven't done a search here in a long time because it was so bad the words were so LIGHT you could not read them...well just did a search and seems they finally fixed it!!!! so letting people know

originally posted by: HalWesten

originally posted by: Philippines
a reply to: HalWesten

Figures. Got a link to an active one?

Nope, the search feature here should pull up several though.

posted on Oct, 13 2020 @ 11:48 AM
Still waiting to see streets lined with bodies, trucks filled with body bags, hospitals overflowing with people on ventilators, lines of folks at the ER...

I do see, people afraid of their own shadow, healthcare workers out of work and entire wards and floors shut down at care facilities because of elective procedure shutdowns, polarization of personal choices in societal participation...

posted on Oct, 13 2020 @ 12:45 PM

It is a very transmittable virus and is worth wearing masks over,
a reply to: rickymouse

CDC says 86% of people who caught covid report wear a mask all of the time.

masks don't work. if you want a security blanky go right ahead but leave the rest of us out of it.

posted on Oct, 13 2020 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: smkymcnugget420

Yeah, but your evidence does not include the number of people who did not get the covid because they were wearing masks. I would bet it cut the number of cases in half just by wearing masks.

You have to apply evidence properly for it to be real and pertinent. There is no escaping this virus, it will eventually get everyone in the country. The idea is to keep the number of cases from overloading our healthcare system.

They now say that the vaccine alone will not protect the population well, probably because it is only sixty percent efficient at most. But a combination of the vaccine and masks will be appropriate. I don't like wearing a mask that much, but I would rather wear it for a half hour a day than get even a mild case of the disease. I just got over a plain old common cold, it sucked. The wife is still coughing occasionally. There is no fever, no chills, no symptoms other than common cold symptoms. Muccus is the sucky part, neither of us had any soreness or soreness in the lungs. It still sucked, just got over my fall overzealous mucous from the dying plants and leaves.

I won't take the vaccine, I will wait and see what others experience. I get a severe reaction to the flu vaccine, I don't think I want to chance my immune system going cytokine with this vaccine, I know that my reaction could kill me with the flu.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: rickymouse
You are lucky only wearing a mask for half an hour a day. I wear one for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: rickymouse
You are lucky only wearing a mask for half an hour a day. I wear one for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

That would suck, I have had a lot of damage in my lungs from working construction, insulating, and doing drywall finishing over the years. Also I have painted quite a few things automotive over the years. If I had to wear a mask for that long, I would have lots of problems because my lungs are pretty damaged.

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